Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 117 The Otsutsuki Clan on the Moon

Aburame Tetsumaru chose this remote desert island as a testing ground, firstly because it was far enough, and secondly because the island was an active volcano.

If you grow mushrooms here, no one will notice you.

Even if someone notices, they can use the volcanic eruption as cover.

But he didn't expect that the big mushroom would produce strong chakra fluctuations. In this way, even if the volcano was activated, the cover would not be safe enough. After all, normal volcanic eruptions would not cause chakra fluctuations.

Therefore, we must retreat as soon as possible to avoid being blocked by others.

Of course, what Aburame Tetsumaru is worried about is not the Kiri Ninja Village 1,500 kilometers away, or the Sunagakure Village 2,000 kilometers away, nor the distressed Konoha Village, but having the giant reincarnation eye to monitor the ninja world. The Moon Otsutsuki clan is responsible for their own mission.

He didn't worry about launching rockets or satellites before. The chakra of rocket bugs, satellite bugs, and even Lord Bugs was simply not enough to attract attention on the moon.

As for the issue of size, it is not a problem. Compared to the Ninja World with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers, the largest Lord Insect is only 300 meters in diameter, less than one hundred thousandth, let alone only 20 meters in diameter when fully expanded. Satellite bug.

If the ninja world was regarded as a one-meter globe, the satellite bug would be a dust particle with a diameter of 0.005 millimeters clinging to the globe and would not be visible at all.

But the huge chakra fluctuations are definitely different. As one of the highest products of the chakra system, the giant reincarnationan cannot be insensitive to chakra. The chakra fluctuations caused by mushroom cultivation this time exceeded the four-tailed jinchūriki, so in reincarnation The eyes are most likely to be very glaring.

Maybe, the chakra fluctuations when Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara fought were definitely more powerful than mushrooms, and Otsutsuki didn't see Otsutsuki running down to do anything.

Or maybe they actually saw it, but just because they looked at it very carefully and after careful thinking, the Otsutsukis felt that if they went down, they would be giving away their heads to two perverts for nothing, so they simply lay down and pretended not to see it.

In any case, since there might be trouble, he retreated early. Aburame Tetsumaru left many bugs as a surveillance before leaving to see if he would really attract any monsters or monsters.

If it does exist, we have to find a way to solve it. We will need to grow mushrooms many times in the future.

First of all, data must be accumulated for formal use, which is not required often.

The live-fire test of the Lord's airdrop is done once, and the live-fire test of combining it with the rocket bug to form a large-scale killer may take three times.

Only through actual use can we know the time from preparation to entering the battlefield, and the time from entering the battlefield to detonation. Only by knowing these data can we judge the timing of use and grow mushrooms on the battlefield.

Then you need to accumulate data for the mushroom egg upgrade. In order to achieve the upgrade, you need to grow a lot of mushrooms.

The second-level mushroom egg requires a high temperature of 100 million degrees to ignite, which requires the smallest mushroom egg to be used as a trigger. In order to plant the mushroom bomb as soon as possible, Aburame Tetsumaru used the sealing scroll to bypass the implosion threshold.

However, the trend toward mushroom miniaturization cannot bypass this technology in any case, because using implosion technology to compress the uranium charge can forcibly increase the density of uranium, and with the assistance of a neutron reflector, the critical mass of detonation can be reduced to six. It's like seven kilograms.

Based on the basics and with various other accessories, it can even make mushroom eggs weighing less than twelve kilograms.

Complete the implosion method to obtain the smallest mushroom egg, and collect accurate data on all shock waves and thermal radiation within 0.2 seconds. Only then can the mushroom egg be used as a trigger to ignite the second-level fusion bomb.

Then, by igniting enough secondary fusion bombs to collect all the data of the fusion detonation, the upgrade of the third-level mushroom is completed.

Level three mushrooms are the famous small mushroom eggs with optimized special effects such as neutron bombs, electromagnetic pulse bombs, shock wave bombs, plasma weapons, and laser weapons.

In Aburame Tetsumaru's view, both the first-generation mushrooms and the second-generation mushrooms were too powerful and were just used as a trump card to support their waist. They were not easy to use in actual combat because there were too many restrictions.

The third-generation mushrooms, whose power is not too exaggerated, are the weapons that can really be used in actual combat, and can be loaded into the bodies of reproductive equipment and insects.

There are so many experimental needs, so a suitable mushroom farm is very precious and cannot be given up casually.

Ten days later, the second mushroom preparation is completed.

The bugs left in the mushroom field found nothing. Only the school part died of radiation, and most of the remaining ones were alive and kicking, more energetic than before.

As long as no one finds out, then continue growing mushrooms as planned.

This time Aburame Tetsumaru decided to use the underground flat hole detonation method. The noise and impact will be smaller, and more importantly, it will be easier to obtain detonation data.

The cave was excavated by the Mining Zerg for fifteen days. In addition to the main tunnel, the mole crickets dug more than 400 palm-thick pipes in a scattering pattern centered on the detonation point.

After the mushroom explodes, shock waves, optical radiation, thermal radiation, and electromagnetic radiation will all advance along the pipeline without being interfered by other factors, so the cleanest data can be obtained.

After the Aburame Iron Pill arrived, it entered the detonation tunnel from under the sea, and installed test devices in each pipe to record various data after the explosion.

This time, he specially added a chakra monitoring instrument, and he also planned to take the risk to get close and use his insight to directly experience the chakra surge after the nuclear explosion.

Putting on the thick lead armor and closing the heavy explosion-proof door, Aburame Tetsumaru directed the mushroom worm to the detonation point, and then detonated smoothly.

Aburame Tetsumaru closed her eyes, fully opened her insight ability, carefully observed the chakra circulation in her body, and indirectly sensed all changes at the detonation point.

After detonation, first there is light radiation and then a plasma ball appears, eh?

When the plasma ball expanded to about three meters, it collapsed inward for a brief moment, and then expanded again.

It was at this moment that immeasurable chakra appeared. The amount of chakra was so huge that it formed a powerful shock wave, which mixed with the storm shock wave stimulated by the high temperature of the plasma, causing the destruction of the mushroom eggs. The force is almost doubled.

It's so interesting that chakra can be produced without the combination of spirit and body.

No, no, no, we can't be so arbitrary. Maybe it's not produced, but extracted from somewhere? Or is it produced by a fission reaction?

It's so interesting.

The next changes were normal. Apart from correcting the data errors recorded previously, they had no other effect. In short, the experiment was a complete success.

The next time is the Lord Bug throwing experiment. As for the second underground nuclear explosion, we have to wait. It's not that the mushroom eggs can't be produced, but this time more than 400 sets of test instruments were scrapped at once, and his inventory has been exhausted. Once empty, more testing equipment has not yet been purchased.

There was no other way. The market for testing instruments in the ninja world was very small, and both production and sales were not prosperous. He made four hundred sets in one day. This consumption exceeded the monthly production of the entire ninja world. The manufacturers were unable to increase production for a while. Aburame Tetsumaru could only place an order and wait slowly.

After the experiment, Aburame Tetsumaru was going to go to the ground to see what happened after the explosion, and then return to the Brood Island.

On the way up the tunnel, he habitually activated the secret technique Field Barrier. Suddenly, the insects saw a figure floating in the sky.

Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly took a breath, and without hesitation, he turned around and headed towards the seabed exit.

Flying is an extremely rare ability in the ninja world. Those ninjas who fly with the help of equipment and ninja tools don't matter, but those who fly with ninjutsu are not weak.

Especially the human figure I just saw had no wings behind it, no boulders or clay birds under its feet. It was floating in the sky completely out of thin air.

Is it the art of earth escape and super light and heavy rock?

It doesn't look like that, that person has a normal body shape, not a dwarf, and doesn't have the ninja forehead protector of the Iwa nin.

Aburame Tetsumaru retreated all the way to the sea, and did not stop until he was two kilometers away from the mushroom field. At this relatively safe distance, he began to activate the ninja insects lurking in the mushroom field.

The Secret Technique Field Barrier was linked to the Ninja Insects, especially the reconnaissance dragonfly. Aburame Tetsumaru finally saw clearly what this uninvited guest looked like.

Then his mind was filled with questions: Who is this?

This man was quite tall and had a strange hairstyle. Both sides of his head were shaved, but the hair on the top of his head was very long and tied into a ponytail hanging down his back. There is a black IV pattern under the corner of his left eye, and a black diamond pattern on his chin. He is wearing a white feather coat, red neck protector, wrist protector and earrings. Such obvious features, Tiewan just can't find it in his memory. The person with the right number.

The man inspected the mushroom field in the air, then landed on the ground and inspected it carefully. He checked the crater that had not stopped erupting, and used ninjutsu to drill a few holes in the ground where the explosion had just occurred.

After going back and forth for a long time, he finally found nothing of value except for a few glazed stones.

Finally, the man shook the stone in his hand and said to himself: "It turns out that it is the chakra released by the fire of the earth's core. It is a rare chakra that does not belong to Kaguya. Unfortunately, the amount is too small."

"Oh, no matter how much there is, I can't absorb and use it now. It's meaningless." After saying that, the man threw down a few stones and flew away.

[Finally left, I don’t know who this is. The water in the ninja world is really too deep, and there are even strong people outside the plot. I thought Kaguya Otsutsuki had drained the water, and all the big people underwater were The fish have been forced out. 】

"Huh?" Aburame Tetsumaru was suddenly stunned. Otsutsuki Kaguya was a strong man who was not forced to appear even when he appeared. He seemed to be the villain in "Boruto".

Although he has not watched the sequel of this so-called "large non-burnable garbage", Aburame Tetsumaru still has a little understanding through short videos and fans, isn't it the lurking or new alien Otsutsuki.

In other words, this could be the lurking Otsutsuki.

As for the living aliens, they were extremely precious samples. He couldn't care about them now. When he was strong enough in the future and his control over the ninja world was tight enough, he would dig them out and put them in his own laboratory. research study.

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled: "I remember your appearance, and I won't keep you waiting for too long."

"Strange, the real Otsutsuki have come here, but where are the Otsutsuki on the moon?" Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the sky. The moon was naturally invisible in the sunny sky, but it did not prevent him from finding the moon's position.

"When will they come?"

When an unexpected person came to spy on him, Aburame Tetsumaru's caution was aroused. He decided to suspend the actual combat experiment and focus on detonating underground to avoid being caught.

Two months later.

Aburame Tetsumaru carefully completed the last mushroom planting of the year, and the Otsutsuki on the moon had not yet come.

After the experiment, Aburame Tetsumaru left the mushroom field at the bottom of the sea for safety and swam for a full fifteen kilometers before returning to the surface. This process was too time-consuming.

But the caution that lasted for two months seemed to be in vain. Aburame Tetsumaru finally got angry, Otsutsuki, are you coming or not? I have to give you a sure sign whether I'm coming or not. It's always so hanging, making me unable to get up or down. It's suffocating to death.

He stood on the sea, looked up at the full moon in the sky, and swore viciously: "Damn Otsutsuki, you guys, just wait. When I land on the moon, I will go to you to ask for compensation. If I don't pay enough, I will kill you." Give it to Yang."

The Otsutsukis:...

What does it have to do with your own nonsense?

Aburame Tetsumaru wrongly blamed someone. At this time, the Otsutsuki clan on the moon was in civil strife. The relationship between the main family and the branch family was becoming increasingly tense, and it had reached the point where they were completely torn apart.

The two sides are at war with each other, and both are worried that the other side will strike first, causing their side to suffer a loss. There is no time to pay attention to the ninja world.

Six middle-aged white-eyed ninjas were discussing battle plans in the forbidden area.

"First assassinate Qian Yue and let the Zong family nervously assemble their troops. Then we will concentrate half of our troops to raid the Zong family compound and fight with them."

"The key action is that I personally lead the most elite half of the clan to raid the Holy Land. At any cost, I must control the giant Tsangikan, and finally use the Tsangikan to kill all the clan members."

"It's that simple?"

"It can only be that simple. No matter how complicated it is, it will be easy for the Zong family to take advantage of the dispersion of our strength and defeat us one by one."

Several people were silent for a while and then nodded.

The reason why the Otsutsuki clan is a clan is because they are powerful. Although the clan has a small number of people, its advantage over the branch families is still overwhelming.

"What will happen to the people of the Zong family after we win?"

"Kill them all."

"Kill them all? All the children..."

The white-eyed ninja who took the lead in dividing the family was angry: "No matter how small the clan is, it is still a clan. When they grow up, they will be a big trouble. We can't keep them."

"They are also the descendants of their ancestors. This is too much."

"Weak guys." The annoyed Byakugan ninja rolled his eyes and said, "Then sacrifice them all to the Tsangseigan and let them merge with their ancestors."

Everyone nodded when they heard that they could merge with their ancestors. This was the highest honor, and there was no need to feel guilty about killing them.

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