Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 135 War Plan and the Biggest Problem

In late February of Konoha 41, three days before her due date, Aburame Aiko was admitted to the hospital.

Aburame, Feng, and Aburame Tetsumaru all went home, preparing to recuperate and welcome the newborn in high spirits, but who knew it would start that night. When they received the notice, it was when the two of them were sleeping most soundly, and the Aburame family was suddenly in chaos.

"Quick, quick, quick, quick..." Aburame and Kazufeng kept saying quick, quick, quick as they stood in the living room. As a result, they were just spinning around in circles, not knowing what to do at all, and they didn't even change out of their pajamas.

So Aburame Tetsumaru stepped forward and directed his father to do things.

"Go change your clothes and check the delivery package."

"All delivery packages are ready."

“Check: hats, socks, slippers, large clothes, toiletries, large and small basins, urinals, toilets, thick clothes, wrapping cloths, tableware, straws, saliva wipes, changing pads, belly button cords, milk powder, and baby bottles. "

"It's all ready."

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Two ninjas, one chuunin and one jounin, were running with a clanking sound while carrying something on their backs.

By the time the two of them ran to the hospital, Aburame Aiko had already given birth naturally and it was over.

Half an hour later, the two people entered the delivery room after being cleaned repeatedly.

Aburame and Feng gently leaned over and looked at the haggard face of his wife who was sleeping with the child in her arms. She suddenly felt guilty and helped her smooth her hair.

Then Hefeng saw his second son, and suddenly looked disgusted: "Why is he still so ugly?"

The sound was not loud, but it woke up Aiko, who was sleeping lightly. She immediately said angrily: "It is indeed much better than twenty years ago. I didn't faint this time."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

There is a new baby in the family, a boy.

Friends rushed over to see what was happening and commented on it.

Everyone was praising the beautiful baby. Different from the wrinkled, red, and pale baby when he was born, the baby now is white, tender, round, and extremely cute.

Inuzuka Yi also wanted to take revenge and avenge his cub, but he retreated under Zefeng's eyes. After all, he was not Tetsumaru's baby, so forget it.

The days that followed were the most difficult days for me. The smelly brother was very healthy. He ate, slept, and ate when he woke up, with pooping and peeing in between. Anyway, he would cry when he was unhappy, and he would laugh when he was satisfied.

Except for one round every hour or two, there were no problems. The 24-hour non-stop cycle made Aburame and Kazufeng extremely exhausted.

So much so that Tiewan couldn't stand it and helped him, which allowed him to get a few hours of sleep.

"Dad, you can't do it. How did you raise me back then?"

"Your grandma and grandpa were still around back then, so there was no need for me to get started."

So that’s it, this topic is dead.

Accompanying his father to take care of his younger brother until the full moon, his mother finally recovered and freed Aburame and Kazuki.

And Aburame Tetsumaru also said goodbye to his family with more than a dozen small goals he earned from various families and departments, and he was going back to the land of tea.

Once you have money, you can spend it lavishly. Aburame Tetsumaru has no hobbies or daily needs, so he spends a lot of money to buy experimental supplies.

The capacity of this high-end market is actually very small. After Aburame Tetsuwan smashed three small targets in a few days, the prices of related materials soared.

The price increase doubled his expenses, but it also attracted powerful predators. Aburame Tetsumaru took the opportunity to hook up with several predators and establish contacts.

When they finally arrived at the border of the Land of Fire, Aburame Tetsumaru sneered. He was not followed this time. It was because Danzo had learned his lesson wisely, or he was stymied by other things.

Entering the country of tea and going directly south, Aburame Tetsumaru didn't feel that he was home until he set foot on the purple fungus grassland.

The birth of his younger brother heated up the relationship between his parents, and the hut where he once lived became full of vitality again, but he himself could not blend in.

On the surface, there is a full twenty-year age gap, coupled with the completely different body shape and temperament between himself and his family, the feeling of an outsider is getting stronger and stronger, driving him to escape from Konoha Village as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he can still earn one or two more small goals.

What makes me feel at ease now is this purple grassland. This is my new hometown.

After arriving at the brood nest in the center of Mount Kotaishan, a ninja greeted Tetsumaru Aburame at the entrance to the brood nest. He was wearing a Konoha forehead protector and a black attire.

"Aburame Tetsumaru-sama."

"Have you figured it out? Masao Aburame."

This ninja named Aburame Masao was the root ninja who was previously captured by Aburame Tetsumaru. He was the only squad leader who was not killed, and the only one who survived Aburame Tetsumaru's anti-sealing experiment.

After Aburame Tetsumaru captured them, he threw them all into a transparent jar for experiments and conducted a sealing technique removal experiment. Through the simplest chakra impact, he tried to see if the sealing technique imposed on them could be slowly erased.

But as the experiment progressed, Aburame Tetsumaru discovered that the ten mentally challenged ninjas were actually normal people, but they were forcibly controlled by a powerful sealing technique, which affected the front lobe of the brain, making them particularly sluggish.

The damage caused by this sealing technique to the brain is irreversible. As the sealing technique gradually collapsed, these ten ninjas all recovered their consciousness, but they all irreversibly died.

Some people felt relieved before death, some broke down and cried, some cursed with resentment, but there was no such thing as a numb and terrifying scene of a life venting its emotions towards death.

But the excitement of facing Aburame Tetsumaru was far less intense than the feeling of the ninja who survived in the end. His world collapsed, and he was the only ninja who was dumb and unresponsive after the sealing technique was lifted.

Faced with Aburame Tetsumaru's inquiry, he had only one response: "My name is Aburame Masao."

As expected, he is a ninja from the Aburame family, and this name has an impression on Aburame Tetsumaru's heart.

This time when I returned to Konoha Village, I found the clan leader and went through the entire clan's genealogy. Including those who were missing or dead, there were nine people named Masahiro, two of whom were of similar age, but one of them was already in the commemorative monument.

So if this name is correct, it should be his cousin Masao Aburame who disappeared when he was a child.

When he returned this time, Masao Aburame greeted him at the door, seemingly coming out of the shadows.

"Ma'am, how old are you?"

"twenty one years old."

Well, the age is right too.

"You already know that you can't return to Konoha Village."

"Yes, according to the rules of the root, if you lose contact for seven days, you will be considered dead. The ninja who is determined to be dead will be treated as a traitor if he is still alive."

"Then stay and help me. I just have something to give you."

"I understand." Masao Aburame took off his forehead protector and took out the kunai.

Aburame Tetsumaru quickly held his hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't we defecting?"

"I am not a defecting ninja. Although I am somewhat independent, I am still in Konoha's ninja order. So you can continue to wear Konoha's forehead protector. If you don't want to wear it, you don't have to wear it, but you must not carve it."

"I see."

Aburame Tetsumaru took him into the mother's nest, walked all the way, and finally entered a living area where more than a hundred chirping children gathered.

These are all abandoned children in Aburame Tetsumaru's territory. Although they were discovered just after they were abandoned by their relatives, Aburame Tetsumaru will wait until the last moment to give their parents the last chance to regret, until the children are on the verge of death. Only then did the mantis pick them up.

So they are all orphans whose parents are still alive. More than a hundred of these children are girls, accounting for 80% of the total.

This is the first batch of ninjas that Aburame Tetsumaru plans to train to be his own. The original plan was to recruit a shadow clone from somewhere, but now he is going to hand it over to Masao.

Aburame Masao's face turned darker and darker the more he looked at it, especially when he saw someone standing and peeing his pants. His head turned around and said to Aburame Tetsumaru: "Is it too late for me to refuse now?"

"What do you think?"

"The children are all in your hands, my principal cousin." Aburame Tetsumaru reached out and patted Masao's shoulder and threw him a phone snail, "I will send you a group of assistants in two days."

He was talking about a group of Kong Ninja boys and girls he had captured before. Since they were captured, they have been undergoing the most rigorous recruit training and changing their minds through the most rigorous group activities. Now good results have been seen.

Most of the teenagers were defeated by the exhaustion day after day and eating delicious food four times a day. The few thorns were also crumbling under the punishment of confinement in the small dark room and they probably couldn't hold on for a few more days.

To be honest, these thorns were the children Aburame Tetsumaru thought he could trust, but he was not reassured by the ones who surrendered from the beginning. Most of those teenagers are not very strong and unreliable, but there might be a real sixth man lurking among them, a sixth brother like Liu Ge.

The next thing we need to look at is the most important achievement, the Immortal Technique Clothing.

That is the improved Colonial Equipment No. 1. After the improvement, it can safely transmit the magic chakra of the Colonial Equipment to the wearer, replenishing the wearer's consumption.

Under the watchers of more than a hundred shadow clones and Aburame Tetsumaru, a shadow clone whose chakra was about to be exhausted stood up, equipped with a senjutsu breeding suit, and began to slowly extract the chakra from the suit.

"I feel like it can be faster." The experimenter's shadow clone put forward new demands based on his own feelings.

After on-site observation and judgment, everyone agreed to his request. The speed of chakra transmission accelerated, and became faster and faster, until the shadow clone took the initiative to slow down the speed.

The entire transmission process lasted for a long time, and finally slowly stopped. The experimenter himself released the channeling of the colonization suit, and stood up to announce that the chakra charging was successfully completed.

As proof of success, the experimenter also demonstrated two extremely expensive water escapes on the spot. You must know that he had nearly exhausted his chakra before and was on the verge of automatic dissolution.

"Mudun, is there any Mudun?" Many shadow clones were shouting, and they were particularly concerned about this matter.

"I'll try, but I can't guarantee it." The experimenter closed his eyes and began to taste the chakra he had absorbed. After brewing for a long time, he slowly put his hand on the ground, and the chakra poured into the surface, but nothing happened. Did not happen.

"Hush~~~~" The shadow clones let out a loud hiss, and then began to disperse. The last test will last for a month. The subject of observation is today's experimenter. Will any major problems occur within a month? .

"In fact, today's experiment should be considered a success. After all, it has obviously allowed life to continue."

"The next step is for the main body to experience the magic chakra personally. I don't know what the results will be after these chakras enter the real human body."

"You said, when we all get the fairy magic breeding equipment, will we return to our true bodies?"

"Of course it will, but it will take a long, long time."

Hahahahahaha, a group of shadow clones walked out of the testing site with smiles on their faces, full of expectations for the next days, and looking forward to getting their own immortal magic breeding equipment as soon as possible.

Several of the more sensitive shadow clones remembered the questions of the conversation just now. After the shadow clones were combined with the fairy cloak, their lives were extended and the time to return to the original body was greatly delayed.

So the new question is: how to synchronize the thinking differences between the incarnation and the body in time during this long period of time, so as to avoid the moment of return that Aburame Tetsumaru will suffer huge harm, such as having his brain boiled into tofu. .

The answer is to develop a new incarnation technique based on the shadow clone technique. The biggest feature of the incarnation must be that it can link with the original soul and directly transmit information, but this requirement is not a high priority.

Now that the first step of the Incarnation Project is completed, the moon landing war plan begins to advance at full speed. All other plans must be based on the moon landing, and any conflicting plans and projects must give way to it.

The war plan for landing on the moon is divided into three stages: positioning, lunar exploration, and lunar landing.

Determine the orbital data of lunar exploration and landing through the positioning satellite network;

Establish a lunar satellite network through lunar exploration satellites, obtain moon data, and determine the landing site and enemy intelligence;

Finally, he landed on the moon, launched a war, defeated the Otsutsuki clan, and occupied the moon.

All this is based on large-scale transportation capabilities between the earth and the moon. A total of 316 satellites need to be launched in the first two stages.

The third phase of the plan has the most variable requirements for transportation volume, because the Otsutsuki clan on the moon has a giant reincarnation eye and a huge puppet army.

If they can't use the giant reincarnation well, then they can use the standard Zerg invasion mode, quietly send a few cerebrates to sneak into the moon to build a mother nest, and silently expand the territory until the produced swarm reaches the minimum standard. After that, it relied on the continuous output of troops to squeeze the enemy's living space, and finally defeated the enemy.

If Otsutsuki has a good grasp of the lunar airspace through his reincarnation, he will be in big trouble. The war cannot be based on the Zerg's most ideal sneak attack tactics, and a large-scale battle for troops will have to be launched from the earth-lunar orbit.

In this way, we can only produce an army of insect swarms in the Kingdom of Tea, then launch them into orbit, and then parachute to the moon to fight an interstellar landing battle.

In this war mode, the delivery of hundreds of satellites in the first two stages is only a fraction of the transportation needs of the entire war. It is an insignificant part, and the transportation of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of mantises is a terrifying task.

The transportation ability to leap from the ninja world to the opposite moon is the basis of war. If you can't get through it, then there is no need to talk about the strategies, tactics, and military warfare methods that follow.

Referring to the necessary conditions for a sea landing battle, Aburame Tetsumaru must prepare ample firepower to suppress the enemy. Only with powerful firepower to suppress the enemy, the insect swarm will not be destroyed by more than 90% during its airborne landing on the moon.

This firepower also needs to be transported, and historical experience tells him that it is always easy for humans to increase firepower and make it strong, but transporting firepower is often a nightmare level of difficulty.

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