Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 139 Sacrifice at the most inappropriate moment

Elder Otsutsuki's puppet shot out a huge burst of fire backwards, pushing him forward to accelerate and accelerate.

The invisible swarm of insects in front of the puppet hit countless steel cone projectiles, but none of them could penetrate the puppet's hard shell. The faint blue light on the shell exerted a repulsive force on the steel cone at the last moment, causing the projectiles to deflect. .

Aburame Tetsumaru disguised herself as an ordinary sky insect and fired projectiles continuously, testing the defense and reaction speed of the elder puppet's various positions one by one according to the plan.

Until the obstruction failed, he quietly watched the elder puppet break through the insect swarm, dodge the attacks of two plasma thunderballs, and go straight to the giant thunder insect at the heart of the insect swarm, opening a passage for the puppet army.

Before retreating with the defeated insect swarm, Aburame Tetsumaru still commanded several sky insects to attack the elder puppet according to the plan, tested the last few data, and then retreated with peace of mind.

Arriving at the front line to fight against the enemy's elite heroic troops, Tetsumaru's determination to face death is unshakable, but that doesn't mean he has to rush forward stupidly and fight the powerful enemy directly. That is not a heroic fight, but a courtship of death. The reckless man.

The most important thing when arriving on the front line is actually to collect first-hand information on the front line and master the most authentic and real-time intelligence.

"Brothers, the data collection is almost complete. What are the evaluation results?"

"The Elder Puppet is very powerful, very dangerous, and can be beaten."

"As long as you can fight, everyone should be quiet and let me from the tactical team tell me what we need to pay attention to."

"Okay, our tactical team believes there are three points that must be paid attention to."

"The first and most troublesome thing is that the faint blue light is definitely the repulsive force exerted by the reincarnated eye. This buff is so strong. Not only does the projectile bounce off as soon as it approaches, or it becomes a soft impact, it can also make the elder puppet The flexibility of movement within short distances is really high.”

"The second is that the shell of the Elder Puppet is unusual. It is much harder than ordinary puppets. However, we have destroyed it before. Recent tests show that as long as there is no repulsion bonus from the Reincarnation Eye, projectiles with a speed of Mach 4 can cause damage. Projectiles reaching Mach 6 are lethal."

"The third is that the puppet army is under his direct command. He will not stay away and will be easily covered. We only have one chance to attack."

Aburame Tetsumaru was hanging in the center of the space station, manipulating a ball of lightning to circle around between his fingers, and said: "One chance is one chance, let's set a trap to hook him out, and kill him in one go." It’s over.”

"Very good. Wait one day and our special giant insect will be mature. Then let Elder Otsutsuki have a taste of the power of the sticky rat board."

"Hahaha, if this trap really works, the elders will be pissed to death without being beaten."

"Come on, come on, I'm really looking forward to the traps this time, small tricks, big traps."

"It's not very harmful, it's very insulting."

"Finally, give him the best sniper service and send him on his way."

"If we are really caught, can't we take him prisoner?"

"No, we don't have the advantage yet, and we don't have the atmosphere of a teacher."

"How can we, ordinary people, compare with this old man?"

Aburame Tetsumaru played with the lightning in the palm of his hand and listened to the incarnation's nonsense with a smile. Suddenly an amplified voice sounded: "Body, body, things are ready, let's get to work."

The startled Aburame Tetsumaru shook his finger, and the lightning suddenly connected his index finger and middle finger, and the electric current disappeared with a sizzling sound.

Tie Wan, who had been shocked by the electric shock, stretched his whole body and froze in the middle of the space station, his fingers spinning around with smoke.

"After this battle, I will be isolated for a month."

"Hahahaha, it's so exciting. Fighting giant insects is the most fulfilling." The grumpy elder smiled so hard that his face turned into a chrysanthemum. He took the risk to attack, and the result was a battle. The swarm of insects he defeated retreated step by step, and he was naturally proud of it. Extremely.

The great elder of Otsutsuki handed his younger brother a glass of wine and asked with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work. Let's have a good rest tomorrow."

"No, brother, strike while the iron is hot and don't give the enemy a chance to breathe. I'll set off after a while." The elder took the wine and drank it down. "I'm going to take a nap. Remember to wake me up on time."

The other elders watched him leave, and the leading elder sighed: "Even the most careless brother knows that we can't hold on for much longer. We are really derelict in our duties."

"It's all my fault that the clan is stupid and doesn't know how to save more supplies."

"That's it. It's just this little thing that makes our brothers risk their lives."

"Let's not talk about them anymore, let's make preparations."

Otsutsuki's former clan reserved resources according to the ninja war model, with hundreds of thousands of puppets and huge warehouses, which were several times higher than the standard for the ninja war.

However, someone did not follow the rules and floated from the void to attack the moon. The already extremely declining Otsutsuki did not have the ability to deter him, so he could only follow the enemy's rhythm to fight an interstellar battle.

One thing to say, the biggest feature of interstellar warfare is that the field of vision is unobstructed and transparent in both directions. There are only waterways and no passes on the terrain. No matter how many combat units there are, they can be fully deployed.

In this kind of war environment, we can only fight head-on and form a front with a large number of troops. Whoever is less will have to be surrounded by the other side, which will suffer a big loss.

But this kind of consumption, let alone the moon, which has few resources, does not have such a large output in the ninja world. The resources purchased by Otsutsuki in the ninja world seemed to be a lot at first, but as the scale of the war continued to increase, it became increasingly insufficient. .

Otsutsuki is on the fast track to failure. Even if he continues to win huge victories and eliminates tens of thousands of insects every day, it will not help.

Because the monsters on the opposite side are constantly being replenished, and there is no decreasing trend at all, which makes the Otsutsukis full of anxiety. If they don't kill enough one day, will they fail?

The grumpy elder really didn't dare to rest more, because he was worried that if he slept for one more day, he would kill too many enemies.

The next day the elder puppet returned to the battlefield with blue light.

The incarnation lurking in the insect swarm looked envious after seeing it. The Tsangikan was indeed a high-level life form several levels higher. It was really amazing.

With the blessing of the reincarnation eye, it only takes three hours for the enemy's puppet to run back and forth on the 90,000-kilometer track. Fighting in the interstellar world is easier than going to work for IT workers in Shanghai. After fighting during the day, you can go home for a meal at night. Okay, have a good sleep.

It took me four days to get into position, and I never went back once I got there.

The main body, who has been stationed at the space station for three and a half months, has long been complaining. He says in the group every day that his bones are numb and his face is swollen into a ball.

Jealousy made people look beyond recognition. The avatar fiercely opened the safety bolt of the electromagnetic gun, checked it and then clicked it shut. The metal closing vibration was transmitted along the outer armor of the avatar's colonial suit to the earphones, and turned into electromagnetic waves.

"What are you doing, brother? You're so angry."

"You can make such a big noise without air, what the hell?"

"Hey, hey, hey, if you move louder, you won't be able to hide it."

"It's okay. I just feel unhappy when I see the enemy go home, eat, take a bath, sleep, and come back full of energy to fight with us."


Click, click, click, click

[I must kill him later]

The elder puppet penetrated the insect swarm barrier as usual, and then crashed into the tail of the huge thunder insect, and could not get out.

The fat belly of the giant insect shook violently, and at the same time it bulged up and down. It was obvious that the elder puppet who rushed in was struggling. His struggling movements even shattered the one-meter-thick shell of the giant insect, causing huge pain. The insect keeps struggling.

With a dazzling blue light flashing, the entire giant thunder insect was blown to pieces, its broken limbs and armor scattered all over the sky, and the giant insect's body fluids scattered.

After just a few seconds, the exhausted and weak puppet discovered with horror that not all the giant insect remnants were moving away. The sticky glue that had just trapped him stuck to each other and was blown into a mesh by his repulsive force. spherical shape, and the ball is rapidly retracting.

The elder puppet was horrified and quickly urged the puppet to escape from the pores of the big net. However, the repulsive force blessed by the reincarnation eye was exhausted just now, and the puppet's own jet device could not allow him to maneuver quickly.

The next moment, the elder puppet was stuck with glue and then wrapped into a transparent glue ball. Just like a small insect falling into pine glue, he struggled desperately in the glue ball and danced, but all movements failed. All meaningless.

"Prepare to fire, enemy support is coming soon."

"Understood, No. 1 is ready."

"Ready for No. 2"

"Ready on the 3rd"

"Ready for the 4th"

"No. 0 is ready. Please pay attention. Wait for the enemy's next repulsive force to bounce off the rubber ball before shooting."

The elder puppet, who was struggling to no avail, found that dozens of sky insects that he regarded as scum were approaching, hooked the rubber ball with their tails, and then started spraying and began to move towards the ninja world, obviously trying to capture him.

Moreover, the elder found that the viscosity of the rubber ball that trapped him was gradually increasing. He panicked and quickly called for help: "I have been trapped. Brother, brother, give me support quickly. Hurry."

"I understand, support will be here soon."

After a breath, a powerful force came from somewhere, and the elder's puppet glowed with blue light again.

Feeling the familiar repulsion of the Reincarnation Eye, the elder instantly regained his confidence and laughed: "Hahahaha, great."

"You despicable bugs, you actually try to catch me with such a despicable trap." The next moment, his face was twisted and ferocious as he yelled: "Wishful thinking!! Disgusting bugs, feel the anger of the Otsutsuki clan. "

The elder, who was far away on the moon and was replenishing his younger brother's repulsion through his reincarnation eye, was suddenly shocked: "Don't use all your strength!"

A larger repulsion force erupted, and the solid rubber ball was instantly pushed hundreds of meters away. The adhesive force broke and turned into small rubber balls, flying out in all directions.

At this moment, five dazzling electric lights burst out at the same time. The five streams of light passed through the glue layer and hit the elder puppet against the declining repulsion, smashing the terrifying puppet to pieces.

The five incarnations of Aburame Tetsumaru all saw clearly that the scattered puppet fragments contained human blood and residual limbs, and they all let out a sigh of relief.

【Finally done. 】

This elder puppet almost reached the highest level of difficulty they expected. Not only could it explode with six levels of repulsion, but it could also instantly receive the blessing of the reincarnation eye, giving it a second burst of repulsion.

It is only a little less difficult than the highest difficulty predicted by Aburame Tetsumaru in the brainstorming, that is, the reincarnation eye and the puppet can be connected in real time, and the repulsion force can burst out continuously.

They didn't even think about the higher power of the Six Paths. If the puppet really condensed the path-seeking jade and then transformed into the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast, the Aburame Tetsumaru would immediately discard all the Tenshu, then retreat to the ninja world and dig a Hidden in the ground.

However, the Otsutsuki clan should not have this ability. If they were so good at fighting, the Fourth Ninja War would probably be suppressed by force when the Ten-Tails was reborn, without the need for a savior.

"Retreat." The first incarnation to arrive at the front line said. The Otsutsuki clan will definitely launch revenge. Don't stay in danger and take unnecessary risks.

"Okay, let's go."

The orange-red jet flames flickered, and the five colonial suits broke away from the camouflaged giant insect body and began to retreat from the battlefield.

The enemy's puppet army has completely stopped moving. It seems that the death of the leader has affected the morale of the puppet operators.

The sky bugs surrounded them and blocked the hole blown up by the enemy's repulsive force. After confirming that the enemy had not moved, some bugs separated out to pick up the enemy's corpse fragments.

The research value of the powerful flesh and blood of the Otsutsuki clan with pure blood is still very high, and after conquering the moon in the future, it may also be useful in diplomacy.

In addition to the corpse of Elder Otsutsuki, countless insect corpses also had to be recovered.

As the saying goes, war promotes the development of technology. In the past three months, the Aburame Iron Pills have released more than four million bugs of various types. Large-scale battle damage has caused resource constraints. At this time, millions of bug corpses are particularly valuable.

As a result, the garbage recycling, oh, resource recycling team received temporary reinforcements. In just one month, they completed the organic matter regeneration and heavy element separation technology, completely solving the prion problem. This set of technology has been loaded into the buildings of the Brood Base, which can efficiently recycle all organic matter and metal resources.

After leaving the battlefield, the five avatars' colonial suits reached the open airspace. The light from the nozzles changed from orange to blue, and they began to accelerate.

At this moment, the first avatar to reach the front line felt something strange inexplicably. He turned back to look at the battlefield, and suddenly a blue light lightning exploded, and a huge puppet stepped out of the slowly opening portal.

Seeing the huge puppet, especially the energy of the reincarnation eye that seemed to be as real on the surface, the incarnation's mind trembled, and it immediately stopped accelerating, and stopped the deceleration of the other four incarnations: "Don't stop, go quickly!! "

The other avatar immediately turned around and joked: "Don't be stupid, one of you is not enough, just add one of me and it will be enough."

After the other three avatars were silent for a moment, they began to spray with all their strength and quickly moved away at maximum acceleration.

Facing the enemy's terrifying blue light gravitational force and repulsive force, which strangled the swarm of insects, the two stopped colonies checked their equipment, and finally unfolded the wrist swords in both hands pitifully.

"I finally understand the usefulness of the chest particle cannon. In this environment, a little loss of defense is nothing. Sufficient power is the top priority."

"The gravity controller is also very important. The flexibility of relying solely on rocket boost is too poor. I don't even have the confidence to kill him."

"Forget it, this is something I will have to worry about in the future. Let's do it from both sides."


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