Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 144 The promotion of the essence of life?

A huge ball flies in space at a speed of forty kilometers per second. The six-meter-diameter ball has the half-body of an ant in front of it. If you look closely, you will find that the huge ball is the belly of an ant.

The two big teeth on the ant's head were tightly grasped by the puppet's big hands, and the puppet was spraying blue light in the opposite direction to slow down the giant guy, because their destination was already visible to the naked eye.

Behind this ant, there are ninety-nine identical ants, strung together in a string, jostling each other and slowing down. The puppet is like a superb juggler, turning these one hundred large and fragile circles into Hold the ball and slowly slow it down.

When their speed dropped to less than one kilometer per second, the puppet let go of the ant's teeth and flew away.

The ball ants that lost control collided and rotated with each other, and the formation gradually dispersed. After a few minutes, they rushed into their destination, a huge blue water ball that was five kilometers in size, almost spherical. of ocean.

When the ants hit the blue sea, the impact caused the ants to shatter instantly, and a huge splash exploded on the spot. The more than one hundred tons of water stored in the ant's belly also merged into the water balloon, and most of the splash Returning to the water ball, a few extremely fast water droplets were caught by small bugs. The bugs held the water droplets, their tails lit up with jets of fluorescent light, and they traced an arc-shaped trajectory before returning to the spherical ocean.

Then the second and third ants rushed into the spherical ocean one after another, exploding into huge water splashes. Until a hundred ants rushed into the sea, the entire ocean was turbulent and boiling, with countless water droplets flying all over the sky. The entire spherical ocean looks foggy.

Countless bugs living in the ocean were also awakened by the shock, and they emitted fluorescence to chase the water droplets and send them back to their homes. Countless blue light spots suddenly appeared in the countless water droplets, and the flickering fluorescence was absorbed by the water. The beads refract and reflect, making them look so beautiful.

This blue ocean is the giant ship factory that Aburame Tetsumaru and his team are eager to start building. The infrastructure construction is similar to the foundation work and earthwork in front of the factory.

In three months, such transport queues came more than 52,000 times, with one queue arriving every three to four minutes on average, transporting more than 500 million tons of seawater, thus forming this spherical ocean with a diameter of five kilometers. .

Everyone is very satisfied with this progress. The thickness is now enough to withstand the impact of subsequent transportation, as well as solar wind and cosmic radiation. It is time to build a gravity-free laboratory in the ocean center.

Of course, this does not mean that the civil construction project is over. On the contrary, there is still a lot of follow-up work. It is already planned that the first phase will have a diameter of ten kilometers to accommodate the huge space battleship.

In order to accommodate the largest Leviathan-class battleship imaginable, the diameter of the gravityless ocean should reach thirty kilometers.

When Aburame Tetsumaru told the five elders of Otsutsuki the news, they didn't even blink, listened expressionlessly, and then turned around and left.

They have been numbed by the heavy workload in the past three months. No matter how big the numbers are or how much workload they have, what can they do? Aburame Tetsumaru thought he didn't hear clearly and wanted to continue explaining. Elder Otsutsuki suddenly burst out: "That's it for us. If you don't like it, if you don't like it, will you kill us?"

Facing the old man's hysterical howls, Aburame Tetsumaru shrank her neck and shrugged, and was frightened for a moment.

But what makes the Otsutsukis feel the most frustrated is that even though they are extremely tired, in fact they do not do as much as Aburame Tetsumaru who work together.

Each of the monsters that defeated them had a job that was comparable to three or four of their Otsutsuki people, so even though it was painful, they never thought about resisting or rebelling.

Mad, even working so hard, what can Otsutsuki do to compete with others?

This was probably the difference between social animals in the post-industrial era and slaves in the feudal era. Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly felt that something was wrong, and with a brow of confusion, he uttered a few national curses and went to work.

Aburame Tetsumaru slipped out of Konohagakure this time, not from a secret tunnel one thousand meters underground, then ran to the southeast coast, reached the moon through the Earth-Moon Passage, and finally flew to the Earth-Moon Gravity Opposition Point of.

He teleported to the moon through the skill of Flying Thunder God. It was awesome. He finally learned this magical skill. It took three full months. Including the previous months, it was almost a year. Finally, he finally learned this skill on the wave. After learning Feng Shui, I learned it secretly.

It's really not easy.

However, there must be something wrong with his Flying Thunder God Technique. The telepathic sealing array as the destination would take a long time to draw. Anyway, in the future, it will be changed to a ninja tool or a ninja insect.

But what the hell, it takes at least seven or eight minutes to sense the psychic sealing array. Even if the psychic sealing array is ten meters in front of him, the time will not be shortened, but the distance is as far as the moon. He has to calmly sense it for fifteen minutes. Find the target.

Why is it not as good as an anorectal doctor?

Just like Namikaze Minato, it flashes, brushes, and flashes again. That's called smoothness, and that's called ease.

Of course, Namikaze Minato is also very dissatisfied with himself. The purpose of learning Flying Thunder God is to fight. Now the frequency of movement every two seconds and the dizziness reaction of half a second after teleportation are fatal weaknesses. He It is indeed impossible to be satisfied.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato's famous three-pronged Ninja Love Sword has not yet been born. He can only make a temporary hand-painted sealing formation, and the practicality of the Flying Thunder God cannot be mentioned at all.

After Aburame Tetsumaru secretly learned it, he realized that the spatial transformation of teleportation would cause huge pressure on the body. After completing the teleportation for the first time, even his body was spinning and he almost vomited.

Thinking about it on the other hand, Namikaze Minato was only stunned for half a second before he could recover. Either his physical fitness was off the charts, or his space ninjutsu talent was off the charts, or both.

Perhaps his only weakness that isn't considered a weakness is that he doesn't have enough chakra. He can only use the Flying Thunder God Technique five times in a row every night during training.

Fortunately, Aburame Tetsumaru's chakra is enough. Normal teleportation is not noticeable. She teleports directly to the moon, crossing a distance of 190,000 kilometers in one go. The chakra only consumes a trace of the circulation, drizzle. That’s all.

But the pressure of teleporting across 190,000 kilometers is another matter. Even though Tetsumaru Aburame put on the colon suit wisely, most of the pressure he endured was shared by the suit, but he was still crushed to the bone. There was a rattling sound, and the muscles in the limbs spasmed.

This is a good exercise. In just this moment, the pressure on the body is no less than that of Matt Dai's half-day training. Because Matt Dai flashed through his mind, Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly realized that he hadn't seen him for a long time. He was a teammate of the first team.

[I’ll go see him tomorrow and see how he’s doing. He won’t be as miserable as the original. 】

Aburame Tetsumaru came to the spherical sea this time to calibrate the zero-gravity laboratory. Of all Tetsumaru, only the main body has insight and chakra circulation. With the coordination of these two abilities, he can accurately perceive to changes in gravity.

At this time, a spherical space has been built in the center of the Spherical Sea. The outer wall is a luxurious and wasteful three-layer isolation. The original intention of the design was to avoid seawater intrusion.

Who knew that the gravity of the spherical sea was extremely low, and the water pressure was very, very small. What they really had to worry about was not the intrusion of seawater, but the loss of air pressure due to air leakage.

Of course, they habitually overthink the matter of air pressure. Those who can conduct experiments here are the incarnations of Aburame Tetsumaru. They are essentially a colonization suit. What are they doing to maintain air pressure?

So when Aburame Tetsumaru opened the horizontally moving steel door, he walked out of a flat water surface and entered the laboratory. Looking back at the rippling water surface behind him, Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but be playful. He stretched out his hand and stirred the water surface, creating a few slightly larger ripples.

"Come in quickly, there will be vibrations when the transport ants hit you, and water will leak in if you don't close the door."

"Oh, oh, okay."

Aburame Tetsumaru quickly closed the door and entered the laboratory. Then he entered the state, concentrated and started working with the other two avatars.

He slowly moved a gold ball with a standard mass of one kilogram. By accurately sensing the force on the gold ball, he calibrated coordinates where the force was zero one after another. When the total number of coordinates reached one hundred, an avatar came with it. The data is logged into the Soul Temple and handed over to the avatar on standby in the temple to deduce the connection between these coordinates.

After working hard in the middle of the night, Aburame Tetsumaru calibrated more than a thousand coordinates, and the avatar responsible for the calculation and derivation calculated an extremely complex formula.

Then everyone calculated the coordinate points for the next few hours based on the formula, and compared them with the coordinates Aburame Tetsumaru measured next. Some of them matched, and some did not.

The avatar responsible for the calculations constantly discusses whether any factors are missing, or whether a certain parameter may be wrong, and then continuously improves the trajectory formula.

At five o'clock in the morning, one hundred coordinates derived from the new formula were handed over to Aburame Tetsumaru. They were compared one by one with the measured coordinates in his hand, and they were completely consistent.

The news spread, and the avatars involved in the work cheered. This kind of calculation work is really annoying, so except for the dice who actively participated and the main body who had to participate, the other avatars who could do it were all unlucky ghosts who failed to draw lots.

The annoying work finally saw the light of completion, and everyone was naturally excited. Soon a new hundred coordinates were calculated and compared with the measured coordinates.

All right.

"Oh, victory is in sight."

"Come on, come on, another hundred coordinates, they must be correct."

As a result, two coordinates did not match, which meant testing again.

This time even Aburame Tetsumaru, who was in charge of measuring the coordinates, screamed: "Oh, no~~~"

There is no other way, after we have reached this level, we can't give up halfway, so a bunch of unlucky people grit their teeth and continue to work hard.

It wasn't until after noon that the formula with all three hundred coordinates finally appeared, and the work was completed.

The Soul Temple was instantly emptied, and even the dice boss who had stayed there for four months disappeared.

In the laboratory, Aburame Tetsumaru threw the golden ball into a fixed box and locked it, then packed up all the broken pieces. Then he stretched greatly, then sat down cross-legged and began to sense the activities of Konoha Village. Sealing array.

The two auxiliary incarnations laughed and taunted the main body, then left the main body with protruding veins and went out together. They were going to rest in the castle on the moon.

The avatars are asking for rest now, can you believe it?

Since the shadow clone combined with the clone suit and was able to extract chakra from the clone suit, the shadow clone has been promoted to the avatar, and the avatar has independent thoughts almost as soon as it appears, so it reflects a clear independent personality.

An important feature is that the avatar is different from the shadow clone. They will feel tired and hard. They need rest and even entertainment.

Aburame Tetsumaru was very curious at first, what kind of entertainment do these guys have if they can't eat or drink? Later, he could only lament that he was indeed my incarnation, just a flower for fun.

Some incarnations cannot eat or drink, but they are obsessed with keeping pets, such as birds, fish, insects, animals, scales, and snakes. There is no pet that the incarnations do not keep.

Some incarnations focus on the tea ceremony and cannot drink or smell it?

Of course, the main hobby of the scent-smelling school is still making spices, perfumes, incense and the like.

Finally, and the largest entertainment sect is the National Essence Sect. There are so many incarnations of this sect that there are many talents, and some even promote themselves to the original body, and even use poetry as evidence:

There is no wealthy family in mahjong, and Zhang Zhang is equal to everyone.

Don't think that Yaoji is small, but he has the power to play the big game.

Rubbing sesame until the rooster crows, people go to the empty house to relax alone.

The mahjong table is full and I can’t help but use the box as a pillow to fall asleep.

Aburame Tetsumaru:......

As the number of independent avatars gradually increases, Aburame Tetsumaru will naturally worry about whether any problems will arise, such as the ethical paradox of the two Aburame Tetsumaru, or the difficulties in the eventual return of incarnations that are too different.

However, with the opening of the Spiritual Temple, all incarnations can communicate holographically without any barriers. Aburame Tetsumaru confirmed that his and the avatar's cognitions are still highly unified.

The core cognition of Aburame Tetsumaru is the pursuit of immortality, knowledge, the ideal of chasing the sea of ​​stars, and extraordinary efforts. As long as this consensus can be confirmed as the core of oneself, all incarnations will be part of Aburame Tetsumaru.

Aburame Tetsumaru's body is the core, the most special one, but the problem is that Aburame Tetsumaru's body is no longer the complete Aburame Tetsumaru. He has too many soul elements scattered outside, and only all the incarnations are in the spirit. Aburame Tetsumaru, who is integrated with his true body in the temple, has his entire self.

This means that Aburame Tetsumaru is fundamentally different from other people in the shinobi world, which may be a good thing.

As one of the evidences, in the sea of ​​souls, Aburame Tetsumaru found that his soul ball was rapidly growing in size, and it had obviously exceeded the size of ordinary people by nearly a hundred times. Moreover, the position of his light ball was also gradually rising, leaping above Above all living beings.

Several soul light balls that were closely related to him were also brought up. Perhaps this is how one person achieved enlightenment and ascended to heaven.

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