Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 146 Enemies in trouble

Early the next morning, Aburame Tetsumaru met the excited Dai at the door of the mission center, and showed him the A-level mission statement, and then the two of them went to find the client of the mission.

The client carrying the credentials is a retainer of the Daimyo of the Country of Fire. He wants to formally sign the alliance covenant, which means that he must first meet with the Daimyo of the Country of Taki, and then meet with the head of Takigakure Village.

Yes, the village chief of Takigakure is very honest and does not call himself Kage. Although the Takigakure village he manages was once recognized as the Sixth Ninja Village and still controls the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki. From this point of view, Amegakure Village is hard to beat. and.

The daimyo's retainers and the brocade box he was holding were the mission targets that Aburame Tetsumaru needed to protect. He took the note from the minister, confirmed that the mission code was in compliance, and officially accepted their safety.

"Minister Fujiga Konmoto, I am Konoha Jounin Aburame Tetsumaru. From now on, I am responsible for the safety of you and the credentials in your hands. This is my companion Matt Dai."

Facing the 2.16 meter tall Aburame Tetsumaru, Fujiga Konmoto could only raise his neck and look. As soon as he saw his face, his hat fell off, and the servant quickly helped him catch it.

Facing the giant who couldn't even think of it, Fujiga couldn't say anything. In the end, he could only say hello a few times, ah, ah.

When the two ninjas walked out and waited for him to pack his things, Fujiga Konmoto let out a sigh of relief: "I'm scared to death. Why are Konoha ninjas so strong, like giants."

"Tojiro, go pack your things quickly and get my carriage ready."

His servant put on the minister's hat and went away trembling. He was also very frightened just now.

The minister sat on the carriage, and the servant drove the carriage out. Aburame Tetsumaru didn't say anything about this, and set off silently. As the Aburame ninja, it was natural for him to be in the first position, while Matt Dai walked behind the carriage. .

Matt Dai's rare silence at this time was not because his personality had changed, but because Aburame Tetsumaru specifically explained it.

"Dai, I can accept all your amazing adventures because we are familiar with each other and I know you very well. I admire your perseverance and determination very much."

"But when we are away from home, do you have time to explain to others? Do they have a chance to understand you?"

"No, the first time they see you and the few words they hear you say, that's their entire impression of you. Dai, ask yourself, is the impression you give this kind of stranger a good or bad one?"

"No need to change clothes, just don't speak. Trust me, you are still very intimidating."

Dai was convinced by Aburame Tetsumaru. In order to prevent his habits from tarnishing the image of Konoha ninja, he held a smooth stone tablet in his mouth to prevent himself from speaking unintentionally.

Sure enough, even if he is wearing strange tight-fitting clothes, as long as he doesn't make funny moves or say funny words, Matt Dai, who is 1.86 meters tall and has a strong physique, can exude considerable intimidation.

The servants of the Fujiga family didn't dare to raise their heads after just one glance, and would even walk around him. Even Minister Fujiga's gesture instructions to Matt Dai would immediately obey without daring to question him.

After successfully leaving Konoha, and not long after walking along the road, Aburame Tetsumaru noticed a group of ninjas gathering on the roadside in front of him, which immediately aroused his vigilance.

In peacetime, it is usually a small team of ninja activities, and it is rare for more than two teams of ninjas to gather together.

As the secret technique and field barrier stretched over, Aburame Tetsumaru confirmed at the first glance that these ninjas were not enemies, but the calculations in them made him even more unhappy.

Twenty minutes later, Aburame Tetsumaru joined the ninja team in front. The leader was Yamanaka Sake, the representative of Konohagakure. He was escorted by the next generation clan leader Ino Shikacho: Yamanaka Haiichi, Nara Shikaku, and Akimichi Ting. seat.

So Aburame Tetsumaru could confirm their identities with just one glance. As for the other team of ninjas who refused to show up, they were ANBU ninjas. The ANBU team leader who led the team had a strong taste of Hokage.

In fact, it was the smell of tobacco. This smell even emanated from his skin, proving that this person had been staying with the Hokage for a long time and was naturally the Hokage's absolute confidant.

Aburame Tetsumaru: It’s true. If someone hadn’t specifically guided me on this mission that Matt Dai found, my life would have been in vain.

After the rendezvous, Fujiga Konmoto started chatting with Yamanaka Shu. As Yamanaka was the best at playing with people's hearts, he made the minister regard him as a confidant with just a few words, and he happily invited Yamanaka Shuji to ride with him in the carriage.

The two protection targets were gathered together, and the escort team naturally merged together, with Aburame Tetsumaru at the head, Inaraka Die and Matt Dai at the four corners respectively, surrounding the carriage in the middle.

The journey in the Fire Country was uneventful, and Aburame Tetsumaru saw the life of civilians in the Fire Country for the first time.

Speaking of Aburame Tetsumaru, it was really miserable. He didn't have the chance to leave the village when he was a child. He was thrown into the battlefield right after graduating from school at the age of ten. He was either on the battlefield, returning to the village to recuperate, or traveling back and forth on the road between the village and the battlefield. Running around.

Except for the few months in Konoha Village, I have been running around in the uninhabited areas of the wild.

Things didn't get much better after the war. He was either squatting in the remote Tea Country or digging underground. He had never seen what ordinary people in the Fire Country lived like.

This time, due to Fujiga Konmoto's drag, the team could only take the main road and spend the night in ordinary villages on the road. Aburame Tetsumaru finally had the opportunity to see the life of ordinary poor people in the Land of Fire.

It can be summed up in two words: abject poverty.

Except for the wooden house at the end of the village, other people had no houses at all and lived in shacks that looked like piles of rotten hay. Compared with them, the home of the bridge-building expert from the Land of Waves was definitely a mansion.

The lives of these people were miserable. After seeing this, Aburame Tetsumaru shrugged and left without any expression.

This was similar to the urban slums he saw when he traveled to Africa in his previous life. He did feel a little pity in his heart, but it couldn't arouse any more resonance.

In his last life, he was still a little young and gave some food to people. After this life, Aburame Tetsumaru was polished by the war, he was even less willing to take care of it.

For Aburame Tetsumaru, these people are not a family connected by blood, and this land does not bear any natural obligations. He will not "worry" for others casually.

If no one can help me, I will have to blame myself.

After leaving the Country of Fire, everyone began to become nervous. If it was just a minister of the Daimyo, there was really no need to be too nervous. No ninja would interfere with the normal exchanges between the nobles of the two countries.

But the representative of Konoha Village, Yamanaka Sake, is also in the team. This involves a military dispute and is very likely to attract Iwa Ninja.

Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly raised his hand, and the long-lost parasites swarmed out, caught a flying beetle in the air, and delivered it to his hand.

The other four Konoha ninjas immediately assumed a fighting stance upon seeing this, nervously checking the surrounding environment to prepare for possible attacks.

Aburame Tetsumaru carefully identified the beetle, then casually crushed the beetle, and turned around and said: "It's so interesting, I met my colleagues playing with bugs. Wait a moment, I will deal with them."

After saying that, he cut his fingertips with his nails, stretched out his hand and slapped it on the ground, and cast a psychic spell.

In a series of white smoke, thirty mantises were channeled. As soon as they appeared, they automatically divided into five groups and charged in five directions.

Seeing the three-meter-tall mantis, Inoka Butterfly and Yamanaka Sake were all startled. This was completely different from the Aburame Tetsumaru in the intelligence. Matt Dai danced excitedly and kept making "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong" sounds from his mouth. If he hadn't been holding the piece of stone in his mouth, he would have shouted: "So cool, so youthful," and the like.

As for Fujiga Konmoto and his servants, they were already trembling and paralyzed in the carriage. However, the horses pulling the carriage stood firm and did not seem to think that these huge insects were dangerous.

Since there was an enemy, Yamanaka Shu didn't dare to sit on the carriage openly. He jumped down, approached Aburame Tetsumaru, and asked, "Do you know who he is?"

Aburame Tetsumaru replied: "I'm not sure. There are not many ninjas who play with bugs in the ninja world. I know all the bugs they use. But I have never seen this kind of bug. It should be a new style of bug fucking."

Yamanaka Shu nodded: "Well, can you deal with this kind of bug?"

Aburame Tetsumaru grinned and faced Yamanaka Rain with a smile with sixteen big teeth: Old man, what do you mean by asking this question in front of the Aburame family ninjas?

Ignoring the thief old man, Aburame Tetsumaru said loudly: "Let's go, everything is fine."

The whole team set off again, and the old man Shanzhongjiu sat back on the carriage with a bump.

But the battle did not go as smoothly as Aburame Tetsumaru thought. There were five ninjas in total. Their skills were equivalent to those of elite chuunin. They were far unable to fight against thirty mantises. They were chased by the mantis swarm and were beaten to death.

These ninjas have average fighting power, and the ninjutsu they use is also very rough. They will not hurt or itch the mantis.

But they are very slippery and are good at all kinds of secret escape techniques. Some are good at escaping from earth and burrowing into the ground, some are good at transforming into water and infiltrating, and some are good at leaping with fire. The most outrageous thing is that some of them can get into the shadows and disappear. What do you think? How is it like the Nara family's secret technique of shadow escape? This is a top secret technique that only a few Nara can master.

Thirty mantises surrounded him from all sides, and after more than half an hour of hard work, they all escaped in the end.

Aburame Tetsumaru was very surprised. None of the five of them lost even a hair. This level was not just a chuunin. The trouble this time was not small. So he called all the mantises back and did not release the channeling to let them go back. .

Seeing a large group of giant insects catching up with the team and spreading out to guard the outside, the Konoha ninja knew something was wrong.

The old Yamanaka wine man put his arms on the window and asked, "Hey, Aburame, haven't you taken care of those bugs?"

"All the bugs were killed, but the five people didn't catch any of them. They all ran away."

"Oh, this is not easy anymore."

Inarakacho couldn't help but become nervous. They could clearly see the appearance of these giant insects when they charged. Their combat power was by no means inferior to that of Chunin. It would be very troublesome for any one of them to deal with one alone.

And five enemies actually escaped from being rounded up by thirty giant insects, which meant that they did not escape by luck, but that their strength was higher than the standards of chunin.

"Is the enemy a Jonin of Iwa Ninja?" Nara Shikaku asked.

"No, the enemy does not wear a forehead protector, and his strength is not up to the level of a jounin, probably a special jounin level." Aburame Tetsumaru thought for a while, and then said, "The enemy's ninjutsu and taijutsu are not bad. , but the secret technique is very troublesome and difficult to deal with."

Suddenly a mantis fell to the ground, its six limbs twitched, and it struggled and fluttered on the spot. It exploded with a bang in less than thirty seconds.

"It seems they have some tricks that I haven't discovered yet, which is interesting." Aburame Tetsumaru's face instantly darkened, he teleported to the side of the exploding bug, spread out the parasites, and began to inspect them.

The location of the explosion was the chest of the mantis. The entire carapace opened like petals. The carapace on the back was also cracked. The wound on the mantis was as big as a human head, and blue blood was spraying out.

Obviously, this is an effect that can only be caused by an internal explosion. If a person is injured like this, he will definitely die. However, as the first standard fighting insect of the insect swarm, the mantis is not that fragile.

Soon the parasites in the mantis' body sealed the wound. As soon as the bleeding stopped, the mantis was able to stand up and start walking tremblingly. After a few minutes, it was completely back to normal.

At this time, Aburame Tetsuwan also found the source of the problem in other mantises. It turned out to be parasites used by humans, and sixteen mantises had this parasite.

The parasites vary in size. The mantis that attacks the enemy in the east first has the largest parasite, while the mantis that joins later has smaller parasites. From this, it can be inferred that the parasite grew up inside the mantis.

The ability to grow so fast must be related to chakra. Aburame Tetsumaru ordered a mantis to run far away, and then extracted chakra with all his strength, confirming that this parasite can swallow the host's chakra, then grow rapidly, and finally Bang exploded.

After a joint inspection by Parasite and Insight, Aburame Tetsumaru quickly found the parasitic route of the parasite. The parasite invaded from the breathing hole of the mantis, then broke open the blood vessels and flowed downstream into the heart, where it developed after being fixed near the heart. Until it explodes at the end.

The Konoha ninjas who understood the parasite's attack process all frowned. This attack method was completely incomprehensible to ninjas. It could be said that as long as it was parasitized, it would be 100% fatal.

"Fortunately, the mantis has four hearts in its body, and there are also symbionts responsible for defense. If you can deal with it directly from the body, you will only lose one heart at most."

By the time the second exploding mantis recovered from its wounds and returned to the team, Aburame Tetsumaru had removed all the parasites and found parasites that had failed to parasitize from the gaps in the carapace of several mantises.

These parasitic failed bugs are only as big as dust. Aburame Tetsumaru puts them into the test tube that he carries with him. After injecting them into the blood, the parasites eat each other. When only one parasite is left, it devours each other at a speed visible to the naked eye. grow up.

After the iron pills were injected with chakra, the parasite grew at an exaggerated rate, almost doubling in size every ten seconds. It only took four or five minutes for the parasite to burst through the test tube, and the parasite died within one minute of being exposed to the air. .

"It's definitely this kind of bug. It's really cleverly conceived and very interesting." Aburame Tetsumaru happily collected the remaining parasites, "This kind of bug must be prevented from invading the body."

"Once it invades the body, it's over. Without fixed parasites, they are too small and difficult to find in blood vessels. The location of fixed parasites is the heart, which cannot be removed by ordinary people with surgery."

"Especially when a ninja is parasitized during a battle, it is really a life and death dilemma. If you use chakra, you will die quickly, but if you don't use it, you will be killed..."


Hearing this, all the Konoha ninjas felt their scalps numb and took a breath together.

Aburame Tetsumaru already knew who they were, Xuanyuan Zhong, the hired ninja who would later force the Fourth Raikage to have no choice but to watch his subordinates being killed.

They call themselves "ninja hunting ninjas", which is very accurate judging from the parasite's methods, which are combat methods developed for ninjas.

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