Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 168 This is definitely not a ninja’s fighting method

It took a full two hours for the mist ninja's insertion team to be organized. It took too long. I don't know if the frontal pressure was too tight. Two waves of insects came from the sea to support them. During this period, the hearts of a group of senior officials were almost gone. About to jump out.

Fortunately, the enemy's reinforcements were not strong, and the Kirigakure ninjas firmly withstood the insect swarm's counterattack. During the gap between the two counterattacks, Mizukage even directed Kirigakure to complete a thrilling handover of fire, replacing the Kirigakure who had been fighting for more than four hours.

When these replaced Mist Ninjas arrived at the rear formation, almost all of them collapsed to the ground and refused to stand up again.

This was a ninja who had experienced the "power of blood mist". He claimed to be a hard-hearted, ruthless guy who was extremely cruel to himself. However, he collapsed after fighting for four hours in a large-scale war.

Even when Kirigakure ANBU came to ask for information, these guys couldn't help but tremble. No matter how many bugs they killed, more bugs would rush up. Fighting with these joyless insects, the ninjas did not get any emotional feedback. They could only continue the mechanical killing. This kind of involuntary, never-ending battle was really crazy.

Finally, two intersecting troops were dispatched.

Although the efficiency of the formation is crazy, the speed after the attack starts is still excellent. They arrived at the beach very quickly, and the ice escape ninjas stepped onto the sea and took the lead. They froze an ice path on the sea as they passed, providing a foothold for the following troops.

The intersecting troops on the left and right wings rushed forward quickly on the sea, and soon reached the side and rear of the beach, and they were about to join forces victoriously.

Victory was in sight. In the frontal combat troops, the elites of the ninja family no longer hid in the crowd. They lined up the lower-level ninjas and stood in the front row, preparing to deal the final blow to the enemy's insect swarm.

"Really, it's finally out."

Watching Kirigakure's intersecting troops attack quickly, the Aburame Tetsumaru and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. They acted with these clumsy Kirigakure. By the last hour of the performance, they were completely numb, and they were even more tired than fighting directly.

Finally relieved.

Who would have thought that it would take two hours for the five great ninja villages to even organize two assault troops?

The Aburame Tetsumaru and the others didn't expect that they were pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, trying to take down the most elite fog ninjas at once, but they actually ended up in a situation where they couldn't continue their performance. They knew that Kirigakure was definitely not a tiger, but it should also be a wolf. Who would have thought that it was actually a native dog that had not grown up.

"Thunder Giant Insect, volley!" Aburame Tetsumaru's crisp command contained a hint of relief from the embarrassment.

The giant thunder insect on the sandbank that had been prepared for a long time launched at the moment the order was received. Three hundred plasma thunder balls left behind the insect and touched the air. The thunder balls excited the air in contact into an ionized state, and the ionized air radiated. Return to normal after strong light.

In this instant change, the resistance of the air disappeared, and the thunderball was able to maintain its highest speed. However, the ionized air consumes energy, so the range of the plasma thunderball on the surface with high air density is limited, but it covers one to twenty thousand people. There is no problem with the meter.

From the perspective of the Mist Ninja, the two intersecting troops were about to complete the encirclement. The frontal troops exploded with all their strength and drove the insect swarm off the beach. The moment the victory was about to be won, the sky suddenly lit up.

It was a strange way to say that it was suddenly dawn at three o'clock in the afternoon when the sun was still high in the sky, but the mist ninja didn't have a better word for it. The light that only flickered for a moment was so strong that anyone who wasn't looking directly would have their eyes burned by the reflected light from the environment.

When the fog ninja screamed in panic because of his blindness, they heard the explosion of water vapor on the sea surface after being hit by a thunderball, the sizzling sound of lightning that was covered up, and the gurgling sound of the earth melting and boiling.

When the fog ninja regained his sight, he saw a hellish battlefield. White smoke was dissipating from the entire sea. Only a few lucky ninjas who were interspersed with the troops escaped and were being chased by countless bugs emerging from the sea.

More than one-third of the three hundred electric plasma thunderballs hit the beach, creating more than a hundred lava pools eight meters in diameter. Some of them hit the beach and are now half seawater and half lava. White smoke billows from the interaction between water and fire. . Most of the frontal troops that drove the swarm into the sea were lost in these lava pools, and there were only a few survivors.

At this time, thousands of wind giant insects appeared on the sea. They floated on the sea and launched a volley of wind cannons in the direction of Kirigakure. Suddenly, the wind roared and thousands of wind balls smashed in rows. come over.

A ninja is hit by such a huge wind ball. It can be blown up into the sky and fall half to death, or it can be sucked inside and cut by countless wind blades. As long as it is not a monster like the Raikage, or a defensive ninjutsu like Kakuzu who is good at earth escape, There is only one way for a Jonin to die.

Then there was another round of plasma thunderballs and two rounds of wind cannons. The mist ninja, who had no formation in the first place, was beaten to pieces.

Then the mantises ambush under the sea surface rushed up to the coast. After bypassing the lava pool, they began to line up, forming a neat formation side by side. Then they began to charge, and the clicking sounds of their joints once again converged into a rumbling vibration, like a tsunami. Then he pounced on the Kirigakure ninja.

A collapsed Mist Ninja murmured to himself: "This, this is definitely not a ninja's fighting method. Who are they and what kind of monsters are they?"

Among the mist ninjas trained in the blood mist, there are always monsters who are not afraid of death. A young man jumped out from the corpses on the ground. He waved the decapitating sword he picked up and cut off the mantis's front legs with one blow. The Kirigakure young ninja turned sideways to avoid the thrust of the mantis' sword limb, and then used the body of the fallen mantis to avoid the thrust of the second row of mantises.

Then he stood up and cut a huge gash in the belly of the mantis that attacked him, and cut off one of its hind legs. The thick carapace of the mantis had to be cut with all his strength. The continuous full-power attacks forced him to pause. Come down and catch your breath.

Immediately, the third and fourth rows of mantises also rushed up. The young Mist Ninja's face turned pale, his eyes glared and his teeth gritted, and he was about to rush forward with a big knife in his hand.

At this time, they reorganized themselves amidst the chaos caused by the fog ninja insect wind cannon at the rear. They positioned themselves densely as a small team and began to use water release ninjutsu to counterattack.

Water Release·Big Explosion Water Wave

Wave after wave of waves rushed back towards the insect swarm, interrupting the attack of the mantises. Some of the mantises in the front row were washed away by the water, while others clung to their four legs and barely managed to stand firm. Their formation was disrupted by the flood.

The senior officials such as Mizukage and Yuanshi finally relaxed a little at this time. They had just encountered a terrifying bombardment. The overwhelming charge was too sudden and too shocking. They were all stunned.

If the fog ninja below hadn't pushed forward firmly, there would have been no time to reorganize and use ninjutsu to counter the charge of the insect swarm.

Mizukage asked: "What's the name of that sword-wielding ninja?"

Genshi also saw the young Kiri nin in his eyes and replied: "That is the newly graduated genin 'Kijin' Momochi Zabuza."

"Is it him? Pretty good."

Seeing the second row of larger ninjutsu rushing towards the insect swarm, all the crumbling insects were washed away, and the advantage seemed to be tilted towards Kirigakure Village again.

Since they started conquering the Kingdom of Water, Kirigakure Village was not noticed for three months. After the war, the organization was poor and the battle was incompetent, which made Aburame Tetsumaru and others feel that Kirigakure Village was terrible.

But this desperate counterattack was really remarkable. It actually interrupted the unstoppable offensive that Aburame Tetsumaru and the others were sure to have, and abruptly reversed the inevitable defeat situation.

At this moment, the determination and resilience of the Kirigakure ninjas were fully demonstrated, and they were worthy of their reputation as one of the top five ninja villages.

But Aburame Tetsumaru is the kind of guy who always has one extra hand prepared. At this time, their third long-range attack flew over from the Lord Insect.

"Xiao Fei Guan is here for you~~"

The other avatars, Kakuzu, Masao Aburame, and the puppet lords all looked at this naughty avatar. This naughty avatar was really top-notch.

"Ahem, be serious, there's a war."

Along with these words, there was a loud scream, and the missile bugs sprayed blue fire from their buttocks, pulling out streams of white smoke, and rushed towards Kirigakure's camp.

The missile bug is a new bug that has been concocted in the past two years. Because it is easy to manufacture, has high versatility, and is powerful, it has replaced the bomb locust and become the universal consumable weapon bug in the insect swarm.

Because it was so easy to use, Aburame Tetsumaru even modified the design of the under-development Thunder beast and directly installed the missile insect production line into the Thunder beast's body, changing the pure assault beast into a super-large fire delivery Platform, it must be said that the phobia of the Aburame Iron Pills due to lack of firepower is already an incurable disease.

One of the characteristics of the missile bug is that it can search for the enemy independently. As the first missile bug screamed, it accurately rushed into the group of Kirigakure ninjas and exploded, causing flesh and blood to fly everywhere.

The ninjas were startled. They jumped up and down and scattered to avoid the incoming missile bugs. The agile ninjas had a very high dodge rate. The casualties caused by the subsequent attacks were not large, but they could no longer care. Used ninjutsu.

While they were running around in a hurry, the mantis army had already launched its charge again. The insects trampled on the knee-deep water and rushed up.

The swarm's charge was as resolute and fearless as ever. Everything in its path was trampled, even the mantis that fell to the ground and was still struggling.

The mist ninjas brandished their swords and charged forward, and the two sides fought together again.

The efforts of the fog ninjas at the rear to organize again failed under the attack of the screaming missile insects. The fog ninjas could only fight on their own, trying hard to launch various water escape ninjutsus at the insect swarm.

The tall and strong Mist Ninja wielded a broadsword and chopped off the mantis's head and two sword limbs, and then chopped off the next giant insect, but the appearance of this giant insect made him stunned.

This giant insect looked like it was sick. Its sword limbs were drooping and weak, and its belly was bulging. You could see through the translucent skin that there was green pus.

"Eh~~~" The tall Mist Ninja took half a step back in disgust. This is too disgusting. Do you want to cut it?

Before he could make a decision, the giant green insect exploded on its own, and a belly full of pus poured all over him. The same happened to the surrounding Mantis and the other two Mist Ninjas. Smoke and screams echoed on the battlefield.

After Mantis struggled for a few times, his exoskeleton was corroded and his internal organs flowed out. He soon fell to the ground dying. At this time, the three mist ninjas had turned into pus flowing all over the ground.

The mist ninjas were frightened. They quickly checked whether there was a giant green insect around them. Once they found it, they nervously attacked with kunai and detonating talismans. The effect was very good.

It turns out that the corrosive venom of the Baneling Insect cannot even be resisted by itself. Once it is leaked, the first one to suffer is the insect itself.

The Mist Ninja Jonin Genkai Kiden quickly adapted to the new bugs. He even used this bug in reverse. After smashing a poisonous baneling bug with the water release and water iron cannon technique, the corrosive venom sprayed can create a large mantis. death.

Ghost Deng Yuanhai laughed loudly: "Stupid guy, is this kind of thing to help us?"

Just as he was laughing, a sharp bullet flew towards him, but he blocked it casually. The next moment, the bullet exploded into large green dust and covered him.

Kiden Genkai subconsciously activated his secret technique and turned into Shimizu in human form. In this state, he is immune to all physical attacks, and also has strong ninjutsu resistance and toxin tolerance.

Gui Deng Yuan Hai used his secret technique because he was worried that the dust on his body was poisonous. Who knew that when the dust came into contact with the clear water, it would spread rapidly in the water, expand visibly to the naked eye, and then explode.

The clear water transformed by Ghost Lantern Yuanhai lost its human form in an instant, flowed to the ground, and turned into real clear water. It soon mixed with the blood and pus on the ground, and was no longer distinguishable.

Like Kiden Genkai, the fog ninjas at the forefront were attacked by spore bombs. The spores would activate when they come into contact with the human body. The strong corrosiveness is enough to corrode human bones into slag. All the fog ninjas who were attacked turned into A horrible corpse.

As the cockroaches in the back row of the insect swarm also joined the battle, the mist ninja's formation was shaken by the combination of distance and distance.

At this time, Kakuzu stood up and asked for a fight: "Now it only takes one strong and effective attack to defeat Kirigakure. This is the most suitable time to launch an attack. I am confident that I can open a gap with my full attack. Let me go up."

Aburame Tetsumaru stopped him directly: "You don't have to go in person, Kakuzu, you have to get used to our tactics as soon as possible. In our tactics, we don't advocate using people to break through. We prefer to use firepower to break through."

Another avatar agreed: "Yes, as the predecessors said, if you are poor, you will be detoured, and if you are rich, you will be covered with firepower. We are so rich now, how can we let our comrades take risks?"

"Concentrate all the firepower, attack with full force, and give the Kirigakure Village the final blow."

At this time, the giant thunder bugs and the giant wind bugs have all landed and arranged themselves into a square formation as much as possible. At a higher altitude further away, the lord bug carrying the missile bugs took the lead in releasing the missile bugs they carried. This time there will be no more. Make any reservations and empty all missile bugs at once.

When the missile bugs flew towards the sandbank where the giant thunder bugs gathered, the giant bugs also launched a volley, and the plasma thunderballs rose into the air and flew with the missile bugs at high altitudes.

When the white eye trajectory of the missile entered the battlefield accompanied by the dazzling plasma thunderball, the giant wind bugs gathered on the beach opened their six-petal tails and fired the wind cannon under the blue light of the wind escape chakra.

Two seconds later, three types of long-range strikes came at the same time. Weapons with different speeds and ranges were launched in series, aiming to hit simultaneously, and instantly exploded with ten times and a hundred times the damage. This was a saturation attack.

The indescribable explosion caused more than two thousand casualties in an instant. When the firepower became so intensive that it was impossible to dodge, the ninja's high agility became meaningless, and the dead were no different from ordinary people.

The 16,000-strong ninja army suffered less than 1,000 casualties in the two-hour battle, and this saturation attack instantly killed nearly 3,000 people. The Mist Ninja was completely stunned.

Accompanied by the continuous flying missile bugs, the free-firing wind cannons and the bombardment of plasma thunderballs, the entire Mist Ninja army collapsed.

Mizukage, Genshi, Kaguya Yoshi and other high-level officials retreated first, followed closely by the Jonin and dispersed, while the Chuunin and Genin fled for their lives.

It's no wonder that the ninja interest group, which was not integrated into one in the first place, was fine when fighting a smooth battle, but how could it continue to fight when it suddenly suffered a major blow.

You must know that among the major forces that make up Kirigakure Village, none of them can produce as powerful a force as three thousand ninjas. As a result, so many ninjas died in the blink of an eye, including the heads of every family and the leaders of every force. The first thought in their mind is "escape".

As a result, the army of more than 11,000 ninjas disintegrated and turned into a scattered army.

The saved manuscripts have been used up. I can’t guarantee that I’ll add more updates at noon. I can only try my best.

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