Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 185 The Fourth Mizukage has been replaced

"What a terrifying power!"

Aburame Tetsumaru saw Matt Dai's final blow with his own eyes. Although he knew that this was not the more perfect Hirutora, the destructive power and range were enough to overwhelm all A-level ninjutsu.

Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but clicked his tongue. This was not a complete state. If it were a complete Hirutora, it would be comparable to S-level ninjutsu, and even be among the best among S-level ninjutsu.

Orochimaru, who came with Aburame Tetsumaru, stood quietly, staring at the middle head on the ground without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking. Orochimaru now knows that this tight-fitting genin can really kill him as a Kage level. Such a powerful ninja is actually a genin. This is definitely the Hokage's dereliction of duty.

Even if he doesn't know any ninjutsu or genjutsu, and only specializes in taijutsu, Matt Dai still deserves the title of jounin. He has killed three elite jounin.

With the Konoha genin holding the lives of three jounin in his hands, Konoha Village will become a joke to the entire ninja world.

It's a pity that Orochimaru doesn't know that since the time of Matdai, Konoha genin has gradually become a legend, reaching its peak with the birth of the second generation of wall hangings. From then on, Konoha has been so different in people's perception: The jounin fights over pots and pans, the genin fights destroy the world.

When cleaning the battlefield, Aburame Tetsumaru discovered that none of the ninja swords on the ground were found, they were all gone.

He was stunned for a long time before he remembered to ask Orochimaru: "Lord Orochimaru, what is the name of the mist ninja who ran away?"

"The ghost lamp full moon is said to be the default fourth generation Mizukage."

"It's him!"

Orochimaru was very surprised, why Aburame Tetsumaru was so surprised: "What's wrong?"

Aburame Tetsumaru sighed in frustration: "Oh, an unprepared person allowed Mangetsu Kito to steal all three Ninja Swords. In his hand was the Ninja Sword Psychic Scroll of the Nidaime Mizukage."

"I've wanted the same shark for a long time, but I missed it again this time."

Ever since the industrialization of the Brood Nest reached a certain level, Aburame Tetsumaru became dissatisfied with the fact that his insect swarm could only eat oil, sugar, meat and other foods. The efficiency of eating food to provide energy was too low. Every time the size of the insect swarm reaches more than 100,000, maintaining the food supply of the insect swarm becomes his first priority, and not even one tenth of the time that can be used to direct the battle is enough.

In order to meet the consumption of 100,000 insect mouths, 6,000 tons of sugar and 8,000 tons of oil must be fed every day. If it enters a water-scarce environment, a supply of 10,000 tons of water must be ensured.

Such a huge consumption forced Aburame Tetsumaru to prioritize upgrading the Lord Insect to increase its speed, increase its carrying capacity, and expand its scale. Even such a large-scale insect swarm has actually become a ten-day army, that is, it must return to the supply base for repairs after ten days of fighting, otherwise it will face large-scale non-combat losses.

If there are insects that can eat electricity, he will take off. Once microwave charging and wireless charging are implemented, he can replenish the insect swarm from orbit at any time.

Even if you can't eat electricity, chakra-eating bugs are just fine. At least in the ninja world, there are still ways to control chakra. For example, the pyrolysis piles sealed with sealing techniques are huge chakra production cores.

After the battlefield was cleaned, the corpses of the three ninja swordsmen were sealed. Aburame Tetsumaru channeled two mantises, one to carry the unable to move Matt Dai, and one for the three little ones to ride on. Return to Orochimaru's command center.

No one expected that it was the outbreak of Metadai that killed three ninja swordsmen, and the series of effects that resulted ended this sticky war a few days later.

As Ghost Light Mangetsu returned to the Kingdom of Whirlpool with three ninja swords, it caused an uproar among the remaining fog ninjas, and the mood of failure spread uncontrollably. They lost the Mizukage, abandoned the Kirigakure Village, and had no fixed income after the breakout. Fortunately, they were able to gain a lot of wealth from the Land of Fire, the Land of Waves, and the Land of Yu. Now, they suddenly lost three Ninja Swordsmen. , heralding the end of their good days of wanton robbery.

After synthesizing all the information, Genshi said: "Call all the children back. The fact that Konoha was able to set up an ambush and kill three ninja swordsmen proves that they have begun to invest their power. Those silly boys will never come back." , we may not be able to leave the Country of Fire alive.”

"Master Yuanshi is right."

"It's time to come back. Anyway, I'm no longer short of money recently, so I can concentrate on building the New Kirigakure Village."

"That's right."

In the eyes of the top management of the Mist Ninja, this incident was a trap set by the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and the cold Lord Orochimaru. Otherwise, how to explain that a genin suddenly killed three elite jounin, and Orochimaru and the Konoha insect master were also involved. ambush.

Fortunately, Ghost Man Yue saw the opportunity quickly, otherwise the Ninja Swordsmen would have been wiped out, and four Ninja Swords would have been lost at once. This would be simply terrifying.

The Sandaime Hokage is so insidious.

Yuanshi continued: "Everyone, I suggest sending an envoy to surrender to Konoha Village, explain the situation to them, and allow us to occupy the Kingdom of Whirlpool and the Kingdom of Waves."

"In exchange, we will protect the eastern coastline of the Fire Country and relieve them of worries. I think the Hokage will agree."

No one objected. They had no choice now. The force test from the Land of Thunder was completely defeated. The diplomatic test was even worse. The Raikage ignored them at all. Raikage's attitude is very clear. He will not deal with a group of losers. He will recognize and deal with whoever wins the Water Kingdom.

As for the letter written by Master Yuan to Raikage, Raikage read it and replied. In the letter, he recalled their turbulent past when they followed the First Kage, and talked freely about their friendship, but he also made it clear that his feelings allowed him to accept these Kirigakure ninjas who were defeated in the civil war, without any discussion. .

The only option for Kirigakure Village is to gain recognition and support from Konoha Village.

The messenger was selected quickly, and the paperwork was not difficult. It was quickly prepared, and there was one for each of the Hokage of Konoha Village and the Daimyo of Fire Country.

After these trivial matters were taken care of, it was time to come to the most critical matter, selecting the fourth generation Mizukage. In fact, it had already been decided before the meeting. This meeting was originally promoted by the Fourth Mizukage, and now it is just a matter of completing the process.

According to the third generation plan, after his death, the three tails were sealed into Goju Yagura's body, and then he inherited his mantle and became the fourth generation Mizukage.

Although the Third Mizukage had a high prestige, he kept his word during the breakout, and everyone obeyed his every word. But that was when he was alive, and after death he was just a dead man.

After the three tails were sealed into a temporary container, Goju Yagura naturally wanted to keep the barrel, but the ninjas in the sealing class did not give it to him, and a group of ANBU ninjas separated him.

From that day on, Sanwei never appeared in front of Goju Yagura again. All this was because the ghost full moon stepped forward to compete for the position of Mizukage.

As a direct descendant of the second Mizukage, Kito Mangetsu behaved very low-key during the reign of the third Mizukage. He did his tasks seriously and practiced diligently. He never said anything about wanting to be a Mizukage, so that the third Mizukage was Shadow had completely forgotten about this guy.

Of course, this is also because the third Mizukage is not in good health, there are many ninja families who are causing trouble for him, and the policy control in "Blood Mist" is also difficult to control. He can't even sit in his own position, so how can he care about it? Things for the next generation.

But Kito Mangetsu used his background to make secret deals with various ninja clans, bribe his confidants, and even reached out to the Kirigakure Anbu. After the death of the third Mizukage, he controlled the three tails and other important assets in one fell swoop, and then he shouted: "I, Ghost Mangetsu, want to be the Mizukage."

This mature position-taking operation was very exciting. It caught Goji Yagura off guard and was completely unable to parry. In the end, it was with the help of Yuanshi that he was not directly eliminated and slowly stabilized his position.

For Gouju Yagura, he still has a huge disadvantage, that is, there is a clear gap in strength between the two sides. Ghost Lantern Full Moon clearly overpowers him, even far beyond it.

This kind of Oni Tou Mangetsu was born to be a Mizukage, but in the original timeline, Goju Yagura became a jinchuriki and became the fourth generation Mizukage, while Oni Tou Mangetsu died inexplicably.

The death of Oni Deng Man Yue is a matter of course. His advantages in all aspects are so great. If he does not die, Goju Yagura will not be able to take the position. Even if he can barely take the position, it will be like a thorn in the back, making him restless.

As a Mizukage, the Jinchuuriki is a dictator with great power, but a simple Jinchuuriki is the unlucky guy who is being monitored. The gap between the two is huge. Uchiha Madara definitely knows which one he can control the most. favorable.

Therefore, the death of Ghost Light Full Moon was most likely the result of Uchiha Madara's secret manipulation, otherwise it would not make sense at all.

Moreover, the current time is also very unfavorable for Goji Yagura. He lacks enough time to train students and consolidate his power base.

Now Gotachibana Yagura is just a Kirigakure jounin who lacks support, and has almost no chance of winning when facing the challenge of Ghost Light Full Moon.

As time went by, even Genshi had to give up. His allegiance was to Kirigakure Village, not the Third Mizukage. It was impossible to ignore the survival of Kirigakure Village for the sake of Goju Yagura. They were already struggling to survive and had no capital to make any more troubles. .

After Gui Deng Man Yue was defeated by the man in green tights, he felt great pressure. He believed that Kirigakure Village could no longer go on like this. So after he returned to the Kingdom of Uzumaki with four ninja swords, he mobilized all his strength and took the position of the Fourth Mizukage in a very short period of time.

Then he promoted this meeting as the Fourth Mizukage, took the initiative to negotiate with the Leaf Village, and made a de facto surrender.

In order to maintain the authority of Mizukage, Man Yue did not appear during the whole process, but entrusted Yuanshi to preside over the meeting. In fact, everyone knew that this was what the Fourth Mizukage meant.

But you always have to leave a little face for yourself, even if it is just a fig leaf that can be broken with a poke, everyone in the Hidden Mist Village has no objection to this.

The Hokage in Konoha Village received a report from Orochimaru, confirming that he had killed three of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in Kirigakure Village. He was so surprised that his molars were visible when he smiled.

But after he read the entire report, his entire face turned black into briquettes. It was not Orochimaru or Aburame Tetsumaru who accomplished this feat, but a little-known genin, Matt Dai.

Even though his skin was as thick as tree bark, this time Naruto still felt his face was burning. He could already imagine himself being poked by someone's fingers: Look, this is the Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and all his ninjas can defeat the ninja swordsmen. He was still held in the position of genin. He was either blind or had a dark heart.

When he brought this report to the meeting, it immediately aroused applause. The staff officers and two assistants cheered, and victory was in sight.

When the Hokage dryly finished reading the second half of the report, the entire conference room was silent, and the smart people in the room had wandering eyes and dull expressions.

"Is the intelligence wrong? After all, we didn't even capture a ninja sword, so just relying on three corpses is still unreliable." Mito Kadoba rolled his eyes and came up with an idea, "Let's start with Announce the news that the ninja swordsmen have been killed to boost morale. As for who did it, wait until it is verified before announcing it!"

The method of delay is actually the first method that political figures think of when faced with a problem that is not difficult to solve, and it is often the supreme method they use with the highest priority. Delay it for now, until the timeliness of the news has passed, and then you can deal with it casually. Whether it is to let it go quietly, or to give Matt Dai a promotion and a salary increase in advance before announcing it, it will not damage the Hokage-sama's wisdom. The image of Shenwu.

The Hokage nodded in agreement and expressed great satisfaction. This was the idea that the Hokage's assistant should propose.

The Hokage finally proposed that Matt should go through the promotion process as soon as possible, and the procedures could be simplified.

Koharu, who is in charge of personnel affairs, said: There is no problem, but it is too exaggerated to be directly promoted to jounin, especially jounin. It is also too much. Let's promote to chunin first.

"We can add another Chuunin exam, and then we can be a little more accommodating and let Matt Dai pass it first, and no one will say anything."

"Ahem, change your bed to a jounin. This can't be done like this."


"That Matt Dai is very famous among genin. He has a nickname called 'Ten Thousand Years Genin'. As far as I know, he has taken eleven chunin exams, but failed to pass the first level in all of them."

"..., is it so exaggerated?" Xiaochun was speechless after going to bed.

She didn't notice that her few words revealed a lot of information, and other people in the conference room began to glance at her from the corner of their eyes. She didn't even know the most famous ninja in the job she was responsible for, and she had to be informed by other ninjas that there really was one. Responsible for work?

"In short, his partiality to subject matters is absolutely insane. He will definitely fail the paper-based exams, and he has no record of victory in practical exams."

This is embarrassing, because he often dresses up in strange clothes and does all kinds of weird exercises in the village. Matt Dai is a very famous useless ninja and a joke among the villagers and ninjas. His sudden promotion will be very irritating, and the Hokage will definitely be scolded.

But if he doesn't promote him, if his achievements spread, the Hokage will definitely still be scolded, and these villagers will not reflect on their previous ridicule.

But this guy can't pass the exam at all, so you can't help him cheat.

A group of ninjas in charge of administrative matters were arguing endlessly, saying that they couldn't do this and that, which made the veins on the Hokage's head pop one by one.

Finally Nara Shikaku said quietly: "Why not?"


"Why can't you help Matt Day cheat?"

The Hokage stood up and said: "Then so be it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Oh, I miss you every time at times like this. Why did you leave me, Danzo?

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