Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 191 The most dangerous moment in this life

Before Aburame Tetsumaru could answer, a sudden flow of information poured into his mind. It turned out that a shadow clone of himself left in the outside world had released himself and brought back the information he heard and saw.

So Aburame Tetsumaru knew that his clone already knew that he was missing and had found the desert island where he last stayed. At this time, they had begun to launch satellite insects to search.

However, regardless of whether the Marsh Bone Forest is in the Ninja World or not, it must be below the sea surface. With the remote sensing penetration power of current satellites, it is almost impossible to find it.

"Damn it, how am I supposed to contact the ninja world now?" Tetsumaru Aburame scratched his head, "The Flying Thunder God Technique is not easy to use, nor is the Psychic Technique."

"There is no way. I have lived in Shigu Forest for a long time. My aura is everywhere here. The channeling technique can only be used normally with my contracted channeling."

That is to say, the breath of slugs blocks people's perception of spatial coordinates, making the Flying Thunder God technique developed based on necromancy and reverse necromancy unusable. Want to send here

"Then I have to go back as soon as possible, otherwise I might cause a big incident outside."

"Eh~~~~!! Are you out there?" The 100-meter-long live slug became excited and tremblingly approached Aburame Tetsuwan. At that moment, he didn't know how many tiny slugs were shaken off, "Do you have a lot of them? What's the situation, how come there are so many of you?"

Aburame Tetsumaru watched as the beady eyes on the slug's pole swung and swung, almost glowing, and he immediately knew that if he didn't explain clearly, this living slug with explosive curiosity would not let him go.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements as soon as possible after I get back, and then I'll come back and talk to you in detail. I'm really anxious."

"Oh, okay, where do you want to go?" The living creature lowered its eyes and asked listlessly, "But Tiewan you were intercepted by me, and the return coordinates were not recorded, so I can only send you there. Where are my other contractors, or the location of the contract scroll."

"Besides me, Tsunade should be the only other contractor." Tiewan hesitated a little, "She is a woman, would it be inconvenient to send me there?"

"Yes, apart from you, I only have one contractor, Tsunade-sama, but it doesn't matter. I can send you near Tsunade, for example, at a distance of my body length."

Phew, Aburame Tetsumaru breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's good. Send me as far away as possible and don't have any contact with Tsunade-sama. If I see an embarrassing scene, I will get beaten."

Tsunade is a great beauty, and she is also a being who has the world in mind. It is definitely tempting to have something embarrassing happen with her.

But when he thought of the huge force that casually knocked down the house, and the dignified Jiraiya's death, Aburame Tetsumaru became scared. He was not her classmate, nor was he a weirdo with a pretty and pleasant appearance. He would definitely Beaten to death.

A few minutes later, the live dragon successfully sent Aburame Tetsumaru to the ninja world. When he appeared in mid-air outside a prosperous town, all the incarnations felt that the real body was back.

The sense of security that I felt at that moment was indescribable. It was the sense of luck that came from being freed from the threat of death, and at the same time, everyone knew that the spiritual sea was back.

Because the height of the appearance was only about twenty meters, Aburame Tiewan couldn't react at all and was thrown to pieces. However, Tiewan lying among the dead branches and leaves didn't care about the pain at all, and instead took a long pine tree first. Take a breath.

The six hours he had just spent in Shigu Forest were the most dangerous moments in Aburame Tetsumaru's life, bar none.

No matter how friendly the living beetle appeared and actually was, it could not change the fact that Tiewan's life was in someone else's hands just now.

Around the deserted island where the slug turned him away, there were about 70,000 insects of various types under Aburame Tetsumaru's control. This was a force that could overwhelm Kirigakure Village head-on, but he was so easily defeated. The slug is gone.

This feeling of not being able to control one's life or death was too bad, and the urgency to improve strength surged into Aburame Tetsumaru's heart like never before: Senjutsu must be mastered as soon as possible.

The transformation technique was just an illusion and could not make any actual changes. The big guy who was over three meters tall and 130 kilograms in colonial clothes made a bit of noise when he fell. Aburame Tetsumaru knocked down a big tree, sending smoke and dust everywhere. Soon someone from the town came out to check the situation. I don't know if there was any big shot here. There were actually several ninjas who came out to check the situation. Aburame Tetsumaru quickly ran away.

Just out of people's sight, Aburame Tetsumaru was still thinking about where to go when his phone snail began to jump crazily. There were too many calls being received. Aburame Tetsumaru simply set up a conference to call everyone. The incarnation conveyed the message of waiting a moment and sent a message: Everyone go to the sea of ​​​​spirits and wait a moment. I will find a suitable location and enter immediately.

"What? The Sea of ​​Spirits couldn't contact me when I disappeared? Try again now."

The good news is that the sea of ​​​​spirits has returned to normal, everyone has successfully logged in, and Aburame Tetsumaru's mental network has not been lost, which is a pity.

The bad news is that this situation shows that the spiritual sea is in Aburame Tetsumaru's body or is anchored by himself. There are too many resources concentrated on the body, and the risks are too concentrated.

In the end, Aburame Tetsumaru chose Konoha Village as his destination. He used the Flying Thunder God Technique to directly arrive at his own exclusive laboratory. There is the most complete sealing technique barrier here. Once it is opened, the psychic technique cannot be used. place.

In the Leaf Village, the politicians and the other two avatars were already waiting in the laboratory. When Aburame Tetsumaru arrived, they would conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure that there were no strange traces left on him.

Then the politician and Aburame Tetsumaru entered the sea of ​​​​spirits. The two avatars opened all the barriers and defense facilities in the laboratory, and then followed them into the sea of ​​​​spirits.

This is a gathering of all Aburame Tetsumaru, with a total of 446 incarnations, including three explorers. They are the most seriously injured group in the disappearance of the original body, because the three people went to the final destination respectively. The first planet close to the sun, the fifth planet farthest known from the sun, and heading towards the nearest star system.

The first planet explorer is already in place, but they can only hide on the back of the planet to avoid the solar wind. The electromagnetic signal is intermittent. The fifth planet explorer and the star explorer are flying too far apart, so they can only forward emails and cannot talk to each other. The instant communication in the Sea of ​​Spirits is a lifeline to the three explorers, so this time the disconnection almost scared the three of them crazy. Especially the star explorers even sent a farewell letter four hours later, saying that it was to avoid being Loneliness drives him crazy, and he is ready to start hibernation.

Being able to return to the sea of ​​​​spirits this time, Aburame Tetsumaru and the others completely realized the importance of this place. They argued noisily. Everyone wanted to find a way to avoid the accident from happening again. Their imaginations were flying all over the place for a while. .

Some incarnations suggest upgrading the phone bug system. The speed of electromagnetic waves is very fast. The current delay is mainly due to the time consumed by the noise reduction and amplification process after relay reception. If the infrastructure is upgraded to a sufficiently powerful power, the relay transfer rate will be reduced. With the number of connections, the delay in the entire solar system will not exceed one hour.

"We must do something, but our ability is too low now, and even with this, the delay will be huge."

An incarnation suggested starting quantum communication research. Quantum entanglement is theoretically time-consuming.

Then other incarnations refuted. This thing is still early. Our technology is still far behind quantum encryption. As for the infinite communication of quantum entanglement, we still don’t know how to start.

"I think we should lock down the main body, oh no, protect him. We must not let him be in danger again."

This proposal suddenly caused a silence in the sea of ​​​​spirits. This is not an open mind, it is an open mind. A mere incarnation cannot restrict the freedom of the original body, unless he is willing to listen.

Everyone looked at the proposed incarnation with horror, and quickly raised their hands: "Okay, just pretend I didn't say it."

"I heard."

It was Aburame Tetsumaru who entered the spiritual sea. Who knew that he would hear such outrageous suggestions as soon as he entered. Alas, I can’t be angry yet. These are some aspects of myself, or the amplified products of certain thoughts.

"First, I will never accept being imprisoned. We must be cowardly in the face of irresistible violence, but when faced with difficulties, we can only solve them bravely. Escape is never the solution to the problem."

"Second, we must find a way to establish a backup communication system, and find a way to solve the dilemma that the spiritual sea can only rely on me."

"Third, we need to improve our strength as soon as possible, the strength of individuals, instead of blindly increasing the combat power of the legion like now. This is an extraordinary world after all, and high-end individuals are too powerful, far beyond exceeded our previous expectations.”

"From this direct contact with the living dragon, I found that her strength far exceeded the upper limit of our previous assessment of the three holy places. This proves that there is a discrepancy in our previous assessment."

Even if the living dragon is the strongest among the three immortals, the strength of the other two immortals needs to be re-evaluated. After all, they are both the same.

The webmaster suggested: "We need to find ways to contact Mount Miaomu and Ryūchi Cave. Only actual contact can obtain the most direct information. The current assessment basically relies on the plot in memory, and there are too many errors."

"That's right, comics are unreliable. Except for battles that directly determine life and death, ordinary competitions cannot be used as a basis for evaluation."

Kishimoto is just a manga artist, he doesn't understand the strength and weakness of ninjas.

Even Madara Uchiha, who he had indirectly fought against, had to be repositioned. This guy could perform meteorite bombing after removing the tube. It is conceivable that when he is in good health, he will definitely be desperate.

"No, he just makes us feel desperate now. When he is resurrected in the future, we will not be what we are now." Aburame Tetsumaru smiled conspiratorially, showing a pair of big white teeth, "If he really If he can be resurrected."

"Fortunately, we have a good relationship with Ryuchidong. We have some friendship with Orochimaru. There is always a way to get the opportunity to contact Ryuchidong from him."

"What should we do about Mount Myoki? Should we start through Minato?"

The incarnations of the satellite team stood up and said: "Perhaps there is no need to go through the water gate. Our satellite has found traces of Miaomu Mountain, but it cannot be finalized yet."

Everyone was surprised to find it?

It turns out that when satellites were used on a large scale to map the terrain and try to find the three holy places, the satellite team had already discovered hundreds of suspicious places. After that, they compared the results of high-definition visible light photography, infrared photography, microwave remote sensing imaging, and laser ranging imaging to eliminate most of the locations and finally locked in two suspicious places.

Both places are large areas of mountainous terrain, but they appear completely inconsistent in the four different imaging methods. One is in the mountains, and the remote sensing images contain large areas of flat terrain, but the visible images are all mountain tops; the other is in a mountainous area by the sea, always shrouded in thick fog. Not to mention high-definition photos, even microwaves and lasers It is impenetrable and shows unusually high temperatures in infrared imaging.

In addition, Turtle Island was also captured, an island whose coordinates are always changing, but it is not yet confirmed that it is a giant turtle.

Out of sensitivity to intelligence, the webmaster proposed: "I think that although we have not found the target we are looking for, the low-altitude satellite detection effect is quite good. It is better to do a thorough terrain survey of the entire ninja world and collect complete terrain data. "

"After doing it once, we will have basic terrain information. If there is an emergency or something in the future, we can use it for comparison. The difficulty of intelligence analysis will be greatly reduced."

"Absolutely, we have enough satellite bugs to meet the consumption of the collection work."

As for the further investigation of the two suspicious locations, the same webmaster is responsible. He plans to release a large number of bugs and gradually penetrate them through the invasion of alien species. He even put forward requirements for the variety of bugs, which should be fat enough and delicious enough to attract frogs and, oh, toads. It would be best if they had no taste and could start breeding on their own.

Toadmaru, the giant toad sage, no matter how much time he sleeps, or whether he can really predict the future, he still seems to eat.

The imaginative investigation method actually sounded very reasonable, and the Aburame Tetsumaru team couldn't help but applaud the webmaster.

Then it was decided to start construction of an artificial star ring. A super ring with a diameter larger than that of the planet is enough to emit super-power electromagnetic signals, and it can also receive weak enough signals. At least the communication transmitted from the Purple Thunder Star does not need to be relayed. , the delivery time was shortened to four minutes.

However, when discussing the issue of the sea of ​​spirit, everyone became paralyzed. Although it has been determined that this thing is in the main body, or is anchored in the main body, this is the main body and cannot be cut away with a knife. , everyone doesn’t want to die yet.

How to do this?

In the end, it was Aburame Tetsumaru who came up with an idea: "I have decided to practice the magic of Shigu Forest. When the time comes, I will find excuses to go in and out of Shigu Forest frequently, so that the sea of ​​spirit will be intermittent. Everyone can try to use this method." A change of cutting and connecting, exploring the secrets of the spiritual sea."

“That’s all we can do for the time being.”

"I hope we can find something. We don't want to find nothing in the end and force us to cut the body. It's scary."

Aburame Tetsumaru:......

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