Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 196 You can also distinguish between classes by yourself

After Slug released his channeling and returned to the Shiggy Forest from space, he was eager to merge with his biggest self and merge his memories together.

It's too shocking, it's really shocking. Just like what Tetsumaru-sama said, the world view has been shattered, and it's impossible for values ​​​​to remain unaffected.

The slug ran in a hurry, but bumped into the sneaky figures of two dogs.

"Tsunade-sama, let's go quickly. I don't want to eat any more leaves."

"Don't worry, Shizune. I will definitely be able to get along and get out of here. You have to trust your Tsunade-sama."

"Aww, come on, Tsunade-sama!"

Tsunade wants to run away, it's okay, other slugs will take care of her, I'd better hurry up and merge with the biggest me.

The fusion process went smoothly. The slug, as big as a mountain, moved. She raised her head with difficulty and looked at the dome of the wet bone forest.

"It turns out that hope lies outside the ninja world. Haha, I took the first step this time. I was really lucky to meet Lord Tetsumaru. Not only did it point out the way forward for senjutsu, but I also found the guidance of destiny, and Compared to Lord Tetsumaru who dreams of stepping into the sea of ​​stars, the Sage of Six Paths seems petty."

"Let Gamamaru and Snake Sento fight for the son of destiny. I have found my destiny guide, and I won't play with them in this small ninja world."

"This is definitely an opportunity that has not been seen in three thousand years. It cannot be missed. I, the living beast, will risk my life on this one."

Two months later, the clone of Aburame Tetsumaru, which was mixed with the active gene of the live dragon, matured. It had already gone through two rounds of shadow clone experiments before, and it could be said that it was surprisingly close to success.

All the shadow clones successfully descended into the clones and obtained a brief fusion of spirit and body, but what followed was a strange disintegration of the mind.

When the shadow clone arrives on the clone, it will inevitably decline. From the memories and perceptions returned after death, Aburame Tetsumaru experiences an unprecedented decadence and a terrifyingly strong urge to self-destruct.

Fortunately, these negative emotions and impulses were quickly eliminated and had no lasting impact on the Aburame Iron Pill.

But this happened to every subsequent shadow clone without exception. This problem was serious, and because it was an inevitable problem, Aburame Tetsumaru finally found the source of the problem after repeated testing.

In a word: The shadow clone's sense of self-existence is too weak. The shadow clone is just a reflection of the original body. The shadow created through chakra can operate normally and effectively in air-to-air situations. But after the shadow clone descends on the clone, it becomes a phantom driving reality, which is more than a small horse pulling a cart.

After the clone's physiological mechanism starts to operate, the various physiological information fed back are too strong for the shadow clone, and the fit between the rapidly developed clone and the shadow clone is not perfect, so the body's natural reaction, especially It was the thought reaction that obliterated the shadow clone's sense of existence, leading to its death.

But the incarnation is different. The shadow clone is attached to the colonial suit. It is just a piece of biological equipment without any abilities and does not put any pressure on the shadow clone.

After a long period of independent existence, and relying on the incarnation of the chakra provided by the breeding costume, the incarnation of the self will have a huge change. They still recognize themselves as Aburame Tetsumaru, but at the same time they also have the concept of "I am me".

Incarnations with a strong sense of self may even name themselves. The avatar with a name will have a strong sense of independence and can show an acting style that is different from the original body and completely different from other avatars.

"At this point, it's time for us to be the vanguard." Dice made the suggestion very freely, requesting that the next step of the experiment should be carried out directly, and that repeated experiments should not be repeated endlessly.

Dice continued to propose: "As the luckiest of all famous people, the first experimenter should be me, and then others."

His suggestion was accepted.

Today a new clone was taken out of the brewing tank. It was customized according to the requirements of the dice. He was 1.82 meters tall and weighed 85 kilograms. He was strong and powerful, and looked like a very ordinary man.

Apart from the dice, only the webmaster proposed to customize a most ordinary clone, as ordinary as it could be as unnoticeable as possible.

The politician made the most exorbitant request. He actually asked to recreate the image of one of the four most beautiful men in the Blue Star Underworld, with an epic affinity.

The requirement for Shengyang Fish and Dragon Heart is to be strong enough to avoid accidents while staying up late. Cao Thief also chose to be strong enough in the end.

"I can't choose Teacher Bao. That's too exaggerated and something will happen."

"let's start."

Dice gave the command to start the experiment, and then he lifted the transformation spell to show his reproductive attire, and then began to break away from the garb.

Dice tried to express his feelings.

"It hurts, it hurts so much. I didn't expect that after being attached to the colonial suit for several years, I could actually feel the pain from the process of breaking away. Brothers, there must be a more mysterious connection between the spirit and the body. Let's work hard. "

"Okay, I have broken away from the colonial costume. Good guy, it turns out that my shadow clone is no longer what it was originally."

"Now try to enter the clone body, oh ho, it went surprisingly well."

"Uh, no, I can't fix it. I can't fix it to the clone. It's over. What should I do?"

Aburame Tetsumaru and a group of incarnations rushed forward and started to help, and finally used a lot of overlapping sealing techniques to fix the dice in the clone body as much as possible.

"Others, don't try it for now. I feel a little bad now. The level of integration between me and this clone is too low."

"This must be an incompatibility between spirit and body. It's strange. Both of them belong to our Aburame Tetsumaru."

"Is it possible that the genes of the living larvae were mixed in?"

"Don't be kidding me. The shadow clone experiment would be completely destroyed if it wasn't mixed in. After mixing it in, it would be successful at least."

"Perhaps the genes of the living snake helped us complete the first step of arrival, but it is also the same factors that affect the coincidence."

"My suggestion is to find a way to solve the problem of the integration of soul and body through ninjutsu."

But the first thing to solve is the existence of Dice. The detachment of Dice destroyed the colonial suit he was originally inhabited by, and the changes brought about by the advent made it impossible for him to possess the colonial suit again, and he became a ghost-like shadow. Doppelgänger.

Without the source of chakra to supplement, the existence of the dice cannot be maintained continuously.

Under the auspices of the webmaster, Aburame Tetsumaru hurriedly optimized the sealing technique, and finally completely fixed the dice into the sixth clone. As for the fate of the previous five clones, there is no need to talk about it.

The dice fixed into the clone body is like a patient with high paraplegia. There is no problem in survival for the time being, but the whole body cannot move. It can only be hung on a shelf and continue to participate in research work as an important research object.

In fact, the ninja world has the technology to change bodies and then occupy another body to continue living. This is Orochimaru's corpse reincarnation technique, but it is a pity that this technique has not been born yet.

The Aburame Tetsumaru who pay great attention to Orochimaru know that Orochimaru has not yet developed this longevity ninjutsu, and the output of this guy's scientific research has become low recently. Since the war in Kirigakure Village was completed, and there was no interference from Danzo, Orochimaru was given the important task of being responsible for the war with the Land of Thunder by the Hokage. He was happily playing hide and seek with the Third Raikage.

I couldn't wait any longer to reincarnate myself, and I had no idea about researching it myself, so I had to think of another way.

Aburame Tetsumaru and the others quickly thought of the spiritual transformation technique practiced by Tsunade's ex-boyfriend, Kato Dan. This guy can directly break into other people's bodies, suppress other people's souls, and then forcibly control other people's bodies.

True·I·Currently guilty

It's a pity that this amazing ninjutsu could not be exchanged in the early years. Now Orochimaru no longer plays with Aburame Tetsumaru. Of course, he can exchange it, but he will not give it the forbidden technique.

Fortunately, if the requirements are lowered, there are alternative ninjutsu that can be used. The effect of the webmaster's best heart-turning jutsu can also control other people's bodies, but it is not long-lasting enough.

However, the clone does not have a rebellious soul, so the long-term problem must not be that serious.

The webmaster used the secret technique of the mountains to conduct experiments on clone control. Everything was controlled smoothly and smoothly, and it indeed lasted for a long time. There was no feeling of rejection after twenty-four hours, so there seemed to be no problem.

The webmaster modified the secret technique of advent based on the secret technique in the mountains. After making all preparations, he conducted the second advent experiment. But after he completed the descent with confidence, the second unlucky guy who was hung on the laboratory shelf was born.

No one expected that when the entire webmaster descended on the clone, his chakra properties underwent subtle but fatal changes, and he instantly lost control of his chakra, and also lost control of his body.

The good news is that the new Advent Secret Technique is very sticky, and the webmaster does not need sealing techniques to reinforce it. The bad news is that he is completely trapped in the clone's body and cannot get out, and he cannot even replace the clone.

Without the slightest hesitation, Thief Cao stood up and said, "Sheng Yangyu and the politicians are responsible for more important work than me, so it's my turn next."

A month later, Thief Cao was also hung up in the laboratory. Shengyangyu stood up with a smile, while the politician began to look for assistants to take over the education of the two Uchiha boys behind him.

There were many incarnations who signed up, but they were quickly defeated one by one, because Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui are both geniuses, but they are geniuses in ninjutsu and taijutsu, and mathematics is another matter. The Aburame Tetsumaru people finally experienced the pain of those parents who taught their children math until their souls exploded, because they themselves also exploded one after another.

If it weren't for the strict prohibition on swearing and hitting, the grass on the graves of the two Uchiha boys would have grown taller by now.

But mathematics must be taught. Without mathematics as a foundation, it is impossible to learn knowledge about natural subjects, or even knowledge about humanities. The results calculated through mathematical calculations when understanding society are the most indisputable evidence and the only way to exclude the influence of individual cases.

Generally speaking, children with poor math talent will be screened out. Just like in schools in the Kingdom of Tea, children with poor math skills will be shunted. They will have no chance to participate in industry and the work of the Brood in the future, let alone get to know the Aburame. The iron pill system involves the secrets of space.

These children will be trapped in the ninja world and will never have the opportunity to escape from the surface and enter space. Unless this child can show extremely high talents in training and master super combat abilities in the future, there will never be a chance to integrate into Aburame Tetsumaru. space system.

The super fighting ability mentioned here is not the level of Jonin, but refers to the standard of Kage level. Aburame Tetsumaru and the others are very confident that when these children grow up, they will inevitably popularize the breeding costumes, and the breeding costumes can also be perfected enough. Crush the Jonin.

So the cruel fact is that those whose combat effectiveness reaches the level of Jonin will be eliminated.

But these two Uchiha boys are different. They are sure to be able to master extremely strong fighting power, so no matter how difficult it is, they have to treat it as their own children and continue to teach them.

Under the auspices of politicians, a total of forty-seven incarnations who felt that they were very patient participated in the teaching work. The result was that they deeply realized that they had overestimated themselves and admired the politicians.

In the end, the politician chose an avatar himself. As a result, this avatar who felt that he was impatient actually passed the test and temporarily took over the education of the two Uchihas.

The whole group was shocked. Even if everyone is Aburame Tetsumaru, there are also ignored individuals unknowingly. It turns out that class divisions will also appear among ourselves! !

This super patient incarnation is responsible for the maintenance of the Mother Nest of the Kingdom of Tea. Because he is only responsible for pest control work, he has not made any outstanding contributions and is not dangerous. Therefore, he has gradually been ignored by everyone, and even he himself does not feel that he is amazing.

But most Aburame Tetsuwan didn't realize how the pests that could survive in the brood system and the country of tea covered by the carpet and grow strong enough to cause harm could be ordinary pests.

Each of the pests active in the land of tea has its own unique skills. Some have stolen the genes of the insect swarm, some have the ultimate mimetic carpet, some have completely parasitized the shell of the mother nest building, and some can switch between plants and animals. of.

The most troublesome thing is that they are constantly mutating, constantly exchanging genes with the insect swarm, and facing completely different pests almost every ten days.

Therefore, the patience required to maintain the more than sixty mother nests in the Kingdom of Tea without such troublesome pests affecting production is indeed beyond imagination.

This incident shocked Aburame Tetsumaru so much that all Aburame Tetsumaru even held several plenary meetings to discuss how to solve this problem. They are essentially one person, and they still communicate with the spiritual sea. As a result, there are now neglected individuals in the population of less than 500 people.

This is ridiculous.

But this is also a real problem that has already shown signs. This problem cannot be solved systematically. As the number of split individuals continues to increase, Aburame Tetsumaru will definitely reach the point of fighting a civil war with himself in the future.

The Aburame Tetsumaru finally decided to add new functions to the spiritual sea and create a superego consciousness that brings together all cognition and will.

Every Aburame Tetsumaru who enters the sea of ​​spirit must share his insights and insights with the superego, and then obtain the consensus of the whole from the superego to coordinate his own thoughts and three views.

Now Aburame Tetsumaru and others have realized that class differentiation is definitely unstoppable, but as long as everyone maintains the same three views, they may be able to prevent their own class differentiation from deteriorating endlessly.

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