Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 319 Goodbye, future time and space

For Zhulong, a very lucky thing happened.

The power of time of the dragon vein dragged Zhulong very slowly. At this time, he was protected by the power of time, and his connection with this time and space was no longer connected.

When Kai's God-Slaying kick kicked Rokudo Madara in the ribs, and the bones of both sides shattered at the same time, and the storm of impact blew everyone away, Candle Dragon did not feel the slightest impact.

"I'm actually in a perfect observer state. This state is similar to Obito's virtualization, but more powerful." Zhulong's heart was moved. He wanted to get this ability. Once he got it, he could bully him. Obito wanted to cry but had no tears.

There is a way to break Uchiha Obito's Kamui virtualization. When he is virtualized, Obito's body is in the Kamui space. As long as he can find and enter the Kamui space, he can be beaten hard.

It is impossible to travel through space without paying a price. When entering and exiting the Kamui space, Obito's defense is at its weakest, and it is also a time when there is absolutely no way to dodge.

The Hollow is when Obito is at his strongest, but from another perspective, it is when he is at his weakest. At this time, attacking him simultaneously inside and outside the Kamui space can bully Obito like a rat in the bellows, and beat him without any temper.

While Zhulong was fully observing his condition, Liudaoban lost his patience. He stopped entangled with the two children and opened the blood-red Eyes of the Nine Magatama Moon between his eyebrows.

A horrifying pressure instantly shocked everyone. Madara mapped his pupil power onto the surface of the moon, and the entire moon turned into a huge red eye.

Bright red! Poignant! The Eyes of the Nine Magatama Moon, which are exactly the same as those on Madara's forehead, stare coldly at the entire ninja world.

"Look...what is that?"

"No way, the moon has turned into... a strange reincarnation eye!?"

At this time, a change occurred in the entire ninja world. No matter where people were, the sky they saw was a dark night with the Eye of the Moon in the sky, even if it was the sun at eight or nine o'clock just a second ago.

This is the genjutsu ability of Infinite Tsukuyomi that has unfolded, affecting everyone in the ninja world. All intelligent creatures in the ninja world have been drawn into the genjutsu at this time.

Feeling that the power of the final genjutsu had fully penetrated into every corner of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara smiled with satisfaction.

"Haha, the time has come. Let all things merge into one!!!" Madara was suspended on the top of the high sky, forming a seal with his hands. His long-cherished wish was about to come true, and his excited facial features showed a slightly ferocious look.

Infinite monthly reading, activate.

The surface of the moon projects endless white light, which illuminates the dark sky into daylight.

The intense light covers the entire ninja world, penetrating buildings, ninjutsu, and darkness. Nothing can stop it. It shines on everyone fairly and accurately, and all life is enveloped in white light.

At this time, everyone in the ninja world stayed in place, they were like sculptures. Still motionless, his widened eyes gradually showed the appearance of Samsara Eyes.

"There will be no war, hunger, disease, death..., sorrow and pain will no longer exist, and a perfect world that realizes everyone's dreams will appear!"

Six Paths Madara quickly formed seals with his hands and performed the final technique of the Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan.

God·Tree Realm Arrives

Deafening roars came from under the earth, and the earth began to shake violently, as if the ground all over the world had turned into the sea. As the earth surged like waves, huge sacred trees rose from the ground.

The sacred tree not only has luxuriant branches and leaves, but its root system is even more developed. The roots exposed on the ground are crisscrossed and spread infinitely, quickly occupying every inch of land in the shinobi world.

As long as there is life, whether it is humans or cats and dogs, extremely thick tree roots will sprout from their side. Countless branches will grow from the tree roots, and the living creatures will be rolled up and wrapped into mummies, and then hung into the air. .

Uchiha Madara finally succeeded. He realized the unlimited moon reading plan that spanned more than forty years, hanging everyone on the branches of the sacred tree, allowing people to live their dream lives in their dreams and realize their wishes.

Madara looked at the countless mummies with satisfaction, swaying like wind chimes with the wind. He did not realize that the sacred tree was quietly absorbing the chakra from the living body.

When Madara got what he wanted, he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness and loneliness. He was at a loss. He was the only one left in the world. What should he do next?

Ban looked at the countless mummies again. It seemed that there was nothing left to do in this world.

However, Madara has absolutely no regrets at all. Even though the beautiful world in the dream is a false world of illusion, from Madara's point of view, the false beauty is better than the cruel reality. The world in the dream can make people cruel. Feeling happy.

"It's over, everything ends because of me, but what about myself?" Madara looked at the lonely world, his eyes were empty, and he murmured to himself.

Samsara's eyes scanned the deserted world, and suddenly Madara saw a translucent human figure glowing with white light.

There was actually someone who was able to escape from the Infinite Tsukuyomi and was not captured by the sacred tree. A trace of horror flashed in Madara's eyes.

But just when Madara was in shock, a black mass of Hei Zetsu emerged from his sleeves, and he let out an extremely ugly laugh: "Jie Jie Jie Jie, Madara-sama, why do I feel that you don't have the joy of victory?" .”

Black Zetsu stood next to Liudao Madara. He looked down at the world coming from the tree world unscrupulously. His weird smile and creepy laughter made Madara feel very uncomfortable.

Liu Dao Madara ignored Hei Jue, his eyes were fixed on the transparent figure, and he just replied habitually: "It's nothing, I'm not used to the feeling of becoming a god, I need time to adapt to this new identity, and the endless Time and solitude.”

Madara frowned, and the transparent man flew towards him, like a ghost, passing straight through the branches and roots of the sacred tree, as well as the hanging mummies.

Uchiha Madara frowned and asked, "Is it the Hollow of Uchiha Obito?"

"It's not a blur." The increasingly transparent Zhulong approached. He had a better understanding of time, and finally had the time to ask Madara a few questions before leaving.

"Uchiha Madara, I want to ask you a question: Hanging everyone up and leaving you alone to pretend to be a god, is it really your idea?"

Uchiha Madara smiled arrogantly, raised his head and squinted at Candle Dragon: "Who in this world except Hashirama can change my mind? And now, I have become a god, and Hashirama has fallen in death."

"A mere ant thinks that he has some strange special power and can question a great god?"

During the time when Uchiha Madara said his last words, hundreds of chakra ninjutsu, senjutsu, heretic magic, six-path magic, and hundreds of powers swept through the increasingly illusory candle dragon, but none of them worked.

Zhulong ignored Madara's attack. Most of his mass has now left this timeline, and the only information he can receive is photons.

When he heard Madara's words, he actually saw the fluctuations in the air and analyzed them backwards. His speech was also created by using light to oscillate the air.

Even if it is photons, the proportion he can receive is constantly decreasing. Under such circumstances, Liu Daoban's desire to hit the candle dragon is purely delusional. Even if he uses the wheel tomb, which is also an illusion of space, he still cannot touch the candle dragon. dragon.

"I understand, this placeless pride and self-importance, to deceive you, you have to start from outside the scope of your cognition, follow your temper to promote your self-righteousness, and then there is no need to do anything." Long sneered, "You will fool yourself until you die."

Hearing Zhulong's words, Liu Daoban was furious, his long snow-white hair reaching the sky. He furiously activated all his abilities, and finally even used the most powerful sealing technique.

Heretic·Earth Explosion Star

Different from Nagato's method, a black ball containing terrifying power suddenly appeared in the sky. The moment the black ball appeared, the terrifying suction force burst out without any gaps at all.


The masonry on the ground was broken into large pieces, and was attracted into the air, spinning towards the black ball flying in the air. As the suction force increases, the tough sacred tree slowly tears apart, and then the mummies hanging on the sacred tree are attracted to the sky. Like bees returning to their hives, they are densely packed into increasingly larger rock balls. middle.

This time, Zhulong was surprised to find that his body felt the force of being pulled. In an instant, he had a guess: "Which black ball on the Earthburst Star is a man-made simulated black hole! Gravity causes space curvature, and space curvature affects The movement of time!”

Zhulong was worried: "The focus of manipulating the power of time is not gravity. Don't do it. This is really not an easy path to achieve."

The gravity that can create a horizon is to directly play with black holes. The technical level of this thing is beyond Zhou Wenming's current understanding. Zhulong has no way to develop this technical route.

There was still no hope for Zhulong to seek to control the power of time. He sighed and began to seriously consider whether to choose another path.

Uchiha Madara tried all his methods, but failed to reach Candle Dragon. He lowered his high head and asked with a serious expression: "Who are you?"

Zhulong saw Black Zetsu slipping out of Madara's sleeves and unfolding into a complete form. He knew that his presence made this old man decide not to wait any longer and was about to take action.

Zhulong looked at Madara, who had no reaction to Black Zetsu's actions, and said with a little pity: "My name is Zhulong. My origin is more complicated, but it means nothing to you, because you are going to die. Come on, Uchiha Madara."

Liu Dao Madara was shocked, and instantly turned into wild laughter: "Hahahahaha, who is going to kill me? You? A weirdo like a ghost?"

Black Zetsu also laughed loudly at the same time: "Jie Jie Jie Jie, Madara-sama, this is really ridiculous!"

Black Jue's unpleasant laughter made Madara a little unhappy when he heard it, and he scolded angrily: "What's so funny..."


Madara's words stopped abruptly, and he lowered his head in disbelief, staring blankly at the dark hand penetrating from his heart.

Hei Jue said thoughtfully: "Actually, that strange guy is talking about me."

To make matters worse, Madara lost control of his body, and his self-healing ability, as a six-level powerhouse, was not activated.

What's going on, am I going to die again?

"Hei Ze, you, would actually back me up?" Blood overflowed from the corner of Madara's mouth, and the injury to his lungs made it extremely difficult for him to speak every word.

His own clone stabbed him, and it turned out to be a power he couldn't understand. How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

"Madara, you have never been a savior, and I am not your clone! You think you control everything, but just like Obito deceived Nagato and you controlled Obito, you are also being played by me. There are chess pieces between the palms of your hands."

Hei Jue was sure that he had dealt with Madara. His eyes looked at Zhulong, but his words were still addressed to Madara: "I originally wanted you to live a little longer, but this monster seems to know everything. The thousand-year plan is about to begin." If you succeed, I don’t dare to take risks, so I can only ask you to die early.”

The confusion and incomprehension in Madara's eyes dissipated. A great will in the dark gradually descended into Madara's body through the connection of endless chakra, and began to transform the body that had become Otsutsuki.

There was a strange movement in the sacred tree. Chakra drawn from all over the world gathered into a vast sea of ​​chakra, and the scale of the gathering was so huge that it far surpassed the Ten-Tails.

Chakra, which had gathered to a level unimaginable by mortals, was guided by Black Zetsu, and madness poured out from the trunk of the sacred tree, rushing like a tsunami into Madara's body, which had changed beyond recognition.

The concentration of chakra was so high that it was so dense that it began to glow, and the torrent of chakra was like a pillar of light.

When the chakra accumulated in Madara's body crossed a mysterious limit, his body completely disintegrated and expanded into a huge ball, turning into an existence similar to a chrysalis.

A new life was bred in it. She used Madara's body material and endless chakra as nutrition to grow and develop at an extremely fast rate.

"Mother, you are about to be resurrected..."

The viciousness in Hei Jue's eyes turned into deep admiration. Thousands of years of hard work finally came to fruition.

Zhulong watched this process without blinking his eyes. He felt satisfied, but even greater regrets followed.

"It would be great if we could get Kaguya Otsutsuki's flesh and blood. The process of evolving from the Six Paths to the complete Blood Succession Snare is definitely a miracle that only happens once in ten thousand years."

Hei Jue's eyes became frightened and uncertain. He stared at Zhulong: "You actually know mother..."

"Don't worry, I'm leaving soon. If it weren't for this special observer state, I wouldn't dare to face Madara Uchiha, let alone Kaguya Otsutsuki." Zhulong waved his hand to reassure Black Zetsu, "Concentrate Just do your thing and don't worry about me."

But would an old man like Hei Jue trust others? Especially a weirdo that Liu Dao Madara could not do anything about. He would not believe every word he said.

Hei Jue stared at Zhulong closely, noticing that his eyes were fixed on his pregnant mother. Hei Jue flew directly into the air, blocking Zhulong's sight.

"Humph!" Zhulong was not happy. I was looking forward to seeing a big beauty. Even though Kaguya is the one who can calm the world, it's a pity that she has extra eyes and a pair of small horns, but her face is still the same. Very capable.

As a result, Hei Jue came up to you with your ugly black face and insisted on looking at Zhulong. It was really annoying.

But Zhulong had nothing to do, because the degree of his separation was getting worse and worse, and he had to use all his strength to even make a sound through light escape.

"Hmph, stupid Black Zetsu, do you think you are the most secretive chess player?"

After leaving behind a sentence that made Hei Jue suspicious, Zhulong disappeared completely.

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