Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 321 Hashirama, Madara, you go to duel

Because of the memory transfer function of Xinghai Hall, Zhou Wenming's senior executives saved a lot of introduction time, and the big discussion ended quickly.

Aburame Tetsumaru took advantage of the situation and handed over the management of Loulan Dragon Vein Laboratory to Zhulong, but he refused.

Aburame Tetsumaru was very surprised and asked: "Candle Dragon, you want to come as soon as possible, don't you plan to wait for the research on the power of time?"

Zhulong nodded in agreement: "No wait, this time I really traveled through time and space. After experiencing it myself, I realized that I was too ambitious. The power of time is not so easy to master."

"If I had completed my arrival during this time travel, the rewards would have been greater. I understand that people still have to move forward step by step in a down-to-earth manner, and cannot always think of getting there in one step."

Zhulong, who had really figured it out, had a very open-minded smile and said: "If you think too much, you will lose more. If you want to get it right in one step, you will make slower progress."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded repeatedly, very satisfied with Zhulong's growth. He asked: "Have you thought about customizing the blood stain limit?"

Zhulong shook his head and said: "I have two ideas, but I can't make up my mind at the moment. I want to hear your suggestions."

"You tell me, I'm listening."

"My decision to come does not affect my pursuit of time. During this time travel, I personally experienced it and gained many perceptual gains related to time. The most important one is that gravity can affect time."

"Tetsuwan, you should know. I faced the Earth Blast Star directly and saw the black ball formed by the core technique of that technique. That thing can drag me who is already in the process of returning."

"In this regard, I guess that the black ball created by the core technique of the Earth Explosion Star is a simulated black hole. The black hole distorts space, and space affects time."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said: "It's a very convincing guess. After all, time and space are different expressions of the same concept."

"So you want to take the first step to master the limits of blood succession related to gravity, and then pursue the power of time through this path?"

Zhulong nodded in agreement: "That's true, and my second thought is the Sharingan Blood Succession Limit. After all, the kaleidoscope is true, and any kind of pupil technique can appear."

After listening to Zhulong's words, Aburame Tetsumaru's eyes were wrong. What should the two of them hesitate about? Isn't the result obvious?

"Zhulong, what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that after I really awaken the Kaleidoscope, the pupil technique I get will have nothing to do with time and space. I'm worried that I will be stuck in the process of awakening the Samsara Eye."

Aburame Tetsumaru understood that the problem lay in Zhulong's character. He looked forward and backward, striving for perfection. This was actually a flaw in his own character, but he was overcome by the beatings of society during his growth in life.

But the so-called overcoming is just hidden, not really gone.

Now this character has been amplified in Zhulong, forming a problem of difficulty in making choices. Fortunately, Zhulong is still very capable of executing after making a decision.

Aburame Tetsumaru said: "You may not have noticed some information. You can check it yourself later."

"Baye's experience in practicing the ultra-light heavy rock technique is very clearly recorded. There is a clear upper limit to the control of gravity by earth escape. The main development direction of this technique is to a larger range, and there is a corresponding change in the intensity of gravity. Strengthen, but the distance is so far that it can significantly distort space."

Zhulong breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "I know, earth escape does not meet my needs at all, so I can only gamble on the sharingan."

"At the end of the day, you still have to gamble."

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled and said: "Don't feel bad. When it comes to pursuing personal power, there are always times when you need to rely on luck. Fortunately, we still have a chance to come back."

Zhulong actually just complained, and soon he went to Xincha to find the doctor to prepare for the birth-related matters.

There is no technical problem for doctors to choose the blood inheritance limit of Sharingan. After all, more than one person, starting from politicians, has chosen this path.

But Zhulong's situation is a bit special, because he will be stationed in Loulan Laboratory for a long time. In the ninja world, the characteristics of the Sharingan are too eye-catching, so the issue of identity must be carefully resolved.

Uchiha tribesmen like politicians who don't even know their origins can only be the only exception. If another Uchiha who can't explain their origins appears, everyone will know that there is something wrong.

Therefore, the politician found Uchiha Itachi: "That's the thing. You have to help Candle Dragon arrange an identity, and it is an identity that can be documented within the Uchiha clan."

Itachi Uchiha, who awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan in public during the last round of the Chunin Examination, is now a natural high-ranking member of the family and is qualified to access basic information in the family that is not absolutely confidential.

Unlike the current senior leaders of the Uchiha family, the education he received since childhood was the education of elite rulers arranged by politicians. He is well aware of the importance of data and has memorized these data by heart.

Uchiha Itachi thought about it and soon came up with an idea: "This matter is not difficult. There are more than 8,600 members of the Uchiha clan. The management of the father and several elders is also very rough. They only pay attention to those close to them. A small group of families.”

"I just need to move my hands and feet on the roster to arrange several identities among the families whose parents and relatives are extinct. Since civilization has needs in this regard, I will prepare a few more by the way so that they can be arranged in the future."

The politician nodded with satisfaction and said: "Itachi's preparations are really good. Our companions usually use Uchiha's skin to move easily. At critical moments of need, our companions can also give you the most direct support."

"By the way, when do you plan to retire your father?"

Hearing this topic, Itachi smiled happily and said: "The situation in Konoha Village was different after the death of the third generation. The fourth Hokage did a good job in uniting the village. The environment of the Uchiha clan is very good now. Father There’s nothing wrong with being the patriarch of the family.”

"After all, I am too young. Taking the position rashly will cause unnecessary trouble. So, let my father work for a few more years."

Politicians are even more satisfied with Uchiha Itachi's decision. They move according to the situation and change with the times. Uchiha Itachi already has mature political thinking.

The Land of Fire in the past, by the Nanga River

"Senju Hashirama!"

"Uchiha Madara!"

Two teenagers, one with long hair tied in a headband, the other with spiked bangs covering his right eye, saw each other by the river, and suddenly there was no one else in their eyes.

Look at each other and call each other's name.

If this was a man and a woman, there would definitely be a happy ending. However, the current situation is even more valuable in the eyes of countless rotten girls. What a complementary couple this is.

Leaving behind the two crazy guys, under the auspices of Ya Ye, Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna began to exchange information before negotiations.

After several rounds of cordial greetings, Tobirama and Izuna exchanged their respective conditions with the most ferocious eyes and fiercest words, allowing the patriarchs of the two families to obtain basic information.

Then, the formal negotiations that made the two brothers anxious began, and the two patriarchs and the eighth master ended the negotiations with only a few words.

Senju Hashirama: "Madara, do you still remember our dreams when we were children?"

Uchiha Madara looked at Yaye, who was sitting in the middle of the side, separated from Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama, and said: "I have not forgotten that Hashirama, you talk about peace and reconciliation, but you do not hesitate to win over powerful strangers. When people come, they use force to overwhelm others.”

Master Ba raised his hand and clarified: "Don't make excuses for yourself. I'm the one who approached the Thousand Hands Clan, and I don't need to forcefully suppress them. Will your family bow their heads and accept the negotiations?"

Uchiha Madara was speechless. He did want to reconcile and create peace, but in his mind, the weak should bow their heads and accept his gifts, and beat them until they refused.

Uchiha Madara is not a fool. Faced with the current situation where the enemy is obviously strong and we are weak, he can only suppress his thoughts and sit down to talk.

Master Ba looked at the two Uchiha, both of whom were angry, knowing that they were unwilling to accept the fact that they were forced to sit down and negotiate on this matter.

Even though Uchiha Madara agreed with Senju Hashirama's thoughts, he was still obsessed with the idea that I should be the main one. He encountered a situation where he had to bow his head, which made Madara uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Even though Senju Hashirama kept giving in, Uchiha Madara refused to open his mouth to say anything in agreement, and Uchiha Izuna was also furious, looking like he was being humiliated.

Senju Tobirama was also very angry. Even though he had the overall advantage, he had given up so many interests. This group of Uchiha still didn't know what was good and wanted to become the leader after the alliance.

Seeing the two Uchiha's unwillingness to bow their heads and admit defeat, Tobirama remembered the information he had just learned about how the Mangekyō Sharingan was awakened.

Senju Tobirama became more and more convinced that these two brothers who killed their companions with their own hands were really scoundrels who made his hair stand on end. The Uchiha clan was really born with evil blood.

Ya Ye, who is familiar with the temperament of the Uchiha clan, knows that the key issue at this time is no longer any concession of interests, but simply that the proud Uchiha cannot save face.

The way to solve this seemingly unsolvable problem is very simple. Just complete the first step of the Uchiha dating process that was skipped due to his influence.

Ba Ye said jokingly to the Uchiha brothers: "I knew you would be dissatisfied, and even if you two brothers bow their heads, your tribe would also be dissatisfied."

"Well, let me make a suggestion! Let's gather everyone from the three families, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama. You two go to a duel. The winner of the duel becomes the host of the new alliance!"

Senju Tobirama had a look of disbelief on his face and jumped up to express his objection: "No! How can such a big thing be so trivial?"

Uchiha Izuna said with a vigilant look: "You..., what conspiracy are you planning?"

"What are you talking about, Izuna? We already have a comprehensive advantage. Even if we completely bulldoze Uchiha, it's just a matter of cost. There's no question of whether we can do it or not. There's no need for a conspiracy to eliminate you!"

"Tobirama, you are a sinister guy. You have lost any credibility at all. Every word that comes out of your mouth is untrustworthy!"



The quarrel between the two brothers did not affect the two young patriarchs at all. They lowered their heads and thought for a few seconds, then raised their heads and looked at each other seriously for a minute.

Senju Hashirama spoke first: "Madara, can you accept Yaye's suggestion?"

Uchiha Madara glanced at Yaye: "This guy actually came up with a good idea. Hashirama, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Hahaha." Hashirama knew that Madara had accepted it, and he said happily, "It would be great if the two clans could reconcile and no longer vendetta against each other, and the price paid was just me dying in battle."

"Hmph!" Uchiha Madara looked at Hashirama's hearty smile and was stunned for several seconds, then turned his head arrogantly and said, "I will let you see the strongest power of the Uchiha clan."

Senju Hashirama responded seriously: "I will also use the strongest power of the Senju clan to fight you seriously."

Master Ba applauded and said: "Then it's settled, let's find a suitable open space."

The negotiation ended at lightning speed. Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna were caught off guard and were dumbfounded. The two brothers just decided to use a duel to solve the problem. Can such an unreliable method work?

Faced with his brother's question, Uchiha Madara answered this way: "Izuna, after Senju and Zhou join forces, can we defeat them?"

Uchiha Izuna's mood instantly dropped. The situation was stronger than the others. There were more than 5,000 people blocking the door. This army was not something that the Uchiha clan, which only had more than 2,000 ninjas left, could defeat.

Moreover, intelligence showed that there were more than two thousand ninjas confronting the Snow Clan in Zhou Dynasty, and a thousand ninjas could be mobilized at any time.

The Senju Clan is also supported by its hardcore allies, the Uzumaki Clan, who can also assemble thousands of powerful ninjas.

Uchiha Madara shook his head and said: "If the war really breaks out, the Uchiha clan has no chance of winning, and may even be in danger of being exterminated."

"As the leader of the Uchiha clan, I must do my best to protect the clan. It is enough to be able to solve the problem with my own fighting."

"Even if I lose, it doesn't mean that the Uchiha clan has been defeated. We just form a new alliance with the two of them."

Uchiha Izuna looked at his brother in shock: "Brother, are you planning to defeat on purpose?"

What a huge sacrifice this was for the extremely proud Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara smiled, and he said proudly: "Don't worry, Izuna. Even if I, Uchiha Madara, give in, it depends on whether Senju Hashirama is qualified or not."

"If he's too weak, it's not my fault."

"Brother..." Uchiha Izuna's eyes were moist. It's not like their brothers and the Senju brothers have never fought before.

In so many battles, Madara and Hashirama have been tied, and their strength is almost the same. Therefore, in Uchiha Izuna's view, his brother is just being tough, and he is ready to fail on purpose.

The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were about to reconcile. This super shocking news spread quickly, causing the people of the Fire Country to fall off their feet.

Just like when Taka-chan and Rabbit suddenly established diplomatic relations, all the ninja clans who were caught off guard were dumbfounded when they heard this information.

Especially when the clan leaders heard that the Senju and Uchiha did not plan to fight, but would decide who would lead the new alliance in a personal duel, they felt that they were going crazy.

This news means that the alliance between the two strongest ninja clans has been determined, and only the new leader has not yet been determined. Coupled with the miraculous rise of Zhou, an unprecedentedly powerful alliance will emerge. .

This new alliance will own one-third of the land of the Fire Country, with a total of more than nine thousand ninjas, and no one in the Fire Country will be able to fight against it.

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