Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 327 This is a matter of priority that must not be reversed

Aburame Tetsumaru stared blankly at the anomaly in time and space that made his scalp numb. It once again erupted into strong fluctuations, and they were unprecedentedly powerful fluctuations.

For a moment, the timeline it was on was as eye-catching as glowing. The timeline was becoming active, with countless branches ready to move, and a huge and prosperous timeline was about to be born.

"Let me put it into perspective, Master Ba is truly worthy of being Master Ba. This is a truly big event."

But in the face of the changes in front of him, Aburame Tetsumaru had no way to interfere. He could only work hard and muttered by the way: "I hope it doesn't end up turning into a big drama of 'rescuing Yao Ye'."

Ba Ye's speech was as soft as ever and everyone could hear it clearly: "The first thing is, we have to decide what form the new alliance will take. This will determine all the subsequent issues."

Senju Hashirama said sternly: "I think what we want to build should be a ninja village, an unprecedentedly powerful ninja village, responsible for the unification and security of the Fire Country."

Uchiha Madara frowned after hearing this, but he didn't say anything because he didn't think of anything at all in his heart. What should I say?

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna looked at each other and said nothing.

Uchiha Izuna is more innocent than Madara. He is the kind of person who simply fights and kills. When it comes to political issues, Madara has some ideas but they are not systematic, while Izuna is blank.

Because Senju Tobirama was troubled by various daily affairs, he had not fully thought about this problem. Although he felt that Hashirama's ideas were imperfect, he could not come up with his own complete plan.

Moreover, Ninjali has a traditional organizational model that ninjas are very accustomed to. It sounds very familiar, and all three of them find it acceptable.

As for the others, although these jounin were sitting in the conference room, this time they only had the right to listen and not to speak, let alone vote with a show of hands.

If you want to truly implement any policy, you must not have too many people participating in the discussion, otherwise it will cause chaos. Master Ba will not make such a childish mistake.

Without Ba Ye, the way of ninjas will be determined, and Konoha Village will follow the traditional path. However, Ba Ye is already here, and he still has a say.

The largest and most violent branch on the timeline was split.

Yaye expressed his opinion firmly in a soft voice: "I object to Hashirama's proposal!"

"The ninjas can only accommodate a mere hundred or so ninjas and more than a thousand families. Now the total number of ninjas we have gathered is more than 16,000. Although some of them will retire later, the number of ninjas will definitely not be less than 10,000. , it’s not suitable for the organizational model in Ninja at all.”

Senju Hashirama asked in surprise: "Why is it not suitable? We ninjas have lived according to the ninja way for hundreds of years, accepting tasks and getting rewards. We are already used to it."

Master Ba shook his head and sighed. He looked at Hashirama and asked, "Hashirama, have you ever thought about the origin of the mission in this mode?"

"According to my statistical data, according to the ninja model, feeding a hundred ninjas requires 300 tasks per month, so 10,000 ninjas require 30,000 tasks."

"An ordinary village cannot produce one task every month. How many villages are needed to produce so many tasks? How many villages will be distributed over such a wide area."

"Hashirama, what can these ordinary villagers do to travel thousands of miles to the new ninjas and find us to issue tasks?"

"Believe me, those who can find us to issue tasks will only be villagers within a hundred miles. Those who can travel thousands of miles cannot be ordinary people."

When Master Ba said this, he was thinking about the bridge-building expert from the Country of Waves. There was something strange about this incident from beginning to end.

Needless to say, a B-level mission was concealed as a C-level mission, and then directly ran into two jounin-level traitorous ninjas. The release of the mission was full of strangeness.

How did an old man who was half-buried in the earth break through the blockade of Cardo and travel thousands of miles through the troubled Land of Fire, which was full of bandits, to find Konoha Village and issue a mission?

You must know that, except for this one, all the people who can come to Konoha Village to issue tasks are all the kings and dignitaries of other countries, or at least large-scale transnational caravans. They are either ninjas themselves, or they have hired ninjas to protect their frontline Come to Konoha Village.

Ba Ye did not stop there. He continued to ask: "It's only a hundred miles away, but there are 500 tasks every month. How can more than 10,000 ninjas distribute such tasks and live?"

"When tens of thousands of ninjas gather together, many functions will not be handled by ninjas part-time and must be specialized, such as defense work and intelligence work. Many new professional jobs will also be generated in medical care, education, prisons, etc. What to do with these ninjas who cannot perform missions outside?"

Senju Hashirama had indeed thought deeply, and he began to elaborate on his own solutions to these problems.

The problem of too far distance can be solved by setting up ninja agencies in towns to ensure that those who issue tasks can issue tasks within a hundred miles.

The missions of professional ninjas will be published by Ninjali, and the source of funds will be a portion of the mission funds of other ninjas.

But Master Ba calculated it on the spot, and it was obvious that the money was not enough, and the missing money was a huge amount. This is why many ninjas now live like beggars.

Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara both frowned. A penny was too much for the hero. The two leading ninjas knew that without enough money, there would be no way to operate the ninja li.

Hashirama also has a solution for this. He said: "I have contacted the daimyo of the Land of Fire. He promised to provide a fixed amount of funds to new ninjas every year. If there is a major need, he can add it temporarily, but Ninjago must prioritize the tasks in the Fire City."

This plan made the ninjas present feel that it was very feasible. Even Uchiha Madara and Senju Tobirama nodded. Now they no longer lack money. Once they have money, there will be no problems.

Senju Tobirama looked at his brother with wide eyes. He never expected that his brother, who was usually very unreliable except for fighting, would have such deep thoughts.

Seeing that his plan was recognized by everyone, Senju Hashirama smiled happily.

But in Ya Ye's view, this plan is still bullshit, even putting the cart before the horse, but this cannot be blamed on Senju Hashirama. After all, his vision is limited by the times, and he has not received education in dragon slaying.

In Senju Hashirama's plan, the financial problem in the ninja was solved, but the administrative power was handed over, and he even placed himself under the rule of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, forming a situation of one country and two jade. .

In this way, the Fire Nation daimyo, who had no sense of existence before, not only gained administrative power, but also nominally gained the supreme rule of the Fire Nation.

As long as he masters a certain amount of force, he can in turn control the ninja.

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna and many other ninja family patriarchs looked thoughtful.

But in Ba Ye's view, although there is the possibility of political conflict or even armed conflict, this is only a small problem, because the Ninja is the most violent organization after all, and the basic guarantee of the political power, a mere daimyo is not enough to shake the two people who were deceived by them. Jade structure.

If the daimyo is smart, he should do his best to maintain this political system. But if he is a little crooked, at least he will replace his son or brother as the new daimyo, or at worst, he will return to the era of single jade, and he can only be the only jade among ninjas.

Ba Ye said slowly: "The real big problem among ninjas is that there is a fundamental conflict between justice among ninjas and their own interests."

"Hashirama, Madara, what is the fundamental purpose of our establishing this new alliance?"

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara looked at each other, and Madara replied: "End the troubled times and establish a peaceful and stable life."

Ba Ye raised his thumb and said with emotion: "Yes, this is the purpose! This is the ideal of supreme justice that urges us to unite."

"But!" Master Ba's voice became louder, "If this country is completely peaceful, the world is completely stable, farmers can farm with peace of mind, and businessmen can do business safely, do they still need to find ninjas to issue tasks? "

"A ninja among ninjas must do a mission, and to do that mission requires that this country is not peaceful! It's not stable! It's not safe!"

"If our ninjas do better and have fewer tasks to perform, what will the ninjas think and how will their interests be guaranteed?"

"If there is a group of bandits who plunder the surrounding villages, leaving them with no money to issue missions, but they are smart enough not to move any caravans, so no one issues a mission to strangle them, what should we do?"

"If we ignore the rules in Ninja and issue a mission for ninjas to kill them, what will the other villages that pay for it think and think? If there are new bandits, will they still pay for the mission? Already?"

"If we abide by the rules of the ninja and watch the bandits wreak havoc without caring, then what exactly are we pursuing in establishing a new alliance? Are we really pursuing peace and a stable life?"

Facing Master Ba's series of questions, all the ninjas were stunned and dumbfounded, as if they had been hit by five lightning bolts, which were burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"To sum up, the structural model in ninjas is best adapted to the chaotic state between stability and war. It is not suitable for our original intention of starting peace and establishing a stable country." Ba Ye glanced at the ninjas present. They finally looked at Senju Hashirama, "The goal we set by walking forward cannot be reached by walking backward."

At this time, Senju Hashirama restrained all his laughter and gentleness, and his expression was extremely serious and he fell into thinking. When he became serious, he exuded a terrifying pressure, and unknowingly made the conference room fall into a state of solemnity.

Not long after, Senju Hashirama seemed to have figured it all out, but he also fell into pain, confusion and entanglement, and was speechless.

But Master Ba didn't care about his sadness and said without mercy: "What? Did you find that there was something wrong with your thinking?"

Then the conversation changed, and Master Ba began to comfort him, "Don't be sad, the mistakes you made are actually normal, and your thoughts were also deceived by those nobles who are dedicated to thinking about people's hearts."

"The daimyo and the nobles ruled the world with force a long time ago. At that time, they did not play much with people's hearts and would fight hard against any enemy they encountered. But when the nobles gradually degenerated and the force was controlled by the samurai class, the nobles Then we start to pay attention to morality, etiquette, and human heart.”

"They spent hundreds of years instilling these things into the samurai, and finally deceived the samurai. As a result, the samurai were suddenly overturned by the ninja car. At the beginning, these grassroots ninjas could not understand such a high-level thing as morality. They kicked the nobles and daimyo away as well."

"Over the past few hundred years, the lives of the daimyo and nobles have been miserable. Some have starved to death, some have been killed, and some have even had their whole families extinct."

"So they continue to infiltrate the ninja community, giving away their surnames and daughters, and pretending to be as pure as the white lotus. They just want to use the force of ninjas to reorganize the ninja world, regain power, and return to the aloof life of the past."

"They have spent hundreds of years preparing. It is not surprising that Hashirama was deceived, but you must understand one thing. The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan put aside their hatred and resentment and risked their lives to create a new world. The country was almost deceived by others."

Ba Ye announced to everyone in an unprecedentedly solemn tone: "I believe that what we want to establish should not be a new alliance, but a new country, a country directly managed by ninjas."

"We can accept nobles and daimyo to join us, but their status must be below that of our ninjas. They are not the masters of the country. They are managers entrusted by us to help us manage this country."

"These people must be subject to our supervision. Once they are found to have bad behaviors such as neglect, contempt, corruption, malfeasance, etc., they will be severely punished!"

Yaye raised his right arm, waved his fist and roared: "The most important thing I want to say is: We ninjas must be the masters of the new country!"

Uchiha Madara jumped up and shouted: "Well said! I have long been uncomfortable with those noble nobles. After listening to Master Ba's words, I realized that they are just a group of despicable liars! Shameless thieves ! Such garbage still wants to share power with us, they want to be beautiful!"

Uchiha Izuna looked at his brother and agreed excitedly: "Yes, we are the most powerful and we have done the most. Of course the new country should be ours!"

Qianju Tojian did not speak. He frowned and looked at his brother. He didn't know what he was thinking about.

Senju Hashirama hesitated for a long time, and finally raised his question: "Baye, we are all ninjas. We usually fight and kill. We have no idea how to manage the country."

Yaye glared and yelled angrily: "Hashirama! Do you want to evade your responsibilities? The ambition you made is not realized by your own efforts, but handed over to others to realize?"

"But... you said that professional things should be left to professionals..."

"But I have also said that we must distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and we must seize the initiative. Ninjas have no management experience, but those nobles who are huddled in the City of Fire precariously have experience?"

"Even if they have inherited management knowledge and can indeed do better than us, we can leave it to them, but we must entrust them to manage it instead of handing over the power."

"When they do well, the country is more stable, and when we get more money, we give them wages and bonuses, and if they don't do well, they get out, instead of the money going into their pockets, and then we ask them like beggars. Want money.”

"This is a matter of priority that must not be reversed."

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