Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 339 The location of Longdi Cave is really tricky.

The words "snake catcher" made Tuanjin Ji stunned. The next moment she understood the meaning of these three words and became furious. Her youthful and beautiful appearance turned into a ferocious snake face, and the blue snake letter also vomited. out.

But before she could make any more moves, Aburame Tetsumaru stretched out her right hand and grasped it lightly. In the dim Ryūchi Cave, a huge palm could be vaguely seen, holding Tanzuhime like a doll. In the palm of your hand.

Tuanjinji turned from furious to frightened. She struggled desperately and kept making hissing snake whistles, trying to scare the enemy.

But of course Aburame Tetsumaru and the other four people did not have the slightest fear. What was even more outrageous was that they regarded her as a rare thing and commented on Tutsuhime's movements and strength.

Aburame Tetsumaru said: "The strange magic power, it feels cold and hard."

The housekeeper closed his eyes and felt it, and said: "I feel that her chakra is echoing with the surrounding rock walls, exchanging mysterious information. Their magic has transformed the environment here?"

The stationmaster had been operating something and finally finished it. He said, "It should be right. They have lived here for so many years. Even if they cannot change, it will have an impact. Okay, I have contacted the satellite. , positioning completed.”

"Oh ho, it's incredible, it's incredible. It's actually here, no wonder we can't find it."

Everyone came over to take a look at the webmaster's simulated illusion. Everyone was shocked. The location of Longdi Cave was really tricky.

Ryuji Cave is closely adjacent to Mt. Miaomu. If viewed from space, the straight-line distance is only more than 40 kilometers.

No wonder Aburame Tetsumaru and the others couldn't find any trace of Ryuji Cave after searching for so many years. It was actually covered up by the existence of Mt. Myoboku. Of course, the straight-line distance is not that far, but the vertical drop of 23 kilometers is actually The huge distance can be called a natural chasm.

You must know that the huge Soviet Union used all its efforts to drill holes in the Kola Peninsula in northern Russia. With great efforts, the depth drilled out was 12,262 meters, which is actually twelve kilometers.

Aburame Tetsumaru said with emotion: "Climbing down more than 20 kilometers in rocks and mantle is far more difficult than going from the ground to the moon. Even though we seem to have left our homeland, if we don't concentrate our efforts on solving the problem, it will be equally difficult. Dig out this nest of snakes."

The politician's Sharingan turned, and he looked into the dark cave and said, "It's rare that the White Snake Great Sage can actually get out of bed. I thought she had grown up in that bed."

Thousands of purple-skinned and black-striped snakes, with red fangs all over their bodies, and a blue green snake with a head, drove dozens of huge pythons, and countless venomous snakes, surging in like a flood.

A huge three-headed snake is carrying the White Snake Immortal. Tianxinji and Ichikijima are floating on both sides behind the White Snake Immortal. The two immortals with no snake faces are beautiful, and the flying ribbons are floating in the air, filled with fairy energy.

"Pretending to be a ghost." The steward raised his right hand, and a dazzling white light shone in all directions.

Light Escape·Sun Fist

The nature of snakes is to like yin and hate yang, and the Sun Fist's illumination like the scorching sun caused chaos in the group of aggressive snakes.

The stupid, brainless snakes hissed, and their instincts forced them to seek shadows in panic to avoid the sunlight.

A small number of lucky snakes shrank into the shadows of the big snakes, but most of the snakes were exposed to the light and had nowhere to hide. They could only fight for each other's shadows, trying to push each other outside.

Tianxin Shenhime and Ichikijima Hime were furious. They couldn't bring the snakes back to order despite repeated scoldings. White Snake Sage knew that she couldn't do it either. She smoked a cigarette with a pale face and stared at the oil without saying a word. Female iron pill.

Aburame Tetsumaru stared at her without fear. At the same time, his right hand was still rubbing her, and the illusory big hand in the air was also squeezing Totsuhime simultaneously.

Under the huge pressure, this fairy snake could no longer withstand it. Her human form was gradually unable to be maintained. Scales covered her body, her hands and feet gradually shrank, and her body became longer and longer.

Snake Immortal seemed to be ashamed of showing her true form. Seeing that Tuanjinji was about to reveal her true form, White Snake Immortal couldn't bear it any longer and she shouted: "Stop!"

A powerful chakra burst out, and the explosive force blew up the mess of snakes. However, when this powerful shock wave arrived in front of Aburame Tetsumaru and the others, it was overcome by an invisible but more powerful force. live.

White Snake Immortal's veins were bulging, and he tried his best, but in the end he could not make any further progress. After Aburame Tetsumaru felt the pressure increase, he involuntarily used more strength, and his right hand clenched from a virtual grip to a fist.


With a bang, white smoke exploded and a golden snake appeared in the big transparent hand. The slippery golden snake twisted its body and was about to slip away, but was blocked by another giant hand that appeared in time.

Seeing that the deterrence failed, Tuanjinji also showed her true colors. She had lost the shameful face. Instead, the White Snake Sage took back her chakra and said with a bit of hatred, more fear and more uncertainty: "Sure enough, It’s you, the second great immortal of Shigu Forest, I didn’t expect you to be a human being.”

"Let go of Tuanjinji, you can tell me whatever you want."

Aburame Tetsumaru and the politician looked at each other and smiled. He simply released his telekinesis hand. The struggling golden snake was like a fish that suddenly emerged from the water, fluttering in the air, and then fell to the ground with a slap.

Tuanjinji, the golden snake, was stunned by the fall, and it took a long time to regain consciousness. Then she recalled her ugly state, and she suddenly wanted to die, but she was absolutely reluctant to die.

It looked at the human who had let it fall into this situation, and confirmed that it was an undefeatable natural enemy. The evil fire in its heart had nowhere to vent, and it suddenly felt extremely aggrieved. Tears welled up from the snake's pupils, and fell to the ground in large drops. superior.

The housekeeper was surprised when he saw it: "Snakes can also shed tears?"

The webmaster looked left and right, nodded and said: "It is indeed no ordinary snake. It has tear ducts. The power of immortal magic is really capable of conquering the world."

The politician said: "Have you ever noticed that people can transform into humans? As long as the legendary monsters can transform, they will all look like humans. That's true."

The three descendants just commented on the golden snake lying on the ground, which made Totsuhime even more uncomfortable, especially when she opened her mouth and exposed her fangs to threaten, the Susanoo bone claws transformed by the politician grabbed the snake letter. , open your mouth and carefully observe the structure in your mouth.

Wan She, Xin Ya, and Qing Snake looked at Immortal Tuanjin Ji, and all their tempers disappeared. The cruel Wan She, the violent Xin Ya, did not exist at all, there were only three trembling spicy sticks.

Of course, the topics Aburame Tetsumaru and White Snake Sennin talked about here were more scary, but it was actually fine at first.

Aburame Tetsumaru said: "Hand over the inheritance scroll of Ryuchi Cave. You should not only have the share in Orochimaru's hands. In the future, many of us will come here to learn the magic of Ryuchi Cave."

Spreading the magic of Longdi Cave was originally the pursuit of the big snakes. Although he was very unhappy at being forced, the White Snake Immortal agreed without hesitation.

Immortal White Snake finally said coldly: "However, I cannot guarantee the life or death of those who come to learn the magic of immortality."

Aburame Tetsumaru wasn't worried about this at all. Those who came must have mastered the Ninja Technique. Currently, two descendants have completed the senjutsu practice in the Shikbone Forest, and the safety has been verified.

"No problem, life and death are determined by destiny." Aburame Tetsumaru said calmly, "But the Immortal Technique: Inorganic Reincarnation won't have any secrets."

"Hmph, as long as you can learn the Longdi Cave Immortal Technique, you can learn it naturally without special teaching."

"Very good, I hope you are not lying, Immortal."

Aburame Tetsumaru continued: "The second thing is that I will build some buildings in Ryūchi Cave to absorb some natural energy and bury some marks. There will be no problem."

Immortal White Snake took deep breaths again and again, and it took him a long time to suppress his anger, and said dullly: "Yes, but you must stay far away from me."

Not only did someone come to set up the bed next to the bed, but they also wanted to eat and drink from your family, and planned to do a second decoration, which made everyone very angry.

But the White Snake Immortal knew that she could not defeat this great human immortal. She bit all her fangs and finally suppressed her anger and agreed in humiliation.

"Haha, you are indeed the White Snake Sage. Once we have finished drawing the territory, we welcome the big snakes to visit." Aburame Tetsumaru laughed loudly and said, "Then we only have one last request left."

The White Snake Immortal took out the cigarette butt and lit it again, took a deep breath, exhaled the white smoke, and said dullly: "You tell me."

"We want snakes, big snakes, preferably giant pythons." Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the three giant wisdom snakes and said, "Of course, if you are willing, these three would be even better."

Immortal White Snake heard the somewhat terrifying meaning. She frowned and asked, "What do you want them to do?"

"Eat meat."

! ! !

Tianxin Shenhime and Ichikijima Hime couldn't bear it any longer, and they also showed their snake faces. The magic chakra emanated violently, and the floor, walls and dome of the entire cave began to squirm.

White Snake Immortal Snake's eyes exuded endless anger and murderous intent. She spit out her pipe and said viciously: "You guys have gone too far!"

Countless rocks sprang out like pythons, and stalactites stretched out like spears, squeezing towards the four humans.

The three giant pythons of wisdom also opened their bloody mouths and surrounded Aburame Tetsumaru.

The golden snake lying on the ground suddenly regained its agile movements and broke away from Susanoo's grasp with a swish, leaving only a golden snake shed.

As Tonjinji wandered, countless rock spikes grew out from behind her, looking for the direction of the three descendants like living creatures.

Countless stone thorns twisted like snakes, quickly broke off their tails, and launched them like crossbows. The rock crossbows rushed towards the housekeeper and the others like a rainstorm.

The politician wrapped his pink Susanoo in muscles and protected himself and the stationmaster, leaving the butler outside.

The butler smiled and took two steps forward, stretched out his hands, and used his best ninjutsu.

Shock Escape·High Frequency Oscillation

The rocky crossbow arrows in the sky turned into stone powder after swaying twice, blocking the view of the entire cave. The stone powder falling down in puffs buried many small snakes.

The stone powder in the sky even drifted to Aburame Tetsumaru's side, turning several big snakes into disgrace. Aburame Tetsumaru, who was in the insect swarm state, did not fight seriously, but casually used his telekinesis to knock several big snakes to pieces. Just eight elements.

His main power was used to suppress the three immortals. The huge celestial chakra isolated the three immortals, preventing their celestial arts from functioning.

Today's environment determines that Aburame Tetsumaru's insect swarm magic is not easy to use. Fortunately, among the descendants, there are those who are good at fighting in caves, so today's main combat power is another descendant.

The housekeeper put his hands on the ground and asked, "Little snakes, do you know what natural disasters you are most afraid of in the cave?"

Zhendun·Big Earthquake

The mountain shook and the ground shook, and the cave collapsed. In just a few seconds, countless snakes were crushed by the falling rocks, causing countless casualties. After many rock walls broke, lava spewed out, and the snakes that could not avoid it were ignited. It was even completely submerged, with no bones left.

White Snake Sage was furious, opened his mouth to 180 degrees, and spit out countless rock snakes, rock lizards, and rock beetles, which densely swarmed towards Aburame Iron Pill.

Aburame Tetsumaru asked curiously: "What is this thing? Can it explode when touched, or can it just bite people with its mouth?"

Aburame Tetsumaru channeled the first-generation insect swarm that remained in the mother nest in the mountains of the Land of Fire, allowing these eliminated insects to exert their last remaining heat.

The swarm of insects and the rock animals quickly collided without any fighting. As long as the insects touched the rock animals, they would instantly turn into rocks of the same material and fall to the ground hard.

It turned out to be the ability to petrify, Aburame Tetsumaru was shocked. This ability of material transformation has absolute rules and is difficult to deal with.

Then he discovered that after a rock animal transformed into more than a dozen bugs, it stayed put and was easily destroyed by the subsequent bugs, turning it into rubble on the ground.

There were also many bugs that attacked a rock lizard at the same time and smashed the lizard to pieces. Only part of the contact area was petrified, and they could still jump around and continue to attack.

Aburame Tetsumaru breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the transformation ability was limited, and it was not petrified through sight. It would be easier if it could be consumed.

He immediately launched a psychic formation, and a larger second-generation sword mantis surged out, filling the entire cave with the same insect tide. The counterattack launched by the same insect swarm easily destroyed the white snake immortal's rock fauna.

"No wonder the Snake Immortals can't come out except when the big snake shows its face. This fighting power is really bad, and they can suppress it so easily." Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but shake his head.

Petrification is a powerful means of attack and killing, but the delivery method of Longdi Cave is not good, and the efficiency of transformation is also not good. After transformation, it cannot be used again, which is much worse.

Seeing that the swarm of insects was about to attack the three-headed snake entrenched by the White Snake Immortal, the White Snake Immortal closed his mouth, rolled his own cigarette rod with his tail, brought it to his mouth, and took a deep breath.

Then the White Snake Immortal opened his mouth and let out a completely inaudible roar, and an invisible wave of sound rushed towards its front.

The sword mantises that were struck by the sound wave froze in place. As the sound waves hit each other, the sword mantis group slowly turned into rocks.

Regarding White Snake Sennin's move, Aburame Tetsumaru praised: "Using sound waves as a medium to perform petrification is not bad. More than two thousand sword mantises were petrified at the same time, and the transformation efficiency is very high."

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the half-petrified Sword Mantis thirty or forty meters in front of him, waved his hand and injected his own chakra to return the Sword Mantis to normal, and said: "The range is still a bit short, and it can actually be dispelled through It’s really interesting how the chakra is returning to normal.”

"The power of dragon veins?"

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