Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 351 This is a war of quality

When the second wave of matter rushed through the six-stringed star, it was shot by hundreds of thousands of high-energy particles, but the loss was not great. The key is speed.

Before the third wave of supplies arrived, Liuxianxing's battleship group was dispatched on a large scale. They lined up in a neat queue, activated their electromagnetic shields, and unleashed all their firepower to attack the flow of supplies at the calculated time.

This time the supplies and insect swarms were completely intercepted, but Zhou Wenming definitely did not suffer a loss, because two million tons of supplies destroyed more than two thousand battleships, and the smallest of these battleships had a mass of more than one million tons.

The battleship group adjusted its formation and blocked the wreckage of battle-damaged battleships in front, trying to block the fourth wave of supplies. In the end, more than 1,200 battleships were still lost.

This was completely an act of using battleships to block the gun ports. The battle damage ratio was as high as three orders of magnitude, so the battleship group retreated, leaving only the wreckage of more than 3,000 battleships blocking the waterway.

These debris blocked about a quarter of the supplies in the fifth and sixth waves of supplies, and the loss of the swarm was even more serious, reaching half of the amount.

But these losses were not in vain. They cleared the waterway again, creating conditions for the arrival of warhammers, cannons, and forty avatars.

The greatest value of wisdom lies in adaptability. Unlike the pure material insect swarm, the warhammers, cannons and avatars dropped the insect swarm on this tightly protected planet when they passed by the Six String Star.

Because the release was too sudden, the battleship group and the weapons on the star ring did not respond in time, and only a few hundred of the more than 6,000 bugs were intercepted by fire.

But these bugs were not able to reach the surface of the planet smoothly. Their speed was too fast, and most of them were burned up in the atmosphere.

A few bugs protected by the formation reached the ground, but like meteors they smashed out craters on the ground, leaving no trace of their own dead bodies.

The purpose of Warhammer and others in releasing bugs is not to deploy troops. No unit of the bug swarm can land on the planet alive at a speed of one thousand kilometers per second. They are actually just vehicles to ensure that the spores hidden in the body can enter the atmosphere.

A basic principle of war is to know yourself and the enemy and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Warhammer cannot accept blindly conducting a war without knowing the details of the opponent, which is why this operation was launched.

The spores will use the organic matter of the six-stringed star to re-form into reconnaissance bugs, which will conduct reconnaissance on the planet under the strict protection of the fleet and try to transmit the information.

The spores delivered this time cannot evolve into combat and destruction units, because Warhammer believes that intelligence comes first. After obtaining planetary intelligence, it can naturally arrange more accurate delivery plans and continuously transport combat power into planetary operations.

Warhammer brought hundreds of cocoon servers and randomly dropped them into this star system to ensure the connection of the sea of ​​spirit and avoid the failure of the last intact cocoon server, causing Meteor to lose contact with the main force. Condition.

The support from the two Adventers arrived, and manpower suddenly became abundant. Construction work in all aspects began rapidly, and the expansion speed of the insect swarm suddenly increased by more than ten times.

Especially artillery. As a descendant of the industrial group, what he is best at is military industrial construction and the production of offensive weapons.

Under the auspices of Cannon, the three basic industries of mining, smelting, and chemical industry developed rapidly. The smelted metal resources and large-scale chemical product output changed the production method of the brood again, saving a lot of processes, and the speed of producing bugs increased dramatically. More than a hundred times.

A few days later, with the completion of the basic industrial system and the production of military industry, a large number of automated defense weapons began to arm the main base dwarf planet.

The false bases and sub-bases have not fallen. These large and small celestial bodies are covered with defensive weapons, and each of them is rapidly transforming into a fire hedgehog.

When Zhou Wenming was expanding rapidly, Six String Star was not idle either. Countless reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance satellites were launched and a carpet-like search was launched.

A fleet of three hundred warships tracked and investigated along the tracks of seven waves of material flows, continuously releasing more reconnaissance aircraft along the way.

The abundant military strength allows Liuxianxing to take a two-pronged approach and launch an all-round investigation. Zhou Wenming cannot hide for long.

Da Pao suddenly said in the channel: "Unexpectedly, Liuxianxing seems to be particularly stubborn, but his actions in response to the changes in the situation are flawless and did not give us any chance."

Warhammer asked: "Operation Spore?"

Cannon replied: "Yes, it failed 99% of the time. I can barely give back a little information."

"The Six-stringed Star actually carried out a large-scale elimination on the trajectory of our insect meteor. Except for a very small number of spores, they were completely wiped out. All my hard work was in vain."

Individual spores are extremely small, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Being extremely small, it is easy to penetrate and invade, dragging the enemy into the abyss of death without even realizing it.

At the same time, tiny spores also lack resistance and are easily destroyed by simple disinfecting methods, such as the simplest acetic acid.

Moreover, if the spores are too small, there cannot be any redundancy in the information stored inside. After being exposed to radiation, or even after natural reproduction and division, the information will be missing or wrong. This is an absolutely unavoidable increase in entropy.

Spores use each other as redundancy to fight against the increase in entropy. When the number reaches a certain level, it will be difficult for the spores to transmit enough correct information to develop into a more advanced insect swarm.

Therefore, although there are still spores remaining, and it can be confirmed that they are slowly adapting to the environment, they are likely to develop and reproduce again later.

But by that time, these spores will become one of the creatures of the Six String Star and will no longer be part of the insect swarm of Zhou Civilization.

Cannon said: "Now the spores can still feed back some information, but they are getting weaker and weaker. In up to four days, the mutation of the spores will exceed the scope of the insect swarm, and I will lose control of the spores."

Meteor asked: "Is there any value in the feedback information? I have been dealing with Liuxingxing until now, and my understanding of their situation is still superficial."

Cannon replied: "There is not much information. I only know that the ecological environment of Liuxian Star is very good and life is extremely prosperous. However, no environment like a city has been found."

Warhammer suddenly said: "The information is too little and useless."

Cannon himself said: "There are indeed too few, and even if there are cities, it is normal that they are not encountered in such a small area."

He continued: "The response to six-stringed stars is too tight, and so far it has blocked our tricks. This star system is also too clean, with no giant gas planets or dense asteroid belts."

"When the false base in front is destroyed, we won't even be able to engage in guerrilla warfare. We will have to fight them head-on."

Meteor smiled optimistically: "It doesn't matter. We are just trying to increase production. As long as the resources can keep up, our insect swarm will not be afraid."

Warhammer said: "Artificial intelligence is very efficient."

After a pause, Warhammer slowly said a ranking: "Quality War."

When both sides of the war have strong production capabilities and can replenish troops extremely quickly, they will be in a state of struggle for logistics, because the number of troops that can be filled on the front line is always limited.

But it is different in space. The extremely wide space is a battlefield, and the input of military forces is almost unlimited. At this time, the competition is the mass of material each occupies, and the speed at which these materials are turned into combat power and delivered to the battlefield.

At this time, there is no generational difference in the technological level between the two sides, so weapon data and energy efficiency are no longer the most critical data. Quality, the quality of delivery to the starry sky, is the basis of everything.

This is what Warhammer calls quality warfare, which is completely different from the high-tech warfare that Blue Star calls.

Meteor was silent for a while and said: "Forget it, let's stay silent for a few more days, accumulate the number of insect swarms, wait for follow-up supplies, and then officially launch the war, and receive our second batch of reinforcements by the way."

Warhammer: "Okay, I'll take the lead."

Cannon: "Agree."

This channel is exclusive to the Adventers and is also a frontline decision-making meeting, so after the battle plan was proposed, the three of them could execute it without objection, and the channel calmed down.

As a weak invader, Zhou Wenming has to face the sweep of a powerful civilization. In order to buy time and quickly accumulate strength, everyone has a lot of things to do.

At this time, Zhou Wenming did not have the advantage of victory on the front line of Six String Star. There was no Yu Ya to chat and adjust his emotions. In addition, War Hammer, a taciturn boss, was suppressing him, so he seemed quite silent.

Group after group of insect swarms lifted off from the dwarf planet and entered high-altitude orbits, then fell into a dormant state and stopped all activities so that the insect swarms would not radiate heat and electromagnetic waves to the outside world.

In space-level strategic reconnaissance, as long as one does not actively emit energy, it is enough to become invisible.

Don't look at the tens of thousands of bugs already entrenched in the high-altitude orbit of the dwarf planet. These knight bugs, commonly known as lollipops, are all big guys with a length of 450 meters. But when viewed from the direction of the six-stringed star, these bugs are simply can not see.

Without him, the bugs are too small and the number of bugs is too few.

Even the mother nest on the dwarf planet, which is two to three kilometers high and covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, is the same. It is so small that it cannot be seen at all.

The only things that will really expose themselves are thermal radiation and electromagnetic radiation. Meteor has been handling it carefully from the beginning, using the cooling of the underground sea to prevent thermal radiation, and using the carpet covering the crust of the dwarf planet to isolate electromagnetic radiation.

At present, the external thermal radiation of the entire dwarf planet has increased by less than one ten thousandth, while the electromagnetic radiation has decreased slightly, and it will never be discovered.

To be on the safe side, the furthest false base is already heating up.

The fake base is located on a comet. At this time, the comet ice has completely melted and turned into a crystal water ball. Dust and rocks are naturally deposited in the core, and a hard star core is created through arc smelting.

As more dragon hearts are delivered, the power output becomes larger and larger. The melted shell water of the comet is magnetized and can be turned into layers of electromagnetic water film protective shields at any time, as well as magnetized water electromagnetic gun tracks.

The thermal radiation of this melted water sphere is tens of thousands times greater than that of the original ice comet, and it can easily be discovered by careful observers through comparison, which serves as a cover for the main base.

In order to conceal themselves, the comet was covered with a layer of beetles, which reflected most of the thermal radiation back, while absorbing a small amount and used it as energy for the beetles to survive.

Now this layer of beetles has dispersed, and the thermal radiation is emitted toward the starry sky.

The speed at which such sudden changes are discovered is a great test of a civilization's execution level. The three descendants are very curious about how long it will take for the Six String Star to discover and respond.

The result was, two hours.

Just two hours after the comet lifted its cover, the Six String Star fleet began to assemble, and a fleet of thirty thousand warships pounced on the suddenly changing comet.

It was too fast, which meant that the time interval between Six String Star scanning the starry sky and analyzing the data, plus the time for fleet mobilization, was less than two hours in total.

Ask yourself, this speed is much better than Zhou Wenming. Meteor knows that in the solar system, Zhou Wenming's reaction speed is about four hours. The most time-consuming thing is the analysis and comparison of data.

The first thought of the three descendants was not that it was awesome, but that it was weird. With such a high level of execution, why is this civilization squatting motionless on a planet?

Super high execution power usually represents the centripetal force of civilization and the determination to develop upward. It is the greatest advantage of a vibrant civilization and should be accompanied by strong curiosity and enterprising spirit.

Just like Zhou Wenming, even a few people started interstellar exploration, colonized Purple Thunder Star, and even carried out the construction of Dyson ring without overestimating their capabilities.

Well, to be honest, Zhou Wenming is indeed a special civilization that is very capable. Many of his behaviors are close to seeking death and being aggressive.

But it is even more strange that the Six String Star is like a pool of stagnant water. Apart from the tight surrounding of its own star, they have no signs of external colonization. Not to mention colonization across star systems, there is not only one planet in the star system.

There was no colonization or external development, but more than a dozen star rings, large and small, were built. There were six synchronous orbital ladders on the main star ring. The millions of warships were even more extravagant and exaggerated projects.

What are the people of Six String Star thinking?

When Meteor and Cannon were still struggling, Warhammer said: "Don't think too much, just fight it and you'll know everything."

Meteor agreed: "Yes, fight over and lift off the shell of this million-dollar battleship, and you will naturally know what they are doing and what they are thinking."

Cannon also laughed: "Yes, war is also communication, let's fight!"

Two days later, the Six-string Star Fleet approached the Comet's false base. The false base had now turned into a real fortress. The layers of electromagnetic water films caused the Comet's volume to expand thousands of times.

The water film reflected the brilliance of the star, as dazzling as diamond, and then an even more dazzling high-energy particle beam was launched from the fortress, directly hitting the Six-String Star Fleet eight million kilometers away.

Starting with this attack, the war officially began.

However, the opening of the first battle was quite sloppy. Both sides each fired hundreds of lasers and high-energy particle beams and then fell silent.

The distance is too far and the energy dissipation is too serious. The attacks from both sides cannot be regarded as washing each other's face. The damage is worse than children attacking each other with water guns.

But the attack consumption of both sides is not low. The situation of the Six-stringed Star Battleship is unknown, but every shot of the Comet Fortress consumes more than ten tons of materials, and these are purified and refined strategic materials.

This level of consumption is just to illuminate the other party, which is not cost-effective.

So both sides returned to silence, accumulating energy, waiting to explode at a closer distance.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, so I will publish the new chapter as soon as possible.

I wish everyone all the best in the Year of the Rabbit.

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