Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 358 Hashirama is not suitable to be Hokage next

In ten years, the Fire Nation has developed faster than anyone imagined.

A peaceful and stable environment, increasingly perfect infrastructure, not-so-timely but fairly fair justice, and a broad enough avenue for advancement.

In the past ten years, the country's wealth and prosperity have made people's eyes red, but the strength of Konoha can calm people's heads.

Madara Uchiha, the shura of the ninja world, conquered the ninja world, flattened the mountains and transformed the terrain everywhere in the Land of Fire. He did things that were beyond the reach of human beings.

Although the god of ninja Senju Hashirama has never done anything evil like destroying ninja villages, he used ninjutsu to transform the entire Fire Country into a great forest. When he thinks that the entire country is the domain of wood escape, the god's reputation spreads And go.

Not counting the two ninjas who are beyond human comprehension, Konoha still has 20,000 ninjas from the Defense Department, a tax team of 100 Jonin from the Taxation Department, 6,000 ninjas from the Internal Affairs Department, and 12,000 specialists from the Ninja Military Department. Division fighting ninja.

There are nearly 40,000 professional ninjas, and the four major ninja villages cannot gather so much mobile power even if they are tied together.

In fact, there are 26,000 infrastructure ninjas from the Ministry of Transportation in Konoha, but these ninjas who spend their days paving roads and building bridges, filling pits, digging holes, and digging rivers and building dams are despised in the eyes of most people in the ninja world.

However, Mr. Ba doesn’t think so. History has long proven it. Whether it is Rabbit’s engineering soldiers or German Cat’s combat engineers, they are all first-rate elites. strength.

Except for the ninjas who specialize in fighting, other ninjas are not qualified to be compared with the infrastructure ninjas.

Facing such a powerful and wealthy Fire Nation, the small countries felt that it didn't matter, as they could just take advantage of the Fire Nation and enjoy a wave of economic dividends.

But it was impossible for the big countries not to care. They all studied how the Fire Country became powerful and how it became rich.

The unique political structure of the Fire Nation naturally attracted the attention of the four major countries, and they all imitated the Fire Nation's systems and policies.

The powerful people naturally refused to give up their privileges, and the imitation of the Fire Country was naturally superficial. They basically copied some departments and institutions such as the Jonin Council. Of course, no one in the tax department was left behind.

As the saying goes, those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die.

The four major countries copied it, and they soon felt various discomforts, and even caused a lot of chaos.

Especially the tax department, which has great power, quickly became extremely complicated. Under the minister, there were seven or eight deputy ministers or supervisory and other messy positions.

Each of these deputy ministers had a group of subordinates who were vying for power among themselves. After a series of overt and covert fights, backstage arrangements, and territorial turf wars, it took a long time before they finally stabilized.

However, the taxation department, a top-level centralized department, has been transformed into a feudal system. The minister is appointed by the person with the most subordinates and the largest tax territory. He cannot control the deputy ministers because they also have a group of subordinates. , each has a territory for tax collection.

Even with this level of effort, the tax department still has the attributes of a centralized empire. The taxes they collected were several times higher than those collected under the management of the nobles before, so the daimyo and the shadow were very satisfied.

Of course they don't care about the tax department, which is like a seam monster. It is more professional and powerful in squeezing the bottom class than the feudal nobles. Once it is corrupted, it will be even more cruel.

However, it is not their turn to worry about corruption now. The Fire Country Konoha Village does not intend to let them continue to exist and unify the ninja world as one country.

Senju Hashirama asked: "Which big country is our first target?"

Seeing that everyone, including Mito, was looking at him, Hashirama scratched his head and said, "What do you think I am doing?"

Uchiha Madara laughed for a while and said: "Hashirama, don't you talk about peace and balance now?"

Senju Hashirama said with relief: "I'm not blind. The goal of peace is to stop war, but the fundamental reason to stop war is to allow people in the world to live a dignified life."

"I didn't realize it ten years ago, but today people from the Fire Country and people from other countries... are already people from two different worlds." Senju Hashirama said with great emotion, "They are still struggling in the endless hell. , It shouldn’t be like this, they shouldn’t come to the human world and suffer the torture of hell.”

Master Ba looked at Senju Hashirama, with a look of admiration in his eyes. This man had a sincere heart. He certainly had not learned the principles of the Mohist school, but he could follow the Mohist principle of universal love.

It is really tragic to be born in the ninja world and have no one to guide him on how to practice such morality.

Of course, Eighth Master's fall from the sky changed his destiny. Under the guidance of this old rabbit, Senju Hashirama could see farther and at the same time see lower-level creatures.

Moreover, how well the Fire Country is built now and how happy the people's lives are, but other countries are in such a mess, Senju Hashirama naturally has a tendency in his heart.

It's all about universal love. Senju Hashirama once felt that Uchiha Madara was an eyesore, but now he naturally feels that those countries and nobles are an eyesore.

Senju Hashirama is a true idealist. For his ideals, he can even stab his beloved Madara to death with his own hands, not to mention the foreign nobles, daimyo and ninjas who are disgusting to look at. He kills them without blinking an eye.

Ya Ye nodded and said: "The Hokage is right, we should unite and let the people of the ninja world enjoy peace, stability, happiness, and live a hopeful life."

"However, the first thing we have to do is not to choose a target to attack, but... to change the Hokage."


This sentence scared everyone. Did Senju Hashirama do something wrong?

"My eldest brother..." Qianju Tojian stood up quickly. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, he was silenced by another louder voice.

Uchiha Madara asked in a tone of disbelief and in the loudest voice: "Why? Hashirama's Hokage did a good job, why should we change Hokage?"

Ba Ye raised his index and middle fingers and said, "Two reasons."

"First, the next step is war. Even if it is a unification war, the entire country of Fire Country will have to change its style. In the early days of building a village, what is most needed is a Hokage who can bond the country and the village. Hashirama did a good job, but his The character is not suitable for a war period."

"Second, for the sake of the national system, I believe in Hashirama and Madara, and I also believe in everyone here, but I cannot trust the descendants of everyone here, whether they are your disciples or your children."

"The Hokage term that I mentioned ten years ago must be set down this year. In the future, when we are all gone, the rules of this term can be unchangeable."

"Originally, my idea was just to hold a vote of confidence for one term and let Hashirama be re-elected for another term. However, the country of fire is developing too fast, and the time for the unification war has arrived, so Hashirama is not suitable to continue to be the next one. Ten years of Hokage."

Ba Ye said with a smile: "Since the time has arrived, let's use this moment to strengthen the rules of tenure."

Senju Hashirama patted his thigh and said: "Okay, what Yaye said is very right. My character is indeed not suitable to rule the Fire Country during the war. In order to unify the ninja world and the future of the Fire Country, I accept Yaye suggestions.”

"But..." Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara and asked hesitantly, "Who will be the next Hokage?"

"Of course it's Uchiha Madara." Yaye said funnyly, "You don't need to recommend him. Madara is the most suitable candidate for the second Hokage. Let those arrogant guys know that we are about to start, and you decide what to do."

Uchiha Madara's face turned red with excitement. He made a fist with his right hand and clapped it with his left palm, and said loudly: "This is exactly what I dream of! I will be the second generation Hokage!"

Senju Tobirama smacked his lips and said nothing. He was also convinced by Yaye, but he had a grudge against the Uchiha clan in his heart and was a little unhappy when he saw Uchiha Madara was about to become Hokage.

In the past ten years, everyone knows that Senju Tobirama, while serving as the ANBU minister of the Hokage, is concentrating on developing various ninjutsu and fully displaying his talents.

But what are those ninjutsus: Darkness Walking Jutsu, Earth Reincarnation Jutsu, Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Flying Thunder God Slash, Mutual Detonation Seal, as long as you look at the effects, you will know that they are not targeting the Sharingan or Susana. Can be developed.

He was full of malice, and Qianju Tobijian was obviously proficient in the five escape techniques, but he devoted his greatest energy to studying water escape, and he was forced to perfect the water escape that was based on quantity.

If he said that this guy wasn't targeting Uchiha's world-famous fire escape ninjutsu, no one would believe it.

There is no way, this guy's character is like this, and he can't change it in this life.

Therefore, Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Izuna have not reconciled for ten years, and they are still angry and hostile, just like children.

Madara Uchiha asked: "Master Ya, if I become Hokage, who will the Defense Department and the Taxation Department be handed over to? Or should I take on the concurrent duties?"

"What a beautiful idea." Ba Ye smiled, "You will know later that as the leader of the Hokage, you don't have time to care about such small things."

"I suggest that the Defense Department be put in charge of Senju Hashirama, and the Tax Department be put in charge of Senju Tobirama. In addition, Madara, you find someone you can trust to be the head of the ANBU."

After thinking about it, everyone felt that it was suitable, so no one objected.

Uzumaki Mito looked around and said, "Since everyone has no objection to Yaye's proposal, I will convene a Jonin meeting to confirm the replacement of Hokage. Do you want to inform the Jonin about the war?"

Uchiha Madara waved his hand proudly and said loudly: "I suggest you announce it directly without blowing the wind. The unification war does not need to be sudden."

Senju Tobirama objected: "But the four major ninja villages will unite if they know the news, and increase our war losses out of thin air."

Uchiha Madara sneered and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if they unite. Konoha's ninja army will crush them together. The unity of the ninja world is unstoppable."

Senju Tobirama was furious: "But many Konoha ninjas will die in vain like this. How can you do this as Hokage?"

Senju Hashirama couldn't help but frown when he heard this, but he did not object. Instead, he looked at Yaye, only to find that Yachi had no reaction to Uchiha Madara's words.

"Master Ba, do you think Madara's approach is right?"

"um, yes."

Senju Hashirama was greatly shocked and blurted out: "Why is that? They are all ninjas of Konoha. How could they be like this..."

Yaye said helplessly: "Hashirama, this is why I suggested replacing Uchiha Madara as Hokage. Your character is really not suitable for a unification war."

Recalling the ups and downs, experiences and lessons that the only truly unified country in his previous life had experienced in the process of reunification, Mr. Ba said with emotion: "I said ten years ago that reunification is not about simply removing all opponents. Just kill them all, we must be able to completely control the land and manage all the people on the land."

Uchiha Madara smiled maliciously: "So we spent ten years training a large number of ninjas and more 'village chiefs'. Hey, they kept staring at the number of ninjas, but they didn't notice us. Now every village has five village chiefs.”

Master Ba also smiled, and then continued: "But is it enough to just fight it down and control it? Of course not."

“Unification is not just about completing the occupation with force, but more importantly, completing the occupation ‘in the heart’ so that everyone will be convinced by us and dare not resist our rule.”

"In this way, we can maintain control at the minimum cost and smoothly implement new policies that they are unfamiliar with, ensuring that the new policies are not out of shape and bring more benefits and convenience to the local people."

"In the end, after a long period of adjustment, everyone accepted the concept of 'we are one family'. This is the true unity."

Master Ba looked at Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama and said solemnly: "Note, the premise of everything is to convince everyone. The best way is to let them do everything they have done. We were crushed head-on when we were at our strongest."

Senju Tobirama said thoughtfully: "What will happen if they disobey?"

Ba Ye sighed and said: "If you don't accept it, you will be in trouble. They will help us openly, but secretly oppose us, pass information to the hostile ninjas, and cover the activities of the ninjas."

"With intelligence and cover, it will be very difficult for these ninjas to hunt down. However, they can use the intelligence to accurately kill our village chiefs and people who have accepted our management, and continue to create terror."

"Such tactics are almost unsolvable. We have to invest ten, twenty, or even a hundred times as many ninjas to hide and seek with them for many years. As time goes by, people will no longer trust our rule. The people of the Fire Country Nor can we accept the result of hard work in vain.”

"The result is that the unification war is won, but a unified country cannot be established. We will suffer the most terrible defeat, and even the Fire Nation itself will be implicated."

Yaye looked into Hashirama's eyes and said: "Hashirama, the ninjas who died in the unification war, the imperial ninjas who died, and the people who died in the war, all died in vain."

Eighth Master's words were so heavy that Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama stopped talking and thought silently.

Uchiha Madara also felt heavy pressure. After reflection, he suddenly felt that he was too naive. The reason for being fearless was just the habitual pursuit of the greatest glory. How could this support his fearless move forward?

But Uchiha Madara has a unique tenacity. He quickly recovered his mood and consciously asked from the perspective of Hokage: "Going back to the original topic, which company should we choose as our first target?"

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