Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 378 Xiaobaicai was humped by a wild boar

The living creature asked doubtfully: "But if it was not confirmed in the previous meeting that civilization will no longer expand outward, how can I get in touch with those wonderful civilizations?"

"We are restrained because our foundation is not enough to support expansion, but our pace of external exploration will not stop, but we will no longer launch wars." Aburame Tetsumaru explained, "Civilization cannot just develop in silence, it must have a broad vision. .”

"Besides, we have natural enemies like the Otsutsuki clan. I will never sit back at home and passively wait for these interstellar locusts to come to my door."

"So, are you going to communicate with people in a peaceful and friendly way?" Lively's mood became better, and she even rarely shook her head to express her excitement.

The main body of the living dragon was so huge. Her movements stirred up a strong wind. The whistling wind could be heard throughout the wet bone forest. The living dragon quickly stopped its movements.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited. But being able to make friends with people in a peaceful and friendly manner really suits me."

"If the Heavenly Sending Gate of Liuxianxing is built, I must go and see what the tree shepherd civilization looks like. They must have many, many different trees there."

"Ah, it should be delicious..."

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the live snake, which was dozens of kilometers long, and said, "Sister Live King, I have to be honest. If you want to go by yourself, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so."

The main body of the living creature shook its eyes: "Don't worry, Aburame-sama, the amount of me that will come when the time comes is at most equal to that of little Tsunade who can channel. That much of me is enough."

"If it's fifty to sixty meters, there will definitely be no problem. Please don't worry."

Aburame Tetsumaru finally said goodbye to the living beetle: "Then, let's say goodbye."

"Goodbye, Aburame-sama."

Aburame Tetsumaru used the Flying Thunder God Technique and left the Shiggy Bone Forest, but instead of returning to Konoha Village as planned, he went to the Dragon Vein Node between Ryuji Cave and Mt. Myouki.

The abundant natural energy of the dragon vein changed the properties of the rocks within a range of 600 meters near the node. The hardness of the granite jumped from seventy-one to between twelve and thirteen.

And under the influence of extremely strong natural energy, Earth Release Ninjutsu cannot affect the rocks here at all, and can only be used hard.

The first was the burrowing Zerg that had burrowed here. The attacking bug, the Molecule, spit out its own acid and smashed its own rock-breaking hammer appendage, which was able to get out a little bit of stone powder.

The combination of fire escape and ice escape is not good either. These extremely hard granites actually have strong toughness, which is simply unreasonable.

Explosive Escape was even more difficult. The tunnels in front were affected and collapsed, and the granite was just coated with a layer of black.

In the end, the incarnations had to use Water Release and Water Breaking Wave to grind it down bit by bit.

It took ten months of hard work to finally penetrate the last 600 meters and open up three rooms and two living rooms.

In this room of less than 300 square meters, the largest room was transformed into a bathroom. The avatars introduced running water and thinned the insulation layer. The geothermal heat naturally heated the room to 60 degrees, turning it into a sauna and hot spring bath.

Aburame Tetsumaru was soaking in the 60-degree hot water, enjoying the influx of natural energy and the soaking in the hot springs, comfortably falling into a half-dream and half-awake state.

In this secret room that had been completely sealed, Zhou Wenming's exclusive holy land, Aburame Tetsumaru was the only one at this time. He finally relaxed completely and let his thoughts completely fly.

Aburame Tetsumaru was thinking about his future, from dimension ascension to gene locks, from cultivating immortals to mechanical ascension. Countless ideas from the predecessors were flying around. With the help of the ideas compiled during the conversation with the living beast, he vaguely saw Your own path forward.

As the pioneer of a new path, Aburame Tetsumaru had no experience, and he didn't know whether there was something wrong with what he had done before, or whether it was just the way he transformed. He always felt various discomforts during the process of transformation.

The pain throughout my body was unsurprising. From time to time, the joints will experience a soreness that makes your teeth tremble, but you can still bear it.

But what was even worse was the itching, which was itchy from the bottom of his heart to the hair. It was so itchy that he wanted to peel off all his skin, expose his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and then scratch and scratch hard.

That feeling is really heart-breaking.

Aburame Tetsumaru knew that this kind of itching was a normal and even good reaction, but he couldn't help but scratch it when he felt itchy.

Naturally, if you feel uncomfortable, you have to find a way to solve it, but at the critical moment of body transformation, Younu Iron Pill dare not take medicine for fear that the medicine will interfere with the changes in the body, and eventually have to start over again, which will be the sin of taking it twice.

So he arranged various physical methods for himself. Ice compress, hot compress, scraping, and cupping all didn't work. He also tried volcanic hot springs, but it didn't work at all.

Finally, he had an idea and came to the Dragon Vein Node. After soaking in the scalding 60-degree artificial hot spring, the Aburame Iron Pill finally stopped itching.

"Well, comfortable."

The pain was gone, he felt happy, and a deep tiredness surged out of Aburame Tetsumaru's heart. He couldn't help but think about it, how long had it been since he had a good night's sleep?

Before he could calculate the specific time, Aburame Tetsumaru fell into sleep and fell into a deep sleep. He neither entered the sea of ​​spirit nor the sea of ​​soul, he simply fell asleep.

Floating up and down in the hot spring, Aburame Tetsumaru entered a chaotic state of no thought, no one and no self, and the speed of transformation quietly accelerated.

Unfortunately, the time of enjoyment is always short-lived, at least in the feelings of the guy who enjoys it.

Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly opened his eyes, and his biological clock told him that six days had passed. This made him a little confused. He obviously felt that he had just fallen asleep, but six days had passed?

"Damn, it feels like a long vacation. It really brings back bad feelings."

Aburame Tetsumaru struggled to get up from the hot spring, cursed and got dressed, then used Flying Thunder God to return to Konoha Village.

Today is a routine training day. Aburame Tetsumaru and Hinata Hinata have made an agreement that Hinata will practice with the Hyuga family every day, but every tenth day, Hinata will be taken to practice for a whole day.

For more than a year, this job has been performed by the housekeeper, but now he is immersed in studying the data on the Shock Continent handed over by Liuxianxing No. 6. He has long been distracted from raising children if he wants to get it out.

Now that Aburame Tetsumaru is back, he will naturally have to take on his own work. After all, he has six days of rest, and the housekeeper will definitely not replace him again.

Standing at the gate of Hinata, Hinata was still so serious and polite. He didn't notice the difference between Aburame Tetsumaru and the housekeeper, so he felt relieved and let Hinata follow him.

But Hinata was different. The little girl saw that the person was different at the first sight. The light in her eyes flickered, and she opened her mouth and shouted: "Teacher."

The teacher's voice was full of grievances, surprises, coquettishness, and dissatisfaction. She didn't know how Hinata could express so many emotions in just two words.

The stupid old father didn't hear anything, but Aburame Tetsumaru heard it very seriously. He quickly went up and performed the head-touching kill, and then took Hinata away.

"Teacher, you are finally back." After Hinata left her father's sight, she immediately pouted, puffed up her cheeks, and complained dissatisfiedly, "You have been away for a year and three months."

"Didn't the teacher go to fight? He'll be back soon after the war."

"Tch, you lied to this cute little girl like me again. The senior housekeeper said that the war would have ended long ago. You are just lazy!"

Hinata Hinata's eyes were red, the corners of her mouth were drooped, and she was about to cry.

Hey, the housekeeper actually dug a hole for himself. Aburame Tetsumaru wrote down this account and would get it back sooner or later, but if a student exposed it, he had to admit it.

"Sorry, teacher, I apologize to you."

"There is a price to pay for cheating. If the teacher is exposed by me, he has to compensate me."

"No problem, whatever you want."

The girl's expression suddenly changed from gloomy to bright, and she said with a wide smile: "This is your promise, teacher! Don't go back on it!"

Seeing the cunning performance of the Byakugan Princess, Aburame Tetsumaru was deeply pleased and laughed happily. Yes, this style of pursuing practicality at all costs is his good apprentice. The housekeeper has not taught his children bad things in more than a year. .

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled enough and replied seriously: "In this ninja world, no matter what you want, sensei can get it for you. No matter what you want, sensei can help you do it."

"Great!" Hyuga Hinata jumped up and down excitedly, then started squirming again, kicking the dust on the ground with her right foot, and asked sheepishly: "Teacher, can you accept Naruto-kun as your apprentice? I want to be with you Practice with him."

Hey! ! !

A surge of anger rushed into my heart. My little cabbage hadn't grown yet, but it was being overtaken by the Namikaze family's little wild boar?

Naruto, this kid is just like his father, he has been shameless since he was a child!

Aburame Tetsumaru thought for a moment and said, "There is no problem in practicing together, but accepting him as a disciple... is a bit troublesome."

The white eyes instantly turned blue, and Hinata said angrily: "Teacher, you just said there is nothing you can't do!"

Aburame Tetsumaru was so happy that he killed her with a head-butt move, suppressing the little girl's explosion, and explained with a smile: "Don't worry, if I accept Naruto as my apprentice, no one can stop me."

"But in just over a year, you will graduate. Hinata knows who she is going to team up with, right?"

The Tsangscargan was suppressed so easily by his teacher. Hinata didn't think too much, but replied: "You know, me, Inuzuka Kiba, and Aburame Shino are in a group, Naruto-kun, Sasuke A team of Jun and Sakura."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said: "Sure enough, nothing has changed. You are my disciple, Shino is my junior, and I also had Inuzukao among my former subordinates. The leading jounin of this class should of course be me. .”

"But if I take Naruto as my apprentice, the class arrangement that has been arranged in the village will be messed up. Which one do you think you should drag him into your class to replace, or should you and Sakura switch places?"

Hinata gritted her teeth and stopped talking. Although her personality became cheerful and cunning, she was still a kind girl who was very considerate of others. The thought of causing trouble to many people made Hinata feel that her request was too much, and she was not that willful.

Seeing Hinata's dilemma, Aburame Tetsumaru said with a smile: "Little girl, if you want to train with Naruto-kun, just let him come directly. Teacher, I won't dislike him."

"Don't worry, I won't hide anything. I will teach everyone equally and with all my heart."

"Really? That's great!" Hinata Hinata immediately became happy, "Then I'll go find Naruto-kun?"

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said, "Go on, run faster, don't waste too much time."

"Thank you, teacher!" Hinata ran away immediately, "I'll be right back."

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at his apprentice who had run away in a hurry, and laughed through gritted teeth, his smile filled with murderous intent: "You little wild boar, if you dare to attack my apprentice, I will let you know later. sharp."

Aburame Tetsumaru had thought about the possibility of taking Namikaze Naruto as his disciple before. After all, he was the host body of the son of Sage of Six Paths, so he was qualified to be his disciple.

But now, hum!

Don't even think about it in this life. After all, if you really accept him as your disciple, Aburame Tetsumaru won't be able to deal with him ruthlessly.

There is no need to deal with Naruto specifically, as long as he arranges the same amount of exercise as Hinata, Namikaze Naruto will naturally experience what it means to be "other people's children".

Soon the two children came back together, but they actually held hands and jumped back, and when they met, they gave the single a mouthful of dog food.

Namikaze Naruto was very polite. He bowed deeply when he saw him and shouted loudly: "Hello Aburame Jounin, I have caused you trouble."

"Naruto, have you told the Hokage about training with me today?"

"I have already talked to my father and obtained his consent. My father said that the Aburame jounin is the strongest ninja in Konoha and told me to study hard."

Naruto bowed deeply again: "Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity!"

This Naruto is very different from the Uzumaki Naruto in his memory. He doesn't have that six-stroke beard. He is well-dressed, clean and refreshing, and makes people feel comfortable just looking at him.

But the bigger difference is that Namikaze Naruto's eyes are clear and bright, his speech and movements are polite and clear, he stands as tall as a pine tree, and he moves like a tiger with the strength of wind. He is a confident and cheerful child.

In particular, Naruto loves to laugh very much. His smile from the heart is full of moving contagion and seems to be able to convey the warmth in his heart to others.

When Aburame Tetsumaru saw Naruto's smile, he naturally remembered the first time he saw little Taiyang Namikaze Minato many years ago, and it was so warm and touching.

Aburame Tetsumaru found four watermelon rinds: Matt Dai in a wheelchair, Met Kai with a smile on his face, Kai's five-year-old son Met Sai, and Kai's disciple Li.

When he handed Hinata Hinata and Naruto Namikaze to Dai and asked him to arrange some physical exercise, Minato Namikaze quietly appeared behind him.

Thinking of Minato, Minato has arrived.

Aburame Tetsumaru didn't turn around, looked at the figures of the two elders and the younger ones running away gradually, and said with a smile: "Hokage-sama, long time no see."

Namikaze Minato stepped forward and reached a position shoulder to shoulder with Aburame Tetsumaru, and then responded: "Yes, I haven't seen you for more than a year, Aburame Jounin."

Hearing Minato's words, Aburame Tetsumaru smiled with eight teeth and turned to look at Namikaze Minato: "Haha, you really discovered it."

Namikaze Minato was wearing the Yondaime Hokage's haori, but he didn't wear a hat. After hearing Tetsumaru's words, he raised his eyebrows and shook his head and said: "I didn't recognize it in the past few years, but in recent years The difference between you is getting bigger and bigger. If I still can't recognize it, I really am not worthy of being Hokage."

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