The insect swarms launched their attacks at exactly the same time, and when they attacked the oasis, they used an overwhelmingly superior number to surround them, not even letting a single fish slip through the net.

There are also a few powerful jounin among the Sunagakure ninjas responsible for garrison duty, and their loyalty to Sunagakure Village is also worthy of praise.

Faced with a sudden attack, the jonins without exception chose to break out. If they failed to break out, they would fight to the end, causing a certain amount of damage to the entire insect swarm.

They have no future. These ninjas are indeed very strong. They can dodge and move when surrounded by a group of insects, but they can't take down these slippery jonins.

This is the embarrassment encountered by a large army that emphasizes coordinated operations when faced with powerful and slippery individuals.

However, the bugs did not fight alone. While the bugs swarmed up, the core bearers who had experienced the baptism of war were also quietly lurking among them. They saw the right moment and knocked down these Jonin with one blow, and then the bug swarm It will be killed.

This is another collaborative legion crushing an individual. As long as an individual's combat effectiveness does not exceed a certain level, he will definitely die.

The peripheral battle went very smoothly, and some embarrassing little troubles did not cause intelligence to be leaked.

In the desert, the distance between oases is very large, each other is out of sight of the other, and the battle will not be noticed by other places.

Therefore, Sunagakure Village was not aware of the battle that started at twelve o'clock in the morning, but it became an isolated city.

Overnight, more than 70% of the desert oases in the entire Land of Wind had been controlled by Aburame Tetsumaru, and the ninjas in Sunagakure Village lost the chance to retreat.

The large swarm of bugs ended their first battle and followed the underground tunnel to the Sand Hidden Village, surrounding it with water.

After completing the siege, the bugs lurked silently under the sand to hide themselves, waiting for their mission orders, and also waiting for a new bug to appear for the first time.

The completely elite Sunagakure Village did not lag behind in the task competition, but when it encountered an unexpected attack, it exposed the problem of insufficient monitoring of its own environment. They did not realize that they were surrounded.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Sunagakure Village, which had no one entering, finally realized that something was wrong and began to send ANBU ninjas and intelligence ninjas out.

At this time, the insect swarm surrounding Sunagakure Village had formed a defensive zone that was two kilometers deep and wide. The unlucky ANBU ninjas were always in the center of the defensive zone when they were attacked.

After the battle began, whether advancing or retreating, the Sunagakure ninja had to break through one kilometer under the siege of the insect swarm. In the vast desert, under the ambush of the core leader and the avatar, this was almost impossible to accomplish.

But ninja is indeed a profession that can create miracles. Even under heavy siege, there are still ninjas who can successfully break through.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the first Sand Hidden Village ANBU ninja broke through the swarm of insects and entered the sight of the sentry ninja. Sand Hidden Village was finally awakened and began to enter full alert and mobilization.

The Fourth Kazekage has grown old, and the once heroic man has become decadent, but his voice is still loud: "Who are the people surrounding us? Are they from the Leaf Village?"

The heavily injured ANBU ninja who broke through said with a dying breath: "Yes, Lord Kazekage. They are the giant insect troops of Konoha Village, and the insects have all become very strong, even more powerful than the thin and tall giant insects before."

"How could Konoha Village suddenly attack? How could there be no warning at all before? How did they cross our border guard post?"

"Sunagakure Village was suddenly surrounded. What happened to the oasis and the ninjas outside?"

Kazekage looked at the noisy group of senior executives, "Stop everyone, what time is it now, why are you still thinking about peripheral things? Mobilize all ninjas and prepare to fight!"

A small number of ninjas nodded in agreement to Kazekage's request, and most of the senior officials nodded in agreement, but did not say anything, but everyone started to take action.

But the first thing they did after leaving was to pack up their wealth and arrange for their families to hide, and then they gathered their subordinates or clansmen.

The last time someone blocked the door was a secret thing, and most of the so-called high-level officials didn't know about it, but the previous time when Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo led the Konoha ninja to block the door was still fresh in their memory.

Surrounded by the enemy without warning, the danger this time is definitely greater than the crisis many years ago. All the senior officials are very clearly aware that this crisis will be difficult to survive.

More than twenty years ago, tens of thousands of ninjas in Konoha surrounded Sunagakure Village, but they fought hard through fierce battles one after another.

Fatigue, hunger and thirst have seriously weakened the combat effectiveness of Konoha ninjas. Although there are few ninjas in Sunagakure Village, they have the confidence to fight with them.

At that time, the leading ninjas in Konoha Village were Orochimaru, Tsunade and Hatake Sakumo, but Sunagakure Village also had masters such as the Third Kazekage, Chiyo, and Ebizo, who were also qualified for a battle.

Today, only the fourth generation Kazekage and Hayakura are left in Sunagakure Village. Although Chiyo and Ebizo are not dead, they are very old and are not suitable for the battlefield at all.

But if the enemy is the Leaf Village, Jiraiya and Tsunade are both in their prime, the Fourth Hokage is not a shadow who never leaves the village, and the Hokage's wife is the strongest jinchuriki who can tear the eight tails and seven tails apart.

The Jinchuuriki of Sunagakure Village can't even control their emotions very well, and are not considered to be qualified combatants at all.

There's no way to fight, there's no way to fight.

Someone suggested that the two Sannin of Konoha Village had left Konoha Village and would not appear here.

Someone immediately retorted: "If it is Konoha's ninjas who silently broke through the border and surrounded us, then they must have been carefully planning for a long time, and Tsunade and Jiraiya's departure from the village must be a conspiracy!"

But no matter how big the conflicts were before, when the time came for someone to block the door and beat him up, the tough character honed in the harsh desert environment prevailed.

No matter what preparations these high-level ninjas made in private, none of them escaped secretly. All of them gathered their subordinates, fully armed and gathered in front of the Kazekage Building. After being organized, they climbed onto the cliff.

At this time, the swarm of insects no longer hid under the sand, but stood out openly. The tall hydralisks, the short springtails, and the giant thunder beasts were neatly arranged, waiting. Attack orders.

The Fourth Kazekage came up with his three children and was stunned when he looked over. Ye Cang beside him also exclaimed in low voice: "It's too much."

Even if the two of them were like this, the other ninjas in Sunagakure Village were stunned and their fighting spirit was gone. Seeing such a terrifying insect swarm, every ninja knew that today's battle would not be easy and they would die.

Feng Ying looked at the sky above his head. The gloomy weather that had not been seen in the desert for ten years made him feel even heavier.

At this time, two trembling old men also walked up. For ordinary ninjas, it was just a height to lift their feet, leaving the two old men panting.

Chiyo looked at the insect swarm and sneered: "This is not what Konoha Village is like. Even if they change the Hokage, they shouldn't have such great power. I really don't know what kind of existence is targeting us. Sand Hidden Village.”

"Sister, the weather is not right." Ebizo tried his best to open his eyes wide and looked at the dark clouds in the sky and said, "There are dark clouds covering the entire sky, but there is not a trace of moist wind in the desert. This cloud feels wrong."

Chiyo laughed heartily: "Brother, we are all damned people. No matter what happens today, it is nothing more than death. There is nothing to worry about."

"That's right. The only two siblings left in our family are you and me. If you die, just die."

Chiyo said regretfully: "I have already died. My only regret is that I did not see my grandson before I died. This is the only thing I am not willing to accept."

The two old men from the previous generation felt that death was not terrible, but the fourth generation Kazekage and Ye Cang, who were still in their prime, had no intention of dying.

The Fourth Kazekage has three children, and Ye Cang has a disciple. They are still actively preparing for the battle. All kinds of puppets and equipment are put out, and the stockpile of ninja tools, detonating charms, medicines, and poisons are also taken out and distributed.

Now is not the time to be stingy with money, we must do everything possible to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Sunagakure ninjas.

The core leaders from the Kingdom of Water and Xincha looked at the preparations of Sand Hidden Village and couldn't help but smile. They recalled how hard it was to fight the war in the past year under the pursuit and interception of No. 6.

The rhythm of battles is usually calculated in seconds. If there is a slight difference of a few seconds, it is very likely to eat omnic mushrooms. The only result of a mistake is death.

But today's war with Sunagakure Village was too leisurely. It was a bit funny that they could quietly wait for their new troops to be tested.

"Commander, why don't we rush forward and wait in front of the enemy like this... I feel very panicked."

Dice said with a smile: "Relax, everyone, we have all the advantages now, and waiting now can greatly reduce the subsequent losses."


"Because Sand Hidden Village has a biggest weakness, a huge weakness that they have never realized." Dice said, "As long as we attack this weakness, we don't have to attack, we only need to pursue and intercept them after they collapse. ."

Gray Bones interjected: "The new bug is finally here, let's start preparing."

The sound of Pula Pula's wings came from the thick clouds. As the sound became louder and louder, a ferocious giant beast flapped its bat-like wings, smashed through the thick clouds, and appeared in front of everyone. before.

Mutalisaurus is the first type of starboard air force unit among Zhou Wenming's insect swarm. Because it needs to adapt to the gravity environment, it must be able to combine aerodynamics, and it must be able to fly for a long time. Many requirements have led to the insect's extremely complex structure and long-term difficulty in giving birth.

Finally, the bugs flew into the sky, but they couldn't afford powerful offensive weapons and had to increase their muscles to increase their strength.

Adding strength led to an increase in weight, so the area of ​​the wings had to be increased. After the area increased, it was found that the strength of the wings was not enough, and the material of the bones had to be optimized. Finally, the weight increased again.

The alien dragon struggled in this trap for many years, and finally turned into a behemoth with a body length of 33 meters, a wingspan of 64 meters, and a weight of 72 tons. things.

The original version of the Alien Dragon was born two years ago. Unfortunately, the war it encountered after it was born was the Battle of the Six-stringed Star. On that planet where the enemy controlled the entire world, the Air Force had no chance to appear, and therefore did not experience the war. baptism.

It just so happens that Sunagakure Village is the most suitable opponent for the Alien Dragon's debut, because their anti-air combat effectiveness is basically zero. Four years after the original timeline, two Akatsuki members easily captured the Kazekage just because they attacked from the sky.

So now, how can Sunagakure Village, which is under attack from the air, resist?

The vocal organ of the alien dragon's chest let out a scream, and immediately more alien dragons descended from the thick clouds and swooped down towards Sand Hidden Village.

The attack falling from the sky really panicked Sunagakure Village. Except for a few wind release ninjutsus that flew up to attack, the ninjas of Sunagakure Village could hardly do anything. The opponent was flying too high.

When it dived to a height of 400 meters, the tail of the alien dragon sprayed out a ball of mucus. The moment it left the tail of the alien dragon, it turned into crystals and spun at high speed in the air towards the Sunagakure ninja.

The seemingly strong and sharp crystals are actually very fragile. They will break instantly when they hit the human body, buildings, or the ground. The mucus that has not turned into crystals inside is extremely corrosive and has considerable destructive power.

After the unlucky Sunagakure ninja was contaminated by the corrosive mucus, he could not remove the mucus at all, and could only watch a hole in his body being corroded.

The most unlucky ninjas were even drenched to their vitals, and eventually they screamed and turned into corpses.

The ground where the mucus touched was corroded and pitted, and the battlefield was filled with a pungent smell and yellow and green smoke.

When the Alien Dragon attacked for the second time, the height had dropped to nearly 200 meters. The Jonin of Sunagakure Village launched a counterattack. The puppet masters used mechas to launch kunai, accurately hitting the Alien Dragon's body.

But the weight of seventy-two tons is not for nothing. No matter how powerful the kunai is, as long as it flies upwards for two hundred meters, it will basically have no lethality.

The most effective attacks are those who are good at wind escape. They use various wind escape ninjutsu, and all kinds of wind blades fly high into the sky intensively.

Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough

Wind escape·Thousand-faced wind

These experienced Sunagakure jounin choose C-level ninjutsu, which are not too powerful, but the coverage area is very sufficient.

In the dense wind blades, every time the Mutalisaurus dives, it is inevitable that a part of it will be hit.

Although the wind blade cannot tear the body of the alien dragon, it can effectively destroy the wing membranes on the alien dragon's wings, greatly reducing the alien dragon's flight and maneuverability.

After three rounds of dive attacks, the Sunagakure ninjas had suffered hundreds of casualties, but they were stunned to find that not a single flying giant beast fell.

Even though its wings were beaten to pieces, the alien dragon's mobility was only reduced, but it was still able to soar in the sky full of vitality.

Kazekage finally saw the key point, and he reminded his subordinates loudly: "Those monster wings are only auxiliary, not the main driving force for flight, use powerful ninjutsu!"

The Sunagakure ninjas immediately changed their ninjutsu. When the huge wind pillars stood up, the alien dragon no longer dived and attacked. It flew high on the lower edge of the dense clouds and fired its weapons from a distance. .

As the attack distance became farther, the attack hit rate of the Alien Dragon Crystal plummeted, and the threat of the Alien Dragon also dropped greatly. The Sunagakure ninjas suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

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