Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 537 Communication with the Tree Shepherd

In the main control room of the Kunlun Mountain, Aburame Tetsumaru was controlling the battleship to slowly lower its orbital altitude.

At the same time, he is also releasing satellite worms to establish a satellite network. In addition to the satellite worms, he is also releasing a swarm of worms that will be updated within two years to update the version of the swarm carried by Jupiter and the living worms.

Suddenly, Aburame Tetsumaru became uneasy. He looked at Kaguya, then at the planet, and then repeated this, as if to confirm something.

Kaguya Otsutsuki naturally noticed the abnormality and asked, "What happened?"

Aburame Tetsumaru looked thoughtfully at the planet below, and then said, "Someone wants to talk to me."

Otsutsuki Kaguya was also stunned, and immediately realized that it could only be the tree shepherd sending the signal, but how could this be possible, even though she was there, she didn't feel it at all.

Aburame Tetsumaru also repeatedly marveled: "This tree shepherd's mental power is so powerful that even I can't stop him, and at the same time, you can't notice it. It's really incredible."

Kaguya couldn't help but frown and said: "Tree Shepherd is a super-giant life form at the planet level. His physical strength is invincible, but his mental power is actually so powerful..."

"Doesn't it mean that there will be trouble in this negotiation?"

Aburame Tetsumaru carefully sensed the spiritual power coming from the ancient tree. After a while, he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "No, Kaguya. Quite the opposite."

"Now I have confirmed that not only am I stronger in terms of strength, but they also ask for help from me."

Otsutsuki Kaguya asked in surprise: "Is this kind of information leaked to you? Is the tree herder so honest?"

Aburame Tetsumaru replied: "It should really be due to lack of experience in fighting. Although this ancient tree did not express it clearly, he did not hide his emotions in his mental power."

"The emotion is so obvious. I just have to write it on my face about what I'm going to do. I can guess it without having to feel it carefully."

"Then what will happen if you feel it carefully?"

"Oh? Let me try."

After a long time, Aburame Tetsumaru suddenly let out a fit of retching. Although he didn't actually spit it out, the violent cough that followed made him shed tears.

Kaguya Otsutsuki was immediately startled. She stood beside Aburame Tetsumaru at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Aburame Tetsumaru recovered quickly.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and laughed: "I am overestimating my capabilities. How dare I really invade the spirit of a foreign race? The difference is really huge."

It turns out that Aburame Tetsumaru followed the surging mental power and invaded Baoshu's consciousness space.

Aburame Tetsumaru never expected that the external expression of Hoshu's spirit was very normal, but it was slowly simulated and learned after being exposed to other civilizations for a long time, which was almost equivalent to learning a foreign language of human spirit.

But the core of Baoshu's thinking is naturally the racial characteristics of tree shepherds. Compared with humans, the underlying logic is completely different.

Aburame Tetsumaru broke into this strange thinking space so rashly, and was instantly dumbfounded. The two sides had completely different understandings of space and time.

Because the underlying logic is completely different, Aburame Tetsumaru's mental power is indeed inferior to Hoshu in terms of total volume and firmness, so that he cannot express himself in Hoshu's thinking.

This abnormal situation quickly destroyed the invading spirit, and quickly fed back to Aburame Tetsumaru itself, causing his mental disorder and causing symptoms such as nausea and retching.

Fortunately, unlike the Yamanaka clan, the entire soul was not projected over. In the final analysis, it was just a loss of part of the mental power. Aburame Tetsumaru quickly recovered.

Aburame Tetsumaru stood in front of the console again and controlled the spacecraft to descend.

Since direct spiritual communication is not possible, then meet honestly and have a direct conversation.

Now Aburame Tetsumaru is becoming more and more curious about the Tree Shepherd. The completely different way of thinking and even the completely different perceptual understanding of the universe make him full of interest in exploration.

The spacecraft finally passed through the atmospheric exosphere of Planet 3 of the Shepherd Galaxy and stopped on an orbit of 1,700 kilometers. Aburame Tetsumaru and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya were transmitted to the star catalog together.

At this time, the living creature had just woken up less than a month ago and started her gluttonous journey again, so she only sent a clone about 100 meters away to greet them and guide these two people and the ancient tree shepherd. Baoshu meets.

I don’t know if it’s the etiquette of a tree shepherd meeting a civilized leader of equal status, or if his original willow tree has been worn out for too long.

Baoshu has changed his body. He is now using a broad-leaved tree with a height of sixteen meters, which looks similar to a sycamore tree.

This sycamore tree is not only very tall, but its leaves are also extremely dense.

When Baoshu moved his long legs of ten meters and walked over step by step, the sycamore leaves all over his body were rustling.

"Mr. Baoshu, why did you change your body?"

"Ah, the willow tree from before went dormant, so I came here in another body that I like best."

The living creature nodded to show that she understood, and then she introduced them to both parties.

"The cocoon maker, this is an ancient treasure tree, the leader of the tree shepherd civilization."

"Mr. Baoshu, this is the cocoon maker Aburame Tetsumaru, the creator of Zhou civilization."

Aburame Tetsumaru flew sixteen meters into the air, looked at Baoshu and said hello, and then immediately entered into a conversation.

The cultural differences between the two sides are so great that etiquette is meaningless, and the two leaders are both cunning and transparent, so there is no need to use etiquette as a buffer.

Baoshu spoke first: "I have determined that those who unleashed evil intentions on us are members of the Otsutsuki clan, and there are many of them."

"This movement of the Otsutsuki clan is very strange. This is the first time I have seen Otsutsuki acting in a group. Something big must have happened to them."

"When such a large group of Otsutsuki gathers, they are very powerful. It is difficult for the Tree Shepherd to deal with it alone, so the Tree Shepherd needs allies."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded in agreement with Hoshu's words. He said: "The Otsutsuki clan is a pest in the universe. Even one of them is a big trouble. If they gather into a large-scale cluster like this, the harm will naturally be greatly increased. It has become A disaster in the universe.”

"We, Zhou Wenming, have just eliminated a pair of members of the Otsutsuki clan. We will never stay aloof. Zhou Wenming is willing to form an alliance with the Tree Shepherd Civilization to fight against this cosmic disaster."

Baoshu shook for a while, then nodded this time and said: "Very good, the tree shepherd has no objections."

The alliance was finalized in this way. The conversation between the two parties lasted one hour and thirty-four minutes, of which Aburame Tetsumaru spoke for no more than five minutes.

Aburame Tetsumaru deeply understood Jupiter's depression and complaints, which indeed made sense. This kind of communication method and rhythm could drive people crazy.

But there were still many details that needed to be communicated, so Aburame Tetsumaru had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The two sides agreed on the scale of their respective combat capabilities, exchanged the image and characteristics of their respective combat capabilities, and agreed on encrypted signals for identification of friend or foe.

In particular, Zhou Civilization's current highest combat unit, the planetary fortress, must be described to Baoshu in detail.

If the battle breaks out twenty-five years later, Zhou Wenming may build the second planetary fortress, and then it will really be sent to the Tree Shepherd Galaxy to fight.

After all, the size of the planetary fortress determines that it can only place one in a galaxy. If there are two, there will be serious conflicts.

Because the planetary fortress is not a dead fortress fixed in orbit, but a mobile fortress that can move based on its own power system.

Once a big thing of this size moves, it will definitely have no impact on the star, but it will cause exaggerated disruption to the gravitational system between the planets.

One freely moving planet is troublesome enough, but two are absolutely fatal. If there is a calculation error, or the calculation results in chaos, Aburame Tetsumaru and the others will definitely be paralyzed.

The worst case scenario is that the planetary fortress falls into the gravitational circle of a massive star and is ravaged by the gravitational tide, or even directly disintegrates, shatters, and falls.

For the current Zhou civilization, it is not suitable to deploy two planetary fortresses at the same time in a star system, otherwise the combat effectiveness will be seriously reduced.

Entering the Tree Shepherd Galaxy will also cause a considerable degree of chaos. If we do not communicate well in advance, it may cause huge trouble.

After Aburame Tetsumaru's introduction, through the construction of a virtual image and other methods, coupled with the strange explanation of the living beast, Baoshu understood what Zhou Wenming's highest combat power was.

Baoshu nodded and said: "It turns out to be an artificial planet made by Erdo. I know. It is indeed a very good war weapon."

"Come over here, we have encountered similar situations here, and there were no major problems." Baoshu said cheerfully, "A long time ago, I pushed one with my own hands. It was indeed very laborious, but the power was great. Very small.”

Aburame Tetsumaru: "..."

He felt that no matter what he said, the other party would respond with words such as "Ah, I know, I have seen XXX, I have done XXX myself".

It feels like the conversation between the bald eagle and the rabbit in the past. The bald eagle was forced to stop using any plans and just used its strength to bully others.

Aburame Tetsumaru also feels that way now. No matter what he says or what he proposes, the other party always seems not surprised.

It's frustrating, to be honest.

Fortunately, the tree shepherd really didn't have any scheming, and talked everything over honestly, without any extraneous things happening.

Except for the speed at which he spoke, which worried Aburame Tetsumaru, it was a really good negotiation process.

After the exchange, Zhou Wenming successfully obtained the permission to mine ore on the planet, and no longer had to work hard to pick up ore in a vacuum.

With abundant resources, Zhou Wenming's construction plan was naturally completely changed.

In order to build the Tree Shepherd Galaxy into a combat defense system, a large number of defense facilities and a large number of insect swarms are necessary, and a large-scale space grid is also indispensable.

The Heavenly Sending Gate must speed up, and in addition, Dyson rings and chakra factories must also begin to be included in the plan.

The plan is very huge, but Zhou Wenming simply cannot spare such a large-scale manpower. For the time being, he can only mobilize a dozen incarnations and thirty heavenly beings, all of which will be managed by Jupiter.

We have to wait until the construction of the Ninja World and the Six String Star is completed before we can mobilize manpower on a large scale, which will be at least eighteen years later.

Tree Shepherd Baoshu was very satisfied with this. He exclaimed: "Zhou Civilization is indeed an amazing civilization. Such a fast reaction speed is really admirable."

One month later, the negotiations between the two parties successfully completed all issues and ended successfully.

The gathered tree herders also added the Servant Ancient Tree and the Divine Power Ancient Tree. They were all ancient trees that had never seen the Otsutsuki clan, and they came here specifically to see the Otsutsuki who belonged to Zhou Wenming.

The next two months became an exchange between the two parties.

Aburame Tetsumaru saw the true form of Tree Shepherd Hoshu with his own eyes, and personally felt the shock brought by a planet-level life form that was the size of a continent.

It was when he faced this great life that his eyes could not fully see that Aburame Tetsumaru discovered that the tree herders said they were plants, but their true bodies were more like inorganic life forms composed of metal and silicon.

It's a bit similar to the legendary silicon-based creatures, but there are huge differences.

The most abundant element in the tree shepherd's ancient tree is iron, as well as a large number of heavy elements, such as radium, uranium, cobalt, and thorium.

These heavy elements continue to undergo fission, releasing a large amount of energy and becoming the energy source for the daily activities of the tree shepherd's true body.

In addition to fission reactions, there are also fusion reactions that occur periodically. The fusion reaction mainly involves light elements such as hydrogen, helium, and lithium.

The energy released by the fusion reaction is greater and the output is higher. It seems to be the energy source that supports the explosive battle of the ancient tree's true form.

In addition, there is source energy, an extraordinary power similar to chakra and natural energy, which should be the key to condensing the ancient tree's thinking.

Seeing the true form of the ancient tree, Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but exclaimed, and he didn't know how many inspirations burst out in his mind.

The shepherds also saw Aburame Tetsumaru's telekinesis and insect swarm state, as well as the condensed telekinesis giant that was even larger than the ancient tree's true body.

Because it was agreed at the beginning of the negotiation, Aburame Tetsumaru did not use all his strength in order not to overly stimulate the tree shepherd, and the telekinesis giant displayed was not the largest in size.

But this also shocked the five ancient trees, and even caused them to become mentally unstable.

Thanks to Baoshu's warning in advance, the ancient tree's three views did not collapse.

In addition, the tree herders also visited the Kunlun Mountains, entered the interior of the warship, and saw the lush ecosystem.

Here plants and insects live in harmony, forming a simple but not monotonous ecological cycle.

Baoshu's eyes stared straight at the bugs moving in the weightless forest, and an unprecedented new thought came to his mind: Should some bugs be introduced from here?

This idea is quite subversive. There used to be bugs on the planet Tree Shepherd.

After causing the death of the ancient trees in the abyss, the tree herders determined that the bugs were harmful and completely eliminated them over thousands of years, with the prosperous ancient trees providing a major contribution in this process.

Times have changed, and now Baoshu has begun to try to introduce alien insects into the forest. This is also a huge ideological impact, especially the greatest threat to the prosperous ancient trees.

Only with sufficient communication in advance and maximum actual testing, introducing insects into the forest will not "kill" the prosperous ancient trees.

As a result, there were more things to communicate with Zhou Wenming.

Correspondingly, the price the tree herders have to pay also increases, such as opening up the resources of the second planet to Zhou Civilization.

Aburame Tetsumaru likes this very much. Before eliminating Otsutsuki, it is right to increase the contact between the two parties as much as possible.

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