Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 549 The Breeding Farm of Snakes and Toads

"Mother!" The voices of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura were sharp, and even contained anger that could not be concealed.

They were puzzled by the layers of corpses here. They felt that the image of their mother had suddenly changed over the centuries and became so strange.

"Uno Goddess!" Gamamaru's voice was trembling, almost outright fear.

As a toad that survived Otsutsuki's siege and possesses the power of prophecy, it tends to use the power of wisdom and language to defeat its enemies, rather than facing invincible enemies on its own.

"Hagoromo, Hamura, I..." Gamamaru trembled and wanted to retreat, but his words were interrupted by Hagoromo's question.

Otsutsuki Hagoromo knelt on the ground, his head buried deep in the soil. He asked loudly: "Mother, why? Why do you want to kill so many people?"

"Even the people in the village are not spared. Aren't they your nationals?"

Otsutsuki Hamura begged loudly: "Mother, stop, don't kill anyone again!"

"Killing?" Goddess Mao glanced at her two sons, and then explained unhurriedly, "I kill all enemies."

Otsutsuki Hagoromo shouted loudly: "But I found the villagers! The villagers can't be enemies!"

The goddess Uno thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, Hagoromo. The villagers are indeed not enemies. They are all materials I bought."

Otsutsuki Hamura couldn't help being stunned: "Bought? Materials?"

"Of course, it's me who allows them to enjoy a life far beyond that of ordinary people. It's me who doesn't have to work hard. All they have to do is give their lives to me when the time is right. It's fair."

The goddess of Mao said: "Of course I don't kill ants deliberately, I am making soldiers."

Otsutsuki Hamura couldn't help but asked: "Mother, why is life so cold in your mouth? Is it possible to measure the value of life with money?"

The goddess Mao couldn't understand the problem of her two sons. She asked, "Isn't it like this?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo: "..."

"What's more, I have to create enough soldiers and a huge army before they come."

The two Otsutsuki brothers looked at each other. Mother was so afraid of the enemy. They asked in unison: "Who are they? Are they going to fight with us?"

"These are not things you should know yet..."

"Young 'me', you said it wrong." In the other direction, Otsutsuki Kaguya appeared.

In just a few months, Kaguya's temperament has undergone a huge change. The aggressive and strong feeling is almost invisible, and she looks countless times gentler.

Kaguya Otsutsuki pointed at the Otsutsuki brothers and said: "These two silly children are obviously in the rebellious stage. The naughty children at this stage are suspicious of you. You should not hide the danger from them."

The goddess Uno frowned when she heard this. She looked at her two sons, thought for a moment and said, "Hagoromo and Hamura are still young, how can I tell them their information? They can't bear this."

Otsutsuki Kaguya sneered and said: "I don't think the two of them will be scared."

"The problem is that if you don't explain it, they will misunderstand you, guess the worst about your behavior, and even get into a fight with you."

"By then, the Otsutsuki clan you are worried about will not even have time to appear, and everything you protect will be destroyed by them."

"Tell them, let them make the decision, don't carry it alone."

The goddess of Mao was shaken, but still a little unsure. She looked at herself a thousand years later and asked: "Is it really possible?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya said nonchalantly: "If you hide it from them, they will rebel. Then they will seal you and smash the world to pieces, and then you will slowly clean up the mess."

"Instead of going through this trouble, it's better to throw the not-so-bad mess to them now and let them bear it themselves."

"Young me, we have now broken through the restrictions imposed by the Otsutsuki clan. There will be no restrictions in the future and we can grow with peace of mind."

Otsutsuki Kaguya said in confusion: "Haven't you discovered it yet? We don't need them anymore. Now, leaving all these burdens behind and focusing on improving yourself is the most effective way to improve your strength."

The goddess of Mao suddenly understood: "Yes, you are right!"

She really figured it out, whether it was protecting humanity or splitting her two sons, it was all because she was trying to increase her strength when her strength was unable to grow.

Now that he has broken through his limits and can continue to grow, he no longer needs his two sons, nor does he need Bai Jue as a soldier.

There is no need for Bai Jue as a soldier, and the goddess of Mao has no need for the fragile civilization in the current world. She should leave them behind now and concentrate on increasing her own strength.

"You're right, I don't need them anymore, I can leave them." The more the goddess Uno thought about it, the more it made sense. She suddenly looked at the Otsutsuki brothers and murmured: "Their chakra... "

Otsutsuki Kaguya came over and patted the goddess on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Forget it, there is no need to recycle this little chakra. After all, they are children who have been raised for so many years. Let them do it themselves."

The goddess Uno nodded and told her sons about her origins, the rules and strength of the Otsutsuki clan, as well as her worries and preparations for the attacks that were bound to come in the future.

While the goddess Uno was telling the story, Otsutsuki Kaguya caught Gamamaru, who was peeping at a nearby dog.

Otsutsuki Kaguya once again wrapped it into a wooden ball and used it as a foot pad.

As the goddess Mao's story ended, the two people and Toad were dumbfounded. They even felt that the goddess Mao was lying to them.

But at this time, the goddess Uno had already made her decision. She ignored them at all, and without even looking at them, she flew out of the roots of the sacred tree side by side with Kaguya Otsutsuki without any regrets.

After flying out, the goddess Mao looked back at the sacred tree that looked like it reached the sky, and asked: "According to our agreement, the sacred tree belongs to you, how do you plan to take it away?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya stretched out her right hand and said: "Transform into the Ten-Tails, and then seal it into the body. This is how it works."

Kaguya gently held her white and tender hands, and the towering sacred tree began to faintly vibrate. Its branches and leaves began to slowly shrink, and at the same time, the overall life form changed from plants to animals.

For a towering tree that can grow to the edge of the thermosphere, its size is simply too large. Any changes cannot be made too quickly and must be done slowly.

If the change is rapid, it will cause violent vibrations, and when these vibrations are transmitted to the ends, they will turn into ultra-high-speed swings several times the speed of sound, and then breakage will be inevitable.

The shock woke up the sluggish Otsutsuki brothers. They ran out of the underground in a panic and looked at the two Otsutsuki Kaguya in mid-air. They didn't know what happened or what to do.

More than a month later, the form of the sacred tree finally transformed into a ten-tailed giant beast. Although a lot of corners were still discarded, the size of the sacred tree that had gone through a complete transformation process far exceeded the ten-tailed beast in Kaguya Otsutsuki's memory. tail.

The Ten-Tails in front of him was crouching on the ground, with the height of his shoulders reaching six kilometers, and his head even in the lower clouds.

The ten-tailed beast that Aburame Tetsumaru brought back to life by gathering the nine tailed beasts stood upright and was less than a kilometer tall. The gap between the two was really too big.

If we look for a close image to understand the gap between the two, it is almost the ratio of rats in the north to strong men in the north.

Even Otsutsuki Kaguya couldn't help but worry. Is there really no problem with stuffing such a big guy into his stomach?

People who fled are returning one after another. After all, life in the mountains is not as good as at home. In addition to the lack of firewood, food and drink are problems, and housing is a big problem.

Even safety cannot be guaranteed. Not to mention wild wolves, mountain pigs, and leopards, even snakes, rats, insects, and ants have caused considerable casualties to the villagers.

This is because of the deterrence of the Goddess Mao. There are no monsters nearby that are becoming more and more ferocious due to the dispersion of chakra. Otherwise, if you encounter one randomly, you will kill more than half of them.

After feeling that the shaking of the earth stopped, people couldn't wait to return. Faced with the drastically changed terrain of their homes, they were even happier.

Such vast forests and flat land are far more suitable for human life than the original valleys.

In just one month, people have opened up new farmland and built new houses. The only thing worth worrying about is the vibration and deformation of the sacred tree in the distance.

A month passed, and the sacred tree only slowly shrunk in size due to the vibrations. There was no other harm. People quickly adapted to it and finally got used to it.

Until one day, after dawn, people found that the sacred tree had disappeared. They screamed and ran around in panic.

The Otsutsuki brothers were even more panicked than they were. They ran over in a panic. The sacred tree and the two Otsutsuki Kaguya disappeared, leaving only an extremely huge hole on the ground.

"Brother, it's really gone. Even the cocoons wrapping the corpse are gone." Otsutsuki Hamura said in panic, "My mother really doesn't want us anymore. She left with the future mother."

"what should we do?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo suppressed the panic in his heart and said to his younger brother, "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Mother is gone, but she doesn't kill anyone anymore. Aren't all the problems solved?"

Yes, problem solved.

But Hamura Otsutsuki felt confused at this time. The problem was solved, but what should everyone do next?

And whether what my mother said about the Otsutsuki clan is true, and how to solve it?

Faced with his brother's question, Otsutsuki Hagoromo didn't know how to answer. He could only comfort his brother and said: "It's been the two of us who have been taking care of the village these years. Mother is gone, so we will just lead everyone through it. It’s okay.”

Otsutsuki Kaguya carried the toad ball in the wooden ball and flew into Mt. Miaomu.

According to Zhou Wenming's data, Otsutsuki Kaguya followed the coordinates and directly found Miaomu Mountain regardless of the barrier. Not only that, she also commanded an overwhelming number of insects to conduct the most thorough search of the entire mountain.

The cave where the toads hide in Mt. Myoboku is of course very secretive. Toadmaru even sealed the entrance of the cave completely before leaving, but the holes that keep the air flowing cannot be blocked.

These scattered breathing holes were searched out by insects. A large group of small bugs drilled into the cave along the breathing holes, stung all the toads and fainted, then broke open the blocked hole and swallowed all the toads big and small. Move to the valley.

The insect swarm worked very seriously. They moved out all the toads and tadpoles and arranged them neatly in order of size. The scene turned out to be very spectacular.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki was very disappointed after careful observation. Among the toads all over the mountains and plains, she couldn't pick out any one that met her requirements.

Kaguya slipped Gamamaru in front of her and said to the desperate Gamamaru: "Are you living in such a miserable state now? There are little toads everywhere on the ground, where are the big ones?"

Gamamaru asked feebly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya pointed at the small toads and tadpoles that were turning their bellies all over the mountains and fields, and asked angrily: "Answer my question honestly, or I will cook all these little things!"

"There are no big toads at all, I am the biggest."

Seeing Kaguya's glare, Gamamaru quickly explained, "You Otsutsuki have been searching, how could we grow bigger? Those toads who didn't have brains and dared to grow up were all discovered by you and killed!"

Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at the goddess Uno and asked, "It's been so long that I can't remember it anymore. Is that really the case?"

The Goddess of Mao nodded and replied: "Maybe, I haven't found a big toad in the past hundred years."

"If it were that small, I wouldn't hunt it."

"But what are you doing with the big toad?"

"Grow more toads."

"Raising toads?"

"Yes, if you raise a lot of them, the big ones will have delicious toad meat."


The toad ball was already a broken jar, but when it heard about eating toad meat, it could no longer pretend to be dead.

Because, death is death, but being eaten is another matter.

Otsutsuki Kaguya ignored Gamamaru's roar and madness. She just let the wooden ball change and sealed Gamamaru completely, so naturally there was no sound.

But the goddess Uno couldn't understand Otsutsuki Kaguya either, and was baffled by her desire to eat toads.

Kaguya Otsutsuki said with a smirk, "You'll find out later."

Then, a few ordinary toads without intelligence are selected, peeled and cleaned, marinated to taste and then grilled over fire. As the flames bake out the flavor of the marinade and the meat, a wonderful aroma fills the air.

The goddess of Mao was stunned because she found that her body was out of control, her mouth was drooling, and her stomach was making gurgling bowel sounds.

This is completely unbelievable. Ever since the goddess ate the chakra fruit, she has never had such a reaction of eager to eat.

This reaction was so strong that the goddess Mao appeared fragmented. When she regained consciousness, she discovered that only the bones of the seven or eight roasted toads were left.

Then she touched the corner of her mouth, and the oil on her hand came down, which was very fragrant.

Otsutsuki smiled and said: "How about it, it tastes very good."

The goddess of Mao replied in a daze: "I don't know...I, I don't remember..."

Otsutsuki Kaguya shook her head, then pointed to this piece of Miaomu Mountain and said: "I plan to breed toads here. The ones that are smart will be left alone, and the ones that are not smart will be roasted and eaten."

"We also need to find a way to open up the Longdi Cave below. The taste of meat snake is better. The snake meat is stewed into snake meat soup. It is very fragrant and sucks."

The goddess Mao's eyes shone brightly and she nodded repeatedly.

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