Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 578 Otsutsuki Terushiki doesn’t want to die

Twenty-two members of the Otsutsuki clan tried their best to escape, and the fleeing lights and teleportation spells flickered in the void.

However, one of them, Otsutsuki, was caught by Otsutsuki Terushiki.

He pinched Otsutsuki, the weakest chicken, and asked in the sternest tone: "You know that the enemy is a civilization that combines chakra and technology, right?"

"Have you seen the yellow crystal planet and felt the change in gravity?"

"Did you see this abnormal Tenseigan Golden Wheel Reincarnation explosion?"

Otsutsuki Terushiki asked these three questions three times in a row. After confirming that these three pieces of information had been deeply engraved in this guy's memory, he broke his neck without any hesitation.

Of course, members of the Otsutsuki clan would not die by breaking their necks. Otsutsuki Terushi did this just because he didn't want to hear his next noise.

A purple flame emerged from Terushiki's hand, instantly igniting the Otsutsuki member.

Because his cervical vertebra was twisted, Otsutsuki could not scream or struggle, but the violent spasms, bulging veins and bulging white eyes could also prove that he was experiencing unparalleled pain.

The burning of purple flames emitted strong chakra fluctuations, which were detected by Hinata Hinata tens of thousands of kilometers away ten seconds later.

The blue-eyed girl moved her fingers slightly and swung the golden sword towards the source of chakra.

The magic of chakra is unparalleled at this time. With a length of 90,000 miles, the wave from the source has no time difference and is directly transmitted to the end.

Hyuga Hinata's fingers moved undetectably, and the sword of golden light, which stretched tens of thousands of kilometers away, reached the target position hundreds of kilometers in an instant, almost exceeding the speed of light.

Otsutsuki Terushiki anticipated that he would be exposed before lighting the purple fire, and also understood the rules of the battlefield that once exposed, he would be attacked.

Therefore, he opened the portal in advance, and when the flames spread to the unlucky man's body, he lifted him and changed his position.

But Otsutsuki Terushiki didn't expect that the mutated Kinrin Reincarnation explosion would come so fast, almost cutting it off with his front and rear legs.

What he didn't even expect was that the Kinrin Reincarnation Blast used by Hyuga Hinata had powerful spatial properties, and it could destroy the portal with a single strike of his sword.

When he noticed that the portal behind him was distorted, Otsutsuki Terushiki knew that something was wrong, but everything happened so suddenly that he had no time to do anything.

I just secretly said in my heart: "Oops!"

The space gate had been destroyed by the space collapse, and Otsutsuki Terushiki hadn't completely come out of the space gate yet, and was almost involved in the ensuing space chaos.

Otsutsuki Terushiki lost one of his left legs as a result, but what worried him even more was the half-burned Otsutsuki member in his hand. He was thrown into the chaotic space from the waist down.

"Damn, there's a lot of energy missing now." Otsutsuki Terushiki cursed and recalculated, then transferred his chakra into the burning body, "This is all precious chakra, it's me It’s such a pity to waste money on running away for your life!”

At the same time, Otsutsuki Terushiki also increased the output of chakra, accelerated the burning speed of the purple fire, and completely burned the unlucky guy in his hand.

After dodging two consecutive attacks from the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, the burning was over. There were no ashes, no wreckage, and only a small black diamond shape remained.

This is the wedge of the unlucky Otsutsuki. Under the burning purple flame of Huishi, except for the discarded lower body, the entire body was converted into chakra and concentrated into this wedge.

As for the question he asked three times before his death, his most profound memory, besides being killed by Hui Shi, was the analysis of the details of their encounter with Zhou Wenming and Hui Shi.

This is what Otsutsuki Terushiki wanted. He tapped the wedge, and then an invisible wave of information was launched.

According to the practice of the Otsutsuki clan, after sending it three times in total, the wedge completely stopped.

Just like when Jin Shiki and Ura Shiki died, this was a broadcast to the entire universe. Only the Otsutsuki family could receive and analyze it. It could also penetrate the interlayer of space and pass it to the Supreme Lord and King who was coming at high speed.

The content in the message is the most profound memory of Otsutsuki before his death. The answers to the three questions that Otsutsuki Terushiki asked him are in it. Of course, the process of Terushiki killing him will be the most profound memory.

However, Otsutsuki Terushiki is not worried about this. He does not think that the king and the supreme master will punish him for this. At most, the merits and demerits are equal.

Otsutsuki Terushiki looked at the wedge rotating in the space and shook his head helplessly.

As the basis for the final resurrection of Otsutsuki members, even Otsutsuki Terushiki could not destroy Wedge with chakra. At this time, he could not find resources such as gamma ray bursts.

Since it cannot be destroyed, it can only be left to the enemy.

After the confirmation message was sent, Otsutsuki Terushiki was obviously relieved. He had done what he could do, and now he should work hard not to be restarted.

Otsutsuki Terushiki had already made up his mind to run away far away, so far away that he would never come back.

He has deeply realized the power of Zhou Wenming, and he can be sure that the tragedy of this war will definitely exceed that of more than 6,000 years ago.

Therefore, he must escape far enough to avoid this war.

Still the same thing, Otsutsuki Terushiki didn't want to die.

Reaching out to open a portal, he once again dodged an attack from the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion. Otsutsuki Terushiki immediately restrained his aura, slowly accumulated chakra, and prepared to use all his strength to open a super long-range portal.

Just as he was brewing, he received three messages in a row. Without carefully distinguishing the content of the messages, Otsutsuki Terushiki knew that these were the three messages he had just sent.

What's going on? How come the message I sent was received by me a minute later? This is very abnormal.

The last information sent through the wedge is extremely penetrating. It cannot be bounced by any material after being sent out, and can only continue to spread along space.


Otsutsuki Terushiki's action of opening the portal couldn't help but stopped. He thought of an extremely terrifying situation, that is, the enemy had made a huge space trap here.

There is only an infinite loop of space, a trap that can be entered but cannot be exited. Because the space itself is constantly circulating inside and outside, the information that spreads along the space will spread back to itself.

Otsutsuki Terushiki stopped opening the portal, carefully selected rocks on the edge of the wreckage, hid in the rocks, and quietly observed the battlefield situation.

Soon he discovered anomalies that confirmed his suspicions.

First, the debris that had been attracted and dragged by the planetary fortress suddenly became straight. The debris belt that was originally an arc began to follow the tangents of the arc in straight lines.

This is a situation that occurs when the gravity of the planetary fortress suddenly disappears.

Then one after another, members of the Otsutsuki clan turned into flowing lights and left. The flowing lights they transformed originally left in a straight line, but now they all reappeared.

The streamers that started to fly outward are now flying back. Although the angles are very different, they cannot change the general trend of turning back.

Finally, those tribesmen who were good at space teleportation or opened teleportation gates to leave did not come back, but several large wedges of wood appeared inexplicably in the airspace.

The appearance of Wedge means that these members of the Otsutsuki clan are finished. For those who did not appear, the situation is not optimistic either.

Without a fierce battle or even a huge release of energy, these Otsutsuki who were good at teleportation died, which sent a definite message.

These Otsutsuki died in the confrontation of space capabilities, rather than being killed in battle.

Otsutsuki Terishi was frightened for a while. At this time, his heart was already a little confused, because he couldn't figure out how to escape from this battlefield and escape the fate of death in battle.

Ba Ye cooperated with Alchemy and Long Xin, carefully controlled the virtual black hole, and tunneled a "hole" in the wall of the space trap through a momentary explosion.

The huge planetary fortress squeezed out of this hole and escaped from the "Klein bottle", a space trap with no entry and no exit.

Before the tunnel hole was closed, Ba Ye returned to the battlefield, approached his own battleship Taihang Mountain, and dived in without any hesitation.

Subsequently, countless insects flew out from the Taihang Mountain. At first, they were all flying dragons, and they were huge, with a length of more than one hundred meters and a mass of six to seven hundred tons.

After the flying dragons left, the swarms of insects that swarmed out turned into Knight Bugs. This is the war arm that is truly used in interstellar wars to compete for airspace control.

And these knight bugs are even more elite bugs.

The only special ability of the elite knight bug is the ability to open the eight-door armor door.

Because these guys are originally one-time suicide troops, they don't need a few extra hearts. They are already dead bugs.

The insect swarm started from the Taihang Mountain and spread along the boundary of the trap space.

Four days later, the battlefield was completely surrounded by elite insect swarms, and the duration of the space trap reached its limit. Under the action of the tension of the universe, it was flattened into ordinary space.

But the siege around Otsutsuki was complete and they could no longer escape.

The Otsutsukis began their final struggle. A fierce battle broke out between the puppets and the insect swarms, and fierce battles broke out throughout the airspace.

Hinata Hinata is still holding the golden sword, but she is no longer willing to use the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion to attack the enemy.

Because at this time, the large fragments and debris had been broken into pieces by Hinata Hinata, she could not find a suitable target for the golden sword to attack.

Hyuga Hinata tracked an Otsutsuki until he got into a large debris field and was nowhere to be found.

The wreckage area was filled with rock fragments that were not much larger than a human being. They were really suitable for hiding and hiding. Hinata Hinata really had no way to dig them out.

Although the reincarnated eye has the clairvoyance ability of the Byakugan, the visual distance is only one thousand meters, and facing a wreckage area that is hundreds of kilometers in length and breadth, the detection ability is really stretched.

Hinata Hinata didn't complain about this. She raised her left hand without any care, and nine jade stones appeared in her palm, and then turned into endless chakra.

Hinata infused the power of the eyes, and used the chakra as the core to guide the evolution of the seeking jade, forming her second best technique.

Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion!

A powerful chakra storm hit, and this piece of debris that was hundreds of kilometers away was swept away instantly. The rock fragments, which were not much larger than a person, were completely crushed into powder.

The Otsutsuki hidden inside was not only scraped out, but was also beaten on the spot until his flesh and blood flew everywhere, followed by a fatal blow from Hinata Hinata.

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion

The Otsutsuki was instantly evaporated by the golden lightsaber, leaving only a wedge spinning in place.

Faced with such a precious resource, Hyuga Hinata dropped a mark without caring, and then began to look for the next Otsutsuki.

In these four days of fierce fighting, Zhou Wenming had already harvested a large number of wedges.

The wedge just now was the fifth Otsutsuki that Hinata had hunted, and it was also the thirteenth wedge that Zhou Wenming had hunted.

There should be nine more Otsutsuki, and they must be hidden in the wreckage of the dwarf planet.

At this time, we can only break the ruins into powder bit by bit, then search out the hidden Otsutsuki, and then eliminate them one by one.

Fortunately, the siege network of the insect swarm has been completed, and the next work can be handed over to Ba Ye's heroic insect swarm. This is Zhou Wenming's starting skill, which can not only save a lot of energy, but also ensure that nothing is missed.

The flying dragon relies on repulsion and gravity to fly in the void, and sprays corrosive spores from its tail. After splashing on the rocks, they suddenly become pitted.

Acidic spores corrode rocks at an extremely fast rate, and the heat generated by corrosion quickly heats up the corroded location in a space without gravity.

Then the bottom of those pits began to boil, and the slag produced by the erosion of the rock was sprayed out, like small sparks.

Otsutsuki Terushi felt that the enemy's fighting style had changed. He immediately guessed that the space trap had been lifted, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Huishi started to open the space door without hesitation. The moment the space door opened, the violent space storm destroyed the portal that was not fully opened.

The energy of the space storm was very huge. While destroying the portal, it also caused several huge tearing wounds in space.

At this time, the movement was so loud that Yao Ye, Aburame Tetsumaru, and Hyuga Hinata all turned their attention, and Otsutsuki Terushiki was instantly exposed.

The space trap is smoothed out by the natural space tension, but Aburame Tetsumaru will not do anything behind the scenes. After all, what they have to deal with is the Otsutsuki clan, which has average space ability per capita.

Simply relying on the swarm of insects could not prevent the members of the Otsutsuki clan from escaping.

Therefore, after Alchemy and Dragon Heart left the planetary fortress and stabilized the orbit of the planetary fortress, they immediately arrived at the Gate of Heaven's Delivery.

The two descendants worked hard to aim the Gate of Heaven's Delivery at the battlefield, and turned on the space anchor mode. When the space trap ended, they smashed out the "anchor" that had been charged for 46 hours.

This time, Otsutsuki Teru's escape opportunity was completely blocked.

Fortunately, after four days of observation, Huishi discovered that there were only three enemies. Although they were all hopelessly powerful beings, there were only three of them after all, and it was impossible to take care of everything.

Now, Otsutsuki Terushiki still has one last chance to struggle, which is to rely on his own strength to fight his way out from the siege of those strange insects.

The only problem is: Don't get caught by those three guys.

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