At the same time, among the bases of the restless elements.

Dozens of laptops are constantly in operation, and dozens of technicians are constantly analyzing and summarizing espionage reports from all over the world, trying to analyze big data to guess the purpose and actions of various countries.

The leader said in a deep voice: “Mi Guo will definitely have trouble with Huaxia this time, and as soon as the contradiction comes, we will have a chance.” ”

“Chief, it’s hard for our people to enter Huaxia now…”

“Hey, it would be nice if I could catch Li Hao. If we can get Li Hao to help us develop military weapons, our organization will be able to gain a more high-end status in the world. It’s better to give us another weapon…”

“If we can’t catch it, let’s still think of something that goes along with logic. If Li Hao can be caught, it will naturally be good. But the whole world will not allow this to happen. ”

“Although it is impossible for him to catch him in Huaxia now. But we can wait for our chance. Li Hao is only thirteen years old, and he is very cute. He must be very immature in mind, and if we can catch him, we can instill in him the idea of loyalty to our organization. So that he is more loyal than the scientists we captured from other countries… That’s why he had to be arrested. ”


Li Hao didn’t know that he was being spurned by the restless elements all over the world.

And they didn’t know that they would be naïve to think that Li Haomeng was cute…

Huaxia, three o’clock in the morning.

The cute Li Hao closed the bedroom door, and the whole person fell into absolute silence.

Under the dim light, Li Hao held a pencil in his left hand and a pencil in his right hand, and there were two pieces of paper on the left and right sides.

On one piece of paper was a calculation formula, full of calculation formulas, all letters, various symbols, and scattered numbers.

And the paper on the right hand is also full of calculation formulas.

Li Hao’s eyes kept turning his head calmly, looking to the right, and then to the left, and the whole person seemed extremely busy.

“There is no problem with the fusion formula of the hydrogen bomb. But now I want to build a one-kilogram hydrogen bomb, so this fusion formula has to be recalculated and proportioned reasonably…”

“And the purity of my U235 is infinitely close to 100%, and the purity of the hydrogen isotope is also infinitely close to 100%. Then my equivalent should be recalculated…”

“Under the premise of E=MC. 3H+2H4He+10n+1.76×10^7eV…”


The tip of the pen kept rubbing on the paper, and Li Hao’s eyes brightened:

“I have a kilogram of small hydrogen bombs with a purity of close to 100 percent…”

“The energy it burst out is equivalent to 100,000 tons of TNT… It will reach a high temperature of nearly 50 million degrees in an instant…”

“In an instant, there will be an explosion of energy equal to about 4.3 gigajoules. And such a powerful energy, with the blessing of continuous fission reaction, it should form a chain reaction again…”

Li Hao became excited, and couldn’t help but stand up from the chair, and wrote the calculation formula on the paper with both hands.

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“That’s right…”

“I have never been in the direction of ‘uncontrollable nuclear fusion’ before, and everyone knows the truth, but there are only five countries in the world that can build a hydrogen bomb. There’s a reason for that. I didn’t expect such a complex calculation formula to be involved. ”

“The base of the U235 bullet will be detonated by smokeless gunpowder and will impact forward. Generating tremendous pressure and heat, it crashes into the U235 target. ”

“No! I still have to build a nucleus!”

Li Hao stopped writing, he had been ignoring a problem before. In fact, the hydrogen bomb contains a nuclear bomb!

Because the detonation conditions of the hydrogen bomb and the conditions for the fusion reaction of the isotopes ‘deuterium and tritium’ must be between 50 million Kelvin (nearly 50 million degrees Celsius) and about 100 million Kelvin.

Only when such high temperature conditions are reached can a condition be created in which deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, collides with tritium to form a fusion chain reaction…

Li Hao muttered and drew a few more strokes on the paper:

“In a barrel, create a simple U235 detonating device. And at the moment of detonation, continue to detonate the hydrogen bomb…”

“That’s it!”

“That’s right!”

“I can!”

Li Hao muttered, and the pencil in his hand broke in response. On the paper, the last stroke fell heavily, and stopped.

Li Hao stood up, and a deep groan flashed in his eyes:

“It’s time to start evolving into weapons, nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, all in the world. Let’s build some small hydrogen bombs to practice our hands, there are no neutron bombs or three-phase bombs in this world!”

“These are the real weapons of destruction. ”

Li Hao smiled calmly and said to the guards outside the door, “Uncle, take me to the R&D room.” ”

“Ah, Chief Engineer Li, what are you doing in the R&D room after such a night?”

Li Hao smiled: “Borrow the equipment in it, I will study something.” ”

As soon as the guards heard this, Li Hao was going to engage in research and development again, which is a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people. Excitedly, he hurriedly shouted:

“Chief Engineer Li, please wait a moment, I’ll contact you right now…”

“Don’t make a noise, I don’t want people to disturb me. To have a separate R&D room, I don’t allow anyone to disturb me. ”

“Yes 1″


Li Hao smiled slightly, let’s get some weapons to defend ourselves.

Well…… Someone else’s self-defense weapon is anti-wolf spray.

Li Hao’s self-defense weapon is a portable hydrogen bomb. _

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