China celebrates.

The Ministry of Information of the People’s Republic of China released heavy news:

“After many setbacks and tribulations, I Huaxia once again broke through the encirclement and entered a new field. Quantum realm. Thanks to Li Hao for creating the Mozi, from today onwards, the Mozi will carry the new hope of mankind to hang above the nine heavens…”

Rattan News:

China’s first quantum satellite, led by Li Hao, the father of controllable nuclear fusion and the father of quantum theory, has officially launched into the sky and successfully operated today. From today, China has entered a crypto era. Information will never be exposed again. ”

NetEase News:

“New hope, new future. China lagged behind the thermal weapons of the West by a hundred years. Today, it is a hundred years ahead of the world’s quantum field. A hundred years of feng shui takes turns, don’t bully the poor youth. ”


The whole country rejoices!

In the cold city, tens of millions of people shouted wildly. It was as excited and ecstatic as the successful bid for the Olympic Games.

In this scientific research and development that has attracted the attention of the world, Huaxia is still ahead of the curve in the end, leading Huaxia to lead the world.

“Congratulations for the motherland!

“Come on the motherland, come on the Mozi!”

“Come on Li Hao, lead the motherland to develop quantum mechanics to the forefront of the world,”

“The Nobel Prize in Physics cannot be won without Li Hao from today!”

“From today onwards, the Fields Medal in Mathematics cannot be without Chinese people!”


Cold City, in the midst of the old tube building.

‘Knock knock’

‘Knock knock;’

Li Hao’s house, the knock on the door kept ringing.

The neighbors, all the nearby residents, all opened their doors late at night and crowded in the corridor in front of Li Hao’s house. Knock.

The old man who lived next door to Li Hao’s house wiped his tears:

“When I was a child, I felt that Li Hao was not an ordinary person, sure enough. ”

“Woo woo, it’s so touching. When the national anthem sounded, tears flowed from my eyes. It’s not easy, a scientist who was pulled by a blind sister, a scientist who has attracted the attention of the whole world!”

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

A young girl shouted, then pushed away the crowd and walked over with a flower basket, and gently placed the flower basket at the door of Li Hao’s house: “Although there is no one at home, in the future, Li Hao may never come back to live here.” However, I still want to send him a flower basket. It’s amazing, Li Hao is the national treasure of the whole of China, and he is also the pride of our cold city!”

With the girl taking the lead, the neighbors went back to the house. took out flowers, or letters, or various gift boxes and placed them at the door of Li Hao’s house.

“Although I know, this house will never come again. He was getting farther and farther away, but thanked him on behalf of Hancheng. ”

“Originally, I heard that we were going to be demolished here, and I couldn’t spend much time with us. Now this has become Li Hao’s former residence, hahaha, who would dare to demolish this place?”

“Don’t look at how dilapidated my house is, but I won’t sell it for 100 million now. This building will become the most valuable place in the world in the future. Because Li Hao lived here before, the living Wenqu Xing, living in close proximity, is also contaminated with the aura of heaven and earth. 、”

“Coincidentally, there were people who wanted to buy my house two days ago. Offered 50 million to buy my house… I thought it was a liar. It’s only now that I realize that I can’t sell it for any amount of money. ”


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In the community, the lights are bright all night.

Countless people gathered at the door of Li Hao’s house, feeling the breath of Li Hao’s stay at close range. Vainly trying to get contaminated with some aura of wisdom.

At this time, Hancheng Experimental Primary School.

Li Hao’s former homeroom teacher was leading a large group of reporters to tour the entire dilapidated elementary school at this time:

The reporter asked: “Is this the place where Li Hao once studied?”

The head teacher who once brought Li Hao, because he brought out a child like Li Hao, has now been promoted to vice principal. Hearing this, he raised his head proudly: “Yes, the road you are walking now, Li Hao walked every day when he was a child.” ”

“Come with me, this classroom… It was the classroom where Li Hao used to go, and the desk in the last row. Well, don’t touch it, don’t touch it, you can’t afford to get it dirty. This is where Li Hao used to sit in class. ”

The reporters frantically took pictures of the desk, and took pictures of all the details.

The former homeroom teacher smiled proudly: “Li Hao used to sit in this position, and he may have been inspired by this seat. Don’t look at him sitting in the last row… Hmph, think about it, is it better to be a talented person in the class? He sat in the last row, and it is estimated that countless inspirations for quantum mechanics were born. ”

The reporter was stunned and asked, “The inspiration that was born in the last row?”

“That’s a must. ”

“What about controlled nuclear fusion?”

The homeroom teacher’s tone was sluggish, and he smiled dryly: “That’s because this seat is well lit, he can see the sun, and often sees the sun, so the principle of controlled nuclear fusion was also born… By the way, isn’t controlled nuclear fusion just an artificial sun? Perhaps it was from that moment that Li Hao was born the inspiration to create a sun. ”

“Well, you’re right!”


News appeared.

“Surprise, Li Hao studied at Seoul Experimental Primary School and sat in the last row. According to the homeroom teacher, when he sat in a row, it was when Li Hao was born with the inspiration for quantum mechanics…”

It’s all grapevine, Pheasant Media.

However, as soon as the news came out, it still caused a lot of discussion. It’s very hot.

Now any little thing about Li Hao will be infinitely magnified.

As a result, the people of the whole country, and even the whole world, went crazy.

If you have children at home, you immediately start to go through the back door, wanting your children to sit in the last row…

The Hancheng Experimental Primary School is also on fire, and wealthy and powerful families all over the country and even all over the world have begun to spend a lot of money to send their children to this primary school. I hope to be able to contaminate Li Hao’s aura!

And the tube building where Li Hao once lived was even more speculated to sky-high prices.

Someone even offered 150 million yuan and bought it with a lot of money.

And Li Hao’s neighbor’s house was visited every day and offered a high price of 200 million yuan to buy.

Because they firmly believe that this is the best school district housing!

But sorry …

– Not for sale!

And Hancheng Experimental Primary School. Hehe, I’m sorry, foreign household registration – no!


– Not allowed to enter!

The school is proud of its pride and is a place to cultivate Chinese scientists and Chinese national treasures. The people of the foreign barbarian land are close, so doesn’t that pollute the aura here?

Hehe, non-pure Chinese blood – not allowed to enter!

When entering the school gate, or visiting the school, you must bring the household registration book to check whether the ancestors of the three generations are Chinese!_

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