The first earphone field.

The high-level officials of the stick country stood neatly, looking at the passenger plane that had landed on the runway in the distance and was slowly taxiing.

And behind the top brawns are scientists!

All are scientists.

It is all the cutting-edge scientists from all over the country, as well as their students, as well as professors from various prestigious universities. Only professors are eligible to come, but none of the principals of schools are eligible to come here.

More than a hundred.

A whole hundred people.

At this time, their eyes were full of frenzy, and they saw the plane slowly coming.

“It’s coming…”

“Li Hao is here!”

“Professor Kim, he’s here. What’s our first question in a minute?”

“What are you asking? Shouldn’t you let Expert Li rest first? There’s still a lot of time, so there’s no hurry. ”

“No, I’m in a hurry. I’m just waiting for Expert Li to come and solve my doubts and mysteries. ”



In the midst of everyone’s discussions. The airliner slowly stopped, and at this moment, everyone held their breath.


In silence. The door of the plane did not open, and Li Hao did not get down!

And at this time, on top of the airliner. Li Hao was just looking at his phone, looking at the text messages on his phone:

“Mr. Lee, you can choose to go to Seoul National University, where the security is not very strict. There is a sewer behind the toilet and as long as you can come to the toilet alone, we can leave here. “05

Li Hao thought about it and hesitated: “You let me drill into the sewer?”

At the same time, the other end of the phone. The dead soldier of the island country looked at the contents of his mobile phone, turned his head to his companion with a face full of embarrassment, and said:

“What should I do? Mr. Li shouldn’t have been allowed to go into the sewers. But…… But if we don’t get into the sewers, we’ll have to storm it. They are still guarded by the rice army, and many people will die. ”

“It doesn’t even have to work out. :”

“Ugh… But, but Mr. Li Hao, how can he drill into the sewer?”

“What should I do?”

The crowd was embarrassed for a moment.

Suddenly, a female dead man said, “Let’s go into the sewers in advance and set up a slide in the sewers.” Tile the drains. Then put lights in the sewers, get some rag dolls, and make it look like a children’s playground. It should be a little warmer, right?”

“Makes sense!”

“I’ll send a text message to Mr. Li Hao right away to see if he is willing…”

As he spoke, the Captain of the Dead sent his thoughts out.

In the passenger plane, after Li Hao saw this text message, he couldn’t cry or laugh.

Lay floor tiles in the sewer and keep yourself from stepping on water?

Make the warmth of a children’s playground?

I’m really sorry for you…

Li Hao replied with a smile: “That’s okay, then let’s go to the sewer.” ”


Standing up, Li Hao stretched: “Let’s go?”

Xu Bing, the accompanying guard company commander, immediately nodded: “Yes, Chief Engineer Li, let’s go down to the guard first and investigate.” ”

“No need. Bangguo has already arranged security, and there is no way to have problems here. ”

“But… We’re afraid of the terrorists doing something. ”

Li Hao smiled confidently: “Don’t worry.” There won’t be any problems. They didn’t come. ”

Xu Bing exclaimed, “How do you know?”

Li Hao smiled slightly: “I just know.” ”

After that, Li Hao walked out…


In silence, the cabin door opened.

At the moment when the cabin door opened, at the moment when Li Hao appeared standing on the escalator.

All the scientists present at the scene, standing behind the high-level leaders of the country of the base, suddenly all had red eyes;

For no reason!

I don’t know why, all the researchers, all the eyes!

Li Hao…

I am not a scientist, and I don’t understand the significance of Li Hao to the scientific community at all. I don’t know how sacred Li Hao’s status in the minds of these scientists is.

The boss of the stick country took a step forward with a smile and said in English: Hello, welcome…”

Before the words were finished, Jin Shunshun and the others behind him suddenly ran out quickly. crossed the high-level of the stick country, and under the gaze of countless media and countless people, he rushed to Li Hao very rudely.

The boss of the stick country turned gloomy.


Ignore me?

I am a high-level member of the baseball country, and I should have been in contact with Li Hao first.

The old man of the stick country muttered angrily: “What kind of words!

The other high-level leaders of the stick country are also dark-faced. I felt a little uncomfortable.

But at the same time, they were more worried that Li Hao’s guards would stop these gaffe scientists in Bang Country. In this case, it will be a joke in the international arena, which is simply rude.

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But what everyone didn’t expect was this.

Li Hao suddenly walked down the escalator unconcernedly, grinned and shook hands with Jin Shunshun and the others.

And what makes people feel shocked is that Jin Shun is fluent and speaks Chinese.

At this time, Jin Shunshun burst into tears and held Li Hao’s hand with both hands:

“It’s good to come, it’s good to come. The comrades of the stick country are looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally they are looking forward to you. It’s good to come. ”

The comrades here have to be like-minded scientific researchers all over the world!

Li Hao smiled and shook hands with Jin smoothly. Politically, Li Hao has a gateway view.

But in science, Li Hao feels that there is no distinction between scientific researchers all over the world. Even if the country is different, everyone’s goal is the same – to study, to study, to study!

“Hello grandpa, what are you studying?”

Jin Shunli wiped his tears and said with some excitement: “I specialize in aerophysics. My name is Jin Shun, and the controlled nuclear fusion you proposed earlier is like opening the door to a new century for me. My lifelong dream is to see a spaceship that can be developed for long-distance interstellar travel. And controlled nuclear fusion gave me hope… It will be a constant supply of energy to power the ship, and it will be easier to extract hydrogen from the universe. ”

Li Hao said as he walked, “That’s right.” But there is still a difficult way to go for controlled nuclear fusion to be commercialized. ”

“At least, I saw hope. ”

Jin Shunli hurriedly led Li Hao.

All the scientists surrounded Li Hao in the middle.

Everyone, completely ignoring all the top leaders of the baseball country.


The media of various countries frantically took pictures and recorded this historic picture.

The boss of the stick country became more and more gloomy.

He stood on the red carpet and watched Li Hao and a group of scientists leave, the whole person was embarrassed on the spot, and he didn’t know what to do. And there were media reporters from all over the world at the scene, and he felt that he was ashamed.

I was disgraced in front of the whole world.

He couldn’t hold back any longer.

A burst of applause: “What are you doing!”

The voice fell, and the scene fell silent.

Li Hao looked back at the boss of the stick country, and all the scientists also turned their heads and looked at him.


Countless reporters frantically took pictures.

Li Hao looked at him expressionlessly: “Who is this?”

Jin Shunli reacted that he saw that Li Hao was a little out of shape, and hurriedly said, “This is our president.” ”

Only then did the boss of the stick country show a smile and waved his hand: “Little Li Hao, hello…”

“Oh. ”

Li Hao nodded and smiled: “Let’s continue to talk about controlled nuclear fusion.” ”

“Okay, okay, please. ”

Jin Shunshun and the others didn’t pay attention to him at all.

It’s not that you don’t give face.

It’s to look down on!

Li Hao came to the country for scientific exchanges. Not political exchanges!

They look down on the politicians here in their hearts, because those politicians feel that Li Hao has come to Bangguo and Bangguo has face. It has a status in the international community, and there is a big political factor here, and it can be publicized everywhere to earn fame.

So, Jin Shun and they don’t look down on him at all!

When Li Hao came to the country of base, the most precious thing was academic exchanges, not political showmanship.

Even some of the foreign reporters present were able to see it and knew it. And the top brass of the country don’t understand?

Do you feel like you’ve lost face, and you’re angry? Like a child, jealous?

Hiss –


The boss of the stick country took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. A grim look flashed in 997’s eyes, and he looked at Li Hao’s back. looked at Li Hao’s back and appearance when he was departed by the stars of the scientists.

I secretly said in my heart: You are crazy about me now? You can’t get out of the stick country, when you are the stick country fu in the future, you will be afraid of me!

He is a politician. At the same time, a failed politician!

He didn’t stand a chance.

Because Xu Bing noticed his eyes, from this moment on, Xu Bing was eyeing him!

The boss of the stick country turned around and saw a gun-wielding guard hanging behind Li Hao, and noticed the cold gaze. I couldn’t help but shiver, and my heart hesitated.

Xu Bing smiled and said softly in English: “Chief Engineer Li himself is a scientist, not a politician. Please forgive Chief Engineer Li for his slow treatment, in his eyes, there is only the same kind. ”

The boss of the stick country smiled: “It’s okay. It just so happens that scientists in our country also like to communicate with him, and it’s not bad to communicate like this…”

“Hehe, it’s better to be like this. ”

All the way out.

Li Hao did not take a car, but got into the bus with Jin Shunshun and others.

No one wants to miss a single sentence of Li Hao’s speech.

In the bus, more than 30 elderly scientists were crammed in. Students are not eligible to board the bus. In addition to scientists, there are also several translators who constantly translate what Li Hao said to everyone.


The vehicle was started, escorted by more than two dozen bodyguard vehicles, and left the airport.

In the car, Li Hao was also willing to communicate with them, because there were reporters present, and the reporters would also broadcast Li Hao’s words to the world.

“Controlled nuclear fusion is a strategic resource for mankind to face the galaxy universe in the future. Hydrogen comes from seawater, which is rich in hydrogen. If controlled nuclear fusion can be mastered skillfully, then the seawater on Earth can provide human beings with at least six billion years of use. Inexhaustible!”

‘Rustle. ’

At the scene, there was no sound of anyone talking.

More than 30 scientists, all sitting or standing, holding notebooks in their hands, took notes frantically with focused faces. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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