After hanging up.

The cold sweat of the commander of the Mi army flowed out layer after layer.

He knew a total of three messages.

The first is that the Supreme Office is angry at the incompetence of the stick country.

The second is that the highest office is angry at its own incompetence.

The third is that New York has been bombed, and 50 million people have gathered to greet Li Hao, and hundreds of millions of people in the entire country are very angry about their own incompetence and the incompetence of the stick country!

Very angry!


This time, if Li Hao is safe and sound, he will not be able to do anything until the end of his visit to the United States. You won’t get any merit.

And this time, Li Haoruo was a little bit different, and the military court lawyer’s letter was prepared.


With a bang, the commander slammed the phone to the ground.

All the soldiers in the entire office, as well as the officers, trembled with fear, and did not dare to raise their heads or gasp.

The commander looked at everyone with a cold gaze, and said in a deep voice: “The Supreme Office, as well as our people, are extremely angry about Li Hao’s blocking on the streets of Shou’er. The Supreme Office is very disappointed with us…”

“But all this is the harm of the country…”

“Shut up!”

The commander said in a deep voice: “Before Li Hao came, I had already said it. Let everyone “ninety-nine-seven” get out of duty for Lao Tzu, and if he doesn’t come, he will be shot on the spot. Did you do it?”

“Commander, but they were all home from work at that time…”

“Shut up!”

The commander pointed to the officer’s face and said coldly, “If you don’t kill a chicken, then the monkey will never be afraid.” If it doesn’t work after you kill chickens and monkeys, it only means that you haven’t killed enough chickens. Is there no way to do it when you get home from work? Shoot two deputy directors, do you think their directors will be in a hurry?”

The general’s face turned pale and said, “But… But…… This…… This, this is an official of the country. If you rush…”


The commander slapped his backhand and roared: “In front of Li Hao, in the matter of Li Hao’s visit to the United States.” Everything else is a trivial matter, do you dare to jump? If you kill it, the highest office will only say that you killed it well!”

“Yes, Commander 1”

“Get out… Go and transfer all the police forces in the country to me. I mean all. I’m going to make Seoul University within a five-square-kilometer radius. The number of rice army, stick army, and stick country slivers. More than ordinary people and common people in that range. I want to keep Seoul University airtight and treat Li Hao’s safety with the most serious attitude. ”


“Come back!”

“What else, sir?”

A murderous aura flashed in the commander’s eyes:

“What if… You know what to do when you encounter something like that again, right?”

“Shoot the person directly on the spot, citing a terrorist attack. ”



The commander said in a deep voice: “As I said earlier, if killing chickens and monkeys still doesn’t work, it means that you haven’t killed enough chickens. Monkeys don’t feel scared at all. You understand, right?”

The general gasped and trembled: “I… I understand. ”

“Get out!”

“Yes, sir!”


The general left.

And the commander changed into a neat suit, combed his hair, and said with a smile: “Let’s go, the third one is going to our country.” I’m also going to Seoul University, and if I can say a few words to Li Hao, I’ll have to ask him to wait for me in the highest office. He’s just a matter of one word, and we’ll have a good day to come. ”

When the words fell, all the officers in the entire office were shocked!

See Li Hao!?

We actually had the opportunity to meet Li Hao?

Yes, if you can talk to Li Hao for a few words, I apologize. At that time, he only needs to say one more word in the highest office, and the good days of waiting for others will come.

Sitting in a military jeep, a group of people waited, and went to Seoul University in high spirits.

Looking forward to the good days that are coming.

But I didn’t know that the catastrophe … Here it comes!


Seoul National University.

All the experts, scientists, of the country have been sitting here and waiting for more than ten minutes.

I couldn’t help but turn my head and say, ‘What about people?’

“Alas, my hands are sore. I’m waiting to take notes.,It’s a big thing in the narrow sense.。 ”

“What’s going on?”

“Who’s going to the toilet to urge it? ”

“Is it constipation? Is it constipation for children, wait for the lecture to end, let’s pool some money and invite the best experts in Bang Country to Li Hao for a consultation.” ”

“Let’s scrape together the money?”

“Hehe, otherwise you think the government will pay?”

“Okay. Then let’s scrape together some money. ”


Amid the discussions, media reporters from various countries also began to enter. Then set up your camera and get ready for the live stream.

Scientists from all over the world sat in front of the television at this time. Waiting.

Deutschland, Professor Starff picked up the notebook, opened the cap of the Parker pen, and waited with bated breath.

At the same time, he turned around and shouted, “Are you ready for simultaneous translation?”

More than a dozen translators stood up nervously: “Ready!”

Turning back, Starff saw hundreds of scientists sitting around the office, all ready to take notes. Lang Dao;

“What Li Hao is about to talk about will completely change the world. ”

“I’ll understand!”

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“The black hole theory and speculation in general relativity have shaken our world. And special relativity, I try to guess … If general relativity is a macroscopic theory of relativity. The special theory of relativity should be a microscopic theory of relativity. ”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? Who told you that general relativity is macrorelativity? Then why isn’t it macrorelativity? Li Hao didn’t say that general relativity is macroscopic. ”

“I take it literally. ”

Everyone chatted and chatted, and time passed unconsciously. Looking at the venue in the live broadcast screen, everyone was talking to each other.

Professor Starff and the others frowned: “What’s going on? Why hasn’t it come out yet?”

“yes. This shouldn’t be. ”

“Li Hao is not the kind of person who likes to appear in the finale. ”

“What about people?”

“I didn’t come out to say anything. How long do you have to wait? I just finished my homework and memorized the general theory of relativity. If I don’t come out, I’ll forget…”


Rice country, among the highest offices.

A large number of cutting-edge scientists in the United States also sat on the ground at this time, and those who had no place to sit directly found a place to stand. And the upper echelons of the highest offices can only stand against the wall, and they can’t get close to the TV.

Only the boss of the United States was sitting in an office chair, looking at the room full of scientists, and a touch of joy appeared on his face.


These are fanatical scientists in the United States.

They are the real pillars of this country, and they are the singers who can promote the progress of the world and the continuation of civilization.

There are so many scientists in our country. That’s nice!

It’s good that the whole world is now in a scientific frenzy!

Li Hao is about to talk about the special theory of relativity. And these scientists in front of me have been studying the general theory of relativity for many years. The combination of the two, echoing each other from afar, goes further and goes to the next level.

Although it is not as fast as the scientific progress of Huaxia, because Huaxia has Li Hao.

But it’s nice to be far ahead of the world…


Turn on the lighter. lit a cigar, and the boss of the United States lay comfortably on the chair, watching the scene of the venue on the TV, waiting.



There’s no follow-up…

Gradually, there was a burst of discussion in the office of the highest office, and it became noisy:

“What’s wrong?”

“Why haven’t you come out yet?”

“This stick country is really annoying, could it be in the background, those high-level leaders of the stick country are making family affairs with Li Hao and engaging in political relations, right?”

“If that’s the case, it’s going to be boring. ”

“Even if Li Hao comes to our country, there are no political factors. It is completely an academic discussion, just to promote the spirit of science. If the stick country does this, it won’t spare them. ”

At this time, the boss of the rice country, who had been watching the TV, suddenly stood up: “En?”

His brow furrowed.

Suddenly, the entire supreme office fell silent, and a pin drop could be heard.

At this moment, everyone stood up.

In the middle of the venue, there was a staff member of the stick country, who ran over with a frightened face. A few words were whispered in front of the Huaxia guards below the podium. Then I saw that in the picture, Huaxia’s guard slapped him suddenly.

Then dozens of Huaxia guards all ran out …

Then in the camera, the cacophony of chatter died down.

All the scientists of the stick country, all stood up, stood up…

This moment.

The room fell silent.

At this moment, the countries of the world fell silent.

At this moment, the scientific community fell silent.

In the highest office, the boss of the rice country extinguished his cigar and muttered nervously: “What happened at the scene?”



The German boss stood up at 4.7 and said, “What happened to the German correspondent with the longest connection?”


Starf also stood up, a deep look of worry flashing in his old eyes. In his heart, he gradually had a bad premonition.

What happened?

In Huaxia, countless viewers in front of the TV held their breath and looked at the strange phenomena in the camera. and the scene where the audience was silent, and all the scientists stood up and looked at each other.

All the viewers in Huaxia were silent.

What happened?

Seoul University, what’s going on?

Just now, I saw with my own eyes that the staff of the stick country was slapped by Li Hao’s guards, and he didn’t dare to say anything.

But I saw it… Some of the stick people present rushed out with crazy faces.


What happened?

What’s going on!


The boss of the rice country roared: “What the hell is going on? Who can tell me, what happened?”

“Who can tell me. ”

“Damn, the people on TV are talking about something, dumb?”

“I’m all confused? What the hell is going on?”

“Who can tell me!”


What’s going on!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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