
Where did we get the people from?

How do you deal with this?

The boss of the stick country was completely stunned, looking at the sewer below, even if he was ignorant, he knew that something was wrong.

Li Hao was really taken captive.

At this moment, media reporters from various countries are frantically taking pictures of the sewer and crazy live broadcast. Photographed every inch of the expression of the boss of the country and the top of the country.

“Deliver someone!”

Jon walked in front of the boss of the stick country and said in a deep voice, “Please hand over Li Hao.” “

At this moment, Jon was really crazy. He felt like he had been designed by someone else from start to finish. He is simply a wronged person who carries the black pot.

Li Hao was blocked by demonstrators on the road, and the White House was looking for trouble. said that he was not well supervised.

Li Hao disappeared, and he was troubled by people in the White House, saying that he was not well supervised. He said that he was incompetent.


I’m wronged, I’ve done my best. But what can I do? I’m desperate.

No matter how hard I try, someone is always wreaking havoc.

No matter how hard I try, the country is still out of the ghost. The stick country still kept blocking it, and he had never seen such a disgusting pig teammate. It’s just a pig teammate.,It’s not useful at all.,Instead, it’s constantly dragging its feet.,Constantly increasing the difficulty of the game for you.。

This game of life is too difficult. I can’t clear it!

The boss of the stick country was also scared, and shouted in a panic: “We are also searching for Li Hao.” It’s just…”

The voice fell, and the scene fell completely silent. Cold, silent.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the boss of the stick country.

The meaning of this sentence is a bit intriguing 053…

Mi reporter Chris suddenly handed over the microphone: “You just said that you are also looking for Li Hao? But at this moment, what about Li Hao? You also know the importance of Li Hao to the world, at this moment, we ask you to let the world’s top personnel cooperate in the search, how about it?”

Everyone instantly looked directly at the boss of the stick country.

At this moment, all the high-level leaders of the stick country couldn’t help but nod their heads in unison, if they came to cooperate at this moment, then the strength of the search would be weakened.

The boss of the stick country hurriedly waved his hand: “So, what do you mean… If you join forces, I need a guarantee!”

“What I need is the peace of the people of the Bang Country, you must not disturb the people, although Li Hao is indeed missing here, but, please remember that this is the Bang Country!”

Chris asked in a stern tone: “At this point, you can rest assured, we have only one purpose, and that is to find Li Hao!”

“Yes, but remember our agreement!”

“Okay, I promise!”


After the discussion, everyone proceeded with the previous agreement in an orderly manner.

Now is not the time to bargain with the boss of the baseball country, nor is it the time to debate with him.

Huaxia’s guards jumped down one by one, and the big soldiers of the United States also jumped down.

There is no one to take care of the boss of the country anymore, because at this moment, in everyone’s hearts, the suspicion has been completely confirmed.

Jon jumped down and saw the layout and scenery, looking at the flickering LED lights and the brightly lit, airy sewers. Muttered:

“It’s… It’s not something that can be done on a temporary basis. This has been premeditated for a long, long time. :”

Xu Bing took a few steps forward, looked at the wooden floor under his feet with some fright, nodded and said, “Yes, it’s not a day or two of effort. Looking at this layout, and this vast scale, this is not something that ordinary forces can accomplish. ”

Jon walked up to Xu Bing, sent out a cigarette, and said in a deep voice, “Xu, from now on, we need to fight side by side. ”

Xu Bing waved his hand and refused the cigarette: “Now, the soldiers are divided into two ways. Follow this tunnel all the way to the end and see where it leads. On the other hand, you need to mobilize all the sewer maps in the country to see where it leads. So fast. ”

“ok。 I’m going to mobilize the map. ”

With that, Jon climbed out with the sewer manhole cover erected again.

Ten minutes later.

Sewer outlets. The crowd gathered.

The army directly surrounded this circle completely, but standing at the crossroads, everyone was stunned at this time.

This…… I don’t know where it leads.

I don’t even know where it leads.

A flash of anger flashed in Jon’s eyes, and he looked in all four directions of the intersection and muttered, “It’s over… I’m finished. ”

“Find Li Hao within an hour. This is an order from the White House, I’m finished, this, how to find it?”

As he spoke, Jon roared like a madman:

“Until now, do you still want to hide it? Hand it over, hand over Li Hao to me, hand it over!”

The boss of the stick country hurriedly retreated, hiding in the middle and yelling: “It’s not me, it’s really not us.” I swear. ”

Jon roared, “Hunt down the whole of Seoul.” Dig three feet into the ground, and find it…”


As soon as the order was given, at this moment, everyone received the news.

Report. ”


“The German army is coming, and it is about to land in the waters of Bangguo. Help us find Li Hao. ”

The face of the boss of the stick country changed slightly:

“Tell Germany that this is the territory of our stick country, and let their people abide by the agreement between us!”

The voice fell.


A terrifying roar of engines rang out.

Everyone looked up in unison, but saw that in the distance, a battle formation composed of hundreds of helicopters flew over from the sea level.

On every helicopter, the German logo is hung.

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At this moment, everyone understood. Rejection is invalid!



“The Marines of Huaxia have landed in the country of Afei. They’re going to look for it in the territory of the Bang Country!”


The boss of the stick country blushed. But before he could finish speaking, another report sounded.



“The army of the United States has crossed the Pacific Ocean and is about to reach the territory of the Bang Country. They want to participate in the search and coordination with our entire Seoul, and even radiate the entire territory of Bangguo, 3,000 miles of mountains and rivers. ”

As soon as the words fell.

Everyone looked out over the sea.

The sound of ‘booming, booming, booming’ sounded on the seashore, and the dense crowd of warships and even aircraft carriers of various countries drove over.


The warships that could not see the end in sight all crossed over.

And then tanks, armored vehicles, military vehicles. Soldiers from all over the world disembarked like dumplings and drove into various neighborhoods of Seoul.

In the sky, helicopters were constantly hovering low or landing.

Countless soldiers continued to drop like dumplings, and began to knock on doors and search.

Door-to-door searches.

But even so, they still kept their previous agreement, and none of them used violence, all of them were soft-spoken.


The boss of the stick country looked at this Seoul with a numb scalp.

This is no longer the Seoul he is familiar with.

Densely packed, as far as the eye can see, there are foreign armies everywhere.

All of them were soldiers holding Li Hao’s photo in their hands, searching from house to house, and interviewing.

Dig three feet into the ground!

A real dig into the ground!

Media reporters from various countries are also crazy, they have never seen or even heard of such a scene.

Someone trembled:

“He… He is the darling of this world. ”

“No, the whole world, spoil him!”

“The armies of various countries have come in, at least, 200,000 people!”

As soon as the words fell, a scream resounded throughout the intersection:

Report. A notice came from England that the English Navy had crossed the ocean and would soon arrive in the waters of the country. Their helicopters, transport planes, carrying 20,000 English soldiers, had already arrived in advance, requesting an immediate landing at the Seoul airport. ”

“Yes, but they have to keep their promises!”


The boss of the stick country roared.

“At this moment, there are 200,000 people in the coordinated search for foreign countries!”

With a ‘buzz-‘, the boss’s hair stood on end.

How so?

How so!

Li Hao…

Li Hao: Is he a devil? Is he a devil?

Why is the whole world sending troops to search?

Is the whole world looking for Li Hao?

At this moment, the whole world is like a dead leaf in a storm, falling at any time. Break your bones at any time.

Four countries sent peacekeeping troops to search for Li Hao’s whereabouts.

At this moment, the whole world knew the importance of Li Hao.

At this moment, the whole world knows what it means to be a darling!

What’s wrong with Li Hao’s age? What’s wrong with being naughty? We spoil him! We are happy to spoil him!

The high-level officials of the stick country kept wiping the cold sweat, and their whole bodies trembled like chaff: “Sir… Sir, we, what the hell are we going to do now?”

The boss of the stick country looked at the search reports one by one, and his eyes were a little confused.

“Can anyone tell me, who is this Li Hao, and why is he not from our country?”


“I don’t know!”

A group of high-level officials of the stick country shook their heads again and again: “I don’t know, but I can be sure that at this moment, Li Hao will definitely become the darling of the world, and he is also the first darling, but unfortunately! He is not from my baseball country, but I believe that as long as we can find Li Hao, then what Li Hao can bring us will be unprecedented benefits!”


The boss of the stick country sighed deeply, and a complicated color flashed in his eyes.

Thankfully, I didn’t do it myself.

If it’s your own…

It’s really over.

Li Hao was even more terrifying than he imagined. He really is the devil, even a devil that God has crafted.

The whole world, make him a god – a darling!

This time, the world shook, and everyone in the world completely refreshed a concept and understood what it means to be called: the darling of the world!

Li Hao!Li Hao!Li Hao!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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