A day later.

The Great Evacuation of Okinawa began.

The island nation sent 10,000 members of the Self-Defense Forces to Okinawa and began evacuating the people.

‘Tick Woo Woo Woo Woo;’

The streets of Okinawa are filled with the sirens of ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars.

“How can this be an earthquake? I don’t believe it. ”

“People say that earthquakes are unpredictable. Who predicted this? The state actually believed it. ”

“yes, it’s a serious thing on the news. It is said that Okinawa is about to have a magnitude 9 earthquake. But why don’t I believe it?”

“Hey, let’s go, let’s go. ”

“Anyway, there is a subsidy, just go. ”


The people talked, began to pedal, and left.

Police cars began to walk the streets and alleys, running everywhere to publicize:

“Three days later, at 12 o’clock in the afternoon, a magnitude 9 earthquake was about to strike Okinawa. All people were evacuated immediately. ”

“Three days later, at 12 o’clock in the afternoon, Okinawa was about to have a magnitude 9 earthquake, so evacuate immediately and don’t stay. ”

“All citizens are asked to pack their bags and prepare to evacuate to a safe area. ”


Police cars roam the streets of Okinawa, using loudspeakers to advertise the word.

In the police car, the police officers looked at the people who were constantly packing up and evacuating, and sighed:

“Who predicted this magnitude 9 earthquake? This is too unbelievable, isn’t it? If you predict it four days in advance, if there is no earthquake, wouldn’t it be a big oolong?”

“You can’t think like that. What if there is an earthquake? What if? Right, even if there is a slight probability, then we must make sure that there are no casualties. ”

“Will there really be a magnitude 9 earthquake?”

“Haha, you look at this calm sea, like there will be an earthquake?”

The officer scoffed: “I don’t think so, I’m a little skeptical now, such an evacuation is more like some kind of political factor.” It’s not like there’s going to be an earthquake, magnitude nine, what a magnitude nine earthquake is, you know?

“The captain has a point. ”

“I agree with the captain. ”

“Haha, but the superiors asked us to assist in the evacuation, just do our duty. Don’t worry about anything else. ”

As he spoke, the police car drove to the door of a house, and the officer got out of the car and looked at the young man who was playing a game in the house: “Why don’t you evacuate?”

The young man played a game without raising his head and said, “Why evacuate?”

“Three days later, a magnitude 9 earthquake is about to strike here. If you don’t evacuate, do you want to die?”

“Hahaha. ”

The young man laughed wildly: “I graduated from Harvard University. I used to study geology, and I predicted a magnitude 9 earthquake? You’re laughing at me, and only civilians would believe in such a thing. ”

The officer frowned: “Must be evacuated!”

“Whoever loves to evacuate, evacuate. I don’t know which madman gave such a prediction, but it is ridiculous that the people in power actually believed these statements. That’s why I said a long time ago that science and technology in Asia as a whole are hopeless. It’s really completely hopeless. Even such rumors are believed. Laughed at me. ”

The officer raised his eyebrows: “You think the earthquake won’t come?”

“No, I don’t think so, I don’t. Earthquakes are unmeasurable, inaccurate, and immeasurable. Hindsight information is available only after the earthquake is over. And it is never possible to get the news before the earthquake. Let’s go, I’m going to play the game. ”

As he spoke, the young man jumped into it excitedly again.

Several police officers looked at the officer with some embarrassment: “Captain, what should I do?”

“Forced evacuation?”

At this time, the captain’s eyes suddenly changed: “No…”

With that, the captain walked out.

Seeing that the young man did not evacuate, the captain suddenly had a bold plan in his heart. Why not just count it?

As soon as Okinawa is evacuated, the whole city will be empty. If at this time, wouldn’t you be able to do whatever you want in this whole city?

In three days, the people’s homes can’t be moved!

In addition to the common people, there are also some companies, factories and the like, which will definitely not be able to move. Myself in this empty city… So, isn’t that rich?

Thinking of this, the police officer suddenly became excited and walked out of the house. Sitting back in the car, Officer Yamamoto looked at his three brothers with some excitement:

“Do you want to get rich?”

The three island countries were suddenly stunned:

“Captain, what do you mean?”

“What do you mean, Captain?”

“Is there any way to make money?”

Captain Yamamoto whispered excitedly, “Now that Okinawa has been evacuated, only we police can operate on our own in this city. Everybody’s out of here, and if we…”

Hiss –

One of the officers took a deep breath: “Captain, what do you mean?”

“My meaning is already obvious, the opportunity is in front of us, whether you are willing to cherish it or not, it is up to you. There are so many neighborhoods, and there is no one in them. There are so many storefronts, shops, factories, and no one!”

The words fell, and the car suddenly fell silent. The three officers looked at each other, and they all saw the struggle and nervousness in each other’s eyes.

A police officer asked with some embarrassment: “But it was a magnitude 9 earthquake, if the earthquake really came.” We…… We will be dangerous. ”

Yamamoto scoffed: “Dangerous? In the past two days, the news media around the world have exploded, and I have learned a lot of detailed information. Earthquakes are unpredictable. Absolutely unpredictable, the magnitude 9 earthquake will not come. It simply won’t come. I can guarantee it won’t come!”

“What if it comes?”

“If we come, won’t we run? It’s a big deal, at 12 o’clock in the afternoon, wouldn’t it be nice if we stayed away from the building? Isn’t it an earthquake, what’s the big deal? Which island nation hasn’t experienced an earthquake? Isn’t it just that the house has collapsed? So what? Why don’t we just go into the house?”

When the words fell, the three of them swallowed their saliva in unison and said excitedly: “I think it’s okay!”

“I think it’s doable, too!”

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“God doesn’t know it, we can make a windfall1”

“Hahaha, quick, work harder, and get all the people out. The more you withdraw, the better. ”

“Go 1”

“Go back, tie up the young man for me, he must go, too. ”



With people who think like Yamamoto, in the whole of Okinawa, no less!

It wasn’t just Yamamoto who thought of such a plan to make a fortune, many people thought of it.

First of all, they felt that a magnitude 9 earthquake could not occur, it was impossible to come.

Secondly, they feel that they have experienced the magnitude 8 earthquake themselves, and the island country is safe and sound. Isn’t it level nine?

If the earthquake really comes, why don’t you just hide in an open place?


Getting rich is the most important thing.

But they are only extremely ignorant.

They think that a magnitude 9 earthquake is just one magnitude more than an 8-magnitude earthquake, and there is nothing remarkable. It’s a big deal, just hide in an open place.

However, the average person is not aware of such a statistic.

The magnitude of the earthquake, for each higher level, the potential energy is thirty-six times that of the previous level!

A magnitude 9 earthquake is 36 times more powerful than a magnitude 8 earthquake!

What is the concept of thirty-six times?

It is the potential energy and power that are constantly superimposed upwards in geometric multiples. You can’t hide in an open place to be safe, under the magnitude 9 earthquake, there is no safe place!

Because under the magnitude 9 earthquake, the tsunami will be swept in horror. will flood land.

Even, the earth will crack. will devour everything…

A magnitude 9 earthquake is a collapse of the sky!

And at this time, in the base of the Mi Army.


‘Everyone, act quickly and prepare to evacuate. ’

“Quick, take everything you can. If you can’t take it with you, you don’t care. Pick up the valuables and take them with you first. ”

“Hey, sir, this Okinawa has been built by us for decades. These fortifications can’t be taken away at all. Will there really be a magnitude 9 earthquake? When a magnitude 9 earthquake comes, it will all be destroyed. ”

“Hahaha, don’t be afraid. Our fortifications are military projects of the United States. It is the strongest fortification in the world. A magnitude 9 earthquake will not destroy our base. We just need to take the equipment with us. ”

“Sir, do you need to take this radar satellite with you?”

The officer pondered for a moment: “No. The radar satellite is very sturdy and built on a flat ground. Earthquakes shouldn’t hurt it. ”

“Do you need to take the cannon with you?”

“This can’t be taken away fools. Can an earthquake still shatter a cannon? Hahaha. ”

“But it’s a magnitude 9 earthquake!”

“Nine is nine levels. I heard the gossip from the top. ”


The officer said mysteriously: “It’s possible, this time the magnitude 9 earthquake is not a prediction… It may be an earthquake test done by Li Hao, who has disappeared for a long time. It may be an earthquake artificially created by Li Hao. ”


“Shhh This is just a guess, it is possible. ”


“However, man can actually create an earthquake? Li Hao is too terrifying, right?”

“yes, it’s just an experiment. No one knows if he will succeed, maybe he won’t be able to reach the ninth level. If he can really reach the ninth level, then wouldn’t Li Hao be invincible? That would be terrible, this world… Who is his opponent?”

The chief muttered with a complicated gaze: “Who says it isn’t? If he can really create a magnitude nine earthquake, this world… Who will be his opponent?”



Countless military transport planes were lifted into the air.

The Great Evacuation is coming to an end.

‘Tick, tick, tick’

Time passes.

Three days, in the blink of an eye, passed…

Day 4!

When the fourth day came, when the first rays of the sunset fell on the island country.

The eyes of the world are on Okinawa.

The predicted magnitude 9 earthquake will come today…

Or, it won’t come!


A military helicopter took off.

From a certain island, a group of scientists from the island nation, as well as Chinese scientists, flew to Tokyo.

“Let’s go!”

At the sound of an order, everyone in the base left.

Li Hao, escorted by countless bodyguards, also boarded a helicopter and took off…

Head towards Tokyo.

Overlooking the sea below, Li Hao’s eyes flashed with excitement:

“Geophysical weapons … The legend of Tesla. “_

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