At this time.

Stick Country.

All the top officials of the country gathered together to watch the Okinawa earthquake in the island country through a live broadcast.

Everyone’s hearts couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Li Hao… What a scourge.

After the scourge of the stick country, he went to the scourge of the island country. Where else would he not be harmed?

And at this time, a secretary hurriedly came to report:

Report. Li Hao’s traces were discovered. ”

When the words fell, all the high-level officials in the office looked dumbfounded.

“Whew… What?”

“I found Li Hao’s traces!”

With a ‘bang’, the whole office exploded.

All the high-level leaders of the stick country stood up at this moment:



“When did you find it? Where did you find it? Who is Li Hao and against? Did Li Hao cause the earthquake in Okinawa?”

Asked three times in a row.

The secretary said excitedly: “Our agents have found that the island country of Tokyo has all the power outages, and the signal is blocked. Then the news was received that the island nation had sent its air force and navy into the island’s sea to pursue the six helicopters. And the fundamental intelligence shows that most of it is Li Hao… According to the analysis of the earthquake in Okinawa, it can be guessed that Li Hao should have caused a big earthquake in Okinawa, and he ran away when he finished it, so the island country was reluctant to chase it. ”

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes were red with excitement.

There is nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get them.

Who would have thought?

Who would have thought that things would go this far?

Who would have thought that Li Hao, who had been struggling to find Li Hao all along, would get it now, and Li Hao was being chased by other forces. I don’t know if it’s a chase or what. I really don’t know.

A high-level member of the stick country shouted excitedly:

“Quick, let’s hurry up now to help Li Hao break the siege, as long as we find Li Hao, our country will be stable. There is no need to be subjected to international fishing vessels again. ”



The secretary walked back and looked at the boss of the stick country suspiciously.

Some of the high-level officials of the stick country in 057 also looked at the boss of the stick country and didn’t know what he was going to do.

After pondering for a long time, the boss of the stick country said in a low tone: “Could it be that we really want to help the island country break the siege?”

“What do you mean?”

“Sir, we don’t understand what you mean. ”

“What do you mean?”

The boss of the stick country smiled:

“We can guess that the Okinawa earthquake was caused by Li Hao, so can’t other countries guess? Now, Li Hao is going to run, and the island country is chasing Li Hao. If…… Our Bang Country secretly made a move and tied Li Hao to Bang Country, so this basin will be detained on the head of the island country again. At that time, everyone thought that the island country had kidnapped Li Hao, and our stick country would naturally get rid of the relationship. ”

As the words fell, everyone present remembered the fear of being dominated by the fishing boats and the force of the world for all this time.

They were a little scared.

“And… Do you want to tie up Li Hao?”

“This, how is this tied?”

“Think again. :”

“We didn’t tie up Li Hao, we were already so miserable. If Li Hao is tied up now, wouldn’t it really be a big disaster. ”

“yes, let’s not take any chances, right?”


The boss of the stick country groaned:

“Before, the whole world suspected that it was our country that did it. But we really didn’t do anything. Now there is no trace of Li Hao in the entire stick country. Everyone now knows that this was done by the island nation. And now, no one doubts us anymore … At this time, if Li Hao is tied up again, then everyone is suspicious of the island country. On the contrary, it will not trouble our stick country. You understand?”

There was silence.


“But the risk is still too great. ”

“It’s been the darkest time in the country lately, and I’ve experienced this (afei) darkness. ”

“It’s a little scary. ”

“The risk and the benefit are not proportional, if we really tie up Li Hao, I’m afraid this time we will really have to lose the country. ”


“No, this time, there’s a big catch!”

The boss of the stick country said excitedly: “You have also seen the appearance of Okinawa. This is the mastery of the power of God. And this time, it’s the closest the stick country has come to the power of the gods… Li Hao: They must pass by the vicinity of Bangguo. This plane class not only has Li Hao, but also the equipment that makes earthquakes. killed two birds with one stone, tied up Li Hao, took things, and threw the pot to the island country. Our stick country is secretly developing. ”

“Until we have completely mastered the geophysical weapons, the day has come when our stick country will rule the whole world!”

Hiss –

After saying that, everyone in the office was short of breath.


It’s a bold plan.

But I have to say, if this plan is really completed. The unification of the whole world will be just around the corner.

This is really an earth-shattering thing. Who would have thought that the Stick Congress would come out and go dark?

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No one could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

The country of sticks is about to rise!


“What are we going to do?”

“Sir, what do we need to arrange? ”

“Let’s talk about the plan, sir. ”

“I think we should take a gamble. ”

“This time, the whole world has seen the power of geophysical weapons, and if we get such a weapon. Our rise is just around the corner. ”

“Yes, dominate Asia first. Then, then dominate the world. ”

“Hahaha. ”


The boss of Bangguo sat on the office chair excitedly, pondered for a while, and immediately made a decision:

“The navy of the stick country immediately went to sea. If he didn’t guess wrong, Li Hao should have crossed the territory of our stick country from the island country, and then flew all the way back to Huaxia. During this period, Huaxia’s air force should be able to respond and support… We try our best to catch up with the front of the Huaxia fighter and get rid of Li Hao as quickly as possible. ”

“The First Navy went to sea, turned on radar and early warning aircraft, and searched for Li Hao’s traces. Intercept along the way. ”


“Remember, be sure to do it in secrecy. Once things get out of hand… Abandon the plan. ”


“However, if we can get Li Hao, and there are enemies around us that we can defeat. So, extinguish!”

“Got it!”

“Go ahead. ”



In the next quarter of an hour.

The navy of the stick country went to sea …

It didn’t take long for the stick army to go to sea, and the early warning planes discovered a plane flying 1,000 kilometers away at a rapid pace toward the Chinese side.

On a main ship: “General!

“What did you find?”

“Our radar, detected six helicopters moving at high speed. Suspected Li Hao… And a few hundred kilometers behind them, a large number of aircraft were chasing. ”

The Commander of the Stick Army’s eyes widened: “Really?”


“Immediately… Immediate blocking. Hurry up. Hahaha, there is nowhere to find the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. Immediately intercept it, and whoever wins Li Hao will win the world!”



At the same time, Huaxia also received the news.

In a certain military region in China, the commander directly had a conversation with Liu Jie, and after listening to Liu Jie’s words, he said in a deep voice:

“Our fighter jets will make contact with you in forty minutes, so be sure to hold on for forty minutes. No one dares to chase you…”

“Although the islanders will chase you, they will not continue to rush forward when they approach the waters of the stick country. What you need to worry about is the stick country, and I now doubt that the stick country will also receive the news, or rather… We are afraid that you will be discovered by the Bang Nation Navy as you cross the waters of the Stick Country. But it doesn’t matter, the stick country is now like a frightened bird, you try to delay the time, as much as possible until the Chinese fighter jets arrive in the sea. ”

After the commander finished speaking, he smiled and said, “They won’t succeed.” You can rest assured of that. Because we still have forty minutes to go. It will take time for them to take you away, and even if they do, don’t resist… Otherwise, if you cross someone else’s territorial waters, you may find a reason to shoot them down. You just go with them, Li Hao has a positioning system on his body, where he goes, where he tracks. Don’t be afraid, the fighter arrives in no time. ”

The commander smiled and said for a long time, and he was in high spirits.

At this time, Liu Jie finally said leisurely: “Leader… I, I’m not afraid that I’ll be captured by the island nation now. ”

“Hahaha, don’t be afraid. If they force you to stop, you will stop and fall. Just go with them. It will take a lot of time for them to get back to their homeland from the sea. And in this time, the fighters arrived. ”

Liu Jie said aggrievedly: “Now, what I’m afraid of is not the stick country…”

“Huh, what are you afraid of?”

“Woo woo, leader, I’m afraid that Li Hao will be childish. Destroy the pursuers of the island country and the stick country. ”


The commander exclaimed: “Hehe, Professor Liu, what are you talking about? Li Hao is just a child…”

“Woo woo, all those who think that Li Hao is a child will end up miserable. Woo woo, leader, Li Hao… Li Hao now has a small hydrogen bomb. Small hydrogen bombs. Li Hao is losing his temper now, he said that as long as he sees the pursuers of the island country and the stick country, he will immediately throw artillery to play. ”

“Our Huaxia fighters, we must hurry. You have to hurry up. I’m not afraid of being caught… I, I’m afraid that Li Hao will destroy others. In this way, things will make a big fuss, woo woo, but it must be fast. ”


The commander was silent for a long time, and said in a trembling voice: “You… What do you say? Li Hao has a hydrogen bomb.”

“yes. Li Hao used to take the time to build a hydrogen bomb and kept it with him for self-defense. We don’t know where he’s hiding… Anyway, come on. Now Li Hao is eager to try and keeps urging the driver to slow down. He, he was afraid that the pursuers of the island country would not be able to catch up, so he wanted us to fly slower and wait for the pursuers of the island country. ”

‘Bang…’, and the landline phone fell to the ground.

The commander sat silently in his office chair, his eyes straight, and he couldn’t say a word for a long time…

“What’s wrong, Commander?”


After a while, the commander seemed to come back to his senses, and suddenly roared: “Tell everyone, hurry, hurry up and go to Li Hao.” Be fast, no matter what the cost, be 1″

“Huh? It’s already the fastest. ”

“It’s going to be faster!:”


“In addition, immediately notify the stick country and warn the stick country that it is better not to interfere. Don’t meddle with it1”

“Also, immediately give early warning to the island countries. It’s best not to try to get close to Li Hao. Don’t get close to Li Hao1”

“Shall they not seek death? The world is chaotic enough now. ”


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