Huaxia International News:

“Li Hao has already set off for Germany. The German side is requested to prepare as soon as possible and cooperate with the security work as much as possible. ”

Li Hao said that Mr. Starff is a great scientist. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on the foundations of electron optics and designed the first electron microscope on Earth. It has laid the cornerstone for human research in chemical physics, provided an infinite development direction for the atomic research of physics, and let mankind first understand the microscopic atomic world. ”

“A month ago, Mr. Starff, who had been working at his desk for a long time, was diagnosed with stomach cancer. After diagnosis, it has reached the late stage, and the optimal treatment maintenance time has been missed. Today, Mr. Starff, who has made outstanding contributions to the progress of human science, is severely malnourished and can only be given nutrient solutions to maintain vital signs. Sitting in a wheelchair, Mr. Stuff remains at the forefront of human science. ”

At the end of this life, Mr. Stuff first put forward the conjecture that there is a negative to matter, and whether antimatter is true. Before his death, he once again brought a new direction to the study of physics. ”

Viewers all over the world are watching Huaxia’s international television station. watched the interview with the reporter in it, as well as the pictures of Professor Starff’s previous work, as well as the pictures of Li Hao’s work and scientific research.

Everyone fell silent.

On the TV, the reporter’s voice was still ringing:

Li Hao has experienced some accidents before, and today he has just returned to the embrace of the motherland. But he couldn’t wait, wanting to help the old man and solve all his doubts at the end of life 05. ”

Li Hao said: Mr. Starf is a respectable senior. Science knows no borders, it is a common topic of mankind, and it is also the common progress of mankind. I had to go to Germany, visit the old man, and tell him about the special theory of relativity, which is of great interest to the whole world. At the same time, I will also have a long talk with him about whether the antimatter theory exists. ”

“I need to go to Germany. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t go to Germany, can I?”


Huaxia’s international television station is broadcasting live to the world.

And Huaxia’s domestic TV stations are also broadcasting to the people of China.

The audience was quite silent.

“Alas, the spirit of science. ”

On Weibo, there couldn’t help but have a discussion on a topic, what is the spirit of science?

It has been said, “The spirit of science is tireless.” ”

It is also said: “The spirit of science is to like a thing and like it all the time.” ”

It is also said: “The spirit of science is to have great righteousness in mind and contribute to mankind.” ”

The discussion was extremely heated.

But what exactly is the spirit of science?

In fact, no one can say exactly what this is, what it is. Perhaps Li Hao, including Starf, including the world’s outstanding scientists, or the scientists who are still unknown today, can’t say clearly, what is the spirit of science?

The spirit of science.

It’s an attitude. It is a serious attitude, an attitude of never giving up studying, and an attitude as solid as a rock.

Maybe from the moment you are born, you will love science. But if you can go through it all your life, at the end of your life, you’re still studying this mess. Then you have the spirit of science.

It’s simple.

But in this world, there are only a few people who can do it.

And this point has achieved the people with the spirit of science, and their names have all been printed in textbooks and passed down for thousands of years. As long as human civilization continues, their names will be passed down with these words.

It is also a meaning of life.

As Li Bai’s poem said – I am born to be useful!

Every human being is born with the value of his existence in this world. And the spirit of science is also such a value.

Man is inherently dead, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather.

There are those who live, but they are dying, as if they were dead. They don’t have value.

But some are dead, and they are still alive. Their names have been passed down and live on with another ideology.

This is their value and their destination.

So Li Hao has emphasized it in the news interview.

Stuff is a scientist with a scientific spirit.

Li Hao is a bear child in this life. That’s just because he is parasitic in the body of a bear child, and he sometimes has to pretend that a bear child is innocent, which will facilitate the use of many, many things.

But he’s not a bear child!

In his last life, Li Hao was a scientist. In his last life, he was a scientist who made outstanding contributions to science.

At this time.

In a middle school in Bangguo, students are also watching international news broadcast from Huaxia.

Looking at it, the homeroom teacher of the stick country snorted coldly:

“Do you simply look down on our country… When I came to Bang Country, I didn’t talk about special relativity in Bang Country. As a result, now because of a dying man, he has traveled thousands of miles to Germany. Not only to tell people about the special theory of relativity, but also to answer the question of a dying man… Why don’t you get airsick now? Why aren’t you afraid of this time?”

“It’s just that I can’t afford to look down on our country!”

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The whole class also had a lot of discussions:

“Not convinced!”

“Is it discriminating against us?”

“It is strongly recommended that Li Hao be condemned in the international community!”

“Yes, you must condemn Li Hao!”

“Why did a dying man summon him and he went? Aren’t the scientists of our country excellent?”

“And the special theory of relativity is supposed to be something of our stick country. Because the previous plan was that Li Hao was going to lecture on this thing at Seoul University. Right now…… Hehe. ”


While everyone was talking, a schoolgirl stood up and said with a face full of anger:

“We shouldn’t think that way. Why do we think that everything should be ours? Why do we have such an idea of reaching out to the party? This kind of thinking is very dangerous, and at the same time very wrong. Shouldn’t we try to break through academics, to compete with others, to catch up with them, to catch up with others, to complain about others and to condemn others for not giving you things?”

The words fell, and the classroom at Bangguo High School fell silent.

The homeroom teacher of Bang Guo roared angrily: “Who told you to stand up and speak?”

The schoolgirl said righteously, “Am I not right?”

“Kim Pan-hee. Don’t think that because you’re the number one in the whole school in physics, you can bash the teacher here. Attack the country too. Be careful with your credits!”

Jin Panxi sighed: “Forget it.” I’m already hopeless in this country … To tell the teacher, my father and my grandfather are both scientists. My grandfather’s name is Kim Shun Lane!”

Hiss –

The homeroom teacher took a deep breath abruptly.

Kim smooth!

The whole class was in an uproar.

It turned out to be Jin Shun.

Jin Shunli, the most famous physicist in Bangguo, when Li Hao came to Bangguo, Jin Shunshun personally picked up the plane. Even Li Hao didn’t talk to the president, but talked directly with Jin Shunshun and others while walking.

For a time, it became an international conversation.

No one thought that this little girl’s grandfather would be Jin Shunli.


Jin Panxi laughed:

“My grandfather said that nowadays, only China in the world can be called the holy land of science. Only China is suitable for the survival of scientists, and only the soil for scientists to survive. Our whole family is already planning to change our nationality, become Chinese, and conduct scientific research in China… It’s just that I’m still a little hesitant. But today, hearing you say that here, I don’t hesitate any longer. 003 I’m leaving!”

After speaking, Jin Panxi put on his schoolbag and turned to leave the classroom.

Everyone in the classroom watched in amazement, and she said to go.

They can’t read the minds of these scientists…

And the main reason for this is that Jin Shunshun and other scientists in Bangguo are constantly disappointed in Bangguo.

Li Hao came to give a speech, and they didn’t pay attention to it. They think scientists… Isn’t it just a political tool? Isn’t it just some scholars, what’s the use? It’s not the president of another country who is visiting, so it doesn’t need to be paid much attention.

But they simply don’t know. Scientists are the driving force and cornerstone of the whole world. Without scientists, it is still the era of slash-and-burn cultivation in which Ru Mao drinks blood.

Let’s go!

Originally, the scientists of the country were very hesitant before this. After all, the pressure on betrayal of the country is still very high.

But after seeing the international news of Huaxia and knowing that Li Hao went to Germany to solve his doubts for Starf. All the scientists of the stick country cried, no longer had any worries, and embarked on the road to China without hesitation…

Stuff is great!

But why isn’t Li Hao great?

Isn’t China great?

In the face of scientific progress, there is no distinction between nationalities.

Li Hao was able to go to other countries without hesitation to solve the mystery for a scientist with stomach cancer. Being able to give a lecture in another country and talk about a new research direction and a new milestone in physics.

And Huaxia even let him out. And proactively provide protection.

What a heart!

Not today, it is foreseeable.

Scientists from many countries around the world will go to China to exchange or settle down. Huaxia, driven by Li Hao, will become the soil of new science.

It is not mixed with any other factors, it is just a place of pure scientific research, a place of scientific people.

There will be a lot of people going there. It’s not just the stick country…

Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go!_

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