The Big Bang of Science –

In one era, countless people set off a scientific frenzy. During that period of time, countless new ideas and new directions collided together, producing countless fireworks.

In a certain era. Countless new theories have emerged, and countless conjectures have emerged. Science, it’s exploding!

Broadly speaking, that’s too general.

For example:

Human beings were in the Stone Age for tens of thousands of years, and after tens of thousands of years of development, they advanced to the Bronze Age.

It took thousands of years for the Bronze Age to transition to the Cold Weapon Age…

It has developed for more than 3,000 years in the era of cold weapons.

But suddenly it took a hundred or two hundred years for a ‘boom’ to make a big bang on science.1

The era of cold weapons for thousands of years only took a moment in thousands of years, just one or two hundred years, and exploded to the current era… It has quickly passed the steam age, the electronic age, the information age, the Internet age, and the new era of the 21st century!

Explosion, in that instant!

And Li Hao, his goal, a lifelong appeal.

It’s to drive a big bang of science in this world.

In the previous life, the earth suddenly jumped from level 0 in the era of cold weapons to level 0.7 civilization, and it only took more than two hundred years.

And in this life, the initial stage of this earth is a level 0.5 civilization.

Li Hao tried to imagine if he pushed it, whether he could produce a big bang in science. From a level 0.5 civilization, jump into the ranks of the universe’s true level 1 civilization. Even, touch the edge of the second-level civilization!

There is still a long way to go.

The flight attendant looked at Li Hao’s face quietly, and she was stupid.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Li Hao is a cute baby and a national treasure.

At the same time, he is also a very great scientist, the kind that is out of reach, with a super powerful talent.

But it was only then that she understood. Deserves Li Hao’s greatness!

At the age of 13, he has already shouldered a heavy responsibility and provoked the banner of the global scientific explosion without hesitation.

Sacrifice countless hours of sleep 007 just to compress the time, and spend a few hours more every day than others for scientific research…

Flight attendants don’t even have to think about it, just the common sense of biology knows. This way of sleeping is not normal and unhealthy. This is of course, certainly unhealthy, and it can even be said to be an overdraft of life.

That’s right, this way of sleeping was invented by Leonardo da Vinci, and it became the Da Vinci Sleep Method. It’s a pity that in the end, Da Vinci also caused the subsequent life disease to be added because of such a sleep method…

Li Hao also knows, but Li Hao can’t help it!


Suddenly, in the quiet first-class cabin, there was the sound of an alarm clock.

The flight attendant was startled and quickly stood up.

And Xu Bing and other guards also stood up immediately, without squinting…

A few seconds later, Li Hao and Liu Jie stretched and woke up one after another.

Li Hao rubbed his eyes and looked at the flight attendant: “Hehe, little sister, how long will it take to arrive?”

The flight attendant looked at Li Hao in some surprise, unable to hook the cute child with bright eyes and bright teeth just now and the national treasure who was sleeping deeply and still frowning when he slept.

“Ahh Also, it’s about an hour away. ”

Li Hao buckled the buttonhole, opened the visor and looked out through the porthole…



Outside, in the clouds, fighter jets were constantly shuttling. And above, and below, there are also helicopter gunships flashing by.

Li Hao was not so surprised. This is a very normal thing.

Now, wherever I go, there will be fighter formations and helicopter gunships to escort and protect me, and this is the case all the way. Needless to count, Li Hao knew that there were at least more than twenty fighter jets escorting outside.

This is a privilege!

The visor was closed with a ‘bang’.

Li Hao glanced at Liu Jie, who was wiping his eyes (afei) lenses next to him, and said with a light smile:

“Grandpa Liu, where are you talking?”

Liu Jie was stunned for a moment and said, “The classification of elementary particles… I think it’s time to talk about the interaction of elementary particles, right?”

Li Hao nodded: “Oh…”

At this time, Liu Jie smiled and said to the flight attendant: “Please go outside and say that you are in class.” ”

“Yes, yes…”

A moment later, the stewardess came back with a message.

At this time, more than 30 Chinese scientists were sitting in the general cabin. Researchers from the National Section, physics professors from Fudan University, physics professors from Southwest Institute of Technology, and physics professors from 98 majors, as well as some young students, walked in.


All are neat and orderly, and methodical.

Or pick up a notebook and a pen. Or pick up a laptop.

Ready to record.


The reason why Li Hao went everywhere was accompanied by a large group of scientists. It’s not just to help Li Hao.

This is also to listen to Li Hao’s daily lectures.

In any case, scientists in their own country still have to receive such privileges. In any case, we have to train a large number of scientists who can at least understand what they are saying.

You can’t always do research on your own. They also need to keep up with the pace.

Li Hao yawned and was about to speak, when the flight attendant hurriedly brought a glass of ice Coke and handed it to Li Hao: “Refresh yourself.” ”

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Li Hao was stunned, looked at the flight attendant in some surprise, and smiled: “Little sister, how do you know that I like to drink ice cola?”

The stewardess smiled and asked, “Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t know?”

“Uh… Thank you. ”

Li Hao took the Coke, took a sip, and said refreshedly:


“According to the different forces, elementary particles are divided into three categories: quarks, leptons, and propagators. Within the theoretical framework of quantum field theory, these elementary particles are treated as point particles…”

“Elementary particles are also a discipline that crosses the philosophy of language. There are multidisciplinary scientific applications. Now scientists use particle accelerators to speed up some particles, and sometimes use the method of particle collision to study the properties and composition of elementary particles…”

“In the previous lesson, we talked about the classification of elementary particles. In this lesson, I’m going to talk about the interaction forces of elementary particles!”



Suddenly, in the entire first-class cabin, the scientific researchers who were sitting or standing began to take notes with serious and focused expressions.


In the whole quiet space, except for the rustling of paper and pencil. And the sound of ‘popping’ constantly tapping on the keyboard, recording, analyzing.

Everyone’s expressions are extremely focused and devoted.

Xu Bing walked out consciously without disturbing.

The flight attendant also stood outside the door of the first-class cabin, constantly looking inside, her eyes inexplicably complicated.

Xu Bing smiled: “Do you feel surprised?”

“Nope. ”


“I just feel… Very proud!”

Xu Bing smiled: “What are you proud of? is it because you are here?”

The stewardess’s eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and she muttered:

“I am proud of my country. The motherland has Li Hao, and it also has a large number of serious and dedicated scientific researchers. They are promoting the continuous progress of science in China, so why not worry about China?”

“I’m also proud of humanity. Human beings, with such a handful of people, are working silently behind the scenes, learning, and researching. It pushes the whole world forward continuously. Proud that I am a part of Huaxia, and glad that I am a part of mankind!”

Xu Bing was silent, a little dumbfounded. He didn’t expect it, he never expected it… This flight attendant’s ideological consciousness is even higher than herself!


At this time, Germany.

Deutsche Airport.

Sitting in a wheelchair, at the end of the red carpet that had already been laid, Starf waited and waited.

“Hahaha, it’s coming. ”

“It’s coming, it’s coming. ”

“I didn’t expect it, I never thought that Li Hao would really come. Haha, I can see Li Hao once before I die, and I have no regrets in this life. Even if he doesn’t solve my mystery in the end, he will tell the special theory of relativity in my witness, and there will be no regrets. ”

Professor Starff muttered. The whole person is in a lot of spirits.

The students of Starf behind him also smiled at this time, seeing the rare excited appearance of the teacher, they just felt emotional, happy!

Next to him, the senior management of Germany also looked at Professor Starff with a smile: “Mr. Starff, I am curious and want to ask, what do you want to say in the first sentence when you see Li Hao?”

Stave laughed: “Welcome to Germany!”

“What about the second sentence?”

“I’m Starf. ”

“What about the third sentence?”

“Does antimatter exist… Oh, that’s a bit inappropriate, a little rude, huh? But I’m in a hurry, so… Forget it, the third sentence says, please get in the car!”

“Hahahaha. 、”

All around, the German top brass laughed.

It is a heartfelt joy to see that Germany’s national treasure physics expert can be so innocent and happy at the end of his life. They were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Starf kept looking at the sky anxiously: “How long will it take to contact again? Why haven’t you come yet?”

The German boss smiled helplessly:

“Sir… Within half an hour, you’d have had us rush a dozen times. ”

Starff blew his beard angrily and glared: “Why not urge again?”

“Okay, okay, then urge again…”

The German boss turned around and smiled bitterly: “Let the airport contact the airlines in Huaxia again to see where it is going and how long it will take.” ”

The staff smiled wryly:

“By the tenth time, the airlines were getting impatient. Said: Do you want to share GPS with you, do you want to see it yourself?”

“Hahahaha. Go ahead, take two scoldings, and help our Mr. Stave to urge again. ”

“Haha, okay. I’ll go. ”


Starf also laughed, smiled and smiled, and said with a serious expression: “Are my German fighters ready?

The expressions of the top brass in Germany also became serious.

After being silent for a long time, the German boss said solemnly:

“I swear that there will be no unrest in Germany. ”

“From this moment on, the whole navy, all the air force, all the land forces of Germany. All of them are all for Li Hao’s safety, and they are all on standby!”

“The moment when Li Hao’s plane entered German territory and airspace. Professor Starff, I swear to you that I am the best air force fighters and the most advanced fighters of all German countries. They will all be next to the plane he was on in an instant—escort him!”

“I swear! I promise… Since the history of the founding of the country, the highest treatment has been prepared for him. ”


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