
Ahead, there was a large-scale, earth-shattering sound of aircraft engines.

The pilot of a fighter plane in Huaxia immediately took out a loudspeaker and shouted:

“This is the Huaxia Air Force, and we are on an important mission. Please do not approach our safe distance and report your identity. ”

“This is the Huaxia Air Force, and we are on an important mission. Please do not approach our safe distance and report your identity. ”


A moment later, the opposing fighter at the front drew an arc and turned around. Keeping flying in front of the Huaxia Formation, a voice came from the loudspeaker:

“This is the German Air Force. Huaxia, welcome to Germany, please come with us!”

“This is the German Air Force, Huaxia, welcome to Germany, please come with us!”



A terrible sound of breaking the air sounded.

The Huaxia Air Force suddenly saw that a dense crowd of fighter planes appeared on the skyline ahead. All spread out and guarded all around.

One of the Huaxia Air Force, led by the Chinese Air Force, couldn’t help but be dumbfounded, and muttered: “This… So much. I’m afraid this is a dumping of the nest, right?”

“Oh my God. Who else in the world can enjoy such treatment?”


The whole air, densely packed with fighters.

The skies over Germany seem to have been covered by fighter jets, and all of them are fighters.

Spy satellites from all over the world have seen it. At this time, all countries were looking at Germany through spy satellites, and they couldn’t help but be stunned when they saw the phalanx of fighter planes radiating thousands of kilometers in the sea of clouds.

White House.

The boss of the United States saw those planes and sighed: “There is no need to fantasize about capturing Li Hao from Germany.” It’s not going to work. ”

“We want Germany to see our attitude. But now, Germany has shown the world its attitude. Such an attitude shocked the world. No one can get close to Li Hao, and no one can hurt Li Hao in Germany. ”

The crowd was silent.


Among the royal family.

The Minister of Defense said in a deep voice: “Madam, our agents, all of them are blocked in Germany, and they are only allowed to stay at the airport and are not allowed to enter German territory. ”

The boss of England was silent for a long time, and sighed: “Revoke the mission…”

“Cancel the mission, but this is one of our rare opportunities, we are so close to Germany. It was the first time for Li Hao to be so close to England, and he might not go abroad again. And he said that there was no England to visit the place, and this was our last chance. ”

The England boss pointed to the footage taken by the spy satellite and the content of the footage relayed by Deutsche Télöft.

“See, almost all of the German air force is dispatched…”

“Did you see it, the people in Germany, up to the high-level, scientists, soldiers, and all of them supported Li Hao. Adoring and respecting him as a god is Germany’s attitude that the whole world can see. If you want to go to war, then go ahead. ”


“Retreat. We are a country that should respect a scientific faith. Don’t make a fuss about them. ”



Meanwhile. German borders.

‘Bang Bang Bang’

‘Da Da’

Large-caliber machine guns, firing frantically into the jungle.

Within a kilometer, there was no grass at all. All the trees were broken by machine-gun bullets.

In the dense forest, a dozen men with pistols crouched in horror behind a rock. Listen to the horrible ‘da-da-da’ sound. And the stone kept making a ‘bang, thump’ crushing sound, and more than a dozen outlaws were frightened at this time.

“Boss… This, this… What’s going on? What’s wrong with them? We used to work a lot, and we were very familiar with the border guards, so they wouldn’t attack me like that.”

One of the leaders cried out, “It’s over, it’s dead, it’s dead.” Finish…… Today is the day Li Hao arrived in Germany. Germany is under martial law, and we must be regarded as terrorists lurking in Germany. ”

As he spoke, the leading boss put down his gun in horror, raised his hands hysterically and shouted:

“Don’t shoot, don’t kill me, I surrender. We are not terrorists, we are just smuggling something … Don’t shoot, don’t kill me. Arrest me”

With a ‘bang’, his head exploded directly from a machine gun.

He fell heavily to the ground.

The remaining dozen or so people were completely frightened, trembling with horror:

“Woooooooooo ”

“It’s dead. ”

“This time it’s really dead. ”

“They, they don’t listen to any explanations. Listen to any excuses, as long as they appear at the border, they are all killed by heavy fire if they are suspected of smuggling. ”

“What should I do?”


As he was talking, a sharp-eyed man suddenly saw through the gap that the Germans on the border began to load heavy artillery.

His pupils shrank and he screamed, “Run…”

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It’s night.

Everyone just saw a black thing flying in the sky, and then landed not far away.

‘Boom-‘ a sound of shaking mountains sounded.

A radius of 100 meters, it was razed to the ground.

More than a dozen people didn’t even have a chance to escape, and they were instantly shattered by the shock wave.

At this time, at the border post, the German soldiers looked at the traces in the distance and muttered: “Let’s do this, okay?”

The officer looked indifferently into the distance, and said expressionlessly:

“Today is a special time. Special day. Part of the reason for Li Hao’s sudden visit is that he does not give other forces a chance to prepare, and we have to do the work of defending him… Most importantly. ”

A smile flashed in the officer’s eyes: “We can say that those people in the forest are terrorists. And we, killed the terrorists!”

“It’s… Will your superiors believe it?”

“Special times. Any disturbance will be amplified. They want to smuggle at the border, and at the same time, they have weapons … We say they are terrorists, they are terrorists. ”

“It’s… Is this a meritorious service?”

“Meritorious. Guarding Li Hao’s exploits!”


Germany is treated with the utmost solemnity.

0···· Asking for flowers…

The directive on the shelves is that martial law will be imposed nationwide, and there must be no accidents.

And when the order was transmitted to the intermediate level, it had already become-it would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. ,

If it is passed on to the subordinates, it will already become a rumor, and the grass and trees will be soldiers!

‘Boom Boom’

Over Berlin, sonic booms are once again on a large scale.

Then the helicopter gunships began to fly at low altitudes, and martial law was imposed on the whole of Berlin. Scout the whole of Berlin from above for any disturbances.

Seeing these fighters coming and going, Berlin reveled.

The reporter stood in front of the camera, pointed to the sky and shouted:

“It’s coming! it’s really coming. Li Hao is coming. ”

“Friends, viewers in front of the television, our German eagle in the sky is back. This means that they have completed the task of piloting…”

“Oh my God. I saw it, did you see it? The Boeing 747, the magnificent Boeing 747, is coming from afar, and it is landing. ”


In Berlin, everyone clenched their fists and frantically took pictures in the sky. The excitement is unparalleled. Keep talking and listening to the people next to you.


“Hahaha, here it is. ”

“It’s really coming. ”

“That Boeing 747 has the Huaxia logo on it. ”

“It’s Li Hao, it must be Li Hao. ”

“It’s finally here,”

“Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, it’s finally here…”


At this moment, the terminal of Berlin Airport also became nervous.

The commander of the German Air Force personally went into command, holding the microphone and constantly saying:

“The Boeing 747 is still two kilometers above the ground. The coordinates are corrected again. ”

“Please make sure that the runway is free and that everything is unobstructed. ”

“At the same time, contact the Boeing 747 pilot, please park the plane neatly in front of the red carpet. After Li Hao landed, he had to shake hands with the German top brass and German scientists. Group photo, no mistakes. ”

“The target is still 1,800 meters from the ground, confirm again!”

“Correct course!”

“Wind direction, normal!:”


In the terminal, there was a tense atmosphere.

Everyone looked nervously at the sky through the window.

In the sky, four helicopter gunships always guarded the four directions of the airliner and landed with him. Escort flights.

Rear. And the whole sky above. Countless fighter planes are constantly whistling past, constantly shuttling through the sea of clouds, from high altitude, still alerting the whole of Germany.

It’s closer.

From the ground, with only two hundred meters left, preparations for the landing began.

At this moment, all the high-level executives in Germany put on their suits and stood neatly in front of the red carpet with serious faces.

Along with the top brass is a team of scientists from Germany. At this time, all the scientists wore tuxedos and were well-dressed. Even if some people only have a few hairs, they use hairspray to comb neatly and meticulously.

Professor Starff sat in his wheelchair, his eyes fixed on the landing airliner. I was excited to stand up, but I didn’t have the strength to stand up anyway.

There was a haggard color on his face. But in his eyes, there was a bright look.

“Landed… Long”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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