When the world began to stir up discussions, Li Hao completely ignored all the news from the outside world, and finally went deep into the depths of Zunyi Mountain.

With a squeak, the car stopped on the muddy road.

After a while, Xu Bing in front of him ran over quickly with an automatic rifle on his back: “Report!”

Standing outside the car, Xu Bing suddenly stood upright.

Li Hao rolled down the bulletproof window: “What’s wrong?”

As he spoke, Li Hao looked at the moon in the sky.

Xu Bing saluted: “Report to Chief Engineer Li, ahead… There is no way. ”

“No way?”

“Yes, there’s no way. The car in front of you can’t drive in. This is already the limit of what the car can go. ”

“How far is it from the first destination?”

Xu Bing glanced at the GPS map and said in a deep voice: “The straight-line distance is twenty kilometers away. But…… If you count these mountain roads, these rugged roads, and how many rivers have to be crossed in them, it is estimated that there are more than 40 kilometers. ”

Li Hao looked at his watch, it was already nine o’clock in the evening.

There was a moment of silence: “Get out of the car and get ready to walk.” ”

Xu Bing’s eyes widened suddenly: “Walking?”

“Can’t you?”

“Chief Engineer Li, this mountain road is rugged. And it’s already getting late, even if it’s walking, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow morning. ”

“Time waits for no one. Let’s go, I’m in a hurry. ”

As he spoke, Li Hao pushed open the car door.

“Li Hao!”

Liu Jie shouted, wanting to say something.

Li Hao seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said, “Grandpa Liu is old, stay in the car for the night.” Wait for us to come back. ”

“No, I mean…”

“I know what you mean, and you want to tell me that mountain roads are harder, and night roads are even harder. I understand, but I’m in a hurry, I’m really in a hurry. ”

Li Hao looked at the moonlight in the sky, I don’t know if he was looking at the moon, or if his vision broke through the universe to gain insight into the deep space of the universe, and muttered:

“I’ve never been in such a hurry. It’s true. ”

Liu Jie looked at Li Hao deeply: “Can you tell me? You, why are you in such a hurry?”

Li Hao pointed to the sky and said loudly:

“What if one day you find that the world is no longer at peace?”

Liu Jie frowned: “What do you mean? Is there any crisis?”

Li Hao smiled: “No, I want to take precautions and be prepared for danger in advance.” Humanity’s vision is too narrow, too short-sighted, and I want to make them a day earlier to see how big the universe really is. How small are arrogant human beings? They are just grasshoppers, like ants. Grandpa Liu, what is the fate of the ants? When they don’t encounter three-dimensional creatures, they are carefree and dominate in the microcosm, but the moment they encounter the three microorganisms, they don’t know what the other party is, and they are destroyed. The end of fate is nothing but being trampled to death!”

Liu Jie became more and more confused: “What do you want to do? Suddenly, I think you’ve become a little mysterious lately.” ”

Li Hao sighed: “It’s nothing… You’ll find out later. ”

As he spoke, Li Hao put on a coat and stepped into the mud.

Walking away, Liu Jie looked at Li Hao, and suddenly, there was no longer the kind of atmosphere of a ‘bear child’, and suddenly there was a momentum of the strong man in the world, Liu Jie was a little in a trance.

To be honest, he hadn’t seen the eccentric Li Hao for a long time, and he felt a little uncomfortable…

He didn’t know what Li Hao’s secret was.

He didn’t know what Li Hao was going to do, what great things he was going to do.

But at this time, he thought of a sentence:

“How can there be any quiet years. It’s just that out of sight, someone is carrying a weight for you…”


Ahead, 40 soldiers of the special operations brigade rushed to the target place with loaded guns and ammunition, spread out in a vigilant and reconnaissance formation, and advanced in the form of a fan.

Then, surrounded by more than a hundred guards, Li Hao, who was guarding him, stepped on the dead branches and mud in rubber shoes, and shuttled through the woods. Climbing, downhill.

Further back, there are dozens of experts in other professional fields, who also came. Spontaneously.

Behind them, hundreds of soldiers marched forward carrying supplies and various instruments. At the same time, it is also on the lookout for movement in the rear.

‘Squeak, squeak’

In the whole jungle, there are only the sound of messy footsteps.

And because the geography expert was old, Li Hao also helped him carry a mountaineering backpack, which contained a 20-kilogram battery. This is for him to use professionally.

To tell the truth, Li Hao walked in the mountains with twenty bottles on his back. Many people were taken aback, because Li Hao was usually thin and weak, and no one thought he could carry it.

But this moment, everyone.

The thin body walked in the mountains with a twenty-kilogram battery on his back, but he didn’t even sweat a drop, and his brows didn’t wrinkle. It’s jaw-dropping.

Some of them were tired and didn’t dare to speak at this time.

Chief Engineer Li is still like this, do others still have to complain?

And at the same time.

Another convoy of dozens of cars and police cars drove up from the foot of the mountain.

In the car.

Sitting were the high-level officials of the provincial government department in Yungui.

After they heard the news that Li Hao had arrived in Yungui, they chased after them all the way. But no matter how you chase it, you can’t catch up, because the speed of Li Hao’s team is too fast, too fast.

chased all the way, and walked more and more remotely, and actually walked into the mountains.

Zhao Chuan was stunned at this time, he vomited several times when he shook the meat and vegetables on the mountain road, and at this time he looked at the moonlight outside the sky with a pale face: “Expert Li Hao, where are you going to build the Heavenly Eye?”

They were confused before. I didn’t know what Li Hao was going to do in Yungui at all.

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Later, after reading the news, I learned that the state had allocated 80 billion yuan to find a suitable place in Yungui to build the world’s largest reflective astronomical telescope.

It stands to reason that the world’s largest telescope will be built. But it is not worthy of such attention from the whole world, and it is not worth letting Zhao Chuan run up and down like this.

But you have to see who the chief engineer is.

Li Hao!

The strong man that the whole world is paying attention to!

And Li Hao was in a hurry, and the grapevine said that Li Hao even forced the palace executives to forcibly obtain an investment of 80 billion. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

But from this, it can be seen how determined Li Hao is and how tough his attitude is.

If a scientist of his level wants to build the Sky Eye so strongly, then there must be his reasons, and even reasons and secrets that ordinary people can’t understand.

So, Zhao Chuan was excited!

Originally, he wanted to give up halfway, but he still followed.

Because this time…

Yungui may have to show his face in front of the whole world.

It’s a great honor.

Because of a Li Hao, it is possible that everyone in the world knows Yungui!



Zhao Chuan screamed suddenly.

The driver hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

Zhao Chuan opened the car window and leaned on the edge of the window for a while. Vomiting. 、

The eighteen bends of this mountain road will shake out people’s internal organs.

After Zhao Chuan vomited, he retched a few times, and sat weakly in the back seat and kept wiping cold sweat: “Okay, let’s keep walking.” Alas, there is a problem with motion sickness, and I don’t know if there is a way to do it in medicine. It’s really annoying, why don’t you get motion sickness?”

The two secretaries in the car, as well as the driver, were silent.

I smiled bitterly in my heart: Woo woo, it’s not that we don’t get motion sickness… We endure it!

After all, you are trying your best to catch up with Li Hao, just to be able to take advantage of Li Hao’s presence in Yungui, can you go up and say a few words? At such a critical juncture, who would dare to disturb your affairs… If something goes wrong and you don’t see Li Hao, then you can’t settle accounts after the autumn?

Five minutes later.

The convoy stopped.

Zhao Chuan was stunned for a moment: “What’s wrong?”

After a while, a voice came from the driver’s walkie-talkie: “I saw the convoy, and in front of me was Li Hao’s convoy.” and Li Hao’s car G630. They stopped in front. ”

“It’s here!”

Zhao Chuan yelled excitedly, opened the car door and ran down.

Then, the doors of dozens of cars were all opened, and the strips, as well as the high-level officials, and some petty officials all got out of the car excitedly and ran forward.

Just ran two steps.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of cold drinks in all directions:


“What people!”

“Everyone, hands up, stop!”

“Don’t move!”


Everyone stopped, and slowly turned back, only to see that in all directions, suddenly from all directions from all kinds of grass, branches, stone caves, and even water. More than twenty heavily armed soldiers stood up.

Each one carried an automatic rifle, carried a night vision device, wore a bulletproof vest, and had various combat equipment hanging from it.

In a circle, everyone is surrounded by it.

At this time, a police station captain reached out to pull out his gun and shouted: “Who are you, do you know who this is? This is Zhao Province…”

‘Da Da Da Da’

Before the words fell, suddenly a warrior swept a shuttle into the sky and roared: “Raise your hands!”

“Raise your hands now!”

Everyone shuddered with fear. The captain raised his hand even more palely, because a gun was pointed at him in front of him.

At this time, Zhao Chuan took a deep breath, took out his documents, and said in a deep voice:

“Brothers, warriors, don’t get me wrong. I am Zhao Chuan from Yungui, I heard that Mr. Li Hao came to Yungui, I am here to meet Li Hao’s expert. ”

A moment later, a soldier’s squad leader shouted, “Put away the gun.” ”


Only then did more than 20 soldiers collect their guns, get out of insurance, and then go back to lurk and guard the surroundings.

The squad leader walked up to Zhao Chuan and saluted, and said in a deep voice:

“Please don’t take it personally. Because we are a unit directly appointed by the capital, the purpose is to protect expert Li Hao, as well as all the scientists who are traveling with us. Because expert Li Hao, as well as other experts who are traveling with expert Li Hao, are the most cutting-edge scientists in various industries and fields in China. So the rules of the capital are that everything is guarded according to the strictest rules of defense. ”

As he spoke, the squad leader glanced at the captain of the police station who was about to pull out his gun just now, and said softly:

“In case of special circumstances, if there is a threat to Li Hao’s expert, he can even shoot and kill him immediately. ”

Hiss –

The captain of the police station gasped, and the whole person was frightened for a while, and his whole body trembled.

He knew it was for himself. Almost, the ghost door closed and walked around… Also, Li Hao is a national treasure-level scientist, and most of his peers are professors from the National Academy of Scientific Research, all of whom are national treasures. Their safety is of the highest standard!

At this time, Zhao Chuan took a breath a little weakly, leaned on the car door and asked weakly, “Please also report… Inform Li Hao of the expert, I, I want to meet him. ”


The squad leader was stunned, turned his head to look at the depths of the mountain, and then looked at Zhao Chuan with a funny face…_

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