At the same time, all the reporters in the country went crazy and rushed to Yungui like a storm.

At the news headquarters of Wangyi, the director slapped the table and yelled:

“Quick, everyone go, go to Yungui immediately. I have a hunch that Yungui will have big news that will shake the world. ”


“Of course it’s true. Li Hao posted on Weibo, and now the whole country is invited. At that time, there will definitely be many, many experts rushing to Yungui, and one side will be in trouble and all sides will support. We had to cover such an unprecedented spectacle. ”

“Quick, everyone, let’s go!”

“Xiao Zhang, hurry up and book a plane ticket, there may be no more in the evening. ”

“Yes, Director. ”

Two minutes later, Xiao Zhang ran in with a panicked face:

“Oh no, Director. It’s gone, it’s all gone, it’s all gone. ”


“All the tickets that can go to Yungui are all sold out. It was in an instant that it was completely bought out by people all over the country. The Aviation Administration has added many new flights to Yungui, but all of them were sold out in the moment they appeared on the Internet. ”

“First class, first class too!:”

“First class is gone. ”


The director pondered for a moment: “What about the high-speed rail?”

“The high-speed rail is also gone…”

“Where’s the train?”

“It’s gone. ”

“Where’s the car?”

“The car is gone. We had to drive ourselves. ”


The director of the first network was dumbfounded, and was silent for a long time: “Do you really want to drive?

Xiao Zhang stomped his feet anxiously: “Hurry up, director, if you don’t drive again, it is estimated that it will be late to drive.” Have you forgotten the launch of the Mozi in the first place? The highways and national highways are full. ”

The director gasped: “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”


Downstairs of Wangyi News, more than a dozen news gathering vehicles and equipment vehicles left at a gallop and headed south.

At the same time, on top of another building, the people of the Ivy Training News also set off…

And at this moment, fortunately, the reporters of CCTV, as well as the reporters of various David TV stations. But he had already gone to Yungui a few days in advance, saving them and people from crowding.

At this moment. Cheers from all over the country.

In the south, in a sanatorium, an old man who was watering flowers with a watering can was chatting with a smile:

“I’ll play chess later. ”

“Not today, Lao Li. ”

“Look at what you said, what do you mean by not being able to? You and I have both been retired for five or six years, and we have nothing to do all day, aren’t we just playing chess?”

“It’s really not good today, Lao Li, my grandson will come over later. My grandson said that Li Hao has been making a big move recently, and he is stepping around in Yungui to find a suitable construction area for the eye of the sky. But the terrible thing is that there are more than 6,800 sinkholes in the 100,000 mountains of Yungui and Guizhou, and Li Hao can’t go through so many places alone. I heard from my grandson that he had made an invitation on the Internet and wanted someone from the geology department to help him. So I thought about it, let my grandson teach me how to read specific news on the Internet, and I will see if there are any former students to help Li Hao contact… Hey, Lao Li!”


On the ground, the watering cans were dripping and dripping, and there were water stains everywhere.

Two minutes later.

An old man with gray hair put on a jacket and hiking shoes, and carried a hiking bag on his back. Out of the National Geological Administration retirement home.

Lao Li muttered: “You can summon it when you need it.” There is no shortage of people in Huaxia, and there is no shortage of talents. I’m old, but I can help…”

As he spoke, Lao Li took out the phone and dialed his student:

“Hey, pull some people out. Bring professional equipment. ”

“Huh, teacher, where are you going?”


“Teacher, we’re already here!”

Lao Li was stunned, but a look of relief flashed in his eyes: “Really?”

“Yes, teacher, when Li Hao was not invited, we were invited by Academician Liu of the Academy of Sciences, and now we have just arrived. ”

“Hahahaha, that’s good, that’s good. ”

“Teacher, are you coming too?”

“I’m already on my way. ”

“Really, teacher, your body…”

“If I’m idle, my body can’t. But if I can continue to do my job and participate in such a major project, I don’t have any problems with my body. ”

“Teacher, come and join us. We juniors still need your continued guidance. ”



Yunnan-Guizhou Airport.

Journalists gathered.

Suddenly, the reporters were in turmoil:

“Someone’s coming out!”

“That’s… Peking University professor?”

“Damn, did you come so fast? Li Hao has only been sending out the message for an hour. ”

“Oh my god… This, that’s too fast, isn’t it?’

“They seem to have come early. ”

“This is the first wave of people!”


Everyone was talking, and they saw more than 1,000 men, women, and children, each carrying a bag and carrying various instruments and equipment, walking out of the airport. Everyone’s cuffs are pinned with the school emblem of Peking University.


The sound of camera shutters kept ringing.

At this moment, they seem to have really felt the charm of the Peking University emblem…

At this moment, more than 1,000 people walked out of the airport with various equipment.

When the two people met, they felt a kind of embarrassment towards each other.

The second party is a centaur, and the cuffs are all pinned with the school emblem of Mizuki University.


The camera flashes wildly. The two people looked at each other for a moment, and then the leading professor snorted coldly at each other, and left the airport and got into the car.

The reporters got excited and started the interview frantically:

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“What are you here for?”

“Are you the expert group of Peking University? What did you do when you came to Yungui?”

The professor of Peking University smiled: “We are here to help Li Hao.” This time, Peking University has formed ten expert groups, which will enter the mountains of Yunnan and Guizhou respectively to visit and explore 6,800 sinkholes…”

Before the words fell, the professor of Mizuki University on the other side shouted in a voice an octave higher:

“We, Mizuki University, are here to help Li Hao. We at Mizuki University have also set up ten expert groups to enter the Yunnan-Guizhou Mountains and explore the most suitable one from the 6,800 sinkholes. ”


After the interview, the two got in a car and left.

As soon as the two parties left, more than 1,000 people walked out.

All of them are pinned with the emblem of Fudan University.

Then, more than 1,000 people walked out, pinned to the school emblem of Northwest Institute of Technology.

And then…… Jiaotong University.



Constantly, constantly there is a sea of people coming out.

Epic magnificence.

However, the retired old experts of the civil society are on their way at this time.

However, various geological exploration bureaus in China, relevant experts, are also on the way.

At this time, all kinds of folk astronomy enthusiasts, as well as geology enthusiasts, are also on the way!

At this time, the relevant experts in China’s major state-owned enterprises and private enterprise groups are also on the way!

It’s not just 985 colleges and universities that are coming.

At the invitation of Li Hao, experts from state institutions came.

Folk lovers also came.

Then, the scientific research teams of private enterprises, state-owned enterprises and other for-profit institutions also came!

Unconditionally helped Li Hao, and came unconditionally.

At this moment.

On the roads of the city, the convoy is moving.

Li Hao sat in the car and said a little worriedly: “Grandpa Liu, you say, will anyone come?”

Liu Jie laughed: “Don’t worry, you will definitely come.” ”

Li Hao recalled that he had just looked through some traces on the Internet, and found Professor Stephen King’s warning, as well as some inflammatory messages from Huaxia, and his heart suddenly had no bottom.

He suddenly had a hunch, did the people not support his construction of Tianyan at all?

Will there be no one to answer?

Looking at the street scene outside the window, Li Hao sighed, worried, and anxious.

He was in too much of a hurry.

There really isn’t much time left for humanity.

It’s really not much…

Because he suddenly figured out a problem, that is, the antimatter meteorite group, not to say that it is close to the earth to stop it.

By the time we get close to Earth, it’s already too late.

Once it explodes in the solar system, humanity will also be extinct, and a solar storm will destroy the earth.

Not to wait for it to get close…

What really frightened and worried Li Hao was that within three years, he must let the earth enter the level of about 1.3 civilization in order to resist this disaster.

Because…… When it enters the solar system, it will be intercepted!

The Earth is so far from the edge of the solar system. For humanity today, that’s a vast project.

Keep it out of the solar system.

This is the reason why Li Hao is in a hurry now.

There’s no time, there’s not much time left.

He had originally expected that it would take a year to build the Eye of Heaven.

But now he knows, a year?

It’s a lot in a month!

Time is running out for humanity…

The Eye of Heaven appears only for humans to see it!

Then, I will start to advance science at a higher level. Only the Big Bang of Science can be stopped if it develops to a level 1.3 civilization!

Then. The car suddenly stopped.

Li Hao frowned and looked ahead: “What’s wrong?”

I saw that there was a traffic jam ahead…

The driver was stunned for a while, also at a loss.

Li Hao kept patting the seat anxiously: “I asked what’s wrong? Can you hurry up? We still have to feel the six pans of water at night, and I have to start the exploration of the seventh target place.” What’s wrong, I ask you what’s wrong?”

At this time, Liu Jie suddenly said with a strange face: “Li Hao, why don’t you go down and see it yourself?”

Li Hao frowned, opened the car door and walked down.

After taking a few steps forward, Li Hao stopped and looked ahead silently…


Tens of thousands of people, scattered there.

Men, women, young and old, all of them.

Cars were parked in all directions, and people were taking pictures frantically everywhere along both sides of the street.

Tens of thousands!

Tens of thousands.

Some people have the emblem of Peking University pinned to their cuffs, some people have the emblem of Mizuki University pinned to their cuffs, some have the emblem of Jiaotong University, and some have the emblem of Fudan University…

They come from 39 985 universities across the country.

There are 390 teams, each of which is led by professors, including geology professors, astronomy professors, architectural engineering professors, and other marginal industry professors. They lead their own students.

Li Hao looked at them and was speechless for a long time.


In silence.

Suddenly, someone shouted:

“Li Hao, we’re here!”

“Here we are!”


At this moment, Li Hao shed tears…_

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