In the sound of the countdown, Nie Yuan flew forward like crazy with the transport plane.

At this time, all the reconnaissance planes of various countries saw the big Ivan who was in the stratosphere and fell down with a big parachute.


Big Ivan roared, hanging with a terrifying and low sound of breaking wind, constantly descending, descending.

White House:

“Cast, cast!”

“Quick, give me the camera closer, hurry closer, I want all the pictures of Big Ivan. ”

“If you drop it, after more than a hundred seconds, it will explode. ”

“Could it be a dud?”

“Really hope it’s going to be a dud. 、”


In the midst of the discussion, the whole world took its breath away.

Among the transport planes, Nie Yuan turned on the power to the maximum, and the whole person roared forward angrily. Keep flying forward, crazy flying in the direction of Huaxia.





The countdown continues…


Without the belly, without any superfluous parts, the weight of the transport plane is reduced by a quarter. At this point, its speed reaches its limit, and it breaks through. Flying frantically in the direction of Huaxia.

He got it back.

“Nie Yuan, report your situation!”

“Report, I’m in good shape, I’m trying to fly away from the center of the nuclear explosion. I have left the center of the nuclear explosion. “

“Nie Yuan, I order you to fly at full speed immediately and come back safely. ”



Buzz –

The plane roared, and its engine was emitting maximum power, which had not been driven at that much power since the plane left the factory.

At this time, in the stratosphere, countless cameras were aimed at the big Ivan who had descended.

Especially in Huaxia, because of the early deployment, countless cameras have already been arranged here in advance. Changes throughout the area are closely monitored.

100 seconds!

Break through this level.




The countdown continues.

At this time, in a certain department in Huaxia, all the technicians in charge of Big Ivan’s test explosion stood in front of the screen, nervously counting the seconds. nervously watched the big Ivan in the camera keep landing, landing. 、


The wind howled. The parachute was overwhelmed and pulled the 28-ton iron lump and smashed it down.

The parachute lines are clucking.

It’s almost …

It’s finally almost here.

In the long countdown, the final moment finally arrived.

In the transport plane, the countdown personnel suddenly became trembling:

“Nie Yuan, please make another effort of twelve points and escape!”




Nie Yuan suddenly took a deep breath and escaped…

This time, the word used is – escape!

Nie Yuan lowered his head, looked at the photo of his daughter next to the plane’s joystick, and muttered, “Dad will definitely go back to see you.” ”

“But if Dad can’t go back… You will grow up with the glory of your father, if I can’t go back, don’t be sad, you should be proud and proud!”


Nie Yuan roared, and worked hard to increase the bitrate to the maximum.


The engines of the transport planes all smoked and roared, making a roaring sound.

The speed of the plane still only feels slow, and the plane that is so fast at this time gives people a feeling of slow movement.

Big Ivan test explosion observation base.

The expert roared: “It has entered the troposphere!”

“Correction. ”

“About to fall into the troposphere in five seconds,”

“In the troposphere, the value of the negative atmospheric pressure is reached, which stimulates the pressure sensing system. ”

“Correction. ”






‘Woo woo;’

Big Ivan was headed down, and the tail shunt was swirling with the sound of the wind, giving it balance and stable direction.

But it was a deep voice.

And at this moment, I don’t know if it’s an illusion …

It seemed that time suddenly stood still.

10,500 meters.

Over the Pacific Ocean, longitude 87 east, latitude 62 north.

Big Ivan, the black man, suddenly stopped in the air, and in just a few nanoseconds, paused.

Then, the pressure sensing system inside Big Ivan received the atmospheric pressure at this time. A value that breaks the final equilibrium is reached.


‘DiDi Di Di’

The red light on Big Ivan’s surface flickered wildly, and there was a constant harsh chirping.


At the moment when the sensing system reaches that value, an arc of electricity appears inside the dark, lightless, vacuum.


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It’s just an arc.

Gunpowder ignited in an instant.

With a ‘promote’ sound, the explosives exploded, and the pressure in the vacuum tube instantly activated the U235 bomb to excite it.

Silent, U235 bombs, hit the plutonium core.

The fission reaction began, only within 1 nanosecond.

‘Boom-‘. Big Ivan’s interior was shattered in an instant. Then Big Ivan cracked, and a brilliant light burst through the cracks in Big Ivan’s projectile.

The temperature began to rise like crazy, like crazy.

Hundreds of millions of degrees, just in an instant.

Its weapon detonation system, exploded …

And at this time, it was finally the turn of the real Big Ivan to appear.

Time stands still in this moment, in this still time. Deuterium and hydrogen are vaporized in an instant, turning into two gases and starting to fuse…

The chain reaction is successful.

The fusion reaction began at this moment…

At the same time, countries around the world held their breath. I just saw the video in the troposphere of the atmosphere at 87 east longitude over the Pacific Ocean and 10,000 meters above 62 degrees north latitude.

A bright light began to appear.

It was as if a second sun appeared in the sky, so bright that it was so bright that it was at this moment. 10,000 meters of the ocean floor in the endless dark abyss of the Pacific Ocean. They were all lit up as if it were day.

Those deep-sea fish on the bottom of the sea at a depth of 10,000 or 20,000 meters. In this instant, there were mass deaths. At this moment when Big Ivan had not yet let out a roar, only a bright light appeared. The deep-sea fish that have adapted to the dark environment have all died…

At this time, a large ball of light appeared over the Pacific Ocean like a visitor from outside the sky. 、

With Big Ivan as the central point, any creature within a radius of fifty kilometers did not dare to look directly at this bright light. Can’t look directly at the bright light.

Within a radius of fifty kilometers, at this moment, as long as it is any creature who opens its eyes and looks directly at the bright light. In an instant, the two eyeballs turned into a puddle of water and flowed out of their sockets…

Any creature within 100 kilometers of the bright light can burn its eyeballs or become blind.

At this time, it began to roar, letting out a terrifying roar.


‘Boom Boom-‘

The bright light contracted, and the sky seemed to darken.

At the moment when the bright light contracted, a terrifying fireball appeared.


The stratosphere of the atmosphere became a hole in an instant.

The radius of the big fireball instantly reached eight kilometers …

With a ‘whew-‘, the fireball swept from 10,000 meters above. On the surface of the Pacific Ocean, at this moment, the sea water at a depth of twenty meters on the surface was boiled instantly.

‘Grunt’ bubbles that can only be spit out when boiling water.

“Hum-” There was a shock.

The fireball disappeared and waves of energy began to pass out.

A terrifying shockwave, in an instant of 0.1 seconds, the shockwave exceeded 300,000 terajoules of energy. Instantly reach a radius of forty kilometers. After more than forty kilometers, the shock wave began to attenuate…

In this moment, the world is silent.

Two thousand kilometers away, on top of the merchant ships in the Pacific Ocean, countless sailors escaped.


“Even buy karma. ”

“That’s… What’s that?”

“Big Ivan, is that Big Ivan?”

“However, we are two thousand kilometers away from the test point of Big Ivan as mentioned on the news. How can we see the explosion of Big Ivan from 2,000 kilometers away?”

“Oh my God…”

“Is this a weapon to destroy the world?”

“It’s shocking、”

“Is this something we humans can create? I feel like it’s brighter than the sun, and in an instant the sky became very bright. Then, in an instant, it became very dark again. ”

“Mushroom clouds… So, is that a mushroom cloud? bigger than a mountain!”



The people of the coastal area raised their heads and pointed in the direction of the Pacific Ocean:

“Look, look…”

“Oh my God. ”

“Mushroom cloud!”

“Is this Big Ivan?”

“I’m getting goosebumps, this is a weapon created by us humans?”

“We are in Mao country, can we actually see the big Ivan of the Pacific test explosion? We can actually see the mushroom cloud?”



Within 0.05 seconds.

Big Ivan unleashed all of its energy.

The test explosion was 10,000 meters above the Pacific Ocean, and more than 300,000 terajoules of energy were released at the moment of the explosion. The power is more than 5.4*11 watts.

The fireball from the explosion had a radius of more than eight kilometers. Much higher than the budget before the test explosion. And people from 2,000 kilometers away can clearly see the fireball produced by Big Ivan. Two thousand kilometers!

The flash of light emitted at the moment of the explosion, any creature within fifty kilometers that looked directly at it was instantaneous, and its eyes turned into a bubble of water and flowed out of its sockets. Creatures within 100 kilometers of the bright light were burned by the bright light to varying degrees, or blinded.

The hot air and thermonuclear radiation from the explosion were transmitted to a distance of 80 kilometers.

And at this moment, all electronic instruments within a radius of 200 kilometers of the explosion failed. Within a radius of two hundred kilometers, a signal vacuum is formed…



A loud earth-shaking sound began to appear in the sky above the Pacific Ocean, as if the gods were destroying the world.

A mushroom cloud began to rise slowly.

The width of the mushroom cloud reached 45 km, and the height was 70 km.

It’s the height of eight Mount Everest!

It can be called annihilation!

At the same time, in the White House.

Except for a few reconnaissance planes that were very far away, all the reconnaissance planes sent out had black screens.


Dozens of screens, all out in an instant.

In the office, all the high-level officials of the United States fell silent, holding their breath and falling into absolute silence.

Silence for 1 second, 2 seconds, 5 seconds… One minute.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside, and the secretary screamed in horror:

Report. The National Seismological Agency, on the coast of the east coast, detected an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 that appeared instantaneously…”

Everyone, silently, turned back and looked at the secretary in horror.

The east coast of the United States!

A magnitude 5.5 earthquake?


This, this is the power of the devil!

True devil’s power!_

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read – collecting, recommending, and sharing

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