Five days later.

Delivered by helicopter, large quantities of materials were in place.

Construction, which has already begun, is in full swing.

It is worth mentioning that some professional engineering teams only sent experienced engineers and old experts.

And more than ninety percent of all the construction workers in the entire sinkhole are young people.

Teenagers from all over the country.

There are even young people who are specially trained by major construction companies.

Huaxia may have made a choice. No, or rather, the people made the choice.

The state did not speak out.

And not speaking out is the biggest support. This is the default!

Li Hao is completely idle…

He has come up with all the ideas, worked on the engineering drawings and designs. But for the next implementations, he couldn’t help at all.

He’s willing!

Li Hao is most happy to be unable to help.

Not because of laziness, but because of happiness.

That’s how it should be. This is the progress of all of us, and this is called progress. And it is enough to play the role of a leader by yourself. If one day, you just put forward some kind of hypothesis, some kind of conjecture, and soon someone comes up with something practical to refute and prove. Then Li Hao will be happier.

on the construction site.

Liang Hua, a sophomore from the Department of Architecture at Northwest Institute of Technology, ran through the sinkhole with a pencil in his ear and a safety helmet, frowning and scolding a high school student lying on a shelf in front of him:

“Hey, which unit are you from?”

The four-day life of a skilled worker has made this high school student dark, and he can’t see the immature look at all: “I’m on a shelf.” ”

Liang Sheng, who faded from immaturity in just a few days, and was promoted to engineering supervisor because of his mature professionalism, frowned and said:

“It’s not you. I talked about this in the first lesson of architecture… You made a common-sense mistake. ”

The high school student had a teachable look on his face: “Oh, that’s right. Thank you Superintendent. 、”

“Stay safe. ”

“Yes. ”

With that, Liang Hua turned around and left, continuing to inspect the construction site he was in charge of.

In the continuous inspection, Liang Hua is also constantly summing up his experience and constantly comparing the theoretical knowledge of architecture learned in his sophomore year. Gradually, it is more practical. Theories are just references.

For example, Liang Hua discovered that scaffolding is a better and more practical thing than a ladder. Not in the book.

For example, Liang Hua found that in the mountains of granite structure, what you need to think about is not how to drill holes in granite, but how to find a way to make granite with very brittle quality not break.

For example… One of the most important issues you need to consider when working in the field is how to deal with waterproofing first.

These are all details that have never appeared in the books, but they are very fatal.

Just like when an old expert took Liang Hua when he first came, he said that the problem of waterproofing must be at the forefront, and Liang Hua was a little noncommittal. But because of a drizzle, everyone was in a deep quagmire, which made Liang Hua completely notice this problem.

Why isn’t it in the books?

Because it’s so unpopular, people who write books don’t take these things into account. However, it is incomparably more important.

More and more, everyone here feels a kind of passion. A drive.

In the beginning, many people were skeptical. If you don’t invite a special construction team to come, will it delay the progress of the project?

But as a result… Not for nothing. The teenagers had the idea of being lazy, and they came all the way to focus on the time and fell in love with this. will be more motivated than anyone else.

It’s like playing a game, you don’t him. He can do it well on his own. I don’t know what tiredness is, so I want to study in it.

Thereupon…… The progress of the project has increased exponentially. At 24 o’clock, people rest, but the construction site does not rest.

Later, some people were worried that some young people would not do well and that the quality was not up to standard.

As it turns out, this is also overthought …

Although they had not practiced anything before, they were taken by someone and they learned very quickly. He is also very willing to learn and study. It has reached the level of craftsmanship comparable to that of a master. (Of course, it’s all simple work.) The technically difficult work is still done by old experts and old technicians, while young people learn from behind and do miscellaneous).

Very efficient and fast!

This was unexpected by all.

Li Hao stood on the ridge, drinking ice Coke and looking at the heat below, and there was a burst of happiness in his heart. Comfortable!

It’s a real comfort.

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“How many days?”

Li Hao swallowed the coke and turned his head to ask.

Xu Bing picked up a diary and flipped through it: “It’s been five days.” ”

“I’m asking how many days have it been since I proposed the Tianyan Project?”

Xu Bing flipped the diary forward again: “It’s been 40 days. ”

“Forty days…”

Li Hao muttered, the pleasure in his eyes disappeared, and was replaced by an eagerness.

Forty days!

Forty days, I don’t know how far the antimatter meteorite has traveled. Isn’t it much closer to the solar system?

Li Hao began to ponder and began to ponder. Then talk to the system:

“After the Eye of Heaven is built, if you want to find antimatter meteorites in the vast universe. It’s very difficult, it’s not big, but it’s moving at nearly the speed of light. Can you help me locate it directly?”

System: “This is a small favor, the system can take care of the host’s worries.” The system will help you locate it so that people can see it directly. ”

Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It’s good that the system helps.

Otherwise, the vastness of the universe… Trying to see the moving meteorite with the eye of the sky is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year to find it only by observing it and knowing the approximate direction and distance.

The system directly saved me half a year. This has to be said to be a bonus.

Li Hao asked again: “System, you say… When it became known that the antimatter meteorite swarm was about to reach the solar system. And what is the first reaction of humanity after what is about to happen?”

0···· Asking for flowers…

System: “There will be no imaginary unity of the host, a common hatred of the enemy, and a joint effort to fight the meteorite.” The beautiful ideas of these hosts will definitely not appear. ”

A gloomy look flashed in Li Hao’s eyes.

He’d thought so before, but it was just a faint thought. He wasn’t sure.

Now that he has received a positive reply from the system, Li Hao is a little emotional.

Yes, he had imagined that if all of humanity suddenly knew, a swarm of antimatter meteorites was about to arrive in the solar system. Knowing that when the antimatter meteorite swarm passes through the solar system, it will explode when it comes into contact with positive matter, what will happen to humans?

Will there be a global panic?

Or will there be a riot?

Or will everyone be frightened, stupid, desperate, and start crying.

Optimistic and cheerful people are not lovers, couples, and families standing together. Smiling for the final dinner, then taking a group photo together, waiting for the end to come?


Or… All mankind is united in hatred and hatred, and they resist this apocalypse together?

Li Hao thought about it carefully, and was extremely frightened. He found that the possibility of all mankind sharing the same hatred and resisting the end of the world was the smallest!

This has to be said to be a sad thing. Incomparably sad.

“Well, if we were in such a scramble of international form, even if we had hope, we might have failed, right?”

System: “Yes, you’re not wrong. The most beautiful and naïve imagination you imagined before, it couldn’t be. Six billion people in the world, even if only half of them panic and despair, this thing will not succeed. Because half of the people will be in the way. It will prevent you from completing this event…”

Yes, it’s an obstacle. A real obstacle.

That’s human nature!

Suppose Li Hao told them to launch an intercontinental missile to make contact with the antimatter meteorite swarm. But the staff at the post are all going home, they are all desperate, who believes that they can do it?

Nobody believes …

Roads will be paralyzed.

Currency will become worthless in an instant.

Everyone felt like they were going to die.

Who will listen to you?

Who cares if you are scientific or not? Hope or not? And if someone has a heart to incite you a little bit and tell you, ‘Mankind cannot win, it will surely perish.'” Then all your faith will collapse in an instant and disappear.

And there are too many people with such intentions. For example, the terrorists who firmly believe that they will throw themselves into the arms of the true god when they die.

Li Hao sighed: “What should I do? There can be no panic. I can’t do this alone. Because it’s not to prevent it from approaching the earth, but to keep it out of the solar system. What a huge project. ”

The system was silent for a long, long time, and even had a heavy tone:

“Advance notice. Little by little, tell them first…”

“Advance notice?”

Li Hao muttered: “Why did you announce it for a long time in advance?”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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