Just as everyone was anxiously wandering at the door of the police station, in the distance, there was another ‘boom, boom’ engine roar.

Everyone couldn’t help but look sideways, and at a glance, they just saw the bright lights of those vehicles shining on, and everyone was subconsciously fascinated by their eyes.

Wait until the car arrives closer. Only then did the crowd see clearly.

At the head were two military jeeps.

The jeep was followed by an armored car.

The armored car was followed by the guard company of the jeep. All of them were heavily armed.

With a ‘squeak’, a large line of military vehicles stopped at the entrance of the police station.


Dozens of fighters jumped down and stood around and began to stand on guard.

And this sudden murderous aura made everyone at the scene feel cold, and the director of the police station didn’t dare to gasp, and he was drenched in cold sweat. It’s a big fuss, it’s a big fuss.

At this moment, the majestic voice came:

“You don’t have to fight here, Li Hao wants to join our military. The chief said that Li Hao was admitted exceptionally, entered the military academy to study for one year, and immediately gave him the rank of major. In charge of research on the invention of military equipment!”.

The voice fell, and the scene was deadly silent.

All the headmasters bowed their heads and laughed bitterly in their hearts. Now, there is nothing to do with domestic universities at all.

Li Hao… It’s just a fragrant bait, it’s so fragrant.

Xiang’s National Academy of Sciences, and the military are robbing people.

Who can grab this?

The old courtyard of the Academy of Sciences turned cold: “We came first, and Li Hao is the one who can shine most when he puts it into the cause of scientific research.” ”

The officer said lightly: “The cause of national defense must not be sloppy. Moreover, scientific research can be carried out anywhere, and we can even provide Li Hao with a better environment and conditions. ”

“But in our National Academy of Sciences, he has a group of like-minded seniors who can discuss with each other and improve each other. ”

“We can also send some military scientists to discuss with him. ”

The dean was anxious: “Li Hao is an upright young man, you don’t even have a female classmate.” What do you have to talk about with a bunch of big guys all day long?”.

The voice fell, and the scene was silent.

The officer took a deep breath of cold air and muttered solemnly: “This… It’s a problem. ”

If Li Hao is a normal adult, then Li Hao can’t help it, you will always go if you know it with emotion and reason.

But Li Hao is only thirteen years old, judging from his performance on the show I want to invent, people study nuclear fusion, and he sits on the stage and plays games. You know he’s a bastard.

It is impossible for this kind of person to be hard, and he will not listen to reason. Only the one who comes soft, only you are confused will make him raise his hand and surrender.

But he couldn’t say it, so the officer looked at the chief of the police department and said coldly: “It’s a bit early to say these things now, let him choose for himself later.” What about people? Haven’t found it yet?”.

The director was nervously sweating, anxious but still calm: “The progress is very fast, I believe it will be found soon.” ”

He tried to fool the officers like he was fooling the principals, but the officer frowned and asked, “How long will it take soon?”

“Uh… This, this I can’t guarantee it. ”

“You have to give a guarantee!”.

“Uh… This, this…”

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The director turned around and roared anxiously: “How long will it take?”

As soon as the words fell, a police car stopped at the door at a gallop, and a police officer shouted excitedly: “The Didi driver who pulled Li Hao has been found.” Found it!”.

‘Hum-‘, the scene was in an uproar.

Everyone present surrounded them.

And the Didi driver before saw all kinds of big people present, as well as various vehicles parked on the side of the road, as well as military vehicles, and those soldiers with loaded guns. Frightened, his legs weakened, and he cried:

“I don’t know anything, I don’t know!”

“Did you catch the wrong person!”.

The officer grabbed him by the collar and said coldly, “Let me ask you, have you ever carried a child before?”

“Kids… Woo woo, I didn’t know he was a criminal, I carried it, but I didn’t know…”

“Shut up!”.

“He’s not a criminal. I ask you, where did he go?”.

“I just planted him in a parking lot, but I don’t know where he went?”

“Parking lot?”.

‘yes. ’

“Did he say anything on the way?”.



Everyone looked at each other, parking lot!


Everyone couldn’t help but gasp, and there was a faint conjecture in their hearts.

No one thinks about it that way, but now, it could have happened.

Could it be Li Hao, who drove away by himself?

How old is he?

He’s only 13 years old!


The next second.

In the extremely silent field, the officer suddenly roared: “Immediately appoint a helicopter to search and arrest along the highway from Tongxian to the northwest, notify the subordinate units, immediately stop the highway, and set up checkpoints along the way.” ”

“What a joke. Thirteen-year-old boy, does he want to drive back to the cold city by himself?”

“Immediately broadcast a radio to all sections of the road, tell all drivers to slow down, and call immediately to report a child when they see it. If…… If there’s a traffic accident, you won’t be able to eat and walk around!”


In an instant, all the soldiers saluted in unison and dispersed.

At this time, all the scientists on the scene, as well as the principals, also hurriedly got into the car and rushed to the northwest at high speed.

At this moment, everyone’s hearts tugged at their throats. He’s only 13 years old, and he’s driving on the highway? What if something happens… What a terrible loss it would be for the motherland!

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