Go on!

Go on!

At the same time, the German Center for the Study of the Theory of Antimatter. Professor Borodo, who had just successfully published his paper “On the Possibility of the Establishment of Antimatter”, was sitting in front of the TV at this time, watching Li Hao’s speech and watching Li Hao step down.

He seemed to feel that he could read something from Li Hao’s smile.


Few people noticed that Li Hao showed a smile at the moment he left the game. It’s a relieved smile, and you can read a little sadness from it.

Brodot watched the television in silence, lost in thought.

At this time, the two professors sitting next to him started talking: “I think there are aliens.” ”

Another professor laughed: “To borrow Li Hao’s sentence: where are they?”

“But I think there is. There must be aliens, Li Hao reminded me, the universe is so big and vast. There will inevitably be extraterrestrial civilizations. ”

“But, tell me, where are they?”

“You don’t have to come up with this paradox all the time. Can you try to explain this paradox?”

The professor was silent for a while, and then muttered, “I think that if there is an alien civilization, then maybe the life form of this alien civilization is beyond the scope of our cognition. It is a form that we cannot observe. ”

“What’s your form?”

“In human cognition, the place where life can be born must have water, the right temperature, and oxygen. But don’t you think this is the self-righteousness of human beings? Because humans need these things, do aliens need these things? Can’t they appear in other places, or give birth to other life forms? For example, the tardigrades, which can even survive in temperatures of more than 100 degrees, what is this concept? Can humans survive in temperatures of 100 degrees? Impossible!”

“So, can we make assumptions? Hypothesis…… The sun also gives birth to life?”

Another professor blushed angrily: “Nonsense. The temperature of the sun’s surface is 50 million degrees Celsius. Can it survive at temperatures where gold and iron can be melted? What are you thinking?”

“But why can’t you put yourself in the shoes of some life, if some life is adapted to survive in 50 million degrees Celsius, but dies when it gets cold?”

“It’s… Nonsense!”

“Also, the life that we can recognize is that all life forms on Earth are carbon-based. But have you ever thought about another form of existence, silicon-based life? or even if it were possible… Alien civilizations, maybe a mass of consciousness, maybe invisible to the naked eye?”



The two professors argued. Quarrel over whether there are aliens in this world, and what kind of life form aliens exist.

Brodot, on the other hand, lit a cigarette and thought quietly.

According to Pordot, the two professors may not have figured out what Li Hao’s central idea was.

Maybe…… Li Hao’s central idea is that he doesn’t care if there are alien civilizations in this world at all, right?

And even if there were, so what?

Even if you don’t, what if?

That’s too far away, too ethereal, so what does it have to do with human beings?

Broduo couldn’t help but think about it, to try to get close to Li Hao’s thoughts, and he always thought that if he was close to Li Hao’s thoughts, he might be able to get close to the original intention of science.

What is Li Hao’s thoughts?


Always want to!

Finally, Pordot figured it out.

“What Li Hao means, it doesn’t matter whether an alien civilization exists or exists. It is assumed that aliens exist, and humans have been discovered for a long time, but they have not moved. That means they want to move us and don’t want to pay attention to us. Then we will never be able to reach them. If there is no one, then there are no aliens anyway … ~…”

As Pordot’s voice sounded, the voices of both of them fell, and they looked at Pordot suspiciously.

Pordot picked up a piece of paper and gave a formula: G + H (2 power) = D.

The two looked at the piece of paper suspiciously: “Professor Brodor, what do you mean?”

Brodot held a cigarette and explained: “In this formula, G = earth, H = the degree of development of human technology. D = Large filter theory. And there is a hidden algebra for X.X=aliens. And it is worth saying that it doesn’t matter whether X exists or not, X represents an extraterrestrial civilization, as a frame of reference. ”

The two professors seemed to understand a little: “What do you mean…”

Bo Luo Duo said lightly: “What Li Hao really wants to tell us should be the big filter theory. He borrowed the legend of the ‘Atlantean civilization’ as a wedge, and then introduced the paradox of an alien civilization. Immediately after that, the big filter theory was spoken. ”

“When we thought that Li Hao was just here to explain prehistoric civilizations, he talked about extraterrestrial civilizations. When we thought he was going to talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, he told us such a paradox that people can’t figure out. And while we were racking our brains with this paradox, he came up with the Big Filter Theory…”

The two professors fell silent.

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I thought about Li Hao’s speech process carefully. Isn’t that exactly what happened?

The two he talked about before were completely paving the way for the big filter theory.

If he hadn’t done the foreshadowing, no one would have a deep understanding of the big filter theory, and they wouldn’t even understand what Li Hao was talking about. What is a disaster? What is a disaster? This will fill countless people with mysteries, not understanding, not understanding.

But now after being reminded by Bo Luoduo, the two of them understand that what Li Hao really wants to talk about is the big filter theory.

One of the professors was silent for a long time, and suddenly exclaimed:

“And Li Hao’s big filter theory is itself filtering human beings!”

The other professor was stunned and gasped.


“My God, yes, Li Hao’s entire speech is a big filter itself. His entire speech was a sieve, sifting out all the people on Earth who didn’t pay attention to the big filter theory, so that they only cared about the paradox of extraterrestrial civilizations. Then explore and study on the paradox. But the real part of it is that I am interested in his theory of the big filter. ”

“He… At the same time as he said the theory of the big filter, he was also ‘filtering’ the earthlings!”

Both of them were stunned!

At this moment, a smile flashed in Brodor’s eyes as he looked at the two professors with shocked faces.

Bo Luo Duo secretly exclaimed in his heart: I understand, I understand everything, I understand what Li Hao means.

He is indeed screening, filtering the people of the earth.

He used the gimmick of the Atlantis continent to filter out the ordinary people all over the world, and the attention of ordinary people began to focus only on these ‘magical’, ‘fantasy’ and ‘supernatural’ prehistoric civilizations.

The second layer of sieves screened out scholars with some scientific background. They brought their attention to the ‘paradox’. They started to go crazy and just focus on this ‘unsolvable’ and ‘wonderful’ logical problem.

The third layer of sieves screens out scientists who have a scientific spirit, have the world in mind, and know some secrets of the world. They’re finally starting to pay attention to the big filter theory, which is very soft, politically incorrect, but so realistic, that it’s hard to accept in people’s hearts, but it’s really possible.

And Brodot, at this time, thought that he had entered Li Hao’s ‘fourth layer of sieve;’

“Hehe… The fourth layer of screen, the one who has passed the fourth layer of screen is the one you need, right?”

Borodor muttered, his eyes were a little misty, and he was a little shocked: “The people of the third layer of the screen will only prove whether your big filter theory will be realized? But the people who can pass through the fourth layer of the screen must have believed in their hearts, or will believe in the big filter theory… Start researching, start thinking, where is the next hurdle for humanity? or… Did you come up with the Great Filter Theory because you know something, how to help humanity get through this!”

This is the person Li Hao wants to filter out!

It’s not about discerning whether those theories are valid or not. 、

It’s not to prove that those theories are alarmist.

Instead, they have begun to hypothesize: under the premise that the big filter theory exists 100%, when will the next hurdle for mankind come, will there be a chance to get through it, and how will it be over?

Brodot was not at the bedside, and did not see the deathbed of Stuff.

If not, Pordot would have understood Stauff’s sigh, and he would have known. Starf is also the one who passed through the fourth screen!

With his hands behind his back, Brodot walked out of the laboratory and looked at the gray sky outside:

“The anti-hydrogen atomic theory is valid, and the paper has been published. In the future, more people around the world will devote themselves to the study of antimatter theory. Is this the result you want?”

“Humanity … How exactly do you get past the big filter and get to the next screen?”

“And what’s the next crisis?”


In the midst of Brodor’s muttering, the German Science Society, the paper was officially released!

Herodo’s “The Theory of the Establishment of Antimatter”!

Earthquake Release!

Germany, the whole country was shocked.

Everyone saw this scientific report published by Pordot.

After months of accumulation, he, through theory, proved in detail Li Hao’s antimatter theory that it was established!

‘Boom-‘, and Germany exploded.

Countless people looked at each other.

Li Hao… Another theoretical achievement, which has been proven!

What’s next?

Black hole?

Other arguments for the theory of relativity?

Or… Great filter!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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