“How did he disappear?”

“I don’t know. All of a sudden, it’s missing. ”

“It can’t be… This is not the legendary Bermuda Triangle, so how could it suddenly disappear inexplicably? There must be something wrong. “:

When the high-level discussion in England was underway, another secretary suddenly walked in and said in a trembling voice: “Huaxia’s escort Li Hao’s fighter plane requests to conduct a search over England. ”

England’s top brass was outraged at first. Then I thought of what happened to the country at the beginning, and I could only take a deep breath:

“Let them search. At the same time, the Air Force of England was all dispatched and also helped them in the search above. Ground forces are also fully deployed, launching ground searches. No matter what, you have to find Li Hao, you have to find Li Hao, you have to find it!”

“Li Hao must not be lost. In any case, he must be found, if Li Hao cannot be found, England will never have a “zero forty” day!”

“Hey, I just won four Nobel Prizes in physics, and on the way back, I went missing in England. If this is spread by people with good intentions, I will have a big problem in England. “


Look for.

Desperately looking for it.


At the same time, the news is tightly sealed.

At this time, in the highest office of Huaxia, the high-level officials also heard the news from the fleet.

Everyone was speechless.


“How did you go missing?”

“It’s impossible. Is this absolutely impossible, just missing right under their noses?”


At this time, an air force general hurriedly walked in with a tablet and said hurriedly: “Everyone, there is a problem, there is a problem. Footage from the cameras accompanying the flight escort came back. ”

“Got a picture?”

“Quick, let it out!”

Immediately afterwards, a group of people hurriedly watched around the tablet.

In the video, it is a view of a fighter jet flying. And ahead, it is the Boeing 747 airliner.

However, at 10 seconds of the video, the Boeing 747 passenger plane in the camera suddenly disappeared. Trace. I don’t know where to go.

Immediately after, there were exclamations and screams in the video.

And several videos were shown in a row, and there were seventeen fighters in common pictures, five of which were clearly filmed from all angles and directions of the sudden disappearance of the Boeing 747…


Unbelievable silence.

This is incredible.

After a long time, someone said, “This, will it be fake?”

The Air Force General immediately said: “No. This will definitely not, first of all, it is not valid in time. They would report back like they were on the ground every five minutes. We can also observe from the GPS, first, there is no stop at all. There is no time to fake. Secondly, no matter whether you zoom in or watch the video, there is no trace of PS, nor is there any trace of special effects. It’s just missing, it’s flying to that place, and all of a sudden it’s gone, it’s gone. ”

The words fell, and the audience fell into silence.

This is really incredible. Isn’t it?

Sudden disappearance!

Disappear suddenly.

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This…… This can no longer be described simply as a paranormal event.

This is already the realm of supernatural powers.

Legend has it that there was a disappearance of planes in the Bermuda Triangle. But it was later confirmed that the Bermuda Triangle was only because of the artistic processing of novelists in the last century. But it didn’t happen at all.

But now, watching the video, everyone can’t help but think back to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Don’t…… Is that kind of thing in the Bermuda Triangle real?

The same is true for Malaysia Airlines. All of a sudden, it was gone.

The Boeing 747 passenger plane that Li Hao was riding also suddenly disappeared. Could it be that there really is a gate of time and space in the clouds?

However, this conjecture is not valid, because the local magnetic field does not fluctuate at all. At the same time, why is only the Boeing 747 passenger plane in which Li Hao is flying in the fleet missing?

Why are the other planes okay?

And after Li Hao’s plane disappeared, from the same height, the same angle, and the same parallel line, two more escort fighters following Li Hao flew over.

If there is a space-time portal there. Why is the plane behind you okay?

Could it be because the door of time and space was only opened when Li Hao passed there. And when the plane behind it passed by, did it shut down again?

This…… Obviously it doesn’t make sense. In any case, this can’t be explained!

“Li Hao, where did you go?”

Someone raised this question, and everyone at the scene frowned even tighter…..

After a long time, someone sighed: “Find.” It is also necessary to dig into the ground and get in touch with the English side immediately. China will soon send an additional search and rescue team to England to search the airspace, sea area, and land of the whole of England. ”

“Will they agree?”

“If you don’t agree, you have to agree. They must agree. ”


Someone immediately contacted him, and only a minute later, the message came back:

Report. England replied that Huaxia could send a search and rescue team to search and rescue. And now, the search and rescue team in England has set off. I believe that the cooperation between the two countries will definitely be able to solve this mystery. must be able to find Li Hao. But please Huaxia must keep it secret, and before Li Hao finds it, he must not leak the news and let any media know. No country should be made aware of it. ”

“You can promise them that. But there are only three days, and after three days if you can’t find it. Huaxia is about to start a press conference. ”



England’s highest office.

“Three days 1”

“Yes, only three days. ”

“Huaxia has given an ultimatum, and their people are about to come to England. The two parties cooperated, and we only had three days to find Li Hao. ”

“What if I can’t find it in three days?”

“If you can’t find it in three days, then the entire 4.8 realm will be shocked by this. The whole world will doubt us England for this. Having no excuse. Huaxia knows the truth, and Huaxia should know that Li Hao really disappeared mysteriously, and it was the intervention of supernatural forces. But will other countries believe it? Seeing is believing, other countries won’t believe it at all… And Li Hao has just become a historic great man who has won four Nobel Prizes, if he is doubted by all countries. Well, the scientists of various countries, and the fishing boats, will tear our England to shreds!”

“We can’t be targeted…”


“Find me!”

Tears came out of the eyes of the top brass in England: “If you find him, you must find him.” No matter what the price is, you have to find Li Hao. Find it!”

“Let’s go. Mobilize the soldiers of the whole country and go out to find them. Strictly confidential. ”

“Be sure to find him!”



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