
Finally, the opposition people relented.

In their hearts, in fact, there is a trace of expectation.

However, they did not dare to bet.

Because this time it’s not technology that is betting.

It’s the human heart.

The human heart itself is the most difficult to figure out, once there is even the slightest problem.

As a result, it will be a total loss.

So, the opposition retreated: “In that case, we will report the news to the outside world.” ”

“Since you believe in the human heart, then let the human heart decide all this. ”

The opposition finally relented.

The resolute look in Luo Boduo’s eyes was even worse: “I agree. ”

The decision had been made, and all the scientists took action again.

in the outside world.

Order has gradually been restored, and since the progress of antimatter research, many people’s hearts are full of hope.

Many companies are back up and running, and people’s lives seem to be back to pre-apocalyptic times.

Except for the occasional conspiracy theorist who come out and preach their claims from time to time, everything seems to be so peaceful.

And yet this day.

A piece of news, but everyone fell silent instantly.

[This is the continuation base.] We already have a way to mass-produce antimatter. But we are short on manpower, and now we are officially making a request to the entire Earth Alliance: we need all the labor!

There is nothing we can promise and perhaps this plan will fail. But this is the one that has the best chance of succeeding! I hope to get a response from all sides.

I hope that our entire human civilization can be united!

Let’s save our planet ourselves!]

This news spread to all corners of the world in an instant. 、

Advertisements on mobile phones, on television, on computers, and even on the streets, have switched to this text.

And the people who saw this passage fell silent.

In the middle of the night, someone spoke.

“What are you kidding~!”

“Doesn’t this mean that all our previous hopes have been dashed?”

“It’s… That’s not true!”

“Hahaha, the end is coming, and you have to trick me into being a coolie? You must be trying to make a spaceship and run away! I tell you, there is no door, we will die together!”

“I just wanted to enjoy my last life and was disappointed. ”


Lose your marbles.

Countless people’s emotions began to stir up.

This feeling of ups and downs is like the last straw, and the thread in the hearts of countless people suddenly breaks.

Someone’s eyes were red.

Someone began to cry in a low voice.

Someone looked around in despair, as if they were about to burst out in the next second.

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But more people are clenching their crowns!



Someone spoke, making the scene that was about to be chaotic suddenly quiet down.

“Everyone. We haven’t lost yet!”

“Didn’t you see the announcement of the continuation of the organization!”

“We still have hope, as long as we work together and unite as one, we have hope to win!”

“Now is not the time to give up on yourself!”

Hear this sentence.

Quite a few people have calmed down.

But more people are still in a negative mood.

“But what if it fails. ”

Someone burst into tears: “I don’t want to die…”

“I don’t want to die either… Woooooo

“I want to enjoy it one last time, I don’t want to suffer anymore. ”

“I’ve endured all my life, and now I want to make the last good memories. ”



Everyone fell silent. They are already caught up in a struggle.

Yes, there is hope for them.

But is that hope really worth it?

Their eyes began to be confused, and no one could guarantee them that if they did it, they would succeed.

They are afraid.

They are worried.

They fear that the last bit of freedom will be spent in endless labor.


Someone’s eyes looked firm.

“We can’t sit still!”

“That’s right, man will conquer the sky, and we will definitely succeed!”

“If we don’t do it, then we’ll just die. But if we do it, then we are resisting!”

“I’d rather chase the slim hope than despair!”

“I believe in our strength, and I also believe that the continuation of the alliance with the Earth will not lie to me…”

“I still want to live, I still want to have a son, I want to have a grandson, I don’t want to die yet…”

“I support this decision!”


More and more people are standing up for abundance.

Their eyes gradually became resolute and clear.

And many more people are silent.

But their hearts have begun to waver.

What should I do?

This multiple-choice question has plunged countless people into torment. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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