Continuation of the base.

The personnel have been divided into two groups.

The first batch continued to work on high-strength alloys in preparation for the construction of rings in the future.

The second group began to carry out research on the use of antimatter, in preparation for the fight against meteorites in the future when antimatter technology matures.

But after a period of theoretical research, the second group of scientists found a very critical problem.

The material is not up to standard!

Because once antimatter reacts, the energy produced is enormous.

And today’s earth, theoretically, there is no such material at all, which can withstand the explosion of antimatter energy!

As for reducing antimatter, that’s even less feasible. After all, antimatter is created for faster speed and stronger energy. If the power of the antimatter engine is reduced for the sake of material, then what is the difference between this antimatter engine and the aviation rocket on Earth?

There is no difference at all 05!

“But the material will not be able to make a breakthrough for a while, so we might as well design the relevant drawings first?”

“How to design the drawings. What’s the use of design drawings without detailed data, without comparative references?”

“Then we can’t wait, can we?”

“Maybe we can try to set up the chip?”

“The materials haven’t come out yet, how can you know that the chip you designed won’t be destroyed by the thrust of the antimatter engine?”

Scientists have a lot of arguments and opinions.

Even like a shrew on the street, the whole person was blushing and his neck was thick.

“So if you say that, don’t we have to design the drawings? Everyone is waiting for the super-strength alloy material to appear?”

“How else could it be. Antimatter is an area that we are completely unfamiliar with, and now everything in design is in the air, it is all imagined! This is not a trick, let alone a movie, this is scientific research!”

“It’s because it’s scientific research that you need to make bold assumptions!”

“This is no longer a bold assumption, this completely belongs to Gao Luyuan!”

None of the scientists were convinced, which made Luo Boduo frown: “Okay. Indeed, we need to prioritize material breakthroughs. ”

Hearing this, the surrounding scientists came.

Due to the previous achievements of Lobodor, the prestige of the continuation base has also increased.

After all, the scientific community is not about qualifications, but about real research results.

What is the result, is what it is, this is the position in the circle of science.

It was precisely because of this that when Lobodot spoke, the people fell silent.

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However, most scientists are still somewhat unconvinced.

They insisted that they were right.

Most importantly. Nowadays, time is running out, and the breakthrough of alloy technology does not know when it will be harvested.

Is human technology going to be locked in this step?

Come to mind.

Many scientists are becoming more and more anxious.

The person in charge also felt that something was wrong with the current state, but before he could say anything, Luo Boduo spoke: “After all, we are now facing a completely new field, and for this field that we have never been familiar with, all we can do is lay a good foundation and take it step by step.” ”

Speaking of which, everyone calmed down, and everyone was thoughtful.

This is indeed the case.

The emergence of antimatter represents a new era of science and technology.

The original technology is equivalent to a horse-drawn carriage, while antimatter represents a fuel vehicle.

Seeing that everyone had listened to this, Luo Boduo also nodded: “Therefore, our most important goal at present is to make breakthroughs in various materials. ”

“Otherwise, it will not be able to withstand the strong thrust, and even with antimatter, it will have no effect. ”

“If you have time to argue, you might as well do your research first. We don’t care what the outcome will be. As long as we do our best, that’s enough. ”



Li Hao sat in front of the workbench, thinking about the solution of new problems.

Through the efforts of scientists, the prototype of the antimatter engine has been studied.

But 083 is one of the very important problems that has not been solved.

That’s heat-resistant materials.

When the antimatter engine is working, due to the annihilation effect, in addition to the explosion of powerful energy, it will also produce a huge high temperature.

With the materials of current technology, it is almost impossible to withstand the normal power of antimatter engines – after all, even the original version of the engine is theoretically hundreds of times more advanced than the most advanced engines on Earth today.

And the demand for materials will naturally rise.

It is precisely because of this that Li Hao has been immersed in finding new heat-resistant materials in recent times.

This material can be a heat-insulating coating or a high-strength heat-resistant alloy.

However, whether it is an alloy or a coating, the amount of time required is not a fixed number.

Therefore, at this time, Li Hao is thinking about how to use the existing means to solve this problem.

The worst is also to reduce calories. _

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