In the evening, six o’clock.

Rattan Group, Department of Public Information Building.

In the press office of the rattan training.

The news director suddenly received a phone call, and after listening for a long time, he suddenly stood up: “Really?”

“Okay, I see!”.

I hung up the phone with a ‘snap’.

The press director rushed to the press hall like crazy: “Everyone, all of them. Everybody listen to me.”

“Just now, the vice minister of the Ministry of Information of the People’s Republic of China called me, and tonight’s CCTV news broadcast will announce that Li Hao’s nuclear fusion reactor is a success. It represents a big step forward for my Huaxia. shocked at home and abroad, and scientists from all over the world went to China for this matter. ”

The voice fell. There was silence at first, and then there was a bang.


“There hasn’t been any official movement, I thought it was fake, but it was really real?”.

“The official movement must be confirmed before it can be exposed. Nuclear fusion reactors, such a big thing, must be rigorously determined. Otherwise, if there is an oolong incident, it will be a shame for adults. ”

“Oh my God, thirteen!”.

“Thirteen years old!”.


The news director said incoherently: “At half past seven tonight, CC News will report.” Everyone worked overtime tonight, and after CC News broadcast the news, the Vine Training News immediately reprinted it, followed by the reprint, and then reported in depth. :”


This is the case with the press. Major events must wait until CC News reports before other media news reports.

Otherwise, no one knows if there will be an oolong incident.

And most people on the Internet feel that the official news is not moving because the matter is fake and rumored. But they didn’t know that the official report was only because it hadn’t been finalized yet.

Now, it’s OK!

At the same time, the headquarters of the news of the net.

The news director also received a phone call, and the meeting was excited, and all the staff were ready to work overtime. But at the same time, the press director said:

“This time we want to report in depth, this is a great joy for our country. Immediately organize a team and go to the cold city overnight, it would be great if Li Hao could be interviewed. If not, you must also interview Li Hao’s neighbors, as well as Li Hao’s school teachers and classmates. In-depth coverage!”.


A few minutes later, a plane took off from the capital and headed straight for the cold city!

At the same time, all media news in the country received notices from the Ministry of Information of the People’s Republic of China. Thoroughly confirmed, last night I love to invent the live broadcast interruption, it is really because of the success of nuclear fusion.

Everyone, it’s a binge!

Countless planes, cars, and media immediately set off to the capital I love invention column group, or rushed to the cold city to interview Li Hao!


Seven thirty o’clock.

The long-awaited time has finally arrived.

Many people know in their hearts that if there is any movement in that matter, tonight’s news broadcast will definitely reveal a little rumor. Although there are many people on the Internet who don’t believe it, who doesn’t want it to be true?

All hope!

Everybody wants it to be true!

“Hello audience friends, welcome to today’s news broadcast, I am the host…”

After some introduction, the news broadcast officially began.

In the last ten minutes, when the time reached 7:50. The CC News host’s tone changed, and his voice suddenly rose a little higher:

“New energy has always been a common topic for mankind. The known energy sources are gasoline, coal, and natural gas. And then there’s the nuclear power plant. ”

“Behind all this energy, there is a hidden crisis, and that is the problem of energy depletion. Nuclear power plants, on the other hand, have always used nuclear fission to generate electricity. ”


Just yesterday, on the CC Channel 10 “I Want to Invent” program, Li Hao, a 13-year-old scientist from Hancheng, brought his invention “Controllable Nuclear Fusion Reactor”, which uses nuclear fusion to generate electricity. Mainly through the extraction of deuterium and tritium in hydrogen, fusion produces helium nuclei and radiation energy. Compared with nuclear fission, nuclear fusion is less harmful and more energetic. Compared to the radioactive half-life of nuclear fission, which is hundreds of years, the radioactive half-life of nuclear fusion is only 12 years. ”

“Last night, Li Hao’s nuclear fusion device made a major breakthrough. On behalf of the motherland at the forefront of the world, China has become the first country in the world to take the lead in developing a nuclear fusion reaction device, and the experiment has been successful…”



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Nationwide. All the people sitting in front of the TV stood up and listened quietly to the news broadcast.

Listen quietly to CC news, and spend a full ten minutes introducing the concept of nuclear fusion and popularizing the knowledge of nuclear fusion. Introducing the future commercialization concept of nuclear fusion.

Across the country, everyone was shocked.

It’s true…… It happened!

A thirteen-year-old boy from the countryside of the Northwest, he invented nuclear fusion!

His name is Li Hao, he is from Huaxia, he is thirteen years old!

The news broadcast broadcast the live broadcast video of “I want to invent”, and the most important thing is the clip of Li Hao’s countdown.


The whole country was silent, and no matter what they did, they all pricked up their ears to listen at this time.

Many people gradually burst into tears.

For the first time, the long-cherished wish of the motherland has come to the forefront of the times!

Cutting-edge science and technology have completed a great progress, a great leap forward, surpassing all countries in the world for decades!

The CC news host’s emotions also seemed to be a little excited, and his tone was rarely a little trembling:

“Congratulations to Li Hao. Congratulations to the Motherland. Congratulations on the scientific progress of the motherland and the nuclear fusion project of the motherland. ”

“And just last night, as of today. A total of 46 countries around the world have sent scientific discussion teams, all of which arrived in the capital today. This time, Huaxia is no longer a questioner. “

“This time, Huaxia is the answerer, the initiative, the leader!”



The weight of these three words, it took Huaxia a hundred years. In the past 100 years, Huaxia, which has been beaten backward and beaten, has been learning Western technology and has been shamelessly asking advanced Western countries.

And today, the advanced countries of the West have come to learn from China. This time, they asked, and Huaxia answered!

CC News is over.

Now is it!

The news director of Fuji Xun looked at the moment when the music sounded on the TV, and he yelled with his hands on his hips


In the next second, the Internet, all users who use Buckle, WeChat, and Rattan News, nearly 1.2 billion users across the country have all received pop-ups.

Buckle message pop-up!

WeChat message pop-up!

Fuji training news pop-up!

Countless people, young people who don’t watch CC news, or people who have already watched it, have all received pop-up news:

Rattan News: ——Celebrating the major breakthrough in China’s nuclear fusion technology, 13-year-old scientist Li Hao, leading the world’s great leap forward in science and technology!

Now is the time.

The news director of Network One looked at the moment when the news broadcast ended, and yelled: “Fa!”.


All Internet pages, the homepage of NetEase’s web portal, and even all of its games. All Home News:

Net One News: ——Congratulations on the major breakthrough in China’s nuclear fusion technology. Li Hao, a teenager destined to go down in history.

At the same time, all the web links and homepages of the whiteness engine all display the same news:

——When the youth is strong, the country is strong, Li Hao, a character destined to be remembered. The father of nuclear fusion!

This moment.

Huaxia is quiet.

In all corners of the country, everyone is quietly browsing the same news on their computers.

Or watch the news on TV.

In the streets and alleys, or people who look down at their mobile phones to push the news…

In the noisiest bar, the music is much quieter at this time, and everyone is looking down at their phones. Everyone!

Li Hao, the person who is remembered by the times!

He solves problems that the scientific community around the world has been trying to solve for decades without solving them.

– Controlled nuclear fusion!

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