
The professor of physics at the Mashen Institute of Technology in the United States was also watching the news in China with the help of the translator at this time.

“Actually… Did you really develop a nuclear fusion device?”.

Professor Chrisian muttered, “What kind of shit luck did this kid have to come up with such an ingenious device.” These things, why didn’t we think of them. Doesn’t the use of superconducting vacuum toroids cause high-speed movement and high pressure?”

Professor Chrisan said with some excitement: “Have you applied? Why didn’t you invite us to visit the Huaxia Academy of Science? That installation is very important.” ”

The translator smiled: “I have already applied for it, and the Huaxia side has not yet approved it.” It seems that we will not be allowed to visit until Huaxia has thoroughly mastered this technique. But it’s absolutely impossible to let us know. ”

Chrisan frowned, he knew that this was Huaxia’s protection of his own technology. This is the case in every country in the world, and it will not disclose science and technology to anyone at will.

However, if he was not allowed to visit, even if Chrisan knew the principle, he would not be able to build it.

In other words, it takes a lot of money to try and make mistakes. If you don’t know the specific data and the specific process, you will only keep failing.

And every failure is a big investment of money!

At this time, a scientific assistant asked, “Professor Chrisan, aren’t you going to meet that Li Hao?”

Chrisann scoffed:

“What’s the catch? I’m a professor of physics at the Mashen Institute of Technology in the United States, do I have to deign to meet a thirteen-year-old peasant in China? What are you kidding, that young man just had shit luck, and suddenly he came up with an idea. I even suspect that this is just his assumption, and then the Chinese Academy of Sciences has studied it all the way. Besides, the child must be protected now, and it is impossible for him to come into contact with foreigners. ”

“yes. ”

“But Professor Chrisian, I saw the news from Huaxia. said that Li Hao has not joined any organization now, and he will even participate in the “I want to invent” program in a few days, and everyone in Huaxia is predicting that he may bring shocking inventions. ”

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Professor Chrisan was dumbfounded: “He still wants to participate?”.

“No, I’m surprised that Huaxia didn’t pull him into the scientific research institute. Do you just let him come out and continue to appear in public? Hahaha, laughing at me, did he think that invention could really be invented casually? What is an invention, he accidentally researched the nuclear fusion reaction, which can be said to be luck. But is his luck so good every time? The real invention, every invention, is just an explosion of basic doctrine accumulated to a certain extent. Can he keep exploding?”.

“Yes, Professor Chrisian. Now, even the native Huaxia is suspicious of him. Ha ha. ”

Professor Chrisan scoffed and said with interest, “Help me get a ticket to the show I want to invent, I want to be a spectator.” ”


At the same time, the professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in England was also stunned at this time:

“What are you talking about? Do you mean that Li Hao still wants to participate in the invention of my love? He has developed a nuclear fusion device, but he has not studied that device in depth for more than ten years. Are you going to invent something new right away?”.

“Haha, yes, it’s like a child. It’s so ambitious, and I don’t know how to be down-to-earth. I have learned about this program, which is a program aimed at the whimsical ideas of ordinary people and Chinese farmers. Most of them are farmer-made airplanes, or installations in the fields, which have nothing to do with high-end science. This Li Hao… Is he really unaware of this?”.

“His nuclear fusion has completely elevated him. If you invent those things in the next episode, you will simply ruin your reputation. ”

“Hehe, yes. Li Hao’s invention can only be more powerful each time. At least close. You can’t fall from heaven to hell, can you?”.

“I don’t believe that he will be able to match the technology of nuclear fusion in just a few days. It’s not realistic. ”

“Huaxia is really getting more and more magical. ”

“Somehow, get some audience tickets that I love to invent, and I want to see them myself. ”


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