The docking is successful!

It worked!

We did it!

Everyone burst into tears involuntarily. ,

Although it was cold winter at this moment, at this moment, all the monitors waiting in front of the street, and every place where this information could be seen, instantly burst into cheers.

“We succeeded! We witnessed the first worldwide network union!”

“This moment is like a dream, but why do I want to cry when it is so worth remembering?”

“I’m the same, at this moment, I just want to cry, since that piece of information from the base was announced, why do I always think that every minute and every second is like a dream?”

At this moment, everyone cheered excitedly.

Because everyone knows what this moment represents.

What this means is that the world has only one name from now on.

———— Global Village!

We all have only one clan!

———— earthlings!

We have only one mission.

Protect the planet! Stay alive.

We can all live!

But can this really be the case?


Space station in space.

In the lonely universe, all there is only loneliness and loneliness.

The starry darkness of the night is the main color in this space, and in space, not far above the earth, a huge space station is orbiting the earth regularly.

“Didi, Didi!”

At this moment, a burst of rapid sirens broke the deposit.

The next moment, all the indicator lights in the space station flashed, and the staff in the space station quickly became nervous.

“What’s going on? What is the alarm going off in which area? Find out what the hell is going on!”

I don’t know who it is, and asked hurriedly in the intercom system.

And in the main control room, a frightened-sounding voice immediately replied: “Oh my God, hurry, come on, something happened!”

In the space station, it was originally working normally, and daily maintenance and testing were underway, but the sudden alarm sounded, and after just controlling the daily staff of the main control room,

This made the hearts of several people sink fiercely.

Something went wrong?

Immediately, everyone returned to the main control room from their own speed, and the next moment, when everyone saw the content displayed on the monitor in the main control room, everyone couldn’t help but be surprised.

This monitor controls the data of the observation of meteorite swarms, and at this moment, the alarm on the monitor is still hissing.

“What’s going on? What happened to the meteorite swarm?” asked the last person to enter the command module, after closing the hatch valve.

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At the same time, he urgently activated the response system and turned off the siren.

The staff member was still in a deep shock, and pointed to the monitor with a pale face: “The meteorite group, it seems that something is abnormal, he has deviated from his original track!”


The next moment, several people didn’t even bother to take off their protective helmets, and hurriedly returned to their positions and hurriedly began to calculate.

“Recalculate the speed at which the meteorite operates, as well as the orbit it runs. ”


“Start tracking now and predict its new trajectory!”

“Mock budget mapping is being built!”

“Right now…”

At this moment, everyone panicked, in that dark area that was dark enough to swallow the light, a huge meteorite group was approaching the solar system at the speed of light.

This time, the people on the space station were completely panicked.

No matter how much they recalculated, they couldn’t lock on to the meteorite again.

That’s a lot of speed!


The sound of keyboard tapping.


In the protective suit, the sound of everyone’s rapid breathing has become the main sound of the space station at this moment.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Everyone who wears a protective shield that can’t take off it, the protective shield is full of steam, but it doesn’t matter, everyone is calculating for one thing.

But over time.

The speed in everyone’s hands gradually slowed down.

“Oh no, I can’t capture the second time it tracks!”

At this moment, one of the astronauts stopped his calculations in horror and stared at the monitor.

The person in charge ordered in a deep voice: “Try something else, in short, that thing can’t just be lost for no reason!”

“Yes 1”

There was a hint of crying in the man’s voice, but in the end he gritted his teeth and agreed.

He had to promise that if he couldn’t detect the Dao, then only death awaited mankind, and none of them could escape!

The space station is once again in a state of tension and panic.

Cold sweat appeared on everyone’s forehead, and everyone was afraid, but at this moment, everyone held on to the last glimmer of hope.

Find him!

He must be found!


The event went on again, and at this moment, one of the people who was operating the observer suddenly caught a flickering shadow, the next moment, uh, he was stunned for a second, and then he was surprised to manipulate the instrument, slowly looking for the direction of the shadow that had just disappeared from the monitor.

After a few moments, the man shouted in horror, “Found it!” However, the trajectory of the meteorite swarm reappeared seemed to be facing the sun?!”


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