“Dear 1ili1i, now our earth is in an unprecedented crisis, based on the information you provided, and with your help, we have indeed developed a material engine, but now the question is, how to make it fly, how to make it complete the final circulation system, this way, we still have no solution, and do you know how the fusion and fission device can stop it? I, on behalf of me personally, ask for your help…”

The news.

This calm dawn is particularly striking.

Originally, everyone was busy looking for all the places where there was a glimmer of news about the existence of LILILI, and there would be countless people who went to look for it, and even 117, and some people formed an alliance on the Internet. 、

Moss Code Deciphering Group.

But until this moment, in this circle, everyone has studied and deciphered the conclusions, only a few letters!

And at this moment, under that much-watched Twitter account, a newly arrived news instantly silenced the entire network.

The next second later, everyone hesitantly clicked on the file.


Basically, everyone knows that he is the first person to come up with the definition of antimatter theory corresponding to Li Hao!

And at this moment, he is the first base on the earth, and the person in charge of the continuation base has disappeared from everyone’s field of vision, but at this moment, he actually used his name (afei) to contact that mysterious person?

What does that mean?

However, when everyone subconsciously clicked on this file, they were completely dumbfounded.

Moss code again?!

Why is this thing again?

“Could it be that Mr. Lobodot has deciphered the code, what is in it, and why do I hear such a heavy tone of request in this passage of Mr. Lobodor?”

“Damn, is it true that the previous news release of the alliance that the X device about fusion and fission has found a solution is fake?”

“It can’t be, is it? If that’s the case, he’s going to do it too much? There’s definitely something in this that we don’t know, and what we’re doing in this Moss code is the first thing!”

At this moment, everyone was terrified.

They all guessed.


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Li Hao did receive this message.

However, when he received the message, he was a little confused.

What does this mean? Can fusion and fission exist at the same time?

What kind of thing did the ‘talent’ come up with?

When Li Hao read the content of this Moss code in detail, he slapped his forehead violently.

“Damn, why didn’t you finish translating that code?”

That code, indeed, Li Hao deliberately left it to Luo Boduo, after learning that Luo Boduo had the Moss code that very few people understand, Li Hao wanted to use this way to tell them something.

Li Hao also knows that the only channel between the two sides, Twitter, has some drawbacks, and if you want to hide some information, you must use a special way.

And Moss code is the safest way Li Hao thought of.

However, he didn’t expect that what was happening on Earth was so troublesome that he actually asked Lobodo to contact him personally, and what exactly was that fusion and fission?

“Grandpa Liu, come and see the translation of this document. ”

Li Hao completely translated the entire document, and then called Liu Jie to ask.

“What’s wrong?” asked Liu Jie suspiciously.

Liu Jie put down the document in his hand suspiciously, and then looked at it carefully.

However, when he read the documents, the whole person was not good.

“Damn, they have nothing to do to tinker with that shit?

Liu Jie’s voice was very loud and frightened, and everyone’s eyes were attracted in an instant. 、

“Professor Liu Jie, what’s wrong, what’s wrong?”

Xu Bing and the other experts got up in shock and asked.

However, Liu Jie’s next words made everyone instantly creepy.

“They’ve spoiled the Earth!”


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