Meteorological Observatory in England.

At this moment, the temperature is already approaching -59.

In the observation station, although the air conditioner was hissing and the carbon fire was burning, everyone at the observation station couldn’t help but tremble. 、

In the office, the water dispenser is dripping with water droplets, and it is not on the dripping port, and a long ice cube is still getting longer.

“Continuing the headquarters, this is the meteorological observation point 0277 in England, and the temperature is currently dropping again!” the observer familiarly picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the meteorological information at every moment.

In the next second, a reply voice came from the walkie-talkie: “”One-two-seven” received! Please turn on the radar to detect the flow speed of cold and warm air, and record it at any time. ”


The next moment, the observer turned on the Doppler radar and did a routine weather scan.

However, when he looked at the scanned graphics on his computer, he accidentally noticed something that suddenly appeared in his radar

This thing, in the shape of a long strip, is a bit like an airplane, but this plane seems to appear out of nowhere.

“Strange, this plane, what’s going on with this plane?”

The observer exclaimed, and then shouted: “Contact the Ministry of Aviation, an unidentified object appeared on the radar, suspected to be an aircraft.” ”

“I said, isn’t it just a plane?

A staff member shrunk his neck disdainfully and retorted.

The man was anxious and shouted: “You look at the data yourself, just the first time I scanned, there was no obvious scan, but when I repeated the second scan, this thing appeared! It was only two seconds apart, do you think, if it was normal, I would be like this?”

The inspector’s words instantly attracted the attention of an older man.

Confused, he turned on the computer and looked at the coordinates sent by the observer and the radar display map.

It’s just that the next moment, he was stunned and looked at the coordinates on the radar in shock.

“At latitude 37.1, this coordinate… Do you remember?

The older observer was shocked.

Violently rummaging through the cabinets, he found a newspaper and said: “Look, this coordinate, this coordinate, a year and a half ago, Li Hao’s plane disappeared here!”

“You’re saying that this plane that appeared out of nowhere is…”

Everyone subconsciously looked at the radar in shock.

If that were the case, they wouldn’t dare to think about it.

The next moment, the older observer dialed Yandi’s phone: “Hey, this is the meteorological observation point 0277 in England, here just found a plane that suddenly appeared at 37.1 north latitude, we suspect it, it may be the one that disappeared a year and a half ago!


Out of the blue?

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Continuation of the base.

Ministry of Aviation.

Malson looked at the video material that had just been sent from the Ministry of Information on the computer suspiciously, and his brows furrowed deeply.

A plane that disappeared a year and a half ago?

37.1 north latitude over England…

In an instant, Marson’s pupils shrank suddenly!

“Could it be, could it be Li Hao?!”

“Li Hao is back?”


The next moment, he was terrified.

This amount of information is too much, and he knows better than anyone what Li Hao represents, if there is a slight problem, then at this time…

The next moment, he immediately ordered: “Ministry of Aviation, immediately contact the International Space Station and scan the Earth’s position at 37.1 north latitude, everything I need in that location!”

Then Malson made another call: “Turn on all the anti-air radars immediately, and fully monitor the skies over England, especially at 37.1 north latitude!



The next moment, the entire Ministry of Aviation moved 0…..

The ISS moved.

Marson fidgeted as he walked around the office, his eyes fixed on the computer screen and the phone.


Malson immediately grabbed the phone: “Speak!”

A hurried voice came from the phone: “According to all radars and related equipment, there is indeed a mysterious plane in that place, and we have investigated the whole world, and there is not a single plane on which route at this moment!”

So, this plane 4.8 is really the plane that Li Hao was on when he disappeared?

The matter was too big for him to draw conclusions about.

“Stay tuned, I need a clear picture of this plane!”


The next moment, Malson immediately dialed the phone number of the continuation base: “I need the details of the plane that Li Hao took when he disappeared, I’ll give you ten seconds!”

The operator was confused.

But when she heard the hurried voice, she hurriedly looked up on the computer: “Boeing 747, belonging to the United States Airlines, model U-235!”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection and recommendation

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