Li Hao left.

Walked away without any hesitation or pause.

However, it completely exploded on the fishing boats and in the media.

All over the world, all the viewers were shocked, because Li Hao’s mouth was shocked, which was really terrifying. He even said that he subverted traditional physics

Has a new system of physics been developed?

Quantum Physics.

What kind of physics is this?

There is no official media report on this incident in Huaxia, but it has already exploded on Weibo


A statement was made in public:

The argument put forward by Li Hao in “I Love Invention” is simply untenable. Not to mention whether the quantum concept proposed by Li Hao later is true, a single ‘linear algebra’ cannot be verified in a short time. His remarks are so shocking that I don’t think Li Hao thinks about it. At the same time, subverting traditional physics is nonsense!”.

As soon as Weibo came out, the comments below exploded in the next second.

“Li Hao’s journey has been really smooth sailing, he is too arrogant and too inflated. ”

“Why did he subvert traditional physics? What is he? How old is he?”

“Hiss – thinking about it carefully, today Li Hao proposed two new systems. And now he’s working on the Mozi rocket, isn’t it… Could it be that the rocket engineering project of the Micius is linked to Li Hao’s quantum mechanics?”

It’s okay not to say it. When someone mentioned this, everyone suddenly thought of the past.

It was a jaw-dropping.

Everyone wants to figure out what is so special about Li Hao’s Mozi rocket. But there has been no confirmation from any sources.

Now, Li Hao has proposed quantum mechanics, and there is no doubt that quantum mechanics will make waves in the future, whether true or not.

Don’t…… Is the rocket that Li Hao is studying linked to quantum mechanics?

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“Quantum rockets?”.

“I’m rubbing, the name is a bit of a cowhide. ”

“I think we should believe Li Hao. ”

“Quantum mechanics is so shocking that I have never heard of it, but if he overthrows it, does it really overturn it? Could it be that the physics of the previous hundreds of years is wrong?”

“Don’t be good upstairs, Li Hao didn’t say that it was wrong. It’s just that it’s two systems. quantum physics systems, as well as traditional physics systems. It’s been explained plainly. ”

“Hahaha, how do I think quantum mechanics is more like theology, God babble. Isn’t everything uncertain, everything an unknown probability?”


In the Internet in China, the whole people began to discuss the incomparably fresh concept of quantum.

At the same time, just when Chinese netizens were arguing about it.

Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Physics.

In the laboratory, three scientists sat opposite each other, looking at the video of Li Hao’s speech that was constantly being played on the TV with complicated faces, and was silent.

One of them is a strong person who has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

After a long time, Professor Stephen said in a solemn tone

“He… Ahead of us, we came up with quantum. ”

Another old professor got goosebumps: “We expect to come up with the concept of quantum next year.” But…… A year in advance, it was raised by a teenager in Huaxia. Moreover, the concepts he put forward are more systematic, clearer, and more straightforward than ours. He speaks quanta so thoroughly. ”

“Oh my God…”

“When he proposed linear algebra before, I had a vague hunch. At that time, when linear algebra was proposed, I was very excited because I could find a new way to calculate changes in the quantum world and publish a paper in public. But I’m glad early… In the next second, he was the first to bring it up. ”

Several people laughed bitterly.

But a moment later, Professor Stephen said, “But it’s okay that he also explained a question in our minds. Quantum uncertainty, that’s what we’ve been guessing all along. But Li Hao came to a conclusion directly. This shows that quantum is really uncertain…”

Professor Stephen smiled, “Let’s get ready to publish the paper.” Some of the one-sided quantum theories we have studied over the years can be released. This is really a new system that is about to subvert the traditional physics community!”.


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