When Lu Jie returned to the research room in the experimental building, all the researchers on duty had already returned to their respective posts.

They have been waiting for an afternoon for the data to finally come out, and whether they can make further progress in Haojin’s research depends on tonight.

Lu Jie changed back into her old research clothes and tied her hair back up.

However, the makeup that has not yet come to remove makes her much younger than in the past, which inevitably makes the scientific researchers “190” can’t help but look at her a few more times.

But she didn’t have time to worry about that, and as soon as she entered the research room, she walked straight to a scientific researcher.

“Is the result out, Xiao Liu?”

Xiao Liu wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and is young, but he is already a key member of this research room.

Xiao Liu turned his head to look at Lu Jie, and the expression on his face was very solemn. Lu Jie also had some kind of premonition for a moment.

“Boss… You guessed it. ”

Lu Jie opened her eyes, looking surprised and delighted.

“How much!?”

Xiao Liu said: “At least… a million tons…”

After the construction of the lunar scientific research base, whether it is a mining area or a test area, the work content is almost always carried out around the Haojin veins in the Eye of the Moon crater in the west of the city.

The 10,000 tons of gold on the surface have already been mined, and with Li Hao’s upgrading of mining tools, the mining of the underground part of the Haojin vein has also begun instantly.

Lu Jie, on the other hand, continues to experiment with the underground storage and distribution of gold veins.

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This element of Haojin has never been seen by human beings before. It is also not possible to survey its underground distribution using ordinary exploration methods.

A very important part of Lu Jie’s work is to develop methods for exploring Haojin and obtain the exact storage and distribution of Haojin.

This is not only related to the future mining of Haojin, but also the most direct and reliable way to prove the source of Haojin.

And just now, the data obtained by Lu Jie’s research laboratory illustrates a fact.

At first, the data they obtained through the lunar probe was that in the Eye of the Moon crater, there were about 10,000 tons of gold on the surface and ten times the surface of the earth.

But new data shows that there are at least one million tons of gold underground!

“Show me the analog graphics!”

Lu Jie hurriedly sat down beside Xiao Liu. And Xiao Liu also gently tapped the keyboard, and the screen showed the distribution of underground gold veins0…..

It is completely irregularly distributed, much like a normal vein, but with many details that are not clear.

Xiao Liu explained: “Even if we use the newly developed survey equipment and calculation formulas, we will only be able to survey to this extent. One million tons, that’s just a conservative number. I believe that the actual number will continue to increase as we work further. ”

Speaking of which, the discovery of more and more reserves of Haojin proves that there are more and more light energy sources available to human beings, which should be a great thing.

However, whether it was Lu Jie or Xiao Liu, the expressions on their faces were very solemn.

Lu Jie pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly, this short few minutes of tiredness was even more serious than 4.8 her whole afternoon.

“A million tons … This volume, this mass, that is to say…”

Xiao Liu nodded and said, “That’s right, this kind of volumetric mass, if it falls from the sky, it is impossible to only cause such a small crater as the Eye of the Moon crater.” Boss, Mr. Li Hao’s guess was confirmed. ”

“Hmm. Haojin, it seems that it is really the native vein of the moon!”_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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