“Urgent briefing, urgent notification. According to the Observatory of the Experimental Zone, about 1 minute ago, there was a slight moonquake reaction under the Moon Seeking City. Due to the extremely low activity of the Moon’s crust and the fact that the epicenter is far away from Moon-seeking City, no earthquakes of the same magnitude will occur on Earth. Moon-Seeking City has state-of-the-art earthquake protection measures, so don’t panic. If you are not aware of the possible damage caused by subsequent aftershocks, please stay in the nearest building as much as possible. The observatory will keep you updated in real time. ”

“Urgent briefing, urgent briefing…”

There was a shaking, causing the entire Moon Seeking City to resound with the sound of this announcement.

It is true that as the bulletin said, the moonquake on this moon will not be as violent as on Earth.

Also, the buildings of Moon City are much stronger than those on Earth, so it is safest to stay inside.

This is because the entire city of Moonseeking is shrouded in a massive dome that isolates the city from a greenhouse that can withstand the temperature difference of up to 300 degrees Celsius between day and night outside the moon.

If there is indeed a super strong earthquake that causes the dome to shatter, then the open area is the most dangerous. Moreover, if the dome of Moon Seeking City is shattered, it also means that the city is not far from destruction.

“Is a moonquake?

“Fortunately, it’s not serious, it seems that there is no need to worry. ”

“Anyway, it’s all reported, there is no danger, this is what Mr. Li Hao meant. ”

“Yes, we believe in Mr. Li Hao. ”

The circular that was played on a loop, coupled with the citizens’ trust in Li Hao, the fear did not spread among the crowd, and soon, the entire Moon City returned to peace and tranquility.

However, Li Hao’s office was empty.

At this time, he was already standing in the Eye of the Moon on the west side of Moonseeking City.

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Through the helmet of the lightweight spacesuit, Li looked solemnly at the heart of the crater.

“Isn’t that wrong? Where is the epicenter?”

Lu Jie walked from Li Hao’s side and said with the same solemnity: “That’s right, although it is only a few seconds, the data of the observatory is very accurate, and it shakes… From the Ho Gold Vein. ”

At this time, another person came behind Li Hao, who supported Lu Jie’s point of view.

“Dr. Lu is right, just now the workers in the underground sent a message that there was indeed an explosion below!”

This person’s name is gold and silver, five short figures, looks a little fat, has a mustache on his lips, is very neatly trimmed, but his chin is flat and flat.

Although he is not good-looking, he is the general person in charge of the entire mining area, and he is also the first to come to the moon among the four major divisions of Moon-seeking City.

Li Hao hurriedly asked, “Are there any casualties in the mine, Lao He?”

“Although there was an explosion, it didn’t seem to be very violent and didn’t cause a collapse. And because there is no gas such as gas on the moon, no one is trapped or injured. ”

He Jinyin touched his chin with a puzzled expression. When it comes to mining, he is an expert among experts. What had just happened was clearly beyond his knowledge.

Lu Jie was also puzzled: “Since the explosion was not violent, why would it affect the Moon Seeking City? The whole city felt the tremor, but there was no incident under the mine. This also…”

Li Hao nodded in a daze.

For some reason, the counting LED board in the mining area has been coming to his mind since just now, and the red number of 100,000 has always lingered, as if to indicate something.

“In the end, there is still a problem with the Haojin vein. Li Hao frowned: “Let’s go down and see for ourselves.” “_

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