Department of Physics, Mashen University of Science and Technology.

It was late at night before class ended, and the school was packed, and the classmates from California and Texas had already taken the podium and started debating.

Everyone went from a chaotic quarrel to a well-defined team divided into two factions.

Students from other faculties, as well as teachers from many faculties, also crowded into the classroom at this time and began to observe their discussions and arguments. Scientists are indispensable to controversy, and only when there is controversy can there be progress.

The small classroom was crowded with at least five or six hundred people at this time. Students from all over the world, as well as teachers, listened attentively.

The California student shouted, “Linear algebra can be proven, because there is no doubt about the truth of linear algebra.” At least Mr. Ling Tu, the winner of the Fields Medal in mathematics, and Mr. Chen Jing, a mathematician nominated for the Fields Medal in Mathematics, have already expressed their opinions. There is nothing wrong with linear algebra. ”

The Texas student said in a deep voice: “Linear algebra doesn’t explain anything, now we’re talking about quantum correctness.” We put aside all identities and preconceptions. Looking at the problem from an individual point of view, but from an academic point of view, do you think that the existence of quantum is possible? Everything about it is full of uncertainty, which is a complete overthrow of the existing physical system…”

The five hundred people below were silently taking notes, thoughtful.

The California students shouted

“This is just the first step for us humans to understand the universe. It’s like, a thousand years ago, you told the ancients that we could travel thousands of miles and use computers and mobile phones, and they couldn’t understand it either. It’s the same thing. Now Li Hao has proposed quantum mechanics, which is a subversion of traditional physics, but why is it so arbitrary to say that it is impossible?”.

“It’s simply impossible!”.

As he spoke, the Texas classmates shouted: “How many of those present think that Li Hao’s theory of quantum mechanics is feasible and correct? Please raise your hand and let me take a look.” ”

The more than 500 people below were silent, looking at each other.

After a few moments, the men raised their hands.

Those who did not raise their hands looked at those who raised their hands with sneers on their faces, and discussed in a low voice.

A look of pride flashed in the eyes of the Texas students, and they shouted

“Have you seen that so many people don’t believe in quantum theory, do you think your views are beyond most people?”.

The California student sneered: “Don’t use the number of people to weigh me down, everyone is a scientific researcher.” You should know better than I do that the truth of this world is always in the hands of a few. Quantum mechanics must exist. I believe it exists,”

As he spoke, the California classmate suddenly yelled: “I will immediately buy a ticket to Huaxia, go to Huaxia to find Mr. Li Hao, discuss with him, and discuss.” You don’t believe it now, but what about a year from now? Two years from now?”.

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The voice of the California classmate suddenly became excited, and he burst into a loud shout:

“In three years, I’ll be visiting all the world’s leading physicists for answers. I’m going to spend three years experimenting and studying quantum mechanics. I’ll always verify that it’s a great subject. ”

The Texas classmates were silent, although they only had opposite views, but this spirit of scientific research made him a little moved for a while.

For a while, all the teachers and students in the classroom were a little silent…

Although Li Hao’s quantum mechanics is a bit too ridiculous, everyone wants to laugh at the classmate from California who firmly believes in Li Hao’s theory. But when he said this, everyone began to admire him a little from the bottom of their hearts…

And at this time.

‘Bang’. The door to the classroom was squeezed open.

In the midst of an uproar, I saw more than a dozen classmates with newspapers in their hands rushing in like crazy.

“Big news!”.

“Big news!”.

A classmate spread out the newspaper in his hand, stood on the desk, and shouted in a trembling voice

Fifteen minutes ago, England’s Nobel Prize in Physics nomination, Mr. Stephen, published a paper “On Quantum, the Principle of Uncertainty Detection”. ”

In the paper, Professor Stephen mentioned that he had discovered the unmeasurability of quantum many years ago, and he had been mired in deep self-doubt, but after seeing the quantum theory proposed by Li Hao, Stephen experimented again, and it was unmeasurable again. ”

“Professor Stephen proposes that quantum-inaccurate. The time, motion, and position of the quantum are all random. This coincides with Li Hao’s quantum theory. ”

Professor Stephen also proposed that the emergence of quantum mechanics will completely promote the great transformation of world physics. The quantum mechanics proposed by Li Hao will subvert traditional physics…”


There was a dead silence.

More than 500 MIT physics students looked at the students reading the newspaper with their heads brushed.


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