And at the same time, on the other end of the phone, the highest office.

Everyone held their breath as they watched as the Boss was talking to England with the phone.

Seeing the boss talking and laughing on the phone, everyone was a little nervous, and couldn’t help but secretly discuss:

“Do you really want to do that?”

“We have to do this, if we don’t do this, then wouldn’t our country be completely surpassed by Huaxia? This is a terrible thing, we can no longer understand Huaxia, they will become extremely mysterious. Huaxia, on the other hand, can decipher all our information through quantum technology. ”

“Well, but in this case, it would be tantamount to starting World War III. 、”

“It’s impossible to fight now. Just deterrence. ”

“Yes, deterrence, everyone will lose face. Or international fishing vessels, which have to go down the next level. ”

“Will Huaxia compromise?”

“How do you know if they’ll compromise if you haven’t tried?”

“Yes, I tried it. Anyway, our country is still the world’s largest military power, and while it is not overtaken by China now, it will delay time if it can. ”



The boss of the country hung up the phone, turned his head to look at the people in the office, and said in a deep voice:

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have now basically agreed with England. ”

As he spoke, he paused, and his tone became a little sharper:

“Micius, no launches allowed!”

Everyone took a deep breath and felt the momentum.

The boss of Mi Guo said in a deep voice: “Since Li Hao rejected Mi Guo’s invitation, he is unwilling to come to us for a scientific exchange. I don’t want to come to the United States as a guest. I am even more reluctant to come to Mashen University of Science and Technology for a scientific visit… Then, if you don’t eat and drink, don’t blame us for uniting to put pressure on Huaxia. ”

The Minister of Defense said in a deep voice: “What do we need to do?”

“Two lines at the same time. ”

“Please. ”

“First, apply to Congress for a military budget. The United States has entered the first level of combat readiness, and at the same time conducts military exercises in the Pacific Ocean. In the course of the military exercises, China continued to shout to China through the United Nations, hoping that China would have a clear understanding of the situation and that it would be better to be happy alone than to be happy with everyone. What Li Hao has mastered must be taken out and scientifically shared with the international community. No matter how bad it is, it has to be shared with the five major members. ”

Everyone nodded slightly, but couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

It’s also too shameless…

It’s shameless, but the interests come first. What kind of morality can there be? This is a game between countries.

This was issued by scientists in China, and people don’t want to take it out. You have to stand on the moral high ground for others to take out and share. Isn’t this equivalent to your neighbor, you don’t want him to overtake you, so you organize someone from the neighborhood committee to come to your door and ask your neighbor to take out the money and distribute it to the big guy.

This is rogue logic, morality

But…… There is no way. They would rather be shameless than profit.

The boss raised his second finger again: “Second, the soldiers are divided into two ways.” Send agents into China to secretly capture Li Hao alive… If he could, he would capture Li Hao alive and immediately arrange for smuggling and send him to the United States. ”

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The Minister of Defense’s eyes widened suddenly:

“Sneaking into Huaxia to capture Li Hao alive?”

“yes, what’s not to do?”

“It’s… This is a bit too inappropriate, isn’t it? If the rumors leak out, then the United States will face the condemnation of the entire international community. Moreover, there is even a real possibility that this will provoke a war. For the sake of a child, to provoke a war between two of the world’s most powerful countries, this… This, IMHO, I cannot follow your orders. ”

With a ‘snap’, the boss slapped the desk and roared:

“Presumptuous, are you going to disobey the orders of the Supreme Office?”

The Minister of Defense gritted his teeth: “I… Can’t watch the highest office buryed. I can’t just watch World War III happen. It’s even more impossible to go for the sake of a child…”

Before he finished speaking, the boss directly interrupted: “What does it mean to be a child? Can he be an ordinary child? He is not an ordinary child at all.” What do you know? What do you understand?”

“For that child, I’d rather die half the people in the world! I’d rather bear the infamy of 10,000 years. That kid… It is the hope of the future of mankind, and those who win Li Hao will win the world. He holds the most core scientific knowledge in the world, and he alone can completely change the whole world. The most terrifying thing is that he is only thirteen years old!”

The words fell, and everyone fell silent.

Everyone, at this moment, saw the determination of the White House…

They’re going to get that kid!

Either Huaxia Science Sharing, or come to Yin, go get that child!

Everyone couldn’t help but feel a chill in their backs, and the terrible thing was that the two countries joined forces. England has joined the scheme.

Two countries joined forces, just to get a thirteen-year-old boy.

They couldn’t help but feel frightened, but fortunately it was not themselves who were targeted, otherwise, the gods would not be able to keep it, right?



A burst of orders was given, and the Supreme Office was in action.

However, they didn’t know, Li Hao, is that what you want to tie up? Not to mention the security forces around Li Hao, it is directly an army.

It’s just that even if you successfully tie Li Hao to your country. What it brings to you will definitely not be a benefit.

It’s a terrible catastrophe!

As the boss of the rice country said, he is not a simple child…

Yes, in the eyes of others, Li Hao has mastered scientific knowledge at most. But the heart is immature, and he is still a child.

But there is one thing they don’t know even more, Li Hao, and he also has mastered all the materials that can blow up the earth – the Big Ivan Hydrogen Bomb!

There is no place in the world where the Tsar Super Hydrogen Bomb can be used for testing.

And such a big Ivan, all the materials are complete. Li Hao only needs a day to make one!

Although not to really make a 100 million tons equivalent of the big Ivan.

But the big Ivan, which is reduced tenfold and has an equivalent of 10 million tons, can be done in one day.

And just 10 million equivalent of Big Ivan will also wipe out a region!

They had no idea how terrifying that bear child really was… Still want to be caught? Still want to kidnap?

If Li Hao knew that they were going to kidnap him, he would have taken the initiative to go. Because that’s what it’s called real – luring the wolf into the house. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read – collecting, recommending, and sharing

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