
The boss of the rice country clapped the board and slapped it on the table: “That’s it!”

The Minister of Defense immediately stood up: “Yes, sir!”

“It must be shot down, Huaxia, it must be defeated!”

“Sir, I’ll arrange it at once. If one doesn’t work, two, two, three…”

“But remember one thing. Be sure to calculate where the precise position of the Micius was when it entered the second cosmic velocity when it was launched. What I want is that it must be calculated in advance, and then the ground must be arranged in advance. The moment it was shot down, all the materials were immediately recovered, and all the traces … No one should be allowed to get their hands on the wreckage, because there will be traces of our Patriot missiles on it. It’s hard to tell. ”

“I understand!”

At this time, the expression of the professor of Mashen Institute of Technology also became serious:

“We’ll do the math right away. There is a high probability that Li Hao will be launched in Huaxia’s “I want to invent” program. And this time period is around eight o’clock in Huaxia, and we know that their coordinates are in Hancheng, Hancheng…”

As he spoke, the professor took out a map and sketched a few lines:

“26 degrees east longitude, 33 degrees north latitude. Probably in this direction, the direction is obtained, and we can get a formula…”

The rice boss raised his eyebrows: “What formula?”

“The rotation of the Earth is the only form of motion of the Earth, and there is another form of motion that is not the Earth itself, but the equator rotation of the ring by the gravitational pull of the Sun. Now we don’t have to calculate the rotation of the Earth at the equator, we just need to know that the average angular velocity of the Earth’s rotation is 7.292×10^(-5) radians/s, and the linear velocity of rotation at the Earth’s equator is 466 m/s. ”

“The second speed is 466 meters. Huaxia has a high probability of using the A890 launch vehicle, and it can be assumed that they are using the A890 launch vehicle. So we know the data, it will reach the first cosmic velocity, which is about 7.9 km/s (seconds). ”

The professor pushed his glasses:

“However, it is only after it enters the atmosphere that gravity becomes less and less important to it, and it gradually reaches the first cosmic velocity… Before reaching the first cosmic velocity, it can only rise at a peak of 400 m/s at most. ”

“So… We’ll just get…”

As he spoke, the professor listed a large list of calculation formulas next to the map.

After a few moments, a conclusion was reached.

“When Micius reaches the first cosmic velocity, it will be about a meter in the sky. According to the direction of the earth’s rotation, when it reaches 100,000 meters, the position of the sub is not in Cold City, but in…”


The professor’s carbon pen was stamped in Huaxia City.

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“It’s west, it’s going west. It’s here…”

“But we’re not going to shoot it down at the first cosmic velocity, we’re going to shoot it down when it’s about to enter the second cosmic velocity. Of course, if it really reaches the first cosmic velocity, the missile will not be able to catch up with it… So. We need to launch the missile five minutes in advance, and at that precise point, intercept it!”

“It’s probably going to be a meeting here, and then it’s going to explode. ”

Then, the rotation of the Earth continues. And the Mozi will fall from a deep space of about 200,000 meters in free fall… The speed at which it fell was calculated, presumably…”

“It will take about ten minutes before it hits the ground. And for ten minutes, it will still land in the form of a parabola. It’s going to land here!”

With a ‘grab’ sound, the tip of the professor’s pen clicked on a spot on the map.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes widened and looked at that place in amazement:


“It’s the Atlantic!”

“Hahaha, God help me, it’s actually in the Atlantic!”

“The high seas of the Atlantic. If we had arranged in advance for a ship to be on standby there, and then patrolled the air with supersonic fighters, as soon as it fell, it would have found out its precise position. It only takes ten minutes at most for us to recover the wreckage of the Mozi and the wreckage of the Patriot missile. ”

“And Huaxia will react immediately when he sees that he has been shot down. Then helicopters and fighter jets were sent to the Atlantic Ocean to search. It will take them more than half an hour to reach the sea area at the earliest, and at this time… We’ve salvaged its wreckage and left!”


“Quick, hurry up and prepare, I want the most precise position, accurate to the meter. I want the most precise time, down to the second. ”



At this time, another high-level complexion was a little hesitant: “Sir… I don’t think that’s good. If what you can’t get ruins it, then…”

“You know!”

The boss of the rice country roared: “We are the world’s first power, and we will not allow any third world country to surpass our status as a country.” Economic, military, scientific. None of them are allowed to go beyond!”


“Nothing. As long as the wreckage of the Micius is obtained, our country will be able to develop a quantum satellite in a very short time. At that time, even if I really want to start a war, Congress will support me!

There was silence…

At this moment, the decision of the highest office appeared…

And they didn’t know that Li Hao also reacted. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read – collecting, recommending, and sharing

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